Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 98 Who Does He Think He Is?

Chapter 98 Who Does He Think He Is?

Many people who watched the miserable appearance of the robbers and were glad that the robbers tonight were really low, they were lucky, were really shocked by Dr. Zhao's words and wanted to burst into tears.

These robbers have guns?Because the firearms can no longer be used, they are changed to the current knives and baseball bats?

Speaking of serious robbers, robbers, who doesn't have a gun! ! !
Hong Kong Island is not a paradise with super good security. There are no scavengers on the road and no closures at night. There are always armed robbers robbing banks, robbing armed cars, kidnapping for ransom, deliberately killing people and so on.

It's normal for those guys to carry guns to do things, and it's an accident that the gangsters who plan to loot the Cointreau Hotel don't have guns.

It turned out that the arms dealers who sold arms this time were too unruly and shameless, and all the weapons and bullets sold to them were faulty and useless, which led to the current situation?
If a large group of robbers came in with long and short guns, grenades, etc., the lime powder and chili powder of the TNS Group security guards were considered shit?It's been bang bang bang bang bang da da da.

That is, their group of well-dressed and pearly rich, celebrities, and socialites were pressed at gunpoint and felt the danger of life and death.

Thinking of this, how many people have begun to thank and appreciate that shameless and unethical arms dealer in their hearts?
Although some people have already felt that if there is any dirty thing that needs to be dealt with in the future, they must not arrange for their black gloves to go to that arms dealer to buy things, but at this moment, their sense of an arms dealer is very good.

The crowd's emotions were complicated, and when they lost their voices, Le Huizhen, who had been crowding in the front row of the surveillance machine, exclaimed, "Look, there are policemen here!"

It was displayed on a certain screen, and a uniformed police officer rushed into the camera.


Entrance to the underground car park.

A team of PTUs was led by a police chief. The moment the whole team rushed in, all they saw was Sang Bang wearing sunglasses, riding a bicycle that they didn't know where they came from, trying to escape.

The sheriff of the police station resolutely pointed Dian[-] at Sangbang, "Don't move, stop!"


Several military uniforms raised their guns together, although this was only point [-], although Sangbang's fighting ability was very strong, although...

Not so much though, Sangbang resolutely abandoned the car and raised his hand.

Under the guard of several people raising guns, when a military uniform came forward to torture the state, this one dodged, and with lightning speed, he grabbed the uniformed policeman, and snatched the other party's point [-], which had just been inserted into the gun pocket. "Everyone put down their guns, put down their guns, or I'll kill him!"

At this moment, Sangbang also burst into tears, and finally had a gun.

He is a fighting maniac and usually doesn't like to use firearms, but at the scene of a large-scale robbery, all guns and bullets cannot be used. He really wants to greet the 88th generation of Johnnie Wang's ancestors!

If he can escape this time, he swears that he will plow the entire Johnny Wang team.

You are a newly rising arms dealer, with a rapid rise, almost replacing Uncle Hai, and the momentum of dominating the arms market on Hong Kong Island, so you can cheat customers like this?

I have never seen such a shameless arms dealer.

When you think about it, it seems that something is not right.

It's not the first time they bought a gun from Johnny Wang. When they bought the gun, they tested the gun, including the bullet, etc. They also did it. At that time, many bullets were randomly selected... Could it be that they just picked all of them? Works out, good ammo.

Today is the official work, and it is unfortunate that all the waste bullets are put into the gun?
Is this a coincidence?
But things have evolved to this stage. It was a coincidence that Sangbang didn't want to think about it at all. All he knew was that he had followed the doctor around the world for so long, and this time he was the worst offender.

The reason for being pitted was an arms accident.

The arms are all bought by them with banknotes!

This is enough!

To escape, kill Johnny Wang's family, and avenge the many brothers who were killed and injured, this is the biggest obsession in Sang Bang's heart.

As soon as **TU looked at each other, it was embarrassing... just when they debuted, the guys were counter-hijacked by the gangsters?Too wave.

By the way, why did TU raise his gun directly when he saw Sangbang at a glance?Even though this guy was dressed in fashion and had no murder weapon in his hand, there was a lot of blood on his clothes, and lime powder, chili powder, etc. on his hair.

Only for the smell of blood on his body, even if Sangbang did not come out of the parking lot of the Cointreau Hotel, if he encountered the police on the street, the police would arrest him and question him.

In the embarrassing situation, several figures came running behind Zi Sangbang.

In the sound of footsteps accompanied by the sound of stumbling, several people headed by the rabbit were all running and rushing with their eyes closed.

Others rushed towards Sangbang.

Just as Sang Bang was holding the uniformed police officer to avoid one person, on the other side, a gangster man slammed into the street and hit his head in the corner of Sang Bang's leg.

In this situation, Sangbang was at a loss. The police chief of the PTU police station sounded an alarm. The sound of gunfire shocked the gangsters with their eyes closed. This man opened his mouth,...

A certain sheriff suddenly spoke first, "Don't panic, everyone, I will drive you to the hospital immediately, you have lime in your eyes, is it quicklime? I see that several of your glasses are not only swollen, but also have burn marks. Blind."

If quicklime is sprinkled in the eyes, if it encounters water, it will react chemically, and the high temperature... Even if there is no TNS security guard to sprinkle water in time, but the quicklime enters the eyes, and tears will come!

Rabbits are the most seriously injured because of this.

Rabbit and the others were silent.

The sheriff said to Sangbang, "Sir, can we take them to the hospital first? Is it your companion? You don't want them all to become blind, right?"

Rabbit immediately said, "Who, who else is here?"

Sang Bang said in a sullen voice, "It's me, holding a military uniform, with a handful of .[-] in my hand, and all military uniforms in front, eight people.

The sheriff did not wait for the gangsters to continue to communicate, and said again, "More and more police outside have gradually surrounded this place. Even if you kidnap one of our colleagues, it will not be so easy to get out. On the contrary, it is these few, the longer the time delay. , the greater the chance of you becoming blind."

"Even if you successfully grab the money, what's the point if you become blind? Besides, I don't think you have grabbed anything yet."

Sangbang and Rabbit were speechless again.


monitoring Center.

I watched the scene around the entrance of the underground parking lot through the screen, and when I saw it, someone sneered loudly, "Did it, these gangsters on Hong Kong Island are really useless, they are not as fierce as TNS, they were criticized when they first came. held hostage."

"However, this gangster who is holding the police is also stupid. Who does he think he is? Is it Zhao Xueyan, a prison escape madman?"

"Such a useless guy, even if the police are held hostage, I don't think I can run away."

As soon as these words came out, Le Huizhen suddenly turned around and looked at him in disbelief, "Zhao Xueyan, the madman who escaped from prison?"

She said why she always felt that Dr. Zhao's name was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it.

This is because she never thought of linking the jailbreaker who caused a sensation in Hong Kong more than two months ago to Dr. Zhao.

When someone saw Le Huizhen staring at him, he straightened up and said with a gentlemanly manner, "Yeah, wasn't there a big circle of bad boys who often escaped from prison a while ago, and also frequently succeeded in attacking the police? The bandits and the prison escape madman are the same scum, they all come from the mainland."

"Fortunately, there are arms dealers who have pitted this group of scum, and TNS security is not bad."

Le Huizhen couldn't help but look at the other party a few more times before smiling, "Who are you?"

Someone's smile became brighter, and he felt that he had become a little more handsome at this moment, "Liu Yaozu."

(ps: It will be officially put on the shelves after 0:[-] p.m., what should I do if I don’t have the manuscript in my hand, I can only stay up late to code, and run to tears~ I ask for support at that time~ I ask for a monthly pass.)
(End of this chapter)

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