Punch: From third-rate anchor to top chef

Chapter 20 20. The Legend Above the Layers: Ten Thousand Layers

Chapter 20 20. The Legend Above the Thousand Layers Crisp
Remove the ends of the collybia mushrooms, wash them, and drain the excess water.

Boil the pan, put in peanut oil, put the sliced ​​ginger and garlic into the oil pan, fry the ginger and garlic until golden, then put in the chicken fir mushroom, stir fry constantly.

While flipping the wooden shovel, Li Xiao said to the live broadcast room, "It's a pity that the chicken fir fungus is a bit outdated at this time. If I have a chance in the future, I must go to Yunnan, the hometown of fungi. It is said that the fungus there is very delicious." .”

The chicken fir fungus is sizzling in the pan, and the water inside is constantly evaporating.

Sensing that the chrysalis began to shrink, Li Xiao quickly sprinkled salt powder and a few grains of granulated sugar, stirred it gently, turned off the heat, and gently picked up the chrysalis with chopsticks, and put it on the oil-absorbing paper aside.

After all the chicken fir mushrooms were processed, Li Xiao picked up the iron sieve and scooped up the sliced ​​ginger and garlic and the pieces of chicken fir mushrooms in the pan.

He explained to the studio
"Although the oil of the chicken fir mushroom is also very fragrant, it is very good for serving rice or cooking noodles, but it does not go well with the hand-rolled noodles with mountain mushrooms in Twelve Hours, which is mainly light.

But don't worry, I've found a better place for the oil and it won't go to waste. "

In the live broadcast room, Li Xiao's tone became more relaxed, but there were more complaints.

"Brother, I'm not worried about where the oil goes, I'm worried about you, can you please?"

"Looking at the method of the anchor, it seems that there is such a little ability, but I don't know if it is fancy or not."

"Upstairs is trying to say that the anchor is a silver-colored pewter?"

"Hey, hey, don't spoil your prestige with other people's aspirations!"

Pour the golden-yellow oil that had fried the Gallus pilosula mushrooms into the iron pan on the side, and then put the iron pan into the freezer. Li Xiao began to prepare the Bazhen, which is commonly used in vegetarian food.

Bazhen is just a general term, and there are different Bazhen in every place.

Most commonly,
Fungus, mushrooms, carrots, dried tofu,
Winter bamboo shoots, shepherd's purse, day lily, corn kernels.

However, the eight treasures used by Zhizhu here are somewhat different from the traditional eight treasures.

vermicelli, carrot, cabbage, fungus,
Shiitake mushrooms, mung bean sprouts, gluten, dried.

Because of his proficiency in vegetarian food production, Li Xiao also understood Xie Guoyong's general thoughts.

After the ingredients are cut into shreds, they can be cooked in a short time. After they are cooked, they are quickly put into ice water, and the taste of these materials will become crisp.

As for why Xie Guoyong made such a choice, Li Xiao has no way of knowing.

Or is it because he likes to have fun?
Of course, it may also be because he likes mouth?

Since the competition allows fine-tuning of the production method in the recipe, Li Xiao decided to adjust the Bazhen in Bazhen Vegetarian Dumplings appropriately.

I first chose matsutake, fungus, and mushrooms.

Tear the matsutake into thin strips by hand, shred the fungus, and dice the mushrooms.

The three kinds of mushrooms will bring different textures and umami flavors, matsutake is soft and pure, black fungus is crisp, and winter mushrooms are springy.

The next choice is winter bamboo shoots, which are cut into thin slices, then shredded, and boiled on high heat.

Put it into the sink, and wash away the bitterness and smell of the winter bamboo shoots with running water.

Then choose cabbage, mung bean sprouts, corn kernels, gluten

The cabbage and mung bean sprouts have enough water. According to the normal order of making dumplings, they should be marinated with salt at this time to let most of the water in the cabbage and mung bean sprouts drain out automatically, but Li Xiao didn't do this, not because he forgot. Rather, he had other ideas.

The filling of Xie Guoyong's Bazhen vegetarian dumplings is too dry. Because of the vegetarian dumplings, there is no meat filling in it, and there is no skin jelly, which can bring juice to the dumplings.

So Li Xiao decided to let the sweet cabbage juice become the juice in the dumplings, but if there is too much water in the dumplings, the skin will melt away.

Therefore, Li Xiao diced the gluten so that the gluten could lock in more water.

After processing the ingredients here, Li Xiao returned to the dough and lifted the white cloth.

At this time, the volume of the dough has doubled compared to before, and Li Xiao gently pressed his fingers on the dough.

Immediately, five finger prints appeared in the dough, and the finger prints slowly retracted, but the retraction speed was very slow.

Seeing the condition of the dough, Li Xiao nodded, the dough was almost fermented.

Taking out one third of the dough, Li Xiao kneaded it quickly with his hands.

Dough fermentation will produce a lot of gas. If these gases are not evacuated, the structure of the dough will be very loose and the finished product will be uneven.

Vent the air out, and use a rolling pin to press the dough into a crust only half a finger thick.

Press lightly with your fingers, and you will feel the softness and hardness of the skin. You can't press your fingers, but the fingerprints will slowly retract.

Immediately sprinkle the sifted flour, pick up a knife and cut the dough into wide noodles with the same thickness, and then put a layer of sifted flour on it again, Li Xiao put the semi-finished noodles aside.

He did not add spinach juice to the dough like Xie Guoyong. Although it looks better, the taste of spinach is very strong, which will cover up the taste of mountain mushrooms, which is not worth the loss.

After making the hand-rolled noodles, Li Xiao took out one-third of the dough again.

This time Li Xiao needs to make meringue for radish crisps.

The reason why the meringue will be layered is that the dough is wrapped in oil and folded repeatedly to form hundreds of layers of skin.

The normal meringue uses butter, because the aroma of butter will be more intense, and butter has a high melting point.

It is not easy to melt, it will not cause the skin to crack, and it can be layered better.

The dough was deflated and flattened. Li Xiao took it out and put it into the frozen fat that had been frozen into small pieces.

These oils are golden yellow, and if you look carefully, you can still see some fragments of gallinaceous mushrooms floating in them.

That's right, Li Xiao poured the oil from the fried chicken fir mushrooms into the iron plate and froze it.

Take a deep breath, put your hands in the ice water, and let the ice water quickly absorb the heat on your hands.

Vegetable oils have a very low freezing point, and generally, vegetable oils are liquid at room temperature.

However, once the temperature starts to drop, the vegetable oil will start to thicken.

As the temperature reaches zero degrees, the liquid grease will become solid.

Of course, touching these solid fats with your hands at 36.5 degrees will melt them quickly.

Therefore, Li Xiao can only make the temperature of his hands lower than the freezing point of the plants, and the production speed must be fast.

Fortunately, the outdoor temperature is only in the tens of degrees, which makes this operation much easier.

The thin slice of fat was put into the center of the dough. Li Xiao pulled up the four corners of the dough, folded it in half towards the center, rolled it flat, then folded it in half again, and rolled it flat again.

Li Xiao's movements were very precise, the dough was constantly being folded, and the number of layers of oil and skin increased rapidly.

4 floors

8 floors

16 floors

32 floors

64 floors

128 floors

512 floors

1024 floors

Fold in half nine times, and the most basic meringue is completed. Although, this kind of foundation is impossible for most people.

However, Li Xiao was not satisfied with this, and continued to fold in half, flatten, fold in half, and flatten.

The number of layers increases rapidly

2048 floors

4096 floors

16384 floors

At this time, the skin is as thin as a cicada's wing, and the yellow oil under the white skin has become faintly visible.

It seems that the next moment, the fat between the skin will burst.

Li Xiao immediately stopped what he was doing, 16384 layers, [-] layers of puff pastry, a kind of puff pastry like a masterpiece that can only be found in legends.

Although it is only folded 14 times, few people can do it.

If a pastry chef who is good at making croissants or radish cakes can get this piece of pastry, it will probably make him excited for a long time.

Although most of the live broadcast room is full of ordinary people watching the excitement, it is a live broadcast of the food court after all.

 If you feel poisonous, skip directly to Chapter 51

(End of this chapter)

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