witcher in marvel

Chapter 430 The Resurrected President of the United States

Chapter 430 The Resurrected President of the United States
PS: Something happened at home, I will not be a eunuch

When Bai Jinglan went to Bliss, SHIELD was also following his instructions to track mysterious cases around the world.

The old pair of Black Widow and Hawkeye are tasked with tracking down a suspected Hydra.

The reason why he chose to follow rather than directly arrest was mainly because this guy seemed to be a wizard—the previous agents who captured him all died inexplicably, and all of them had horrified expressions, as if they had seen something terrifying.

Before finding out his details, the widow and sister decided to wait and see what happened.

Then, they followed that guy all the way to Independence, Missouri.

The bearded agent with a face full of resentment muttered all the way. After flying to Independence City, he took a taxi and went straight to the Truman Library.

This guy who is both a wizard and a hydra doesn't have the vigilance of an agent at all. The widow sister and Hawkeye follow him without any pressure, but they are quite at a loss about his purpose.

Barton was in the bug, listening to the guy named Michael's long and short sighs, and said speechlessly, "What is he doing in the Truman Library?"

Natasha joked: "Maybe it's to pay homage to President Truman."

Since the U.S. Congress passed the Presidential Library Act in 1955, every president of the United States will build a library in his hometown after leaving office to store his own documents and hand them over to the national archives department for management.

Independence City is the hometown of President Truman. He established the Truman Library in Independence City, and he was buried in the library after his death.

A Hydra wizard came to worship the president decades ago, how funny it sounds.

However, in Michael's soliloquy, it seems that he really admires Truman very much.

Independence City is a small city with a total population of only 10,000+, and the taxi quickly rushed to the library.

Michael got out of the car and looked at the library under the setting sun, with a frenzied light in his eyes.

The Presidential Library is something unique to the United States, not a library in the traditional sense - it is both an archive and a memorial, which not only preserves the president's archives, but also collects the gifts, personal items, books, artworks and currencies accepted by the president , stamps and other collectibles.

Therefore, it is actually a place where the presidential archives documents and other historical materials are centrally kept and served.

Before closing time, Michael hurried into the library, facing a small theater, showing movies about Kennedy’s life, and after leaving the small theater, there was a physical exhibition hall, which reproduced the scene of Truman becoming the president-elect, hanging everywhere There are slogans supporting Kennedy, flags, and various supplies for the campaign, and the screen on the wall shows the original audio and video materials of Kennedy's speech at the nomination meeting that year.

Then there is a reproduction of Truman's life in the White House, as well as a large number of valuable gifts from dignitaries and friends from all over the world.

Michael didn't care about these exhibitions, and hurried all the way through the small theater, several exhibition halls, and walked into a short black tunnel.

Going further ahead is Truman's final resting place.

The widow and Hawkeye blacked out the library's monitors, and watched him pass through the familiar places all the way, heading straight for the presidential cemetery in the innermost part of the library, completely unable to figure out what he was going to do.

Is it really here to pay homage to the president?
Because it was close to closing time, there were far fewer tourists in the library, and the vicinity of the cemetery was even more empty.

With an excited expression, Michael walked quickly to the president's tombstone, and solemnly gave a military salute.

"Great President Truman, our country is collapsing, it is falling apart, and our fellow citizens have been arguing and threatening each other...There is misery everywhere, and I can't stop it, but I think you, the great, can save ours nation!"

"The United States needs its heroes!!"

Immediately, he took out a felt blanket from his satchel, spread it flat on the lawn in front of the tombstone, and then took out a large bowl and put it on the felt blanket.

Then, he took out a lamb and cut open the blood vessel of the lamb with a dagger, so that the blood flowed all over the bowl.

Natasha's expression was slightly condensed: "Barton, what do you think?"

Barton licked his lips: "I hope it's not what I thought."

"Anyway, stop him!"

"it is good!"

Button stepped on the accelerator hard, the car hummed and crashed into the library.

At this time, Michael was carefully drawing on the felt blanket with the sheep's blood in the bowl.

A few minutes later, a strange magic circle took shape.

Michael stood up happily, took out the magic book from his satchel, and began to recite Latin incantations.

With the sound of low and gloomy spells, the entire cemetery began to shake slightly, as if a major earthquake was brewing underground.

The few remaining tourists all ran away in a panic. Even the staff put down their work and went out in a panic to avoid a possible earthquake.

At this time, an explosion sounded from the cemetery.

boom! !

A withered arm protruded from the ground.

Michael's eyes were wild, and he solemnly saluted the cemetery: "Salute to the President!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, a vigorous figure came over like a female leopard, kicked him to the ground, and scolded: "Stop all this, madman!!"

Barton followed closely, glared at Michael and said, "I know what you're trying, but it's useless to revive them!"

Before Michael spoke, that tattered body had already come out from the ground, roaring angrily: "Who dares to deny the eternal rest of Harry S. Truman?!"

"Mr. President, I resurrected you!" Michael struggled, "I resurrected you to save this country!"

"Save...the country?"

The terrifying mummy grinned, extremely ferocious, "I'm going to destroy it!!"

Barton grabbed Michael's skirt and said angrily, "You idiot, send him back quickly!"

"I... I can't do it."

Michael was a little overwhelmed, tried to cheer up, and recited the spell again, but Truman was unmoved, and instead sneered: "You woke me from eternal sleep without my consent, and you want to get me out of my eternal sleep without my consent." , and send me to eternal sleep? Dreaming!"

"In that case, I'm sorry, Mr. President!"

Natasha is not from the United States, and she doesn't have any awe of the President of the United States. When she slightly closed her hands, a light flashed.

boom! !

The shock wave converted from solar energy was extremely fast, instantly penetrated Truman's chest, and wiped out most of his body.

In a series of explosions, the Truman Cemetery was bulldozed.

Amidst the smoke and dust, Truman came out from a distant place with a voice of hatred.

"You Sulian bitch, just wait for me, I won't let you go!"

Natasha was taken aback, her body turned into a ray of light, and she chased after the sound, but she lost Truman's figure.

"Too bad, he seems to be unkillable."

Natasha came back in a hurry, stared at the bewildered Michael, and said speechlessly, "Don't tell me, you necromancer, you can summon him back from the land of death, but you can't control him!"

Michael opened his mouth: "I... I'm not a wizard."

Barton asked: "You are not a wizard, why can he be resurrected?!"

Michael muttered: "Someone gave me a book and told me that with this method, my country can be saved."

Natasha and Barton changed their expressions: "Who?"

"I...I don't know."

Seeing that the two didn't seem to believe it, Michael hurriedly said, "Really, I didn't see that person, I just heard the voice... He showed me many terrible things, our country is about to be destroyed, everyone will die, and then Give me that book, let me do what it says, and save our country."

Natasha smiled sarcastically: "Unfortunately, you seem to have been deceived."

Michael wanted to cry but had no tears: "I was cheated by two people..."

Barton and Natasha looked at each other, both a little speechless. It turned out that they were so cautious, and they were completely winking at the blind man. This guy is a puppet at all.

At this time, Natasha's communicator rang.

Natasha took it over and immediately said, "Boss, we are in some trouble here."

In the communicator, Fury's voice responded: "There are a lot of troubles here. President Roosevelt is tearing down Manhattan, and President Washington is tearing down Washington..."


(End of this chapter)

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