witcher in marvel

Chapter 424 Looking for Athena

Chapter 424 Looking for Athena

The dark rules released by the Goddess of the Night are very overbearing, directly covering the radiance emitted by the sun, and the light emitted by all artificial light sources is instantly absorbed, leaving all areas of the entire American continent in absolute darkness.

That is to say, the will of Nyx in the scepter is too incomplete, otherwise it would not only be the Americas that were swallowed into the darkness.

However, even in the vast and sparsely populated American continent, even in just a few dozen seconds, the world recovered again, causing at least hundreds of casualties.

All of a sudden, the order in the already shabby American country was out of balance, idle people demonstrated and marched, and at the same time, there were doomsday sects that were popular, making politicians feel like a big headache.

"Mr White..."

"A certain goddess born in ancient times is trying to bring the universe back to darkness. I am tracking her information. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do, and don't bother me if you have something to do!"

Bai Jinglan hung up the phone before waiting for Ludan to speak again.

Nyx's remaining will, suddenly released the dark rules, and then disappeared.

Uh... the night scepter didn't disappear, it just lost most of its power.

The bloom of the dark frenzy just now detonated the divine power remaining in the scepter, causing huge damage to the scepter itself... It was originally a divine weapon no less than the Eternal Spear, but now it is not even as good as Thor's Hammer up.

This is not the point.

The point is - why?
This level of dark rules, not to mention Bai Jinglan and the supreme mage, even if a few masters of secret arts come, it will take some time to break it.

So, what is the purpose of her draining her energy all at once?
Skye flashed out of the void with a disheveled look, looked around vigilantly, and asked blankly, "Just...what happened?"

"The black hands behind the scenes are here."

Bai Jinglan explained casually, then looked at her, "How are you? Are you injured?"

Skye had lingering fears: "Fortunately, the suit protected my body, but I suffered some concussion injuries, uh... How is Robbie?"

Bai Jinglan looked into the distance, and said indifferently: "It flew a little farther, and was smashed into a skeleton, but the Ghost Rider is a little strong, so don't worry about him dying."

Skye has the ability to teleport, but Ghost Rider does not. He flies a little far away, and it is not easy to come back.

Skye nodded: "What shall we do next?"

"The Goddess of the Night has plunged the entire America into darkness. Although I will soon relieve you, it will definitely cause some riots. You go back and help Steve and the others. Oh, and take the Ghost Rider with you by the way, some blind guys If you make trouble, just let Robbie out, and the eyes of judgment will teach those idiots how to behave..."

Bai Jinglan looked at the chaotic prison under his feet. Fortunately, the collision just happened was inside the magic barrier. If it was in the real world, it is estimated that less than half of Los Angeles would be thrown away, and all the guys below would be left without scum.

The corner of Skye's mouth twitched: "If Robbie heard what you said, he would definitely not give you a good face."

Bai Jinglan's statement, as if Ghost Rider is a domestic dog, Robbie can be happy.

However, Bai Jinglan didn't bother to care about Robbie Gao's displeasure, anyway, the eyes of judgment were useless to him, even if the skeleton was so angry that it exploded, there was nothing he could do about it.

Well, the most important thing for him now is to find out what the Evernight Goddess is planning.

This kind of thing must be discussed with the supreme mage.

Skye used teleportation to find the lost Robbie, while Bai Jinglan teleported to Karma Taj, and found the supreme mage in the quiet room.

There were two cups of tea in front of her, apparently waiting for Bai Jinglan to arrive.


Bai Jinglan saluted respectfully, and then explained to her in detail what happened just now.

The Supreme Mage pondered for a moment, and said: "No matter what the Evernight Goddess does, her ultimate goal is only one—to break free from the seal and get back the three godheads. It doesn't matter what she does next, as long as she gets the three godheads in front of her." a godhead,"

Holding the teacup, Bai Jinglan frowned and said, "But we don't know where the godhead is? Even Hecate, the second-generation goddess of the night, doesn't know. She only knows that one is in the dream dimension, and the other is in the Olympus. Si Shan, there is another one on Earth..."


The Supreme Mage smiled, "Her information is biased. Zeus sealed the Evernight Goddess in the dark side of the earth, but he didn't hide the godhead here."

Bai Jinglan was a little surprised: "Is there no earth?"

"No." The Supreme Mage was sure.

Bai Jinglan rubbed the center of her brows: "If the legend of the godhead on Earth is false, then the whereabouts of the other two godheads may also be false."

The supreme mage said: "You can ask someone who knows."

Bai Jinglan wondered: "Mount Olympus has entered Ragnarok, Zeus has entered reincarnation, who else can ask?"

The supreme mage smiled and said: "You can ask the next god king, Hecate is not taken seriously, but she will definitely know."

"The next God King?"

Bai Jinglan blinked, "You mean... Athena?"

Athena is the daughter of Zeus and Metis, the goddess of wisdom. Gaia and Uranus once predicted that after Metis gave birth to a bright-eyed daughter, he would have a son who overthrew Zeus. Zeus was afraid that the prophecy would come true, so he sent Metis Swallow it whole.After that, Zeus had a splitting headache, but Apollo could not heal him, so Vulcan could only split his head with an axe, and Athena, who was graceful and strong, jumped out of the split head.

This is the legend of Greek mythology, which is different from the actual Greek gods, but it is generally correct-Athena will succeed Zeus and become the fourth-generation god-king of Olympus.

Of course, this is the same as the current and future Buddhas of Tathagata and Maitreya. Whether they can have a chance to succeed depends on when the big bosses in front of them have exhausted their fun.

However, the entire Mount Olympus group was destroyed, and Athena did not seem to be spared.

The supreme mage knew his doubts and explained: "Athena has indeed entered the dusk of the gods, but just like the goddess of the night, she will leave a trace of her will in some special artifacts, waiting for the reincarnation to start again .”

Bai Jinglan was very interested: "Where can I find Athena's artifact?"

"The British Museum."

The British Museum, also known as the British Museum, is the oldest and grandest comprehensive museum in the world, as well as one of the largest and most famous four museums in the world.The museum collects many cultural relics and treasures from all over the world, as well as manuscripts of many great scientists. The richness and variety of collections are rare in museums all over the world. Naturally, it is not because of the long history of Great Britain that it can have such a rich and precious collection. The empire on which the sun never sets once had strong ships and powerful guns, and relied on the pirate spirit passed down from generation to generation to loot most of the civilized countries in the world.

Bai Jinglan doesn't like this country very much, but she still wants to come if she doesn't like it.

Located in the center of London, the British Museum is a large-scale ancient Roman column building, which looks very spectacular from the outside.

"Within 99 square feet, there are more than 300 million artifacts... It is not an easy job to find Athena's artifact from here!"

Bai Jinglan walked through the eight Greek Ionic columns and walked into the spacious and noisy atrium. Looking around at the magic power surging around him, he felt very headache.

From the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, Britain expanded to the world and plundered the cultures of other countries. A large number of precious cultural relics arrived in London. There are more than 7 ancient Egyptian cultural relics alone, and countless other cultural relics such as Greece, Rome, and China.

Among the 300 million cultural relics, many are actually related to gods and demons.

Most of these gods and demons existed 5000 years ago. In the continuous evolution of human civilization, many gods and demons were forgotten by believers. The gods and demons that existed because of their beliefs gradually disappeared in time. will lose power.

However, even though these ancient monsters and holy artifacts have fallen into eternal silence because there are no believers, the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of broken magical artifacts still exudes extremely strong magic power. The degree of magic power is also easily misled and leads to deviations.

Simply put, the all-seeing eye cannot be used!
"Hey, why should I look for it alone?"

Bai Jinglan tried to open his omniscient eyes, and was almost blinded by the magic power in the air, but suddenly remembered another thing - he could ask someone to help him find it!

For example, a certain stewed egg, he doesn't know what happened, and he is probably in a state of panic like the Security Council. Now he is very willing to bring him in to help.


(End of this chapter)

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