witcher in marvel

Chapter 449 Urgent Situation

Chapter 449 Urgent Situation

"You shouldn't hurt my people!"

Black Bolt King's face was full of coldness, his voice turned into an invisible barrier, counteracting Iron Man's missile bombing, and he opened his mouth facing the direction of the dead woman.

Every word is an onomatopoeia.

"Air wall!"

Facing the destructive onomatopoeia of the Yiren King, Skye didn't dare to be careless. He flew in front of the dead woman, and then launched a defensive mystery without hesitation.




The onomatopoeic wave hits the distorted wall, and before the air wall can reflect it back, the new onomatopoeia wave arrives again. After several times in a row, the destructive energy accumulated by the onomatopoeia wave cannot even be resisted by the tough air wall, just like glass shattered.

Still, it was enough time for the two to avoid the sharp edge.

The aftermath of the onomatopoeic wave destroyed a large area of ​​the deck again, but it didn't touch the fur of the two women.

Gordon, who was freed from the claws, clutched his bleeding ribs, and flashed to Jiaying's side in a blue brilliance.

"Information is wrong, let's go!"

Accompanied by the surge of blue lightning, the void inside suddenly twisted. Gordon hugged Jiaying forcefully, bent his body suddenly, and the blue energy surged like thunder and lightning, and the two disappeared immediately.

Looking at the empty deck, Skye felt a sour feeling in his heart.

"Skye, be careful!"

Iron Man's reminder came from the sky.

Skye cheered up, and when he looked up, he saw another onomatopoeic wave rushing towards him.

She snorted softly, and spread her arms open.

The thick hippocampus garment made her look like a standing copper mountain.


Smoke and dust flew up, and the space trembled.

The rising dust shrouded Skye.


Looking at the disappearing Skye, Tony's mouth was bitter, and red light flickered in his eyes.

"You damn bastard, watch me beat you into fireworks!"

Iron Man, who has always been merciful, finally got angry, and his arms changed continuously, turning into a ferocious giant cannon.

"Mr. Stark, let me come!"

Tony's movements froze, and he turned his head to look over there, and saw the dust swirling wildly, and the seahorse scales shone as before.

Skye's little face was still fair, as if the impact of the cluster missile just now hadn't caused the slightest harm to her.

The next moment, Skye snorted coldly, the scale mask covered her face, the water-colored cloak behind her was flying in the wind, the gemstone on her chest shone brightly, and then condensed into the shape of a huge wave in the air.

"Tall waves!!"

Huge waves roared and crashed out, colliding with the onomatopoeic waves erupted by Black Bolt King.


The water and light continued to disappear, and then continued to regenerate. In the end, the giant wave was even better. It fiercely split the onomatopoeic storm and hit the Black Bolt King.

Black Bolt King didn't fall apart on the spot, but the berserk force still lifted him into the air and fell down from a height of [-] meters.

But it was only a few seconds before he was brought back by Stark.

Such an important person, of course, can't just let him hang up like this, and Skye will not agree.

In any case, they were her people after all, and they were obviously controlled by someone.

What made her even more sad was that her mother didn't seem to be under control... She would rather she was under the control of aliens, that's why she said those anti-human words, but unfortunately she also knew that it was just wishful thinking.

Grabbing a few aliens, the Death Woman moved closer to Skye and said, "Skye, the trouble in the mothership has not been resolved, let's go help!"

"it is good."

Skye rubbed his stiff face, smiled at Yuriko, took Black Bolt from Iron Man's hand, and said, "Mr. Stark, I will leave the restoration work here to you."

Looking at the drafty deck everywhere, Tony couldn't help scratching his head, but still nodded and said, "I see, you guys go!"

In fact, the turmoil inside the aircraft carrier is about to subside at this time.

When Gordon led Black Bolt King and Jiaying to attract attention on the deck, Big Dog Tetanus also broke into the interior of the mothership with a group of Inhuman warriors.

Different from mutants whose genes are completely random, aliens are biological weapons specially manufactured by Kerry. Each alien has completely different genes, and will never have the same mutation ability, and at the same time, there will never be useless ones. ability to mutate.

Most of the aliens who broke into the mothership came from Attilan on the moon, and a few came from the alien tribes on the earth. Some of them controlled electric currents, some could clone themselves, some were invisible with the help of light, some were powerful, and some manipulated plants. Yes... There are dozens of abilities. Although they can't compare with Black Bolt King in terms of destructive strength, or even a few members of the royal family of the Inhuman race, the various abilities still caused a lot of damage to the A.H.I.E.L.D. agents troubled.

Fortunately, there are not only SHIELD agents in the mothership, but also a group of old or new superheroes. After the initial chaos, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Iron Cavalry and others jointly attacked to cooperate with various S.H.I.E.L.D. The high-tech equipment soon overwhelmed a group of aliens, and even the big dog Tetanus, who was about to run away, was stunned by an electric baton from Barbara.

The crisis of falling from a height of [-] meters has been resolved, but the aerospace carrier has been destroyed in a bad way, so it can only choose a nearby military base to land and repair.

Ludan said happily: "Fortunately, when we shattered the Hydra Insight Plan, we didn't really destroy all the space carriers. We still have alternative air bases."

When Tony came back, he couldn't help complaining: "This thing is too unreliable. Once the enemy invades the interior, it is completely a living target. I don't want to experience falling from high altitude again..."

Braised Egg ignored him, and instead asked, "Is there any news about Sol?"

Steve sighed: "Probably fell too far, he doesn't have a positioning device, it's normal not to find the mothership."

Tony rolled his eyes, squatted down, and stared at Loki with burning eyes: "Hey, Bambi, I heard that even if you fall from a high altitude, your gods will not fall to your death. Is it true or not?" ?”

Loki smiled coldly at him: "Guess!"

Tony looked up at Fury, and suggested: "Why don't we use him as an experiment, don't we know if Sol will be okay?"

Fury ignored his unreliable suggestion, stared at Loki with one eye without blinking, and asked, "Your reinforcements have been wiped out, do you have any other ideas?"

Loki sneered, apparently unwilling to answer.

At this time, Banner came over and said excitedly, "I found the Rubik's Cube, in Manhattan, New York!"

However, before everyone could relax, Hill's anxious voice came next.

"Director, the Security Council sent an urgent message. An alien fleet suddenly appeared in the solar system. It has now jumped over Mars and is expected to enter Earth's orbit within an hour."


(End of this chapter)

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