witcher in marvel

Chapter 412 Advance Insight Plan

Chapter 412 Advance Insight Plan

At night, Bai Jinglan met Fu Rui at his villa in Brooklyn.

This black charcoal head uses the small cat statue to turn into a tall black-haired cat man, who looks more like a gorilla, with muscles all over, bared teeth, sharp claws, very fierce, but more eye-catching than that fierce It's embarrassing.

The black marinated egg, which always gives people a sense of mystery, is now covered with deep and shallow scars, blood seeps out from the messy black hair, and a small pool of water is formed on the floor of the villa. It looked as if he might swallow his last breath at any moment.

Bai Jinglan checked briefly, then threw a touch of white light energy to make his open wound heal quickly, shook his head and smiled and said: "You are decisive enough to strengthen your body with the curse of transformation, otherwise bleeding alone will be enough to kill you .”

The cat man curse of the Xiaokamao statue lasts for a certain period of time, and it will really turn people into cats, and it is an irreversible change.

Fury was seriously injured, and it was only thanks to the catman's physique that he survived.

"I believe you can save me."

The energy of the white light endowed Fury with vitality, allowing him to recover quickly. From the clothes piled up next to him, he found the statue of Xiaokamao, twisted the cat's claws on the statue, lifted the curse of the catman, and returned to his original appearance.

"Hydra made it?"

Bai Jinglan used interrogative sentences, but her tone was very certain.

No one else would do it except Hydra.

Oh, the Security Council, which has been embezzled by him for hundreds of billions, probably wants to tear him apart, but it will definitely not be so obvious.

Fury nodded, picked up the water glass on the table, poured most of it down, and said: "Our actions were too urgent, and they discovered the clues... Today, I am going to attend your meeting with the five members of the Security Council. During the opening ceremony, we were attacked by Hydra on the way."

Bai Jinglan was surprised: "The members of the Security Council were killed?"

"They were captured." Potato shook his head, "Also, Hydra is preparing for a big scene..."

Bai Jinglan was not surprised: "Insight plan?"


Lu Dan pursed his lips, "That's right, the insight plan, a very terrifying plan..." He paused, and then added, "For most people, millions of people will be slaughtered at every turn. "

Bai Jinglan remained unmoved: "Where are Coulson and the others?"

Fury stared at one single eye: "They are performing other missions. I have just issued a secret message to call them back from afar, but I don't know if I can catch up... Hydra will definitely launch an insight plan soon, only Only by tying the whole world to me can I have the qualifications to negotiate with you."

Bai Jinglan raised her eyebrows: "I have already given you enough help."

Fury immediately said: "There are other superhumans helping Hydra. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have been beaten so badly."

He has several treasures given by Bai Jinglan at hand, such as the statue of Xiaokamao, the amulet transformed into a tiger man, and the companion of the treasure... Even so, he was still severely injured and dying, and he almost couldn't come out alive. How tough the opponent is.

Bai Jinglan became interested: "Who did you meet?"

"Valter's second-tier star group - the Boy Keith group and the G-Men." Fury quickly added, "But I don't think this is an authorized act by Walt's company. With the size of the Roxon Group, there is no need to rely on it." Hydra...Hydra is best at brainwashing and infiltration, even the S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated in a bad way, and the two teams of superhumans are probably originally Hydra people, but they just entered the Walter company to grow through the backdoor."

"I'll send Steve to help you, and I'll send a few more students to help."

Bai Jinglan summed it up, and then said, "However, the three aerospace carriers don't need to be destroyed, I want to use them as a theme park."


Ludan nodded speechlessly, and agreed, "As long as you can ensure that the insight plan cannot be carried out, the three space carriers will be taken away with you...Of course, I will not admit it to the Security Council."



Tri-Wing Building.

It was originally a serious secret service organization, but recently it has become more tense than ever.

Director Nick Fury moved frequently, issued many inexplicable orders, turned around the command of the agents in the bureau, and was often punished for mission failure.

And just yesterday, the highly prestigious Commissioner Fury was assassinated in the street.

Immediately afterwards, Captain America, who was regarded as an idol by countless people, was ordered to be wanted by the former director Alexander Pierce because of his involvement in the vortex of the chief's assassination case. There were few people who knew about Captain America's death and resurrection, but Fury had already prepared it. Pull the captain back as a strong man, so pave the way for the captain's return early, so now the SHIELD agents basically know about the US team, just wait for him to return to SHIELD, and he can immediately form a roaring commando special squad.

However, before the captain officially returned, he somehow became a wanted criminal.

And the most wanted criminal along with the captain is the deputy director, Maria Hill.

It can be said that almost overnight, SHIELD has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The former director Alexander Pierce returned to power, many of Nick Fury's cronies were promoted and secretly surrendered, and another group of veteran agents quickly took over.

However, the most urgent task of S.H.I.E.L.D. today is not to hunt down the US team and Hill, but to ascend three space carriers to take on the task of protecting the whole world, which is the so-called "insight plan".

When the three space carriers enter sub-orbit, they will form a triangle with the insight satellites, and then completely weaponized. The long-range precision guns installed on the mother ships can destroy a thousand enemies in one minute. By reading his DNA, threats can be suppressed or even eliminated before they appear.

In fact, this plan has long been a proposal, but hundreds of billions of development and implementation funds have prevented the World Security Council from making up its mind until Bai Jinglan slammed a punch comparable to a super nuclear weapon in Manhattan, deeply feeling that his safety was threatened The five hooligans were finally persuaded.

Thus, the Insights Program was launched.

There was still a long time before the acceptance, but the heavily damaged Hydra couldn't wait.

The top floor of the building.

Pierce raised his celebratory glass and smiled at several members of the Security Council: "I know there are many bumps along the way, some of you still want to kick me out of the car, but we are finally here, and the whole world should thank us..."

Several members of the Security Council were holding wine glasses, their faces were all ugly and confused.

They were all captured by armed forces, and it would be a ghost if they had good-looking expressions.

Suddenly, a magnetic voice sounded from the radio.

"Listen, all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, I'm Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me these days, and some people have been ordered to hunt me down. Now you should know the truth..."

The brows of several directors frowned suddenly. Politicians prefer dead heroes. Steve's resurrection is not good for all parties, but now he is obviously here to save them.

Pierce's expression remained unchanged. He knew that today would not go well.

But it doesn't matter, Hydra is already ready!

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has changed, it's been taken over by HYDRA, Alexander Pierce is their head, so is Special Forces and Project Insight... we don't know who else is, but they're in this building, Possibly right next to you. They're about to get their way and gain absolute control."

"They assassinated Nick Fury, that's not the end of it, if you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will kill anyone who stands in their way, unless we stop them..."

"I know it's hard, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been."

"I'm willing to pay the price, even if I'm the only one."

"But I believe that I won't be the only one."

Captain America's provocative speech silenced the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hydra is reborn through the shell of SHIELD, but there are also many real SHIELD agents.

Compared with Alexander Pierce, who has abdicated for many years, they are more willing to believe in the quality of Captain America.

After all, they grew up listening to Captain America's deeds.

The same is true for the members of the Security Council. Although they don't like Captain America, they will never deny his character.

Pierce sipped the wine in his glass, with a confident smile on his face, and said to several beaming members of the Security Council: "Sorry, I have the final say on this building!"


(End of this chapter)

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