witcher in marvel

Chapter 431 The Noisy Country of America

Chapter 431 The Noisy Country of America

In a restaurant on Fifth Avenue, a group of radishes are having dinner.

Minty slapped the table imposingly, and a group of friends were shocked: "We now have Gwen as an insider, Dave as an MT to attract monsters, Parker and Ned calling 666, and the most important thing is me As the main force, you can set up a team and sweep the bastards on the streets of New York!"

The participants looked at each other.

Including Gwen, the little princess of the police station, Parker, the future Spiderman, Ned, the assistant of the future hero, and Dave, the summoned "King of Kicks".

Dave rested his forehead with one hand, and felt very ashamed and helpless that he could only join the brat gang.

Of course, after seeing the ferocious scene of Minty stealing a knife and hacking up gangsters with his own eyes, he would never doubt this loli's fighting ability, but this girl's idea is always what he thinks, which makes him feel unreliable.

Dave raised his hand and said, "I agree to form a team to help those in need, but why am I the one who provokes the monster again?!"

After finishing his revenge, Big Daddy has no interest in continuing to hunt down gangsters. In addition, the school is busy with affairs, and he has no time to wander around in New York nights like before.

However, "Super Killer" Mindy did not give up on this activity. After her father stopped participating, she felt that she lacked suitable teammates, so she could only call Doubi Kick-off King and let him wander around the streets in gorgeous clothes. Attracting punks to steal money, she took the opportunity to satisfy her own pleasure of hacking people.

According to Minty, if you want to learn how to be a hero, you must first learn how to be beaten, so many times she will be a beat or two behind, and Dave was beaten bloody more than once because of this, and he dare not go home to see his father , full of resentment at the way Minty raised heroes.

Besides, he is now a student of the Extraordinary School, and he has obtained a bear-shaped battle suit. Even if ordinary gangsters hold guns, they will be beaten all over the head by him. Why do they still need to be MT to lure monsters?
Hearing that MT was going to be the pick, Minty said without hesitation: "Aside from you, who else is suitable to be an MT?"


Dave looked around, two young ladies, two little lolita, staring at him with sparkling eyes... It seems that he is indeed the most suitable!
Dave broke down and said: "Then after I lure the monster, can you make a move sooner? I don't want to be talked about by my father all night..."

Minty curled her lips: "It's really useless!"

Dave had black lines all over his head: "It wasn't you who was beaten, of course you don't have to worry about it..."

Over there, Ned yelled unwillingly: "Minty, why can Parker and I only call 666? And... what does 666 mean?"

Minty spread her hands: "I don't know, but I heard Mr. White mention it, it seems very interesting. You two don't know how to fight, and you don't know how to use skills. The monsters are likely to be beaten to death, so you can only sell Being cute, squatting on the side and shouting 666, at least it can make us more excited."

Ned and Parker: "..."

They also have battle suits, okay?

Gwen wrinkled her little nose and said seriously: "Minty, those criminals will be dealt with by the police."

As the daughter of the chief of the police station, she doesn't like this kind of activities very much, but during the lottery, she was drawn to be... an informant if she was drawn to share a dorm with Mindy?
Minty chuckled: "Since the police can solve it, why are there so many criminals?"

Gwen thought about it seriously, and replied: "Criminals are active, and police are passive. No matter how powerful the police are, they can't happen to encounter crimes every time. They can only wait for the crimes to start or even end. Only when a report is received can they be dispatched.”

Mindy crossed his hands: "So, we should also take the initiative to nip crime in the bud, is there anything wrong?"


Gwen was a smart child, but after all, she was too young, and she was so blocked by Minty's nonsense that she couldn't speak, and her pretty face was wrinkled into a ball.

Minty slapped her hands with a very excited tone: "It's decided like this, let our team's reputation rise, and get rid of that big iron man who is Iron Man..."

Before she finished her speech, she suddenly heard a loud noise outside, followed by continuous gunshots, and people screaming in horror.

So give face?
Just when you said to form a team, a monster came to your door? !

Like a sensitive little leopard, Minty rushed to the door and looked in the direction of the sound.

"What happened?"

Dave, who was in charge of sending a bunch of radish heads home, also came over nervously, opened the door and looked in that direction, only to see the flames bursting into the sky, and from time to time, people rushed out screaming in horror, and there were people Shouting "Monster! Monster!".

"Looks like it's still a boss monster!"

Minty became even more excited, "We need to come up with a good name for our team's first match...Who would recommend one?"


"Ghost in the Shell!"

"Buzz Lightyear!"

"Teddy bear!"

The last one was suggested by Dave, and Minty looked scornful: "In the future, change your code name to Teddy Bear!"

A group of children who are still in elementary school, the names they can think of can only be found in anime.

Gwen: "So what's your name?"

Minty smacked her lips: "Hmm...how about calling it Superkill?"

The name obviously came from her nickname, but the little carrot heads didn't care.


"no problem."

"That's it!"

Minty made a decision, and then waved his little hand: "Super Killer, let's go!!"

When a group of little radishheads were having a meeting, the Three Curved Wing Building was also having a meeting.

Fury stood in front of a dozen screens, on which were live images sent by Aegis satellites.

Wearing a wig and wearing a tuxedo, the No.12 President Zachary Taylor stood on the Golden Gate Bridge to watch the scenery, and threw all the people nearby off the bridge by the way; wearing a thin, tall traditional hat and a black suit Lincoln, the 16th president in a suit, was walking on the streets of Springfield, the capital of Illinois, holding an old Manuin revolver in his hand, and fired at all creatures he saw on the street; Oddo Roosevelt dressed as a cowboy, held a shotgun, rushed into the Los Angeles Zoo, and used it as a hunting ground; Franklin Roosevelt, the 26nd president in a wheelchair, ran fast in Manhattan and grabbed the car Throwing it around, the bullets of the police hit it, as if they were piercing through the air, causing no harm...

All the dead presidents got out of the cemetery and tossed in various ways.

The entire country of the United States fell into chaos. Most people fled in horror, and some of them did not escape. Instead, they excitedly made various flags to welcome the resurrection of these famous or unfamous presidents in history and lead the country. Back to the top.

Braised egg rubbed the center of his brows, turned his head and asked, "Has Mr. White not come back yet?"

Hill said: "The news from Skye is that Mr. White has just left for another planet in order to deal with the threat of the Evernight Goddess."

"This is a disaster caused by witchcraft, and only witchcraft can undo it." Fury stared at the screen and said in a deep voice, "We need the help of the Department of Magic of the Extraordinary School..."

Hill nodded: "I'll contact right away..."

Suddenly, Fu Rui's expression changed, his eyes turned to a screen, and he frowned and said, "It's those children... Is the school planning to leave these matters to these children?"


(End of this chapter)

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