witcher in marvel

Chapter 86 A Strange Love

Chapter 86 A Strange Love

PS: The shelves will be changed to Friday

Max did what she said.

Early the next morning, she went out aggressively, planning to find AIM's bad luck, and went to meet Raz by the way, and asked him to help search for her former little friend.

Bai Jinglan promised her that she would protect her little friends so that they could live in peace without worrying about the threat from the military and AIM, so she planned to get all of them back.

Those are her family.

Naturally, Bai Jinglan was worried that she would be alone, so she specially sent Brunhild to follow her.

Max needed transportation anyway, and liked Brunhilde a lot.

Now, of course, she doesn't know that Brunhilde is alive, and just thinks of her as an awesome heavy motorcycle.

Bai Jinglan wasn't idle either, he went to Long Island first and looked at the manor that Stark had transferred to him.

This manor is located in the middle of Long Island, surrounded by green trees, the environment is elegant, few people and beautiful scenery, not far from Empire State University.

In other words, this university is definitely the best university in Marvel, because of a lot of superheroes and super villains - Fantastic Four, Lord Doom, Spiderman, Little Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Bruce Banner, Squirrel Girl ...all have studied at this university.

The manor was built in the early 20th century, covering an area of ​​more than 500 acres. There are 15 buildings of various types, 3 guest villas, private roads, artificial lakes, golf courses, and forest parks. The main villa is a two-story building on a hill. The building has a basement, a warehouse, and a garage. It can overlook the Long Island Sound.

In addition, there is a beautifully designed garden behind the main building. In addition to planting a large number of trees, there are also fountains, pavilions and classical sculptures. It looks a bit like a Suzhou garden.

Bai Jinglan expressed his satisfaction. This place is like an independent kingdom, where he can paint freely.

He wants to build this place into a magic tower!

If we get some more magical creatures in the future, we can put them in our forest and make a Marvel version of Hogwarts.

Stark left behind a group of professional organizers. After all, such a large manor must require enough manpower to take care of it.

However, Bai Jinglan rejected his kindness. In his private world, it is definitely not suitable for ordinary people to come and go at will.

He left Mr. Tiantian in the empty manor, and carried out magical transformation on his future new home—first of all, he had to imitate the Jingling Court and create Lingbi in all directions to block all malicious eyes and resist all malicious intrusions.

This project will be very cumbersome, requiring a lot of manpower and a lot of magic materials.

Bai Jinglan is going to study "Magic Encyclopedia" as soon as possible, and summon the black shadow army to help Bai Jun. Those guys are not good at fighting, and they can bully ordinary people, but they have full life skills and use them as tools People are very suitable.

In fact, the magic of summoning the Shadow Corps is not difficult, but this magic is to summon the soldiers of the Ghost Corps by calling the darkness deep in the heart.

It's always good to be cautious with this depraved form of black magic.

As for the missing magic materials, Bai Jinglan went to Antarctica again and brought back the carcass of the black goat cub.

This guy's body tissue is full of magical energy, and it is an excellent material for casting spells. Part of the bones, fascia, and fur are removed for use, and the rest is sent to the magic market for other materials.

He even made a special trip back to Karma Taj, and exchanged more than a dozen tons of black goat cub meat for a lot of rare materials from the supreme mage... Well, the supreme mage sent all the meat to the cafeteria, saying these things If things are handled well, it will be very beneficial to the bodies of mages.

After being busy in the manor for a long time, Bai Jinglan went to Williamsburg again, and took a look at the small shop she had been smashed into.

The decoration company is redecorating the small shop, and it will take at least a week before it can open.

Bai Jinglan was calculating that when the small shop reopened, defensive measures would also be deployed.

It used to be inconspicuous here, and it was a coincidence that he was smashed by gangsters. Now he has entered the field of vision of many forces. When this small shop opens again, it will inevitably attract the prying eyes of a large number of interested people.

and many more.

Perhaps among these decoration personnel, there are some members of the secret service organization.

It seems that after they finish decorating the place, he still has to search for the monitoring device—if he finds the monitoring device, he will take it and knock on the door.
"Braised eggs, wait to be slapped in the face!"

Holding a copy of Langos, Bai Jinglan wandered the streets of Williamsburg.

It used to be an undeveloped and sparsely populated "forbidden place". It also attracted countless down-and-out artists with a cynical face that didn't care about the world, thus creating a symbolic mysterious, weird and active community atmosphere.

In recent years, with the deepening of neighborhood renovation and the move-in of many large-scale real estate developers, Williamsburg has also absorbed the middle class and literary and artistic followers from Lower Manhattan, and is likely to become the next fashion and creative fortress. trend.

Luckily, the quirky, funky vibe still hangs over the streets, with a mix of high fashion stores, exotic eateries, quirky boutiques, and artist warehouses forming the new Williamsburg landscape.

Like Bai Jinglan, there are many people on the street, holding drinks and snacks, strolling in the streets of Williamsburg, watching all kinds of graffiti all over the streets and alleys.

Not to mention, many graffiti designs are indeed very interesting. They can perfectly combine the original buildings, making those dilapidated buildings cool, and cover up the ruins of the city with artistic colors. It can be described as "turning decay into magic". .

When Bai Jinglan was standing outside a small shop, admiring the "Popeye" mural, there was a familiar yelling sound from the corner of the street.

"Don't run!"


Nolan's voice.

Bai Jinglan turned his head to look, and saw a guy wearing a black mask and dressed as a robber, jumped over the crowd in a panic, and ran towards him.

Not far from the robber, Nolan in police uniform, with a stun gun in his hand, was chasing after the robber.

Bai Jinglan smiled hoarsely.

This is Nolan. If it were another police officer on duty, he would have shot at him with bullets, so how could he pursue him at the risk of danger?

However, this robber was cowardly enough. He neither fought back brazenly nor took hostages to block guns.

Perhaps, he is not a gangster.

Bai Jinglan didn't feel the smell of blood on this person. After thinking for a while, he tore off a corner from the pancake, then raised his finger and flicked it lightly.

The debris, like a stone, hit the robber's leg.

The guy immediately lost his balance, fell to the ground with a somersault, and then slid all the way in front of Bai Jinglan.

"Hands above your head!"

"Slowly take off the mask!"

"Hold your head in your hands and cross your fingers!"

Nolan wasn't really naive, he didn't dare to rush up, but let the robber stand up by himself at a distance of several meters, squatting there with his head in his hands, and then he quickly walked over and gave him Put on handcuffs.

Only then did he greet Bai Jinglan: "Mr. White, why are you here?"

Bai Jinglan smiled and said, "It's a coincidence, Officer Nolan."

"Wait a minute, I'll settle this guy first!"

Nolan grinned, and quickly groped the robber, but found no guns or other weapons, only one or two boxes from his trouser pocket.

"What's in the box, big man?"

The robber who took off his mask was unexpectedly simple and honest, and explained honestly: "That's the urine sample from Bo's drug test... If the urine sample reaches the laboratory, Bo will violate the parole agreement and spend another two years in prison." , we stole it."

It turned out that this guy was not a real robber, but just robbed the transport vehicle carrying the test samples.

"Unfortunately, he will be in prison for a few more years now!"

Nolan took another small box and opened it, and there was a diamond ring inside, "Did you steal this too?"

"I bought this!"

The honest robber shook his head again and again, seeming a little shy, "I've always wanted to muster up the courage to propose, but I was afraid that he would refuse... Now my mind is full of that man."

Bai Jinglan: (;¬д¬)
Suddenly, I remembered the idiom of a big man all over the body.

Foreigners really know how to play!

Nolan was obviously used to this kind of situation, and he didn't show any discomfort. He just advised regretfully, "He's an addict and has a criminal record."

"I don't care, I love that man!" The simple and honest man became excited, "I have fallen in love with him since he struck up a conversation with me at the zoo, and I am willing to spend the rest of my life with him!"


Nolan closed the ring box, thought for a while, and said, "I'll give you a chance to propose to that man before you go to jail."

"thanks, thanks!"

The simple and honest man flushed with excitement.


Bai Jinglan looked at the pancake in his hand and suddenly felt a little nauseous.

Damn, I shouldn't have stayed to watch the excitement!

Are you blinded? !
Nolan picked up the robber and turned to look at Bai Jinglan: "Mr. White, do you have a drink?"

Bai Jinglan: "Is there something wrong?"

Nolan sighed, his expression was a little gloomy: "I'm a little depressed, I want to talk to someone."

This guy often uses him as a psychiatrist, and he often talks to him about things that are inconvenient to communicate with colleagues, and Bai Jinglan is used to it.


Just as he was about to agree, his expression suddenly changed and he looked in the direction of Queens.

There, there seemed to be a commotion going on.

Most importantly, Max is also there.

"Nolan, I'm suddenly in a hurry, let's wait another day!"


(End of this chapter)

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