witcher in marvel

Chapter 154 Lucifer Turned into a Salted Fish

Chapter 154 Lucifer Turned into a Salted Fish
Its daybreak.

Calm has returned to the devastated City of Angels.

But the scars in people's hearts are not so easy to heal.

Lucifer was in a bad mood.

It's not because of the unseemly city destroyed by the riots, nor is it because of the innocent people lying in pools of blood, it's just that the female police detective seemed terrified when she found out his identity, and didn't answer his calls or see his face .

Lucifer originally only treated Chloe as a game, but now he feels inexplicably missing a piece of his heart.

She was indeed very different to him.

Lucifer shook his wine glass, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, glanced at the street below, and his unhappiness became more obvious.

In front of the Light Bar, a group of people held various signs and protested loudly:

"Satan is here, but God is coming!"

"Satan, go back to your hell!"

Of course, these guys didn't really think he was Satan, they just came here to vent their panic and grief last night under the instigation of some people.

Whether or not Lucifer is innocent is not within their consideration.

Anyway... rich people deserve to die!
Lucifer is a rich man, and he leads an extremely enviable life of profligacy every day. Every day, different beauties fall into his arms... Such a person is even more damnable!
If it was a normal time, Lucifer would not bother to bother.

There is never a shortage of people who hate the rich in this world, and this is not the first time he has encountered such a person.

However, he is very upset now!
After hearing their clamor, I felt even more upset.

"The soul is pale!"

Finally, Lucifer couldn't bear it anymore, threw the wine glass on the ground, turned around and walked into the elevator, landed on the ground, and strode out of the door.

Immediately, a Mediterranean man rushed up aggressively, pointed at him and shouted, "You! I knew you were behind the scenes! I've seen you, and I know your true identity!"

"Preacher, I'm already annoyed by you!" Lucifer glared at him, his eyes full of impatience, "I have no shady secrets, and it's not the case for you, a dirty human being, we Why don't you talk about your darkness and filth!"

He remembers this guy.

He is a cult liar who advertises that the end is coming. He charged tourists atonement fees on the grounds of preaching that Satan came to the world. He was hit by Lucifer once and scared him away with the devil's head.

Unexpectedly, he had the guts to come to him.

"I... I know that you killed those people!" Mediterranean flinched, then raised his voice and cursed viciously, "You ruined my house and my family, and I will definitely throw you away!" Into the lake of brimstone and fire..."

"So, you want to destroy me?"

Lucifer smiled disdainfully, "Then you have to take a number and line up. There are many people in front of you, and everyone is much better than you!"

"You are a murderer, you killed my child yesterday, I saw your devil wings..."

The child in the Mediterranean is obviously one of the brain-dead teenagers, and he connected Xiaowu's demon image to Lucifer. The pain of losing his son made him forget the fear of demons, and he even took out a dagger from his pocket and was about to go on the road. Xifa gestured on his body, "This is all your fault, this is your fault, you are the king of all evil, you are the source of lies, you killed my child... I will kill you! Kill you !!!”

However, even if Lucifer's power has been weakened to the extreme, it is not something a mere mortal can hurt.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the dagger, threw it aside casually, then held Hai Hai's neck, and lifted him up, with scarlet lights shining in his eyes: "I'm wandering in your city, and I'm going to solve it. Those nasty crimes, and that's what I'm thanked for?! You filthy human beings, you made your own mistakes and put the blame on me... Heh, do you want to destroy me, or should I? you!"

The Mediterranean was short of breath, and his veins bulged out of the suffocation.

At this time, a hand was placed on his wrist.

"Wait a minute, Lucifer."

Lucifer turned his head to stare at the blocker, and said angrily: "Little mage, do you want to stop me from punishing the sinner?"

Bai Jinglan looked around and replied calmly: "Lord Lucifer, I don't care if you punish this dirty waste, but he is not worthy of you doing it in public..."

Lucifer's expression was slightly stagnant, and he turned his head to look around.

Those so-called protesters were actually mostly just joining in the fun. Except for the liar priest who had seen his real body, no one really believed that he was Lucifer, so they just watched his conflict with the liar priest with cold eyes, and some even Many people recorded videos with their mobile phones.

After all, Lucifer can be regarded as a celebrity in LA, and has had affairs with many Hollywood stars, so his news is still worth reporting.

"In addition, I want to remind you that you don't need to personally punish these people..."

Bai Jinglan turned around and pointed at the passers-by beside him, "You—you take care of things here, especially this nonsense priest, I don't want to see him again in the future!"


The passer-by pointed at him innocently, as if he didn't understand why.

Bai Jinglan said lightly: "Do you want me to talk to Nick Fury directly?"

The last time he clashed with Amenadiel here, he fought all the way to the depths of the Pacific Ocean. With his shrewdness, how could he not pay attention to this place?
He just looked around and saw four agents.

Although they were dressed in ordinary clothes and had various occupations, how could they hide it from him?

The agent dressed as a passer-by scratched his hair speechlessly and said with a wry smile: "Mr. White, we understand, let's do it!"

Bai Jinglan's several deterrents were very effective, especially when he easily stopped the fierce fight between Xiaowu and Lanran with just a few words, which made the S.H.I.E.L.D. Idiot against his meaning?
However, from the current relationship between him and Lucifer, the identity of the bar owner is very unusual. It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. is about to have another focus.

Bai Jinglan didn't bother to pay attention to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s thoughts.

Lucifer brought Maizekin to settle in Los Angeles. In fact, he never concealed his identity. He introduced himself to anyone as Lucifer, the king of hell, but basically no one believed it.

Of course, he still had to warn the braised egg, lest the guy piss off Lucifer and increase Kama Taj's workload for nothing.

The old liar priest was thrown on the ground by Lucifer, still coughing and shouting: "Devil, you killed my son, I will not be afraid of you, I will resist you, I..."

The old liar rolled his eyes and passed out. The passer-by agent retracted his knife with ease, and waved to his companion. The two joined forces and threw him into the car next to him. They greeted Bai Jinglan from a distance, and drove away. up.

Two other agents emerged from the crowd, revealing an FBI sign, and drove the protesters away from the area.

Lucifer was still a little annoyed, so he returned to the bar angrily, grabbed a bottle of wine and drank a couple of sips, before asking Bai Jinglan who followed in, "What do you want me to do?"

Bai Jinglan shrugged: "I just want to ask one thing."

"what's up?"

"Have you lost something?"

"What?" Lucifer was startled, and spread his hands, "How could I lose something?"

"and many more!"

Mai Zejin came down from upstairs and asked solemnly, "Little mage, what you are talking about is not a container at the dock?"

Bai Jinglan nodded: "That's the container."

Lucifer was at a loss: "What container?"

"It's that container!"

Mai Zejin stared at him, "It's your stuff inside, very important stuff!"

Lucifer was silent for a while, poured the wine in the bottle into the glass, and continued to drink as if nothing had happened.

Mai Zejin was anxious: "Didn't you hear what I just said? The container is gone!"

Lucifer disagreed: "I heard it."

Maizekin: "Then why haven't we found it?"

"I don't know what to tell you, wheat." Lucifer curled his lips in annoyance, "It's not that important to me, if someone wants what's in it, or even chooses to steal it, then give it to them... For me, the most important thing now is the female police detective, she ignores me!"

Mai Zejin: (╯#——)╯╧═╧
Why did she go to such lengths?
I just want the BOSS to recall the glory of the King of Hell again!

Fortunately, he has really become a salted fish!

Bai Jinglan rubbed his chin, and said with a smile: "Lord Lucifer, otherwise, we can make a deal, and I'll help you get the policewoman to change her mind. How about you give me the contents of the container?"

"Do not……"

Before Mai Zejin stopped the words, Lucifer had already made an excited decision: "Deal!"


(End of this chapter)

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