witcher in marvel

Chapter 450 Chitauri is just a mob

Chapter 450 Chitauri is just a mob

Looking at the alien fleet on the holographic image, the atmosphere in the conference room froze.

Before the expected Chitauri showed up, another alien fleet showed up first.

Tony, who has always been cynical, looked more serious than ever before: "We can't allow aliens to land on the earth, the damage caused by the battle is too great!"

Fury shook his head and said: "Although we are forming a space force, the time is too short and we have not yet formed combat effectiveness..."

With the spaceship brought by Bai Jinglan and dozens of space fighters, the first space force of the Tianjian Bureau has been formed, but it will take some time before it is formally formed. Going out to fight against the alien fleet now is simply The rhythm of meat buns beating dogs.

Steve thought for a while: "We have a lot of flying capabilities, maybe we can snipe them under the atmosphere."

Hill reminded: "Captain, the number of our enemies is unknown. Can a few of you withstand a huge fleet?"

Steve was silent.

Although he was the first hero to become famous, he was also a soldier on the battlefield. He knew best that in the face of enemies all over the mountains and plains, there was not much that a small team could do except beheading.

Fury clicked on the holographic image a few times, and said in a deep voice: "From the speed of this fleet, the landing point should be on the sparsely populated African continent, which is the only good thing for us..."

Swish! !

The air in the meeting room flickered, and Skye's figure appeared, and he said anxiously: "Don't discuss that, I just went to see the location pointed by Dr. Banner, and Dr. Eric has activated the Rubik's Cube. The Rui people have already rushed in!"


This is really a house leak coincident with continuous night rain, this problem has not been sorted out, another problem has emerged.


"Understood, Sir."

Due to the destruction of the Inhumans, there was a problem with the communication system of the mothership, but Jarvis could directly hack the military satellite.

The scene captured by the military satellite was converted into a holographic image by Jarvis, and the group saw the sky that seemed to be torn apart.

In the deep space door, dense black shadows seem to be endless, covering most of the sky like a swarm of locusts.

These alien creatures, whose bodies are made of metal and flesh, bared their teeth and laughed unscrupulously. They drove individual aircraft to shuttle between high-rise buildings, and countless energy beams bombarded the humans and buildings in Manhattan.

Steve immediately shouted: "There is no time to pay attention to that alien fleet, we must destroy these guys first, otherwise New York will become a ruin!"

"Yes, support New York first!"

"Skye, take us to New York!"

Compared with those black uncles in Africa, whether it is the newly formed Avengers Alliance or S.H.I.E.L.D., they obviously care more about themselves.

Skye was also unambiguous, and said repeatedly: "I'm still not good at this kind of ability. I can teleport up to four people at a time, and the one with the strongest combat effectiveness is the priority. Uh... start with the captain, Dr. Banner, Logan, and Yuriko begins!"

On the chaotic battlefield, Steve, who has part of the power of Thor, Hulk, who can control the mind, and Uncle Wolf and Yuriko, who wear battle suits and have immortality, are obviously the most helpful.

"it is good!"


The four nodded in unison, and Skye immediately ran to the four of them, took a hand from each of them, the space transmission started, and disappeared from the meeting room immediately, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at Stark Tower.

"I'm going to save people!"

Banner didn't have time to take off his clothes. With a growl, his muscles bulged exaggeratedly, turning into a green light beam, and bumped into a single-soldier aircraft that was shooting randomly, instantly crushing the aircraft and the two Chitauri on it. into pieces.

When he landed on the ground, he heard the cry for help in front of him, hurried forward, walked to the fallen bus, pulled his thick arms, tore the bus apart from the middle, and used his strong body Blocking the incoming light beams for innocent citizens, until a group of people hid in a nearby building in a panic, they rubbed the two sections of the bus vigorously, as if wearing two hideous gloves, and moved towards the whistling traffic. The aircraft smashed past.

The moment Death Girl and Wolverine hit the ground, they immediately released a big move.

The claws of the saber-toothed tiger and the man-eating wolf covered the sky and covered the sky. For a moment, it seemed as if there was a meteor shower from bottom to top. A squadron of Chitauri was smashed into balls of brilliant fireworks in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, Steve swung the hammer of the storm and flew into the air. The hammer rolled up like a thunderbolt, and smashed across the sky, causing the Chitauri aircraft to fall down like dumplings.

However, more Chitauri passed through the portal, keeping the four of Steve on their toes.

Fortunately, their reinforcements arrived soon.

Melinda was driving a demonized Quin-jet fighter jet, and Black Widow was transformed into a small sun. The two intercepted the Chitauri individual aircraft in the sky; Hawkeye stood on the highest floor in Manhattan, turning Pandora's box into a longbow, with his hands constantly He pulled the bowstring and shot all kinds of arrows; Carter, who was sitting in the headquarters, directly activated a few treants in the urban area, and while helping the panicked citizens move away from the fierce battle area, the Zita Swiss soldiers were pumping wildly...

After a while, Thor, who was lost for a long time, finally arrived late, and vented all his anger on the Chitauri.

This superhero team is far superior to the original Avengers in terms of both quantity and quality. The Chitauri's crowd tactics failed to achieve much results for a while.

When some students of the Extraordinary School participated in the battle under the command of Professor X, the Chitauri started to encircle and suppress, and the situation completely began to change in a favorable direction.

The situation is getting better and better for the earth, and they can breathe a little easier.

At this time, Fury's voice came: "Everyone, although the situation is favorable to us, it is best to close the portal as soon as possible. Don't forget, we still have a big problem to deal with!"

On the battlefield in New York, because of the limited scope of the space gate, the Chitauri's crowd tactics are greatly restricted. The Avengers side has some geographical advantages, but the African side is different. With a complete alien army, the scene is definitely more difficult to deal with than here.

Stark replied: "I turned off the Ark reactor, but the Rubik's Cube itself is an energy source, and the transmission device can already supply energy by itself. I just tried bombing the transmission device, but I couldn't break through the outer barrier."

Black Widow interjected, "Maybe the wrong weapon was chosen."

"Why don't you let Saul try it?"

"no need!"

The voice of the dead woman rang through the communicator.

Fury said: "Ms. Yuriko, there are endless enemies, and we don't have the time and energy to spend with them."

The dead woman's voice was full of coldness: "Mr. White means to wipe out all the Chitauri and set an example for the aliens!"



The group was silent.

"We can't enter the universe to fight, unless..." Black Braised Egg tentatively said, "Unless Mr. White is willing to do it himself!"


Skye's voice sounded, "Mr. White has already made preparations. It is enough for me, Yuriko, and Logan to join forces. Our battle suits have the ability to fight in the universe."


(End of this chapter)

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