Punch: From third-rate anchor to top chef

Chapter 60 61. Technology Demonstration from the Overlord Country (Seeking Book Reviews and Recommen

Chapter 60 61. Technology Demonstration from the Overlord Country (Seeking Book Reviews and Recommendations)
A piece of chicken mucous membrane thinner than glutinous rice paper was torn off, Li Xiao threw it away casually, and tore off the chicken mucous membrane of another piece of chicken liver without stopping.

Press the tip of the kitchen knife against the chopping board again, and swipe inward to divide the left and right chicken livers into three pieces again.

Konosuke Kango looked away from the two pieces of chicken mucous that had been discarded, and looked at the six pieces of chicken liver.

Although he admits that he is old, he has not yet reached the stage of old eyesight.

He was sure that the six pieces of chicken livers were not the same size, and the gap was not as big as usual.

He didn't quite understand, just relying on Li Xiao's skillful hand to tear off the film just now, it shouldn't be difficult to cut the ingredients into small pieces of the same size, right?
You should know that if the sizes of the ingredients are inconsistent, it may lead to the embarrassing situation that the small pieces are already mushy, and the large pieces are not yet cooked.

If it weren't for Li Xiao's amazing skill before, Guan Hao's lucky help would have kicked him out long ago.

Li Xiao didn't seem to notice this major mistake at all, and skewered six pieces of chicken livers into two skewers with bamboo sticks.

Putting the chicken liver on the grill gave Li Xiao time to communicate with the water friends in the live broadcast room
"The tissue of chicken liver is very soft, so it cannot be rubbed and beaten vigorously, and it is not easy to marinate in advance.

Therefore, the sauce can only be brushed at the right time during the roasting process to make it tasty. "

The water friends in the live broadcast room began to complain

"I understand everything the anchor says. The question is, when is the right time?"

"I also want to ask what kind of sauce to use?"

"By the way, did this anchor hire an actor? Look at the uncle's expression in the back, is it really exciting?!"

"What are you talking about? That's Mr. Konosuke Kanko, the owner of Kikan Izakaya. Although the anchor has a lot of fans now, I don't think Konosuke Kanko will help with acting.

After all, he is a native of Sakura country, but he is very strict about his work, and it is almost impossible for such a situation to happen during working hours. "

"Hey, are you from the Sakura Country? That small vassal country next to our Great Han Kingdom?"

"The geography knowledge upstairs is not good. Although it looks small on the map, in fact, the area of ​​Sakura Country is very large, and the population is also large, which is a tenth of that of Han Country."

"The boss speaks Chinese so well, I can't tell that he is from the country of Sakura!"

"I know this. The boss has been here for a long time, and it seems that he came here with his wife."

"Oh, so it is."

After the blood is completely removed, the chicken liver will turn from dark red to light gray. Under the charcoal fire, the moisture in the chicken liver is forced out and drips on the grill, making a creaking sound.

The chicken liver felt the heat of the charcoal fire and began to curl up slightly. Although Li Xiao kept chatting with the water friends in the live broadcast room, he kept flipping his hands.

The chicken livers were turned so fast, it totally defied common sense.

Konosuke Guanhao watched without blinking, Li Xiao's movements were smooth, and a few drops of water were thrown out from time to time.

Guanhao Xingzhisuke seemed to understand what the other party was going to do. Li Xiao wanted to use slight centrifugal force to shake out the moisture in the chicken liver and reduce the grilling time.

After all, fresh chicken livers are not fully roasted, but half-cooked, so that the meat of the chicken livers becomes delicate.

Once the grilling time is too long, the meat quality of the chicken liver will be aged.

Quick rotation can make the heat of the charcoal fire unable to continue to heat a certain point of the chicken liver, so that the surface of the chicken liver will not be aged and the inside will not be cooked.

This can prolong the cooking time, but increase the difficulty of cooking.

After all, the traditional way of roasting the bird is to turn it over immediately when one side is almost cooked, and then spread sauce or sprinkle salt on the other side when it is almost cooked.

Li Xiao's firing method is like a hot wheel, and there is no way to tell the degree of rawness of the chicken liver.

Someone immediately complained in the live broadcast room

"What is the anchor doing? Playing?"

"How can there be such a barbecue? I watch the anchor for the effect of the show."

"What do you think is a master? I wasted so much time, the knife skills are extremely poor, and the grilling skills are also messy."

Just now, a knowledgeable viewer saw that Li Xiao's technique is very subtle, so he issued a rocket reward, which also attracted many viewers from other live broadcast rooms. These viewers came in to watch for the treasure chest.

After all, Kitten Live has stipulated that as long as there are rockets, spaceships, and other large rewards in the live broadcast room, treasure boxes will appear in a certain number of live broadcast rooms.

Viewers can click on the treasure box to enter the live broadcast room of the tipped anchor. As long as they stay for 3 minutes, they can draw a small gift in the treasure box, and at the same time bring huge traffic to the tipped anchor.

But while attracting traffic, it may also attract a huge number of trolls.

"Just leave if you don't understand, and no one is forcing you to read it?!"

"Funny, talking about a person who can shred a whole radish without changing the shape of the radish, and most importantly, when the anchor picks it up, even a shredded radish doesn't fall out???

Do you know what this concept is?This means that the landing points of each of the host's knives are not coincident, and he has never cut off any shredded radish! ! !

And each shred of radish is as thin as a hair. How can you say that such a person has poor knife skills? "

"It is recommended that newcomers go and watch the previous recordings first, and then come back to apologize!!"

The two sides were arguing, but Li Xiao didn't have time to watch the live broadcast.

Although there are countless roasting bird skills in my mind, and the skills even come with muscle memory.

But after all, it is the first time to make it by yourself, so it is better to be cautious, otherwise it would be a small thing to overturn in front of tens of thousands of people, and it would be bad to be ridiculed by friends in the country.

After all, the Great Han Kingdom is the suzerain of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom, and losing face in front of the people of the subordinate countries will seriously affect the face of the suzerain.

When the time came, Li Xiao didn't stop turning, but the frequency of turning changed from Hot Wheels to tortoise crawling slowly.

Konosuke Kanko could also clearly see the state of the grilled chicken liver. The original light gray chicken liver has turned light yellow, which is a sign that the chicken liver is ready for 5 years.

Li Xiao rolled two skewers of grilled chicken livers at the same time with one hand, and picked up the brush for brushing the sauce with the other hand, so that the brush was covered with sauce as much as possible without letting the brush directly brush the chicken livers.

Instead, let the brush hover a finger's height above the liver.

Tick, tick, tick.

The sauce drips down on the liver, and because the liver is still turning slowly, the excess sauce is immediately thrown off the charcoal.

The charcoal immediately squeaked, and at the same time puffs of white smoke came out.

Li Xiao sprinkled the sauce very quickly, and after going back and forth, two skewers of chicken livers were covered with sauce.

The brush is put back into the stainless steel sauce jar.

The white smoke on the grill gradually decreased, and Li Xiao also finished cooking.

Li Xiao handed a bunch of [Roasted Chicken Liver] to Guan Haoxing's assistant, and put the other bunch in his mouth.

Fortunately, Guanhao didn't hesitate, and immediately took a bite.

 Those who want characters, dishes, book reviews and comments, write what is suitable, and write what is not suitable as long as the reward is enough to bite the bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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