Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 189 Evolving Again

Chapter 189 Evolving Again
In the days that followed, Zodhis felt a lot easier.

Isn't it a good thing that human beings' desire to die was broken by him?

However, recently Zod also felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his body.

This feeling is very familiar to Zod, and it was like this when he showed new superpowers twice before.

It was this feeling that made Zod uncomfortable, neither sitting nor standing.

It was as if something was brewing in the body.

"Zod, what's wrong with you?"

Tifa saw that something was wrong with Zod, and asked with concern.

"It's nothing."

Zod shook his head, Tifa and the others couldn't help themselves with this uncomfortable feeling.

Tifa didn't continue to say anything, but let Zod rest on her lap. She could see that Zod didn't want to share it with her, or maybe it was because she couldn't do anything about it.

But Tifa was still gentle, she felt that this was the only thing she could do.

Zod was very relieved, sleeping on Tifa's lap pillow, and fell asleep after a long absence.

In his sleep, his body began to change.

The surrounding electromagnetic force, gravitational force, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force all began to change.

But in Zod's dream, he saw a terrifying figure, a monster that slaughtered the entire planet and destroyed countless creatures.

The monster also found him, and Zod fought desperately with the monster. The battle between the two destroyed the core of the earth, causing a supernova explosion on the earth, but this terrible explosion failed to kill the monster and Zod.

Zod is because of the electromagnetic force and gravitational protection, plus various powerful methods of his own, and the monster is directly dead and then resurrected.

The revived monster became more powerful, and Zod found that he could not use the power of the dragon and the power of the phoenix, as if these two powers did not exist.

He can only rely on his own strength to fight monsters.

After the supernova exploded, the gravitational force at the original position of the earth was out of balance, and it was difficult for both of them to escape this gravitational field.

However, the monster did not give up its attack.

Zod and the monster quickly broke free from the gravitational field, and then crashed into the moon to continue the battle.


Every punch came with terrifying destructive power, the ground vibrated like a drum, the ground around the two continued to sink, and the flying gravel and gravel burst out like projectiles, or penetrated the air, Or hitting the ground to create smoking potholes.

The shock wave swept in all directions one after another, rolling up agitated moon dust, and the surface was shattered into dust by the aftermath.

The surface of the ground, which was already devastated, at this moment, amidst loud noises one after another, the central area quickly sank downward.

The surroundings are raised, the center is sunken, and the funnel-shaped land stands out against the gray surface of the moon.

Red rays shot out from Zod's eyes, piercing the monster's face.

There was a bang, and black smoke rose from the monster's face. It suppressed the heat rays with a wave of its big hand, and directly pressed the palm of Zod's face.

The palm trembled, and the scarlet rays overflowed from the fingers of Zod's palm, rushing wildly in all directions.

The corner of the monster's mouth curled up, and its five fingers clasped Zod's big face tightly, trying to make it lift up its chin, exposing the relatively fragile throat.

Then his right hand clenched into a fist, protruding the ferocious bone spur on the front of the fist, and punched him hard at the throat.

Bang! ! !
With the super power to absorb all energy + biological force field + steel body + lunar magnetic field protection, Zod is almost indestructible, this blow is not even qualified to make Zod frown.

Since the war, the monster has become much stronger, and Zod is no exception. The superpower of absorbing energy allows him to absorb kinetic energy from every punch of the monster, permanently strengthen his body, and keep up with the evolution speed of the monster.

The monster was about to strike again, but it was thrown out by Zod's backhand elbow, and his body fell into the distance like a cannonball, hitting a big hole when it landed.

The monster got up again with a ferocious face, and the red light on its right arm was shining, wrapping the front of the fist to accumulate terrifying energy, and collided with Zod's heavy punch like lightning.

Buzz! ! !
Between the fists of the two, a torrent of scorching white lightning collided. After a moment of silence, the squeezed energy shrank to the limit, and instantly expanded into a white ball. The extremely powerful shock wave centered on the two of them swept across the entire lunar surface in an instant. .


Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that the cross-section of the sphere is continuously enlarged, spreading across the moon and then spreading to the back of the moon.

It was too late to think about why the moon has air and sound problems. Both sides went all out, the muscles of the whole body tensed and swelled. As the two continued to release their strength, a terrifying momentum swept out, causing the ground to roar and vibrate, and large and small gravels The gravel is suspended from gravity, and finally turned into powder under heavy pressure.

Terrifying power poured into the ground along the two feet. After a bang, the crack in the abyss suddenly opened, and quickly extended to both sides at a speed comparable to the propagation of sound.


The cracks opened wider and wider, and the length became longer and longer, like the evil grin of a devil, the cracks spanned the entire moon surface and tore it in half.

Zod ignored the inertia, and his moves were perfectly connected. Often when the monster punched him, Zod had already punched him more than ten or twenty punches.

Even under the attack of the monster, he remained motionless, and the stronger and stronger strength of the monster could not shake Zod.

Even under the pressure of monsters, Zod gradually mastered the strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force, and the four basic forces protect him, even Dr. Manhattan... forget it, before the unified force field comes out, he should not be able to defeat Dr. Manhattan .

The interaction effect of the four basic forces makes the monster more difficult.

After the fight, the monster was crushed by Zod, and Zod was not polite. He also saw that the monster seemed to be able to evolve a restraint method against all attacks.

But these are the four basic forces. Even if it adapts, Zod can play countless tricks. If you have the ability, let me adapt to them all!

After beating the monster for a day and night, the solar system was demolished. The location of the solar system, the core of the sun was pierced by two animals, and a black hole was formed after the collapse. Zod relied on the four fundamental forces to take root even in front of the black hole. The monster couldn't do it anymore, it was sucked in at once, and it was torn into countless quarks.

The monster is torn into quarks, and then Zod wakes up.

"Fuck, it's Doomsday!"

As soon as Zod woke up, he immediately knew what the monster in the dream was.

Something is wrong, why am I dreaming of a war with Doom, do I still need to dream?

And what's going on with the body, this constant sense of strength...

"what happened?"

Tifa felt that Zod suddenly opened his eyes after sleeping for a few hours, as if he had a nightmare, she hurriedly asked with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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