Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 97 This is the 75th floor, elevator 1?

Chapter 97 This is the 75th floor, the elevator is off?
The team of gangsters ruled by the doctor is in full swing with the members of the TNS security group in the underground parking lot.

Wan Chai Police Station.

Li Jie said excitedly to a police officer in uniform, "You can send someone to come and see it with me, right?"

The uniformed policeman was also very excited, "You said that the doctor entered the Cointreau Hotel, and you don't know what he looks like. How can we find it?"

As he was talking, a plainclothes man with glasses came over, and when he heard the Cointreau Hotel, he interrupted, "What? The Cointreau Hotel?"

Glasses plain clothes is Forrest Gump, the boyfriend of Joyce Joyce, the female publicist of the Cointreau Hotel.

The young couple is currently quarreling. Because they are too busy with their daily work, they often have no time to accompany their girlfriend, or when they are with her, they often receive calls to go to work. Joyce is very annoyed by this. Got a car with a big back.

This made Forrest Gump out of work all day.

Just ask a normal man, how would you feel good when your girlfriend got off work and left in another adult man's car at night?

That is, he called Joyce's home last night and found out that after she got in the car, she returned home in less than 10 minutes... so he could continue working.

When Forrest Gump interjected, the uniformed policeman pointed at Li Jie, "He said there were gangsters inside."

Li Jie looked at Forrest Gump, "I suspect that the mastermind of the bomb extortion case was in the hotel two years ago."

Forrest Gump laughed, "How do you know?"

The uniformed police explained in time, "He passed the gangster head-on and heard his voice..."

As soon as I said this, someone in the office put down the phone and exclaimed, "Hurry up, there are gangsters invading the Cointreau Hotel. At least 40 people are fighting with people from the TNS security group. Everyone, let's go!"

This time, the whole big office was a sensation.

Tonight's jewelry exhibition at the Cointreau Hotel is famous throughout the city. It is full of celebrities and wealthy businessmen, bigwigs, and even foreign consulates.

Once an accident occurs, it is a major event that pierces the sky.

Dozens of gangsters invaded?
Li Jie was also shocked, "I told you to send someone to see me, why didn't you listen? Those gangsters were very ferocious. They arrested three wealthy businessmen's children, extorted 1500 million dollars from the three wealthy businessmen, and got the money. ."

"And maliciously killed a carload of students and a teacher."

That was just a case committed by a team of doctors. Just before the school bomb extortion case, there was also a shopping mall explosion. A large shopping mall with so many customers suddenly exploded, killing how many people?
Those guys have committed so many crimes and acted so brutally that there is no bottom line, and no one has caught the main leader until now.

Now?Rely on a security group to go hard steel with those inhuman guys?

Li Jie couldn't imagine the scene inside.

Forrest Gump also got angry a little anxiously. His girlfriend was inside. The more Li Jie talked about the ferocity and horror of the doctor team, the more he worried about his girlfriend's safety.

A group of police officers ran out of the Wan Chai Police Station, police cars roared out, and the sirens were playing a large symphony.


Ballroom on the 75th floor of Cointreau Hotel.

Zhao Xueyan strolled into the hall, and what he saw was still a scene of prosperity and peace. A group of well-dressed men and women gathered near several pieces of jewelry, lining up to take turns sightseeing.

He just took a few steps when he saw Lei Zhilan who was in the queue walking away from the line, "Brother Yan, where did you go? It's been a long time since the jewelry exhibition started."

Lei Zhilan's voice was a bit loud, and she was too good and moving. She didn't know how many men she attracted in private, so Zhao Xueyan quickly became a small focus in the banquet hall.

Under the gazes of the crowd, Xiao Zhao didn't hide, Can smiled, "I'm going to watch the fun, I didn't expect a large group of gangsters to rush in to make trouble tonight, fortunately the TNS security group is not bad, you I don't know, the excitement of the underground parking lot is surging, and although the security team is losing ground, it can be considered to stabilize the situation."

Half of the originally harmonious and orderly venue exploded.

Those rich and famous people who heard Zhao Xueyan's words, or their female companions, were all stunned. What's the situation?Some thugs are rushing into the hotel?
Is TNS Security Group losing ground?

Many of them are wealthy businessmen or the second or third generation, enjoying life all day long, and gangsters...

"Is there really a gangster killed?"


"Chen Liming, what about Chen Liming? Isn't he the manager of the security group? Why didn't we notify us when a gangster came in? Do you want to put us in danger?"


Some people are still skeptical, and some have already started shouting.

These voices undoubtedly motivated more people. Even the people at the counter of several pieces of Tsar Jewelry were no longer interested in looking at the jewelry, they all seemed concerned and nervous.

Zhao Xueyan smiled again, "Don't be nervous, everyone, the security group should be able to handle it. Anyone who is worried can go to the control center and have a look. Through the monitor, you can definitely see a lot of wonderful pictures, tsk, it's really hot below. "

"Everyone can rest assured that the gangsters are all on the first floor and the underground parking lot. I have already closed the elevator. Even if they beat the security of TNS, the height of the 75-story building will not be able to get up for a while, and it will be exhausting to get up. already."

This is the 75th floor, the elevator is off... What if there is no guns and bullets, only knives and baseball bats, and the gangsters beat the security guards?

A large number of people were stunned again, and Le Huizhen rushed over with the camera in her arms, "Is it true or false?"

In her dreams, she wanted to make big news. The original news was about Longwei, but if there was a gang of gangsters tonight, it would be extremely explosive.

Zhao Xueyan smiled and waved, "If you don't believe me, go to the monitoring center."

The monitoring center is on the 76th floor.

Le Huizhen raised her feet and ran, while A Chi ran very fast, Long Wei, Long Bo, Charlie and others also ran past.

Lei Zhilan stretched out her hand and wanted to hit Zhao Xueyan with a small fist, but Xiao Zhao avoided her, so the girl stomped her foot again, "It's such a fun thing, you didn't call me sooner."

Dr. Zhao admitted to the security guards after practicing several times, and that was to remind the security guards that the night was not peaceful.


After a while, in the monitoring center on the 76th floor, the originally empty center was already crowded with people, and there were many people standing in the corridor outside.

Several security guards had already been expelled.

When a large group of people stared at several surveillance machines in the underground parking lot and the lobby on the first floor, they saw some gangsters screaming and screaming to find oil, quickly find oil, some gangsters chased security guards, and were attacked by various gangsters. Planting lime powder and chili powder is extremely embarrassing.

There are also gangsters who start the car and want to evacuate, but why can't it start.

And a deputy manager instructed more security guards, either spreading lime from a distance, or holding an electric fan to blow dust forward, or holding a faucet to spray water...

They are all made of quicklime, the chemical reaction after meeting water?

"Lost, such a fun gangster? Scare me!"

"The elevator is closed? It's really closed? That's good. I've already called the bodyguard to come by helicopter. It should be safe for the time being, but... I didn't expect this group of bandits to be so weak."

When all kinds of voices were uproar, Zhao Xueyan grabbed a loudspeaker and suppressed the audience, "Don't take any chances, if it weren't for this group of gangsters being trapped by the arms dealer, all the damp bullet guns could not be fired, and the security guards would have died long ago. "

"They have dozens of long guns and short guns, all of which can't be fired. Grenade bombs are also good. Thank you to the arms dealer!"


The loudspeaker is the best.

What Zhao Xueyan said made a lot of rich businessmen and celebrities almost cry.

(End of this chapter)

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