Chapter 59
Konosuke Kanho came back to his senses, and threw the battered [chicken balls] and [chicken onion skewers] into the trash can.

Retake two new ones and place on the grill.

Konosuke Kanko hesitated for a moment, then said

"Little brother, you seem to know how to roast birds?"

The chicken liver did not enter the mouth as expected. After all, it is really impolite to chat with others while eating.

Li Xiao smiled lightly

"I can't say I understand it very well, but I understand a little bit."

people in the studio

"Look, I said, the host's live broadcast room can be renamed Versailles Gourmet Live."

"Listen, is this a human language? I can't say I understand it very well, but I understand a little bit?"

"Hey, I'm new here. Is the host some kind of culinary expert?"

"Welcome new friends, the status of the live broadcast room is negative..."

"Let's put it this way, the anchor defeated a three-star senior chef who made molecular cuisine and vegetarian food the day before yesterday, and yesterday defeated a one-star senior chef who specializes in making soup dumpling."

"Is it defeated in the field that the opponent is good at? After all, every chef is good at different types!!"

"A newcomer upstairs? That's for sure. If you don't defeat the opponent in the opponent's field, how can you make the opponent retreat?"

Kanho Konosuke showed disappointment on his face, do you understand?
"Why don't you try my grilled chicken liver first, what do you think?"

Li Xiao nodded and picked up the chicken liver that had just been put down.

No burn marks on the surface, a very fine layer of pepper, no grease or blood dripping out.

Seeing that the other party was so serious, Li Xiao also became more serious.

7 Mature, the taste is very delicate, as tender as jelly, the sauce penetrates evenly into the chicken liver, but the sauce is very light and does not cover the taste of the chicken liver.

Slightly frowning, there are a few traces of blood that are almost imperceptible inside, so that the almost perfect chicken liver is flawed, although the thin pepper on the outer layer makes the few traces of fishy smell very light.

If he hadn't just obtained [Proficiency in Roasted Bird Production], Li Xiao might not be able to taste the problem at all.

Seeing Li Xiao frowning, Konosuke Kanko was a little nervous, but he didn't speak.
Li Xiao ate all three chicken livers, put the bamboo sticks back on the plate, and lowered his head to think for a while.

Looking up at Konosuke Kanko, he spoke seriously

"The best taste of these three chicken livers is in the middle, the best taste is indeed the top, and the closest to perfection is indeed the bottom."

Fortunately, Guanhao was stunned when he heard Li Xiao's evaluation, and fell into thinking.

The moment Li Xiao made his comments, he seemed to have grasped some mysterious inspiration after decades of roasting birds, and it disappeared in front of him in a flash.

Before he could figure it out, Li Xiao continued to speak

"If you don't mind, how about I cook a bunch?"

Li Xiao looked at the way the other party was frowning deeply, and was also very worried. After all, at such an advanced age, if he used his brain too much and had a cerebral infarction, he would be guilty of a great crime.

Konosuke Kanko nodded and discarded all the roasted birds that were still on the grill.

Not only to give Li Xiao a space to display, but also because he was so distracted just now that all the roasted birds on it were mushy.

Seeing a new face suddenly enter the production area, the whispering guests stopped talking and cast curious glances at Li Xiao.

Li Xiao placed the camera and pointed it at the grill.

Wash your hands three times, making sure your hands are completely clean.

He didn't pay attention to the stares of these strangers, and took out a whole chicken liver from the fresh-keeping cabinet, and washed the blood oozing out of the chicken liver with clean water.

The chicken liver is divided into the left liver and the right liver. Take out a 7-inch western-style kitchen knife and cut the chicken liver into three almost equal parts. The connecting tissue and gallbladder in the middle of the chicken liver are discarded.

The lymph nodes and blood vessels at that location are too thick and too thick to be removed at all, which will seriously affect the delicateness of the chicken liver, and the gallbladder is even more useless.

Lay the left and right chicken livers flat, with the kitchen knife pointing down, and the tip of the knife against the wooden chopping board, cut off the outermost circle of the chicken liver.

Let the chicken liver, which was half-closed after being divided by the eight-character knife method, become a state of air leakage on all sides.

Konosuke Kanho, who had always been calm, was taken aback when he saw Li Xiao's step, and he didn't realize why he did this.

But when Li Xiao gently put the chicken liver, which was divided into two halves and leaking air from all sides, into the water, Guanhao Xingzhisuke showed a suddenly enlightened expression.

The running water is opened very finely, so that a huge water flow will not impact the chicken liver in the water, causing damage to the structure of the chicken liver.

But running water will continue to take away the blood flowing from the chicken liver. This step is to let the blood in the chicken liver drain as much as possible.

Until the water in the basin becomes clear, the chicken liver no longer oozes blood.

Li Xiaocai took out the chicken liver and put it on kitchen paper to absorb the moisture.

Put your hand over the grill, of course, not to burn your hands, but to feel the heat of the charcoal fire.

The roasted bird is made of charcoal, which is different from the electric grill. The temperature of the charcoal cannot be seen from the monitor, so it can only rely on the chef's feeling.

The temperature is very even, and the fire is very stable, there will be no sudden bursts of flames, and no large-scale heat loss.

Li Xiao nodded. After all, Konosuke Guanhao has been roasting birds for 40 years, and he is very skilled in handling the simplest charcoal fire.

Grabbing a pinch of fine salt with his hands and gently massaging the chicken liver, Li Xiao's movements are very skillful, like a surgeon who is proficient in surgery every day.

The index finger is dipped in a thin layer of fine salt, making thin circles on the surface of the chicken liver, and the finger slowly moves towards the edge of the chicken liver, and soon comes to the flat knife edge.

There was no hesitation or pause in the movement of the index finger. A film as thin as a cicada's wing was rolled up from the knife edge, and the thumb pressed against the bottom of the index finger, and a piece of film was torn out.

Seeing Li Xiao's action, Guanhao Xingzhisuke's eyelids twitched, and his eyes changed from calm to strange to surprised.

There is a film on the outside of the chicken liver, and behind the film is the dermis of the chicken liver. He knows this.

But he has been doing it for so long, and he has never tried to tear it apart. Of course, he has never heard of the need to do this, including his master, and he has never talked about such a thing.

After all, it is impossible to tear the thin film outside the chicken liver by hand. If it is torn off, the whole chicken liver will be torn apart. Moreover, the film will disappear after being burned by charcoal fire, so no one will care .

To tear it up by hand is simply superfluous, but Li Xiao doesn't seem to be doing it just to show off his skills.

Konosuke Guanhao was afraid of disturbing Li Xiao's unusually delicate operation, and wanted to ask, but he suppressed it abruptly, but Li Xiao himself spoke up, and he didn't know whether to say it to the audience or Konosuke Guanhao.

"The membrane of chicken liver, called chicken mucous membrane, has two layers. One layer can be washed away directly by running water, which is the sticky layer you usually see.

In fact, in addition to the sticky layer, there is also a layer of chicken mucous membrane tightly attached to the chicken liver.

Although it seems inconspicuous, it is actually quite useful to remove this layer of film, at least the fishy smell will be reduced by half. "

(End of this chapter)

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