witcher in marvel

Chapter 87 Max's Hesitation

Chapter 87 Max's Hesitation
When Bai Jinglan was inspecting the Long Island manor, Max drove Brunhild to the New York Police Station and the former residence a few times, and even visited Sidney's friend Raz.

Fortunately, Raz found some clues about AIM.

More precisely, a clue to someone who is looking for Max.

This afternoon, the Stanley Pool Hotel will hold an academic seminar. A Japanese genetics expert named Tanaka will publish an academic paper on genetic research there.

According to the information Raz found, the main information is related to Max, while the remaining half of the information is related to this seminar.

According to his guess, those people are likely to be involved in this seminar.

Mex felt very reasonable. Tanaka is a well-known expert in genetics, and the AIM institution that created them is very interested in these, especially the genetic scientist who created them is very likely to participate in the seminar.

So, with some previous relationships, Mexito got a press card from a "biological magazine", ran home and changed into a professional attire, and then blatantly sneaked into the venue of the Stanley Pool Hotel.

"This is what Jude looked like when he was born, and he weighed only 3.5 pounds."

"Because his mother abused drugs and couldn't afford the most basic health care, Jude was born with a drug addiction... His liver was underdeveloped, so he had to take extra burden to provide oxygen; he didn't have the phagocytosis reflex, so we had to do it for him. Intravenous."

"Jude is destined to be a short-lived child until we step in to take care of him."

"We launched a series of intensive surgical drugs and genetic treatments, and the results are exciting. Jude has grown up to the age of 6 in a healthy way, proving that with proper training and a good environment, there is no limit to the development of the human body. "

Professor Tanaka talked eloquently on the podium, calling out the child who was doomed to die, and asked him to show the participants his familiar piano skills on the spot.

Max was silent.

Looking at this seemingly normal, but actually cold and lonely little boy, he couldn't help but think of his former self.

They used to be a group of such children, and the scientist responsible for building them often made them do some extremely dangerous things in order to allow them to fully exert their genetic abilities.

In the process, many companions died.

At that time, they were extremely looking forward to gaining strength, to be stronger than him, to be faster than him, to be able to twist that guy's neck when they were too fast to hide their ears.

However, they became stronger, but still lacked courage.

Even though they grow up to be the most cold-blooded and fearless killing machines, whenever they face the scientist who is always taciturn, they still feel the fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Suddenly, her body froze slightly.

Like a wild beast in the jungle, it accidentally encounters a natural enemy.

"Is anyone sitting here?"

A very gentle man's voice.


Max felt her voice tremble slightly, as if floating down from the sky, she didn't even dare to turn her face away, and didn't dare to look at the person sitting beside her.

Dr. Lydick!
He did not recognize her.

When they fled the military base, the oldest child was only 15 years old, and she was just 13 years old at that time, and she was still a little girl who had not grown up.

After so many years, their appearance has undergone tremendous changes. If you don't look at the barcode number on the back of the neck, you can't recognize each other.

What's more, she made a special disguise today, and Dr. Leidick shouldn't recognize it!

Max sat there stiffly, feeling completely bewildered.

Ever since they could remember, this man had instilled awe into their brains bit by bit, becoming their biggest fear growing up.

She had made up her mind to face her fear, but when she actually saw him, she seemed to have lost even the courage to do it.

Dr. Lydick's appearance is very ordinary, and he doesn't look like a mad scientist at all.

He sensed that Max's mood was wrong, and asked with some concern: "Ma'am, are you alright?"

Max didn't dare to look at him, and replied as calmly as possible: "It's okay, it's just a little cold."

"The air conditioner here is indeed turned on a little lower."

Dr. Lydick agreed casually, staring at her face for a while, and asked with some surprise, "Have we met? You look familiar."

"People often say that." Max smiled unnaturally.

"A beautiful lady is always impressive." Dr. Lydick smiled inexplicably, and he carefully looked at the ID badge on her chest, "Ms. Rachel Glaser, what do you think of this meeting? "

"It's impressive." Max's eyes moved, "Is genetics your specialty?"

"I've done similar experiments before." Dr. Lydick replied with a good temper. "My research objects are gifted children. I do my best to guide them and provide an environment for them to fully develop. "

Hearing his words, Max's fear disappeared a lot, and she said in a slightly mocking tone: "That must be a huge challenge."

Dr. Lydick agrees: "Yes, the smarter the child, the harder it is to teach."

Max: "Maybe they think they have the ability to think for themselves."

"They are still children, if they are too indulgent, they will be self-defeating." Dr. Lydick shook his head slightly, his eyes fixed on her, "Although the children I studied are gifted, they also have congenital defects. Tanaka's genetic recombination technology It’s a big breakthrough, that’s why I came here to explore some ways to solve their genetic defects.”

Max's heart moved: "Are there many children like that in your institution?"

Dr. Ladick smiled: "There used to be a lot of them, but some of them left later, and now there are still a few!"

Max's heart sank. Their original batch of children either died during the training, or died on the way to escape. In the end, only twelve people left safely.

But judging from Dr. Ladick's words, his subordinates have a test product again. Could it be that some escaped companions were captured again? !

Suddenly, her ears moved.

A tiny clicking sound.

It was the sound of the bolt being pulled.

Max turned her head and looked over, and saw the men sitting in the back two rows suddenly took out a submachine gun from their clothes, and pulled the trigger on several security guards at the door.

chug chug.

Several security guards were smashed into a sieve by a piece of bullets before they could react.

At the same time, the security door was slammed open, and a dozen men with guns rushed in and pointed their guns at everyone in the meeting room.

"We are the May 5 Action Team!"

The leader of the thugs was a middle-aged man with a handsome face. He raised his gun and fired a round of bullets at the top, and shouted at the panicked participants, "We are here to save the child, don't act rashly, We won't hurt you!"

The action group on May 5 was a group of armed thugs whose name came from the birthday of the leader Jon Darius. They hated all countries with technology and believed that technology would destroy human civilization. They had attacked high-tech laboratories several times, resulting in Many high-tech talents were killed or injured.

Obviously, Tanaka's breakthrough research on genetics has attracted the attention of these lunatics.

"No, you can't hurt this child!"

Jude is Tanaka's most proud work, he obviously doesn't want others to take it away, but what greets him is a string of fiery bullets.

Jon Darius regarded himself as the savior, he did not hurt Jude, but comforted him by hugging him: "You are fine, no one will show you as a freak in the future, and you will not become a morally bankrupt technology worker." Advertising, we will give you a home and let you live a normal life."

Dr. Ladick continued with disdain: "Let him grow up to kill people like you?"

Little Jude, who was just six years old, couldn't tell who was good and who was bad, so he could only stare at them blankly, like a poor and helpless puppy.

"What are you? Freak scientist!"

Jon Darius stood up and kicked Lydick out.

He picked up Little Jude, picked up the communicator, and said loudly, "We're coming down, bring the car over!"

A nervous response came from the intercom: "No, I don't know who rang the alarm bell, the hotel security personnel have blocked the exit, and they are evacuating the people in the hotel."

With a gloomy face, Jon Darius shouted at his younger brothers: "Go and turn off the elevator immediately, block the stairs, and no one can enter or exit this floor... Keep an eye on them. Whether we can leave safely depends on these hostages." worth it!"

The thugs dispersed one after another and took the participants to the center, including Leidick, who was causing trouble, and Max, who had never moved.

She is hesitating.

If Leidick was killed here, those companions who were captured would probably be difficult to rescue.


(End of this chapter)

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