witcher in marvel

Chapter 145 Sudden Riots

Chapter 145 Sudden Riots

Seeing the Kun-style fighter disappear into the vast night, Bai Jinglan shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "As expected of the king of secret agents, he is really cautious."

Black stewed egg came to inquire about information, and he also offered a price.

Just like opening the portal to save A.I.E.L.D. agents before, what he sells is information and knowledge beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Therefore, be sure to clearly mark the price.

1000 million US dollars for one question.

So, Nick Fury quickly left with a dark face.

Of course, he also got the information he wanted.

Braised Egg only asked three questions.

The first question: whether the mysterious side will involve secular regimes.

Answer: no.

The second question: Can the ability of the mysterious side spread over a large area.

Answer: no.

The third question: Where does the most dangerous enemy S.H.I.E.L.D. will face come from.

Answer: Internal.

Concise and concise.

Although Braised Dan left with a dark face, the purpose of this trip has been achieved. Although he spent a little money, he must be very satisfied.

Bai Jinglan was also very satisfied with this transaction, and warmly invited Braised Eggs to come again.

Braised Dan is worthy of being a great leader in this regard. With 3000 million US dollars in exchange for a few-word answer, he never raised his eyelids from the beginning to the end. He is much more atmospheric than Mockingbird Barbara.

Of course, the more such guests, the better.

Stark didn't think how great this pretentious old guy was, and sneered: "I didn't see how cautious this king of secret agents is."

Bai Jinglan glanced at him, and said lightly: "This Nick Fury is just a biochemical person, he himself didn't appear here at all."

"Cybionic man?" Stark was taken aback.

"That's right." Bai Jinglan shrugged.

The cyborg technology of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not particularly shown in the film and television universe, but it is a bright spot in the comics.

Every time I saw Nick Fury hang up, it didn't take long for him to jump out again, because most of the time, it was only his biochemical clone that appeared in front of everyone.

Later, this bright spot expanded again. Not only Nick Fury himself, but even Hill and Coulson had a bunch of biochemical clones, which made many superheroes who deal with them very speechless.

Cyborgs are special types of robots, somewhat similar to terminators, with normal biological tissue on the surface, covered with alloy skeletons and various instruments, they have exactly the same behavior style as the original people, even the closest people can hardly detect it difference.

However, no matter how vivid the cyborg is, it will not produce a soul out of thin air.

Bai Jinglan knew that this fellow was not human just by looking at it.

However, with the earth's technology that has not yet reached the explosive stage, it should not be possible to make such a lifelike biochemical robot... Could it be the black technology provided by the Skrulls?

Forget it, it has nothing to do with him.

He doesn't need the so-called cyborgs, he can just use the avatar directly.

In addition, Lu Dan is still extremely vigilant towards him, not daring to rashly appear in his field of vision.

It doesn't matter.

Bai Jinglan said that he didn't care at all.

At this time, Little Pepper hurried in, followed by the tall and burly Happy.

There was some panic on the faces of the two of them.

When Stark saw it, he temporarily put aside his plan to sneak into the Aegis network and peep at the biochemical technology, and asked, "Pepper, what happened?"

Little Pepper let out a breath, with a look of lingering fear: "Didn't you watch the news? The urban area is already in chaos, and many children are beating, smashing, looting and burning with guns."

"what's the situation?"

Stark was a little surprised.

Marbury's mansion is far away from the urban area. Unless Los Angeles is bombed by nuclear bombs, he can't hear or see it here.

However, although the crime index of Los Angeles is almost comparable to that of New York, and is listed as the first and second most sinful city in the world, it is not so chaotic, right?
Dean and the others on the side also looked over.

Happy said hurriedly: "Some time ago, didn't the news report several times that many teenagers in the city suddenly disappeared? Now they have appeared again, and they are all carrying military guns. A group of more than a dozen people started Drove around the street in a car, rushed in and robbed gold shops, banks and other places... The Stark Group building was also hit, but was blocked by the security team. Miss Pepper and I were in a car The helicopter came back."

Stark's expression changed, and he immediately ordered: "Jarvis, call out all the videos of the riot."

"Yes Sir!"

The holographic projection instantly appeared in front of everyone.

The huge display screen, comparable to a movie curtain, is divided into more than a dozen areas, showing chaos in different places.

The small half of downtown Los Angeles is already like a war-torn area, with burning, killing and looting everywhere.

Childish faces, with ferocious smiles on their faces, held various styles of weapons, and shot at shops on the street and even pedestrians.

For a moment, an unknown number of people fell in a pool of blood, and an unknown number of well-decorated shops were turned into ruins.


Bai Jinglan took out the magic compass, and the brilliance on it flickered, pointing in the direction of Lucifer.

Stark looked serious, looked at the compass in his hand, and asked in a deep voice: "White, is there a devil making trouble in the dark?"

Bai Jinglan was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with magic."

Although the compass was pointing in the direction of Lucifer, he couldn't sense the breath of magic explosion.

If such a large-scale magic is involved, it is impossible for him not to sense it, so it is not Lucifer who is doing trouble.

Judging from the rioting area in the video, Lucifer's bar is also under attack. He should be just passively defending, otherwise the brilliance released by the compass would not be so dim.

Stark obviously didn't believe it, and wondered: "If it wasn't magic, why would these people be crazy."

Bai Jinglan stared at the screen, showing a sneer: "No one manipulated their spirits, the reason why they became so crazy is just 'with a sharp weapon in their hands, they want to kill themselves'."

The group of crazy teenagers on the screen, they attack various stores, and they have no other purpose, they just want to "purchase for zero yuan".

If you look carefully, you can see that their behavior is mainly robbery, and killing is just incidental.

People who are bewitched by magic will not do such things.

Stark still responded with skepticism: "If there is no mastermind behind the scenes, it is impossible for them to get so many guns... These guns are not castrated versions in gun shops, they are all regular military equipment, and ordinary people can buy them if they have money. No, let alone so many."

Bai Jinglan glanced at him, and said calmly, "That's something that S.H.I.E.L.D. and the government should care about, and it has nothing to do with me."

Stark said in surprise, "White, won't you... help?"

In his cognition, Bai Jinglan belongs to the lawful camp. When encountering such a disaster, he should help save people.

Bai Jinglan shrugged, sat back on the sofa again, took a sip from his wine glass: "My handling of similar incidents is rather ruthless, I don't think it's you, or Nick Fury, would want to see me come forward, It will inevitably lead to greater conflicts, it is better for me to stay here."


Sam, who was kinder than others despite his demon blood, didn't want to just watch.

But before he could speak, Bai Jinglan waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry, although I won't show up, I have notified two friends, and they will go to solve the trouble there."

Stark was taken aback: "When did you notify, uh... friend?"

"It's just magic sound transmission."

Bai Jinglan smiled faintly, raised her hand and pointed, "Oh, they're here!"

On the screen, a white glow ran from east to west, and a black glow ran from west to east, rushing into the raging flames of Los Angeles in the blink of an eye.

Baimang is Aizen with black-rimmed glasses on his face and a white robe.

The black awn is Ulquiorra with a white horned helmet on his head and a black robe.

It was Bai Jinglan's original plan to let the trumpet do the things that are inconvenient to come forward.

So when he noticed the commotion in the city center, he immediately sent the two clones out.

During the day, you save people.

The Black Death Emperor kills people.

Take what you need.


(End of this chapter)

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