witcher in marvel

Chapter 155 Spoiler for Braised Eggs

Chapter 155 Spoiler for Braised Eggs

In many cases, Lucifer's character is like a willful child.

When he hated the life of the Lord of Hell and his father didn't respond to his pleas, he even hated his natural wings.

Because of this, when he chose to enter the earth, he cut off his wings without hesitation in front of the Supreme Mage.

For Maizekin, the pair of wings represented the identity of the king of hell, but for Lucifer himself, it was a very bad memory, not worthy of any nostalgia.

Lucifer abandoned the wings like shoes, but Bai Jinglan liked them very much.

Those are a pair of very complete wings, and the roots of the wings even flow with divine blood, which is much more valuable than the scattered feathers plucked from the black angel's body!

I don't know if Lucifer's blood can make the god's battle clothes advanced?
Also, do those cosmic entities have such a thing as blood?
Bai Jinglan drove the locomotive, thinking about a lot of things in his head, and slowly stopped in an open space.

He glanced at the empty street, turned over and jumped off the locomotive, raised his hand and knocked in the void a few times: "Since we've arrived, don't play tricks anymore!"

The seemingly empty space was in a trance for a while, and a beautiful fighter jet appeared.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Quinjet.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s optical invisibility technology is not much worse than the Shining Boat.

The rear hatch of the fighter plane was slowly lowered, and the one-eyed corned egg paced out, and said without changing expression: "Mr. White, you are late."

Bai Jinglan rolled her eyes: "I didn't say what time I'll arrive, so where did you come from for being late?"

"It does not matter."

Fury waved his hand casually, and took the previous nonsense directly, "Mr. White said that there is important information, can we tell it now?"

"I don't want to say it twice, come with me."

Bai Jinglan turned around and walked towards a somewhat dilapidated independent villa.

This is a country house located in the outskirts of LA, away from the bustling city center, and is the first choice of many middle-class families.

Bai Jinglan jumped across the small flowerbed in front of the door, knocked on the door, and then glanced at the braised egg next to him: "Director Fury, you should know whose home this is?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. is monitoring Lucifer, and he wouldn't believe that no information was collected here.

Fury didn't pretend to be suspicious, and immediately replied: "The residence of Detective Chloe Deckard."

Bai Jinglan: "Very good, let me introduce you."

Fury pursed his lips: "You brought me here, the information you want to tell is related to the bar owner?"

Bai Jinglan didn't answer his question, because the door opened, and Chloe poked her head out, and was a little surprised when she saw the two people standing at the door: "Are you...Mr. White?"

Easterners are blind to Westerners, and Westerners are even more blind to Easterners.

She had only met Bai Jinglan twice, and she recognized him immediately because of his "magic" performance.

Oh, no, it should be a "Qigong" performance.

It is not an easy task to instantly wake up a person who is pumping laundry detergent, and she was very impressed.

As for the black marinated eggs, she really didn't know them.

Bai Jinglan introduced: "Detective Deckard, this is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Excuse me, Detective Deckard." Potato reached out and shook her lightly, "I'm Nick Fury, and I belong to the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Agency, referred to as S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Oh... sorry, I don't seem to have heard of the name of this organization." Chloe smiled sheepishly, and opened the door completely, "Both, please come in."

Nick Fury looked at the situation in the house and explained: "It's normal, S.H.I.E.L.D. is an international secret organization, and we are responsible for dealing with things that are not suitable for the public to know."

Chloe froze, as if realizing something.

Bai Jinglan smiled faintly: "Detective Deckard, we are here today to talk about Lucifer."

"Two, please sit down."

Chloe was a little at a loss, and let the two of them sit down in the living room. Just as she was about to talk, a little loli jumped out, followed by an old woman who was not young.

Little Lolita asked, "Mom, are there any guests?"

Chloe hurriedly said: "Baby, go get your schoolbag, you should go to school!"

"Mom, I want to stay a little longer."

The little loli hugged her mother's arm and acted like a baby, and then she was instantly killed by her mother's look: "Don't be naughty, let grandma take you to school!"


Little Loli pouted and went to pack her little schoolbag.

The old woman looked at Bai Jinglan and the two, blinked at her daughter, and said in a low voice, "Chloe, are you okay?"

Chloe shook her head and forced a smile: "It's okay, mom, I just have some work to talk about. You can send the little monkey to school!"

"All right!"

The old woman pursed her mouth and left with the little girl carrying a small schoolbag on her back.

Chloe watched the mother and daughter's car go away, closed the door with complicated emotions, took a deep breath, and then looked at Bai Jinglan and asked: "Mr. White, you are Lucifer's friend, didn't you Know him...his identity?"


Bai Jinglan smiled, nodded, and stretched out his hand, "Introduce yourself again, Bai Jinglan, who was born in Karma Taj, the sacred place of magic, and is now the owner of a small exorcism shop in New York."

"Kama Taj? What's that?"

Chloe shook hands with him blankly.

Braised Dan watched blankly, also waiting for his explanation.

"I think this will make it easier for you to understand."

Bai Jinglan flicked his fingers quickly, and two talismans glowing with blue light spun out and stuck to the eyes of the two of them respectively.

Just like Nancy and Sydney back then, when the talisman opened their soul eyes, everything in their field of vision changed immediately.

All kinds of strange dimensional creatures are active in various ways.

In other words, this method is much gentler than the astral projection when the Supreme Master played Doctor Strange.

"This is a dimensional creature, and it can also be called an ultra-dimensional bacteria..."

Bai Jinglan briefly described what he had said to Nancy and the information related to hell, and finally, with the ability to transform into form with energy, he condensed the images of monsters in front of him.

"In addition to exorcising the dimensional creatures that accidentally came to the material world, mages have a greater responsibility to exorcise the accidentally born evil spirits, the devils that infiltrate the world from hell to hunt, and resist the demon gods from other dimensions.

Some of these demon gods come from major myths, such as the monsters in the Cthulhu mythology, the ghosts and gods in Japanese mythology... and so on, because of the special environment of the earth, countless demon gods from other dimensions are looking forward to swallowing the earth. "

Chloe froze.

She is just an ordinary person, and the ones she comes into contact with the most are all kinds of criminals. When did she come into contact with such unbelievable information?

"Evil spirits, devils..." She waved her fingers in a panic, "Why have I never heard of it? Oh, I have, in the storybook..."

Fury shrugged: "Because many unimaginable events have been covered up by S.H.I.E.L.D. Detective Deckard is an elite among the police, so it should be very clear that some things are not suitable for widespread dissemination, not only evil spirits and devils exist, vampires , Werewolves, and many corners of the world, dealing with these threats is one of the main tasks of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chloe's eyes are demented, her world view of more than 30 years has collapsed, and she feels that her brain has a tendency to crash.

Fury looked at Bai Jinglan and asked, "Mr. White, is the earth any different? There are so many living planets in the universe, why do they always aim at the earth?"

Bai Jinglan said lightly: "Because the earth is the hometown of the gods."


Chloe licked her lips, and asked tentatively, "Lucifer...is it too?"

"That's right!" Bai Jinglan smiled, "The gods you have heard of, Egypt, Greece, Northern Europe, China...these gods all really exist, and they lived on the earth earlier than humans Higher life, some things happened later, and these gods moved to other dimensions... However, some gods occasionally come to the earth for vacation, such as Thor, the god of thunder in Nordic mythology, and some demon gods who covet the earth will come to deceive people Souls, such as the famous king of lies, Mephisto."

"Detective Deckard, you are afraid of Lucifer's identity as a demon, but there is no need to..." He paused before continuing, "Heaven and the hell where Lucifer lives are actually a system. Heaven is the head office, and God is the system." Chairman, the Hell branch needs someone to sit in charge, so God assigned Lucifer to be the general manager, and now the general manager and the chairman are having a quarrel, and he resigned without permission... Well, in this way, is it easier for you to accept it?"


Chloe opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

It's not that scary, after all, after getting along for so long, Lucifer is pretty good except for always talking about it.

If you say you are not afraid, you are still a little apprehensive. After all, it is a devil that has been passed down for thousands of years. They have heard the big devil king since they were young.

She now tells her daughter bedtime stories, often using Satan's name!

Bai Jinglan added more fire, and said: "There are many demon kings in hell, and Lucifer is the one who is closest to the earth. Unlike other hell demon kings, he always wants to play with human souls. He is more like a possessive demon king." The angel with the name of the devil, except that he often commits two crimes, is actually better than most angels... Believe me, if you see those arrogant angels, you will not like them."

Chloe was silent.

Bai Jinglan turned his head to look at Ludan, and said lightly: "Director Fury, I brought you here to listen to Lucifer's affairs, just to warn you - such a devil with an angelic soul, for Kama Taj It's very important, don't play your so-called tricks on him, if one day he gets angry, don't blame us for throwing you and the guys behind you into hell to make amends to him!"

Nick Fury was silent for a moment: "Are you sure he has no effect on the earth?"

"Even if it has influence, it has nothing to do with you!"

Bai Jinglan replied very bluntly, "That's something Kama Taj has to worry about. It's enough for you to use all your energy to resist the alien invasion...By the way, remind me that after a few years at most, the first alien The invasion is about to begin, get ready as soon as possible!"


Both of them stared wide-eyed.

Bai Jinglan shrugged: "The supreme mage can peer into the long river of time, what's so strange about knowing what will happen in the future?"

"What time? Who is the intruder? How is the firepower equipped? Can we resist?" Braised egg asked a series of questions.

"I can't say that once I tell you, there will inevitably be variables in the future, and most of the time it will change to a worse situation. In short..."

Bai Jinglan pointed to Fu Rui, "You get rid of those troubles as soon as possible, and then prepare to deal with the alien invasion."

He pointed at Chloe again, "And you... Pay attention to maintaining a good relationship with Lucifer, and don't let Lucifer really become a demon in a disheartened state because of some wrong ideas."


(End of this chapter)

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