witcher in marvel

Chapter 369 Take Wanda to See Wanda

Chapter 369 Take Wanda to See Wanda

Void Night Palace.

Bai Jinglan put down the Maximov brothers and sisters, looked at the embarrassed Skye and asked, "How does it feel to fight?"

"very bad!"

Inexplicably thrown into the battlefield, and inexplicably brought back, Skye rolled his eyes angrily.

"Just get used to it."

Bai Jinglan shrugged unscrupulously, "If you want to be a superhero, you must have this awareness. You know, in another universe, you have experienced countless disasters, being surrounded by Hydra, and being caught in experiments. I'm just a guinea pig, and you in this universe are too safe under my protection. Even if your power has already surpassed another you, you can't develop it to the extreme without going through some difficulties and obstacles .”

"I understand……"

Skye took a deep breath, pulled his clothes lightly, and looked worried, "Mr. White, you said my parents became like that... Is there any remedy?"

Bai Jinglan smiled and said: "It's very simple. They were originally kind people. They just experienced too much pain that ordinary people can't bear, so they became black in the endless hatred. Just give them a brainwash and make them forget those things. Pain, they will recover naturally."

In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. used a similar method to deal with Mr. Hyde—first remove the genetic drug that made him irritable, and then brainwash him to re-weave a good memory, Mr. Hyde From a grumpy dad to a kind-hearted doctor again.

But they seem to have gone too far with the brainwashing, making Mr. Hyde even forget that he has a daughter.

Professor X is the master in this aspect, let him make a move, and Skye's parents will definitely be corrected, and there will be no sequelae.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Skye suddenly smiled, and asked impatiently, "When are we going to find them?"

Bai Jinglan thought for a while: "Don't worry, I have to go on a business trip."

Skechers asked, "Where are you going?"

Bai Jinglan raised her chin, pointed at the unconscious Wanda, and said, "Go to meet the other her, and retrieve something by the way."

When traveling around the universe, he had investigated several parallel universes, one of which was the future timeline, where the sad Scarlet Witch created a living Ultron with chaos magic, and lived with him in a small town.

That's a mature Wanda.

At the same time, there is also a witch living in the town, the witch who holds the "Dark God Book".

Bai Jinglan is going to go around, get back the "Dark Book of God", and try it by the way...see if he can abduct the mature version of Wanda back.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly blurred. The originally dark light suddenly turned into endless darkness. At the same time, a heavy breath rang in his ears. It felt like a breath full of decline, and it seemed like he was holding back The gasps of lamentation, the horrifying eyes piercing the skin, make people feel the pain of the soul...

Bai Jinglan shook his head slightly, turned his dull eyes lightly, looked at the darkness to the side, and said lightly: "Your mental strength must be increased by at least ten times to shake my mind."

His eyes shone golden, like a ray of sunlight shining through the night, and the seemingly endless darkness shattered like glass.


As the darkness quickly faded, the blond girl's face became extremely pale, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her lips.

In the original plot, the vicious witch used her psychic powers to play the Avengers to death, but if she wanted to affect Bai Jinglan's spirit, it was not a little bit short.

"The little girl is too violent, it's not good, it's better to withdraw her strength for now."

The Scarlet Witch was backlashed by her mental power, and she staggered back. Bai Jinglan's fingers were suddenly dyed purple, and she pressed on her abdomen like lightning.

"Using the light of Emperor Weishan, unfold the Sand of Nisati... Ban!"

Scarlet Witch let out a muffled snort, the pain in her mind disappeared immediately, and then her face turned pale with shock, because she could no longer perceive her own abilities.

While he was in doubt, his eyes suddenly blurred, and the person in front of him suddenly disappeared.

"not good……"

Wanda's complexion became more and more ugly. If this happened, it could only be that her twin brother made a move.

In fact, she had already woken up a long time ago, and used her psychic ability to wake up her unconscious brother, and communicated with him, knowing that his ability is to move quickly.

Wanda didn't know how fast his brother was, but his brother's super speed might not be able to do anything to this person.

Bai Jinglan was playing hide-and-seek with Kuaiyin, no matter how fast Kuaiyin increased his speed, he could always happen to be in front of him.

The two figures shuttled back and forth quickly, bringing with them heavy afterimages, appearing and disappearing in the vast sandy beach, Wanda's reaction couldn't keep up.

"Don't worry, Mr. White won't hurt him."

The voice suddenly rang in the ear, causing Wanda to tremble. She looked at Skye in surprise, and stammered, "Are...are you alright?"

"There was something wrong just now, but it's all right now."

Skye's expression was a bit embarrassing, because Wanda's spiritual magic made her have a terrible nightmare.

Fortunately, Wanda's ability was quickly sealed by Bai Jinglan, and the nightmare was over just at the beginning.

Bai Jinglan held Kuaiyin back with one hand, purple flames lingered on her five fingers again, and also sealed a magic seal on Kuaiyin's abdomen, which pushed the pair of siblings together: "Now we can have a good talk."

Both of their abilities were sealed, but they were still stubborn. Wanda met Bai Jinglan's gaze with a cold face and said, "What do you want to do to us?"

Bai Jinglan smiled slightly at the two siblings: "Take you to a place."


(End of this chapter)

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