witcher in marvel

Chapter 413 Intercepting the Space Carrier

Chapter 413 Intercepting the Space Carrier
The war has begun.

Inside and outside the majestic tri-curved wing building, fierce gun battles were staged in every corner.

Whether it is the rooms of various departments or the empty apron outside, you can see the scenes of SHIELD agents and Hydra agents fighting each other.

People kept falling in a pool of blood, including people from S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, but most of them were agents loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Their staff is already less than that of Hydra, and they dare not trust their companions 100%. In addition, Hydra has already made careful preparations, so S.H.I.E.L.D. Absolutely downwind.

First, the control tower is taken over by Hydra, and the three Helicarriers enter the launch sequence.

Immediately afterwards, the air force that was originally planning to support the US team was killed by the Winter Soldier who jumped out of nowhere before they could get to their respective fighter planes.

The Tricurved Wing Building is like a trident straight into the clouds, standing on a small island in the middle of the Potomac River, across the river from the Washington Monument, not far from the famous Lincoln Memorial and Watergate Building.

At this time, the water of the Potomac River in front of the building surged fiercely.

Soon, the entire river surface was divided into three parts. With the opening of the hatch, three majestic insight motherships appeared. Driven by the brand-new anti-gravity technology engine, they quickly climbed towards the sky, and the entire building Everyone in the room could feel the ground shaking.

"The space carrier has lifted off."

Hill, who occupied the control room, was not surprised by this, and immediately commanded remotely, "Captain, you can act now, and you must pay attention to the timing."


"Let's go everyone!"

When Steve received Hill's message, he immediately waved to the boys, and they rushed towards the gate together.

In the original trajectory, the US team's teammates were Falcon, Black Widow, and Hill. Hill was in charge of the overall control, and the Black Widow was responsible for rescuing the members of the Security Council. Only the US team and Falcon actually participated in the battle.

This time the personnel has changed slightly. Hill is still in charge of overall control, Fury is in charge of rescuing the Security Council, and apart from the temporarily recruited Falcon, the participants also joined Skye and Death Girl.

Bai Jinglan only provided two helpers, but whether it was Shockwave or Death, their fighting power surpassed most superhumans, enough to help Fury take down three space carriers.

After the gate was opened, Sam looked at the sky outside, and asked the US team jokingly: "Captain, how do we distinguish between good guys and bad guys?"

"The one who shoots you is the bad guy."


The falcon whistled, spread its mechanical wings, and flew towards the sky.

"You two, I'm getting rid of you below, see you later!"

Steve waved to the two foreign aids, ran forward at full speed, and jumped onto the deck of the No. [-] aircraft carrier that had just been raised.

"I'm counting on you over there."

The Death Girl nodded to Skye, her powerful thighs sprang up, and she killed in another direction at a flying speed.

The last remaining Skye turned his head, ejected a raging shock wave from his hands, and ran into a group of Hydra agents rushing towards him.

Hydra, the villain who destroyed her family, is unpardonable!



Hydra soldiers are stationed on each space carrier.

With a pair of long legs, the US team has a speed far exceeding that of the world sprint champion, as well as skilled shield skills, shuttling through the rain of bullets, and a flying shield attack from time to time can easily eliminate several elite soldiers.

This World War II veteran who woke up from a deep sleep once again demonstrated extraordinary combat capabilities on the cruel battlefield.

Maybe both Skye and Yuriko's fighting strength surpassed his by a bit, but Captain America's combat experience that was almost completely integrated into his soul was enough to make up for his huge gap in physique.

In fact, when he quickly cleaned up the Hydra soldiers, Skye and Yuriko, who were not wearing battle suits, would not be able to clean up the enemies much faster than him.

No way, Skye's destructive power is ferocious, but you must keep your hands on the ship, otherwise it will be easy to disintegrate the entire mothership.

But Bai Jinglan specifically explained that the mothership needs to be brought back in its entirety.

And Yuriko followed Uncle Wolf's way, rampaging all the way, killing flesh and blood, but the bullets would cause her a stiff effect, making it difficult for her to charge at the fastest speed.

"Captain, there are still 8 minutes!"

"I'm trying!"

The U.S. team didn't have time to pay attention to their teammates. Flying Shield cut off a few Hydra soldiers blocking the way, opened the door to the main control room of the mothership, and then...

Boom! ! !
A steel arm swung out and slammed heavily on Captain America's shield.

The impact force of dozens of tons was absorbed by the mutated vibrating gold shield, and Captain America couldn't help but take a few steps back.


Seeing that familiar yet unfamiliar face, Captain America, who had always remained calm, finally changed his face.

Bai Jinglan told him the news about Bucky, but he asked Fury to find someone, but he didn't find the slightest trace. He only confirmed a few historical mysteries, which made him even more anxious to save his friend's tragic fate.

It's a pity that when the two really met, they were immortal enemies.

"A lot of people will die, I can't leave it alone, please don't force me to do this..."

Before the excited Captain America finished speaking, a figure jumped out from the side, hitting his side like a wall, sending him flying tens of meters away in the air. Before he landed on the ground, "" Chi Chi" two sounds, and two small spin-tail missiles roared towards them.

boom! !

Two small missiles exploded, engulfing Captain America in flames.

"team leader!!"

The Falcon, which was chased by two Kun-style fighters, couldn't help but exclaimed when it saw this scene. It was almost hit by the anti-aircraft guns below, so it had to change its movements continuously and rise to the sky again.

"It's fine...I'm fine..."

Captain America broke free from the flames, his face pale. Although he protected his body with a shield in time, he was still cut with many wounds.

He tried his best to stand firm, looking at the enemy vigilantly.

In the middle is Bucky, and there are two half-human, half-mechanical guys on the left and right.

Because of Bai Jinglan's birth, it is not only S.H.I.E.L.D. who feel the crisis, but Hydra's sense of crisis is even stronger, so they have trained a large number of reformed fighters at all costs, which are half-human, half-mechanical Guy - Death Warrior.

The semi-finished super soldier serum gave them a physique no less than that of the US team, and the semi-mechanical device gave them powerful firepower.

They have tens of tons of super strength, a running speed comparable to that of a car, super endurance with almost no fatigue, and large-caliber pistols and miniature missile launchers that they carry with them.

They are real killing machines!
Now, two death fighters cooperate with the Winter Soldier to intercept the US team, and the remaining ten death fighters are divided into two groups, each blocking Skye and Yuriko.

If the goal of the US team is to destroy the enemy, it is not impossible to kill a group of death fighters, but their goal is to install blade servers on the three space carriers within a limited time and destroy Hydra's insight plan.

On the top floor of the Tricurved Wing Building, Pierce, who was held to his head by a gun, looked at his old friend who had come back from the dead, and smiled triumphantly: "Furry, I won in the end."

Fury's face was gloomy: "Pierce, you can't win, even if our plan fails this time, you can't win, you don't understand how powerful the person you are planning is!"

Pierce smiled and said: "Hehe, I know that person is very powerful, but so what? I tied the whole world to my body. Is he willing to let the whole world perish in order to destroy us? What's more, SHIELD can cooperate with him, Hydra can also cooperate with him, and will cooperate better, why should he take the risk of embarrassing us?"

"That's really good, but it's a pity that you, who are narrow-minded, don't understand that person's willfulness at all!"

The sudden sound made several people in the meeting room startled.

Fury turned his head and looked, with a hint of surprise on his gloomy face: "Agent Sharon, you are finally back!"

Sharon Carter tilted her head: "Fortunately, just in time."

"So what if you come back? The situation is already under my control..." Pierce shook the controller in his hand, and sneered at several council members, "The things they wear on their chests can release high-temperature currents, as long as With the touch of my finger, they will have a 2 inch hole in their chest, anyone want to try it?"

Several directors were taken aback, looked down at the badges on their chests, and no one dared to move.

Pierce smiled and said triumphantly, "Furry, put the gun down."

"Several, sorry."

Before the two of them put down their pistols, Sharon suddenly opened his hand and aimed at several representatives of the Security Council.

hum! ! !
Shockwaves visible to the naked eye spread, and there were a few crisp sounds from the chests of several members of the Security Council, and a burnt smell diffused out.

Pierce was taken aback and hurriedly pressed the button, but nothing happened.

With a smile on his face, Coulson kicked his knee, causing him to lie on the ground.

Fury sneered: "Pierce, what other tricks do you have?"

Pierce's face twitched: "Furry, don't be complacent, don't forget that the aerospace carrier has already lifted off, and I..."

Sharon snorted coldly: "Director Pierce, you should look outside before drawing any conclusions!"


(End of this chapter)

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