witcher in marvel

Chapter 423 Nyx's Resentment

Chapter 423 Nyx's Resentment
Energy flows from the night scepter, turning into a black-robed witch.

Bai Jinglan has seen this image before - last year, the tragic mage Mankov, holding the "Book of Rojael", opened the gate of hell in Manhattan, summoning hell monsters to wreak havoc in the world, and the man behind Mankov The supporter, Mankov, is the goddess of the night.

Oh no!

She is not yet the Evernight Goddess, but just a trace of the Evernight Goddess's will, the will hidden in the scepter.

After realizing her existence, many of Bai Jinglan's questions were answered.

Whether it is Mankov opening the gate of hell, or Eli releasing dark energy, there should be only one main purpose - to find the sealed place of the main body!

The godhead of Nyx, the goddess of the night, was divided into three seals by Zeus, one was with Hecate, one was in the dream dimension, and the other was somewhere on the earth.

In addition, it is said that Nyx's divine body was also sealed on the earth.

After Olympus entered the twilight of the gods, the suppression of Nyx gradually relaxed. Her will hidden in the scepter of night awakened, and she began to search for some godheads hidden on the earth. The released hell energy and dark energy should be all It is positioning the seal.

Nyx must be freed from the seal, and then retrieve the three fragments of the godhead, in order to return to the perfect state.

A deep and quiet female voice sounded from the witch who couldn't see her face clearly: "Guardian of the Earth, I have no intention of going to war with you!"

"But your actions are provoking me."

Bai Jinglan said lightly, "You opened the gate of hell on the earth and released dark energy here, causing a large number of human deaths and injuries. I must stop it."

The witch paused for a moment: "Help me break the seal, I will leave the earth!"

Bai Jinglan shrugged: "I don't know where your seal is, and if I break the seal for you, it's like going to war with Olympus... I'm not interested in getting involved in the conflict between you."

He has no awe of the Greek gods, and is even planning Hades' underworld, but it doesn't mean he wants to confront them head-on.

The witch pondered for a moment: "If you help me break the seal, I can transfer part of the priesthood to you."

Bai Jinglan was startled: "Are you sure?"

Nyx was attacked by a group of younger brothers led by Zeus because too many priesthoods were taken away, resulting in a great loss of strength. She was willing to distribute some of the priesthoods again?
The witch's tone was flat: "It's better to weaken some priesthood than to be sealed to perish!"

Nyx is a great god close to the multi-level, probably no worse than the Black Panther Goddess—in other words, in the dimensions surrounding the Earth plane, if one Demon God is the scariest, it must be the Black Panther Goddess who rarely shows up.

Although in the movie, the Black Panther Goddess is not even counted as a mascot, in fact she is the assistant of Atum the God Eater. In the battle of the ancient gods, I don't know how many ancient gods and demons have been torn apart.

In terms of personality, Goddess Black Panther is just a single cosmic god, but in terms of actual combat power, she is stronger than Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, and she is not afraid at all even if she confronts Uncle Tun head-on.

As an ancient god no less than the goddess of the panther, the power shared by Nyx is very attractive.

However, Bai Jinglan said without hesitation: "Sorry, I don't trust you!"

He knew a lot about Nyx from Hecate. This goddess, known as "Night Body", is older than the so-called dark elves. She was born when the chaos of the universe was not opened, and the entire universe was dark Shrouded, later the Celestial Group created stars in the universe, the light spread, and the gods multiplied. Nyx was very curious about this kind of life, so he entered Olympus and gave birth to his eldest son in a special form—Sleeping God Hypnos.

However, the Greek gods are very repulsive to their mother and son. The two mother and son want to find a place to live in the bright world, but find that the desire in their hearts is incompatible with it.

After being betrayed by the Greek gods many times, Nyx's resentment turned into a pair of twins, the gods of treachery and trickery in Greek mythology-Apata and Dolos, and then started a relationship with the god of Olympus. Terrible battle.

The God of Olympus has always been known for being divided, but when facing Nyx, he was surprisingly united. In the end, Nyx and her three sons were all sealed away.

Zeus even divided Nyx's soul into three: the long night that has passed, the long night that is now shrouded, or the long night that will come.

Sealed by the God of Olympus for countless years, he has accumulated an unknown amount of grievances. Nyx's sadness, anxiety, and resentment are so intense that they form another child——Oges.

It can be said that Nyx's resentment towards life has reached an unresolved level. As long as she breaks free from the seal, the first thing she will do is to level Olympus, and the second thing is probably to cover the entire world with darkness. The universe, let all the life born in the light perish.

The Dark Elves need the Reality Stone to return the universe to the Dark Ages, and Nyx—even an incomplete Nyx—can do it in an instant.

This has nothing to do with the amount of her energy, it is purely the control of the rules, from the moment she was born, she has this ability.

Bai Jinglan didn't believe that she had lifted her seal, so she really kept her promise and left the earth—moreover, if the goddess of the night wants to devour the universe with darkness, she doesn't need a fixed location at all, even if she is willing to keep her promise and leave, she can To release darkness in another corner of the universe, a big battle will still be inevitable.

The witch raised her head slowly, her eyes were dark, and she announced in an inexplicable tone: "Zeus has exiled me. As long as the sun shines on the earth, I have to wait for decay, but the sun will eventually be torn from the sky. I will break free from the shackles and return to that time——I will open the night for you!!"

In the next second, the night scepter turned into a black smoke column, soaring into the sky.

The darkness that had gradually dissipated because the barrier was torn apart instantly solidified again and spread in all directions with a sweeping force.

In a blink of an eye, the entire American continent was plunged into night.



new York.

Smith's restaurant.

Vision is dating Wanda.

Of course, it's Grand Wanda.

After the two children were thrown into school, the newlyweds finally had time to come out and enjoy the breath of freedom.

In this reality, they don't have the name of avengers, they don't need to bear those responsibilities, and they don't need to bear those accusations. They can walk freely on the street—of course, the illusion still has to turn into a human form.

"A perfect day!"

Wanda stretched her waist, looking at the sunshine outside the window, with a relaxed expression on her face, "Xiao Huan, we should go out for a walk more often in the future."

"I also like this kind of life." Vision fiddled with the drinks on the table, but his expression was a little worried, "But I feel that this world is more complicated and dangerous than our previous world. We don't know how to live a peaceful life. How long will it last..."

Wanda didn't care: "According to Mr. White's words, when the sky falls, there are tall people holding it up. Mr. White is much stronger than us. There are even demons and elves in the school. We don't need to worry so much at all."

Vision smiled: "I hope so."

Wanda pushed the empty coffee cup forward and waved to the waiter: "I want another cup of coffee, no sugar, no milk, the darker the better..."

Before she finished speaking, the sky outside suddenly became dark.

The sun in the sky is like a big light bulb, and now it suddenly loses power.

Wanda pursed her lips: "Uh, that's not what I'm talking about..."

Vision's eyes brightened slightly: "Wanda, I have some bad premonition."



Tri-Wing Building.

Fury is meeting remotely with the Security Council to discuss the harm of the Hydra incident and how to deal with it next.

The director of the United States announced the decision: "Director Fury, we believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. must be disbanded!"

The British director sternly said: "Hydra grows under your nose, but no one notices it. As the helm of S.H.I.E.L.D., you must bear the blame!"

"I can take the blame and resign, but I just want to keep the establishment of SHIELD." Fury tried hard to distinguish, "The original intention of SHIELD was to protect, and this goal has never changed. Today's world is getting more and more complicated, and we need God. The shield of the shield."

Director Tianchao sighed: "We have to assume that the vast majority of people in S.H.I.E.L.D. are Hydras. Director Fury, we dare not trust S.H.I.E.L.D. anymore."

Fury said: "SHIELD can be reorganized..."

The British director sneered: "Can you guarantee that there will be no Hydra infiltration in the reorganized S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Fury was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "According to the information I have, it is not only S.H.I.E.L.D. that has been infiltrated by Hydra, but also the military and political departments of various countries. Do you want to disband them too?"

"This is our own business..."

Before the director of the United States finished speaking, the entire conference room seemed to be powered off, and everything went dark with a click.

"Hey, what's going on here?"

"power cut?"

At this moment, not only the sun was swallowed by darkness, but even the artificial light source was disturbed, as if the light was sucked away by something.

At this time, a gentle voice sounded in everyone's mind.

"In the name of Oslam's blood and bones, face the enemy of the night, turn the night into fog, turn the fog into light, turn the night into light!!"

Swish! !

The night fades away, and the light returns.

People were dumbfounded, as if they were just dreaming.

Nick Fury raised his eyebrows, and said to the Security Council members who appeared again: "Look, this is the necessary reason for the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D."


(End of this chapter)

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