witcher in marvel

Chapter 144 Meeting Fury for the First Time

Chapter 144 Meeting Fury for the First Time
Inside Stark's Marbury mansion.

Bai Jinglan was sitting upright, Tolia was sitting next to her, and Stark was sitting in a row in front of her.

(灬)(= ̄ω ̄=)(= ̄ω ̄=)(= ̄ω ̄=)
"Magic follows the exchange of equivalent value, and the effect can be achieved by paying time and price. The premise is to build a magic power circuit so that the magician has the ability to convert other powers into magic power."

"Magic power is divided into the large source that fills the world, and the small source that is born in the living body."

"The magic circuit is the simulated nerve held in the magician's body. The magician can use it to absorb magic power from the world, or convert life force into magic power, and then use the magic power to push the magic base to perform magic."

"However, remember that when the magic circuit performs its function, the human body will be accompanied by corresponding pain, and the conversion of life force will cause huge damage, so when you have not found a way to absorb external energy, even this relatively low-level Don't use magic indiscriminately."

Bai Jinglan explained the basics of magic in an orderly manner, and picked up the newspaper on the table next to him.

"Now, what I want to teach you is a kind of basic magic - strengthening magic, mastering the material and composition of objects, injecting magic power for temporary enhancement..."

He rolled the newspaper into a tube and imbued it with magic.

"Synchronization, start!"

In an instant, magic patterns followed his palm and quickly wrapped around the paper tube.

"Basic substances, explain."

"Constituent material, explain."

"Basic substance, change."

"Constitute material, reinforce."

With every chants of his, the brilliance of the paper tube will flow, and finally turn the paper tube into... glow sticks?

"To put it simply, this magic is to forcibly change the material of the object with magic power to achieve a short-term strengthening effect. It can be used to strengthen the body or weapons." Bai Jinglan waved the "light stick" and knocked on the table next to him. There was a crisp metallic hum, and the paper tube had clearly turned into an iron rod. "Although it is an entry-level magic, it is easy to learn and difficult to master. How well you can use it depends on your talent."

His enhancement magic was obtained from Emiya Shirou, and Emiya Shirou's enhancement magic is a half-baked one, and can only strengthen weapons to a certain extent, which is not far behind the all-round enhancement.

However, as an entry-level magic, the consumption of enhanced magic is extremely low, and the effect is very practical.

Bai Jinglan intends to use Stark as an experiment. If he, who has no magical talent, can play with this kind of magic in a short period of time, he will use enhanced magic as the basic teaching material for future magic schools.

More importantly, as the leading scientist on Earth, Stark may be the most suitable for this magic, and maybe he can really use it to create the Iron God Hammer armor.

The more magic circuits there are, the more magic power you can use.

It's a pity that the number of magic circuits is determined by birth, and will not increase due to external factors.

What Bai Jinglan can do is to build their magic circuit.

Stark has the fewest magic circuits, with only three, Little Miss Joe has ten, Dean, who was born into a family of witchers, has twelve, and Sam, who has the most attention from the devil, has 21.

Building magic circuits is very cumbersome. Bai Jinglan didn't build all of them, but only built three for each person, so that they can reach the entry level and be able to barely use enhanced magic.

Several people were excitedly comprehending the changes in their bodies when they suddenly heard Jarvis's voice.

"Sir, there is a guest coming to visit."

"No time!" Stark didn't even look up.

Jarvis paused, and quickly said, "Sir, he insisted on visiting Mr. White!"

"A visitor visiting me?"

Bai Jinglan was a little surprised, who would come here to visit him?
Soon, he saw the so-called guest.

A shiny black marinated egg!
Without Stark's consent, the marinated egg went straight into the villa, and Jarvis didn't stop him.

Stark was very upset: "Jarvis, what's going on?"

"Sir, I'm afraid my program has been rewritten."

The marinated egg, who seemed to have never changed her attire, strode in, looked at him with one eye, calm, indifferent, without a trace of emotion: "Nice to meet, Mr. White!"

Bai Jinglan smiled lightly and said, "What? Director Fury dared to come to see me?"

Fury was not surprised at Bai Jinglan calling out his own name, and he did not hide his worries, saying: "I really don't dare to come to see you, Mr. White, your existence shocked the world, and it must be Make the world vigilant!"

Bai Jinglan sneered and said: "Director Fury, don't represent others casually. Whether you are shocked or vigilant, it's just the monopoly of those in power. Why should ordinary people be shocked and vigilant? Don't mages still Break into their house and make them pay themselves an extra tax in the future?"

Fury was silent, turned to look at Stark, and said, "Mr. Stark, I want to talk to Mr. White alone."

Stark looked unhappy: "You uninvited guy, did you make a mistake, this is my home!"

He was very impatient with this pretentious old guy. If he hadn't heard that this old guy was his father's junior, he would have kicked him out just now.

Now, this old bastard who doesn't regard himself as an outsider actually wants to drive him away as a master?

Bai Jinglan took the wine bottle in front of Stark, poured a glass for herself, and said slowly: "Director Fury, if you have anything to say, just say it, there is no need to hide it."

Braised Dan's one-eyed twinkle: "I just want to know your purpose!"

"Purpose? For what purpose?"

Bai Jinglan was startled suddenly, and took out the magic compass from his pocket, which was shining again.

He looked at the direction of the pointer.

Hmm, it seems to be the piece of Lucifer.

Forget it, don't pay attention.

Ludan stared at the magic compass, and said calmly: "The hidden purpose of your mages, as you said, mages have existed for thousands of years, and have even saved the world many times, so...why are you hiding in the world? The dark side?"

Bai Jinglan put away the compass, and said lightly: "Director Fury, are you qualified to ask this question? Don't forget, you, the so-called Director of SHIELD, do not exist in this world in most people's cognition. international!"

S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret agent organization, except for the people in the circle, most people don't know their existence.

This is also the reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. always hangs the FBI brand. Otherwise, who would have their head kicked by a donkey and accept a mandatory order from a non-existent organization?

Stark held his wine glass, and said in a strange way: "If White hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't know that there is such an inexplicable organization in this world, and I wouldn't let you, a guy with no credible information, in. "

"I want to remind you." Fury looked at him and said lightly, "First of all, this inexplicable organization was created by your father; secondly, when I came in, I didn't need your permission..."

Stark said without hesitation: "Jarvis, record this person's information for me, and list it as a person who refuses to communicate with him in the future."

Fury sneered.

SHIELD has been secretly paying attention to this dude son of the old leader, the number one munitions expert in the U.S. military, and Jarvis has added secret doors to his system so that he is not afraid of being stabbed by this guy.

Bai Jinglan shook his head and smiled: "Okay, Director Ferry, let's continue the previous topic! But let me tell you in advance that I can answer some of your questions, but there is a fee for this, and... it's not cheap."


(End of this chapter)

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