Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 190 A Stronger Body

Chapter 190 A Stronger Body
"Nothing, just a nightmare."

Zod shook his head, and he began to check the condition of his body.

Then I was surprised by the strong cells.

He actually became Doomsday!
And Zod also knew why he dreamed of fighting against Doomsday. It was the tyrannical consciousness of Doomsday. If he couldn't beat it, it would not be Zod who woke up, but Doomsday.

Fortunately, I have read the book.

Zod breathed a sigh of relief and was able to beat Doomsday. Although the super ability of absorbing energy contributed a lot, the role of other abilities cannot be ignored.

But in the dream, I was actually forbidden to use the power of the dragon and the power of the phoenix, which is too much.

The corners of Zod's mouth rose, and he couldn't get it right.

After all, this is Doomsday. It is so strong that it doesn't need a brain, and it only needs to rely on its body to forcefully eat all the opponent's terrifying creatures.

Moreover, even Darkseid's Omega effect can't kill Doomsday, and Doomsday can quickly evolve and adapt to attacks on the heart and soul.

Only by utilizing the entropy of time is it possible to erase Doomsday.

Zod got Doomsday's super evolution ability and immortality, but he didn't get Doomsday spores and other abilities.

"It seems that the sunlight in the Marvel world is indeed different for the Kryptonians. Maybe the sunlight in each universe has different effects?"

Zod pondered.

However, it has become Doomsday, which makes Zod no longer have any opponents to fear. Even if it is OAA, given him time, he can evolve to catch up with OAA, and then kill it.

Suddenly invincible...

Moreover, Zod is better than him even if he is facing the original Doomsday, and the superpower of absorbing energy alone is enough to be invincible.

"So can I kill Gu Yi now and take away the time gem?"

Zod thought secretly.

Of course, it's just thinking about it, he hasn't gone crazy to this extent.

However, such a convenient thing as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube can be obtained.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. and the infiltrated Hydra are now all members of the Burning Legion, so Zodhis got the Cosmic Rubik's Cube without any difficulty.

It was delivered by Alexander Pierce himself.

"Sir, this is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

Alexander Pierce placed a suitcase in front of Zod.

Zod nodded, let Alexander Pierce get out mellowly, and then opened the suitcase.

The dreamlike dark blue cube exudes dazzling light, which makes people lose their minds.

If women saw it, they would probably go crazy and scream.

Zod started directly, even if Cosmic Rubik's Cube wanted to send him to the soul gem as a gatekeeper, he would not be afraid, because Doomsday is not an existence that can be restrained.

I used to worry about this, so I didn't dare to think about the Rubik's Cube. Who knows if it will let me top the class of the Red Skull.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube was in Zod's hands, and Zod directly crushed the shell, revealing the tiny, oval-shaped space gem inside.

He directly held the space gem.

At this time, the sudden change occurred, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube trembled violently in Zod's hands.The light blue light suddenly brightened, turned into a materialized flame and spread throughout the room, the flame burned the space, and the air twisted visible to the naked eye.

The incomparable majestic power spread, the electric arc flickered, and the blue light burst into a starry universe when it shone to the limit.

The grand universe was unprecedentedly clear at this moment, but Zod snorted coldly. The super evolution speed from Doomsday made Zod adapt to the oppressive force of the space gem in the blink of an eye, and he broke free from the space gem and wanted to teleport him to other power of place.

"Be good to me."

Zod shattered the space opened by the space gem with a punch. At this time, the space gem changed to use cosmic energy to erode Zod.

The dark blue cosmic energy eroded Zod's right arm, and the clothes on the entire arm were reduced to ashes, leaving nothing left.

But this powerful erosive energy soon stopped at Zod's shoulders, and Zod adapted to being immune to the damage of the cosmic energy in less than a breath, and even swallowed the cosmic energy.

The Space Gem unbelievingly increased the output of cosmic energy. As a result, Zod would not refuse anyone who came, and was swallowed up by the torn cells, becoming stronger and full of power.

This made the space gem had to calm down and regained its calm.

Hold the Space Gem with your bare hands without taking any damage, something even Thanos couldn't do.

Zod looked at his body with satisfaction. With such a strong body, he could play with a few more figurines.

Although the original Man of Steel could satisfy Zod's hundreds of women, Doomsday's is still stronger.

Everything on the earth has become a bit dull for Zod, who has become Doomsday. Fortunately, the Mars base has been established at this time.

Zod is going to develop a spaceship, and then he can go to the universe to play.

The Mars base, a fighting arena formed by atomic alloy paving.

Tifa punched Zod, who was blocked by Zod, and then Esdesh attacked from behind, and was about to succeed, but was kicked away by Zod.

The scene of the battle between the three Kryptonians was devastating. If the atomic alloy fighting room was not strong enough, Mars would not be able to dismantle it.

Zod also found that Tifa and Estes seemed to have become a little bit stronger, but because the magnitude of the increase was too large compared to him, it was difficult for Zod to judge.

It would be nice to have a combat effectiveness tester.

While thinking, Zod blocked the various attacks of the two women casually.

After becoming Doomsday, Zod also had the confidence to let the two of them use him as a sparring partner. Although he was very strong before, Zod would crush and instantly kill him as soon as he got started, and it was difficult to control his strength. Now it is different. The body can handle the attacks of the two of them.

Esdeth felt very happy. Since she became so strong, no one except Zod can make her go all out, but it is meaningless to fight Zod. She goes all out by herself. How much does Zod have? There are hundreds of ways to kill her instantly, and it is the kind that will really kill Esdeth if you are not careful.

Now this way of punching to the flesh is the most enjoyable. Although Zod has not been injured until now, as if he has taken root, the two of them from Krypton can't shake Zod at all.

With one hand behind his back, Zod resisted the attacks of the two Kryptonians with only one hand.

There is a kind of Uncle Da's calm and unhurried style.

In fact, Zod is still distracted, he is pinching his new figure girl.

Light as a frightened bird, graceful as a swimming dragon, as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind.

(End of this chapter)

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