witcher in marvel

Chapter 370 Outside West View Town

Chapter 370 Outside West View Town
"What is this place?"

Looking at the road winding from the foot to the end of the field of vision, the Maximov brothers and sisters were a little at a loss.

"Here is another timeline."

Bai Jinglan looked around, summoned a gorgeous boat of brilliance, and waved to the two siblings, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet your future self..."

"Our future?"

Pietro and Wanda looked at each other.

"To be precise, it is the future Wanda."

Bai Jinglan sat leisurely on the throne of the king, and seemed very happy to say, "Because Pietro died on the battlefield very early, leaving only Wanda to live alone."


The two siblings were taken aback.

"Attention, drive!"

Bai Jinglan touched the steering wheel with his hand,
The Glory Ship instantly turned from stillness, and climbed up to the sky thousands of meters high in an instant with an incomparable graceful movement of a real fighter.

Soaring through the sky at the speed described in the epic poem, the movement of this Noble Phantasm already surpasses the laws of physics.

The faces of the Maximov brothers and sisters were pale, and they almost thought they were about to be overturned. They closed their eyes nervously for a moment, and then they were shocked to find...Although they could feel the wind passing by their ears, it was unexpectedly slight, as if Like riding a bicycle leisurely forward.

Pietro looked carefully at the ground, and couldn't help muttering: "This is unscientific!"

Wanda opened her mouth and complained, "I think it seems unscientific that you can move at supersonic speed."


Pietro scratched his ears, looked at Bai Jinglan, and said in a slow tone, "Well... May I ask who are you? You gave us superpowers?"

Bai Jinglan said lightly: "Your superpowers are in your genes, I just helped you activate them."



The two brothers and sisters exchanged glances, and Wanda raised her white chin: "What is your purpose for activating our abilities? Let me tell you first, we are not interested in being terrorists."

Bai Jinglan waved his hand casually: "I founded an extraordinary school, and the students are all people with special abilities. You are just the preparatory students I selected."

"Preparatory students?"

"Extraordinary school?"

The two siblings blinked, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

Since their parents were murdered, the siblings have had a miserable time and can't trust anyone too much.

Bai Jinglan didn't take it seriously, and said casually: "When you see the future version of Wanda, you will naturally understand."

Wanda endured the strangeness in her heart and asked, "Uh...that Wanda is also your student?"

"Not really."

Bai Jinglan shook her head slightly, "I don't exist on this timeline."

"I don't understand." Wanda frowned, "Why is there you in our timeline, but the future version... Wanda doesn't have you?"

"The knowledge of parallel universes is very troublesome to explain. When you enter school in the future, someone will explain it to you."

Bai Jinglan shrugged calmly, stretched out his hand and pointed at the steering wheel, and the galloping Glory Ship suddenly turned from motion to silence, and then began to land rapidly.

Below, the two groups are confronting each other.

There are dozens of people on one side, wearing special uniforms and holding high-tech firearms.

On the other side, there is only one person.

A slender woman in a red battle suit.

"That is……"


The Maximovs stared wide-eyed.

The woman who confronted many secret agents was another Wanda.

However, compared to the newly liberated Wanda, the Wanda on the ground is much more mature, and looks haggard.

Is it really the future Wanda? !
At this time, the two siblings, who were originally full of doubts, couldn't help but have this thought at the same time.

The mature version of the Scarlet Witch, dragging a destroyed missile with one hand, walked out of the barrier full of magic seals, threw the missile in front of a group of agents, and said coldly: "Is this yours?"

The leading agent flinched, but soon calmed down, and said with a serious expression: "The missile is just a precautionary measure...you can't blame us, Wanda."

"I think I can."

The Scarlet Witch said coldly, "I only warn you once, don't come near my house! If you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you..."

"If only it were that simple." The leading agent interrupted her, and replied solemnly, "Your sister ate up the entire Westview Town..."

Wanda glanced at the agents, and said slightly mockingly, "I'm not the one with the gun, Mr. Chief!"

"But you're in control."

A young female agent came out from the group of agents.

"Are you still here?"

Seeing this black female agent, Wanda's expression obviously changed, and a red "sun" ignited in her gently opened palm.

The chaotic magic capable of tearing up Thanos seems to explode in the next moment.

She was the one who used the drone to communicate with Wanda just now, so of course she is the only one who controls the drone to launch missiles.

However, the black female agent immediately distinguished: "Wanda, I didn't know there were weapons on the drone...you know, right? In a small town full of civilians, you telepath, but you took a Tianjian Bureau Agents brought to your house..."

She kept her tone as slow as possible: "You trust me and let me help you deliver the baby, to a certain extent... Wanda, you know that I am an ally, and I really want to help you."

Wanda looked at her and said, "How can I help? What can you give me?"

The black female agent felt chills in her heart, and said helplessly, "So, what do you want?"

"I already have what I want, and no one can take it from me again!!"

Wanda glanced at the agents, and the magic ball in her hand suddenly scattered.

Almost at the same time, all the guns aimed at her turned around and all aimed at the agent leader.

The head of the Heavenly Sword Bureau was terrified, hurriedly raised his hands, and shouted anxiously at the same time: "Hey!!! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!!"


The black female agent hurriedly dissuaded her, but Wanda didn't even look at her, and turned around and walked into the crimson barrier.

However, the moment Wanda's figure disappeared in the barrier, the controlled agents also recovered their sanity.


The agent chief lowered his arms resentfully, staring at the place where Wanda disappeared, his eyes filled with tyranny.


The agents panicked, and the agent leader pursed his lips and ordered sharply: "Bring the missiles back to the camp and complete the analysis within an hour!"

"Yes, sir!"

With a sullen face, a group of agents carefully moved the missile full of magic energy to the pallet, and transported it back to the base laboratory behind them.

The black female agent turned her head and said with a bad expression: "Hayward, you sent missiles in, you cut off our retreat!"

Hayward was expressionless: "At least, we now know what kind of people we are dealing with."

The black female agent said angrily: "You are starting a war that you cannot win!"

"Maximov couldn't have negotiated with us..." Hayward replied sharply, unmoved, "We'll kill her, and this whole nightmare will end!"

Just as the black female agent was about to refute, a disdainful sneer suddenly came from the night sky.

"I was scared like a rabbit just now, but now I'm shaking again."

Hayward's face darkened, he turned his head suddenly, and looked at the agents behind him, but only saw a woman's face.

Thor's best friend, Daisy Louise, a doctor of astronomy who was invited to help, looked at him with contempt: "People who were almost killed by their own killing team, what do you think I am doing? Smell your It's not me!"

The black female agent raised her head and murmured, "On top!"


Several people were taken aback, and when they looked up at the same time, they saw a height of about 20 meters. At some point, a gorgeous... fighter plane appeared?

(End of this chapter)

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