Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 789 It's a little regretful to think about it [Ending]

Chapter 789 It's a little regretful to think about it [Ending]

Hong Kong comprehensive plane a few months later.

In the new world, the moment Zhao Xueyan stabilized his body, he saw that he was on top of a mountain, with a calm river at the foot of the mountain, and a multi-storey water village built by the water in front of the river.

At this moment, at the water village, groups of ordinary people dressed in shabby clothes are fleeing in panic. There is a sloppy long-haired young man hanging above the water village. Goosefish.

On the water near the water village building, there is a big fish with carnivorous fins riding the wind and waves, a big fish that can swallow an adult in one mouthful, and is spraying out a long purple sucker from its mouth while swimming. After rushing 30 meters, he sucked on the chest of an elderly villager in the water village, and threw him from the three-story wooden staircase into the water.

Zhao Xueyan's expression changed, "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons?"

"This is really..."

This is a new world where gods and Buddhas are flying all over the sky and demons are everywhere.

When this thought flashed through his mind, he stepped out and reached the sky near the water village, standing out of thin air and looking down.

Originally about to swallow the big fish that the elderly villagers were eating, "..."

Don't say that the big fish was a little confused by the sudden appearance of Mr. Zhao, and he forgot to continue killing people for dinner. Even the sloppy long-haired young man who was hanging his hands in the air not far away also hurriedly shouted, "Help, help, master. !!"

Ordinary people in this world do not know so many gods and Buddhas, but in the Tang Dynasty, many people know that some powerful monsters are often cholera.

Exorcism is also a profession, and some exorcists can go up and down, suppress monsters and save the world.

Accompanied by his shouts, even some of the villagers in Shuizhai who were fleeing in all directions saw Mr. Zhao, and knelt down, all kneeling and shouting for help.

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

Just as he was about to do something, he glanced at the western sky, where a chubby figure also appeared out of nowhere, stepping on the void to grow lotus, shrinking into an inch, and it was almost impossible to see from a distance after a few breaths. to the end of the sky.

Standing at a height of more than 30 meters in the air, Zhao Xueyan gave a hand salute a few meters to the west, "I don't know where the benefactor came from?"

Zhao Xueyan looked at him with a smile, isn't this Chen Xuanzang's master, the mortal incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata?The Great Sun Tathagata Sutra hidden in [-] nursery rhymes?
He didn't expect the new world to be this plane.

"Does it matter where I come from?"

With a smile, he returned to the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata, and Zhao Xueyan grabbed it down. The fish demon sand monk who was originally in the water was like being sucked and pulled by a black hole. He not only flew out of the water quickly and fell to Zhao Xueyan's palm, he was taller than an adult. Larger bodies are also rapidly shrinking.

The head of the fishing village, who was sucked into the water by the fish demon sucker before, naturally got out of trouble.

Even though he was still in the water and grew up beside the fishing village since he was a child, the village chief's water skills were still very good, so he stepped on the water and thanked him again and again.

As soon as Zhao Xueyan caught the fish demon, he saw the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata also stretched out his hand with a smile, and grabbed the fish demon across a few meters... and caught nothing.

The fish demon is still in the hands of President Zhao.

In the few months of this Hong Kong Comprehensive Plane, after he has integrated the entire Yuxin World, he went to the Qiao Family's Goose Girl, the [-] million Inspector and other planes, and also integrated those one by one.

In addition to the main plane of Hong Kong, Zhao Xueyan is now a superposition of the nine layers of heaven and will, even if most of them are in the world without spirits, that is the day where countless creatures have been born and can truly dominate all the wills of heaven and earth and even the world.

The Hong Kong Comprehensive Plane has only been in the past few months, and that is because every time Zhao Xueyan enters other worlds from the main plane, the time on the Hong Kong Comprehensive Plane is still.

In fact, he merged one world after another, and the years he stayed in each world were calculated on an annual basis.In order to integrate, he opened the passage of Pangu's opening of the sky again, and went several times, and each time he just received another axe light from the great god Pan.

One after another axe light, from the beginning can only be resisted with the body, with the transfer of magical powers to resist by consuming humanistic merit, and then to no need to leave marks on the body, but can be accommodated.

Every axe light accelerates and merges with a world plane, and it walks like a plane of sin.

You said that he was in other planes, how to find blood relatives in the three servers, how to go back to the past, and speed up by jumping in the long river of time? ?Blood relatives or something... He actually found quite a few partners in some planes.

Want is not easy?
The long river of time is also not too difficult. The natural time-space channel that the rest of the sin plane uses, other planes want it, and the words and the law are developed and shuttled by the consumption of human merit.

Up to now, the Nine Layers of Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Will have been added to the body and stacked together. He doesn't know how strong he is. He just grabbed the fish demon sand monk, and he didn't use any supernatural powers or skills, just like an ordinary person. Small things like pen and paper, dishes, etc.

In this process, space and the like are no longer obstacles, and the sense of time is also blurred.

At present, Zhao Xueyan does not dare to say how much time and space power he has comprehended, and how much he can control. Instead, he walks, sits, and sleeps on a daily basis, and his words and deeds may unleash the power of time and space at will.

The mastery is not too strong purely, but naturally sway these.

After the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata caught the air, when he frowned slightly, Zhao Xueyan smiled and said, "Master wants this fish demon?"

The incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata did not speak.

Of course he wanted it. After all, this was a waterway disciple who had been booked for Chen Xuanzang to go to the West to learn scriptures!According to the plan, Xuanzang failed to subdue the demon, and Miss Duan, the incarnation of Guanyin, would come forward to subdue the fish demon and hand it over to Xuanzang.

Suddenly, a Zhao Xueyan who played his cards unreasonably and did not develop according to their plan suddenly appeared...

The atmosphere is silent.

Zhao Xueyan grabbed the fish demon and smiled again, "Master doesn't want it? No, I'll take it away."

While speaking, he casually swiped in the void, drawing out a black square portal, which seemed to be a portal connecting to another world, exuding a profound and unfathomable mysterious atmosphere.

When Zhao Xueyan took another look at the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata, the other party still didn't move, just staring at the small portal... He threw the fish demon sand monk into it.

With another hand in the air, the portal disappeared.

"Since it's all right, then I'll leave, Master bye."

The words fell to Zhao Xueyan to start, and it was also shrinking into an inch, and it disappeared without a trace in one step. The portal just now was connected to the Pangu Kaitian plane...

He was able to open the space-time channel, but Zhao Xueyan couldn't go in, the space-time was still there, and if a fish demon sand monk was thrown in, it would remain still.

If the Great Sun Tathagata chases in, perhaps President Zhao will be interested in following him.

Too bad he didn't go.

Thinking about it, it is a little regretful. According to the general line of the prehistoric times, Buddhism and even earlier Western religions are not unrelated to Pan Da Shen.

The incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata pinched his fingers to calculate, pushed and pushed, and the fog could not calculate anything.

It wasn't until Chen Xuanzang, who was still hanging in the air, shouted a few times his master excitedly, and he came to his senses. He sighed slightly and waved his hand to save Xuanzang. He started and returned to the Tang Dynasty market dozens of miles away.

"Master? Are you really my master?"

"Master, were you too powerful just now? Why didn't you teach me such exorcism skills before? Instead..."

Excited, Tang Xuanzang took out a book of [-] children's songs and protested with his expressions and eyes.

The Great Sun Tathagata incarnates, "..."


a few days later.

Between the mountains, outside the Gaolaozhuang Restaurant excavated in the mountain, two young men and women dressed as knights in the Tang Dynasty pushed open the door and entered.

The round-faced young man holding the sword looked curious, "Why is there no one?"

The cute-faced female chivalrous woman shook her body shyly, "Then, we can get along well alone."

The gate of Gao Lao Zhuang, which had been pushed open while he was speaking, suddenly closed automatically and made a muffled sound, which startled the round-faced chivalrous man. When he patted his chest and looked to the left and right, the cute-faced female chivalrous man patted him directly on the shoulder. "Master, don't be afraid."

"We have no way out."

The male chivalrous man stretched out a finger, "Junior sister, calm down."

The female chivalrous person stared at him with an affectionate expression or a nympho, "Looking at you, how can I calm down?"

The male chivalrous man turned around and covered his face with one hand, "Then don't look at it!"

At this moment, a light cough came from the side of the two of them, "Both of you calm down, it's better to be more solemn in the public."

The male chivalrous man turned around in shock and saw Zhao Xueyan.

Female chivalrous, "..."

After taking a look, the eyes that were originally staring at the male chivalrous man in a daze and nympho fell on Mr. Zhao and couldn't move away, and his footsteps approached Zhao Xueyan in instinctive small steps.

The male chivalrous man couldn't care less and stared at the female chivalrous man, "Junior sister?!!"

The female chivalrous woman was still staring at Zhao Xueyan, "It's perfect!"

The male chivalrous man was even more excited, "Junior sister?? Why don't we change to another restaurant for dinner?"

Without waiting for the female chivalrous warrior to continue, Zhao Xueyan grabbed the emptiness of the originally closed slaughterhouse, the door of the slaughterhouse opened wide, and inside was a handsome man with oily robes, like the fish demon sand monk before, who was sucked into Zhao from the air. The total palm and body size are also scaled down.

But in the palm of his hand, the handsome man in oil-faced Chinese robe turned into a wild boar with raised fangs.

The chivalrous brothers and sisters looked dazed and at a loss.

The incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata appeared out of thin air again, frowning and said, "Donor? What do you want?"

How come the three planned disciples of the sea, land and air, the water fish demon and the land pig demon, have all been caught?Or is this a stranger who can't deduce anything?

The male chivalrous man glanced at the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata, and jumped slightly in shock, "Who are you? Where did you come from?"

Zhao Xueyan smiled and said, "Actually, I want to say that I have no purpose, I just try it, do you believe it?"

If he wants to integrate the Heavenly Dao of Journey to the West, he only needs to do things according to the style of the previous nine planes... But after he came, he discovered that there seems to be a problem with the Heavenly Dao of this plane.

Isn't that a big deal?
The situation here, like a designed computer program, the fate of all life and even the general trend, is moving forward under the set situation and is being pushed.

He can't be regarded as having self-awareness, that is... someone has planned a development rhythm for him. If he doesn't break this rhythm, Zhao Xueyan wants to continue to integrate the new heavenly way, incarnate God's will and superimpose himself.

That would be very difficult.

To give an inappropriate example, in the previous world, Tiandao was like a new house, it was empty and there was nothing in it... Zhao Xueyan just needed to go in and fill up with his own things, such as furniture, home appliance circuit planning, etc. Now that the planning is over, you can live wherever you want, how you feel comfortable.

Well, it seems that no one lives here, but he went in and wanted to fill in the furniture and arrange the water and electricity lines according to his own ideas... But there is another force in the house, and it has its own furniture and water and electricity lines, which are still operating independently. .

As soon as you lay a few wires as you wish, the other party's autonomous operation will participate in it. If there are other wiring methods, it will conflict with you.

You put a wooden chair on the left, and before you can put it on the right, an iron chair will automatically appear on the right, and another iron chair will appear on the left, and you want to press it on your wooden chair.

This is too messy and affects his planning.

In the planned development process of the plane of Conquering the Demons, the fish demon, the pig demon and even the demon king Sun Wukong are the more important pieces.

In the laughter, Zhao Xueyan swiped a few times in the void again, swiped out a portal connected to the Pangu Kaitian plane, and threw the miniature pig demon into it.

In his throwing action, the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata frowned and shot in the void one after another, either grabbing or grabbing, or emitting a treasure light to prevent the pig demon from throwing into the portal of time and space.

All useless.

After failing several times in a row, the Great Sun Tathagata was shocked and shouted angrily, "Evil!"

Zhao Xueyan turned around and entered the time and space gate. He didn't know if he could beat the incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata, or even the deity that the opponent might appear at any time.

There is a high probability that it should not be bad, he still has the ability to transfer magic... When the Heavenly Dao of the small plane was not integrated, he could take the Pangu axe by relying on the magic power of transfer.

He also speaks his mind.

However, such a small world, can't support him and Dairi Tathagata to start a movie? ?

If you accidentally smash the mountains and rivers, and the sun and moon are dim, it is a sin, and it is more handsome to go to the Pangu Kaitian plane.

See him "fleeing"?The incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata shouted angrily again, and chased out, but did not enter the portal of time and space.

After two seconds.

Zhao Xueyan escaped again, and wiped away the portal.

Talking about Buddha's life and ideals, let them talk to Pan Dashen.

As we all know, God Pan is the most powerful, friendly, and creative God in all the gods, Buddhas and even the gods and demons.

Calm and calm were restored in the Gaolaozhuang Hotel.

Zhao Xueyan put out a table of wine and dishes, and drank it by himself, the chivalrous man, "..."

He felt that he had just seen a series of illusions, illusions?I couldn't help grabbing the arm of the female chivalrous warrior, "Junior sister, come with me, there is a problem here."

The female chivalrous person threw away the elder brother, she disliked it, she didn't bother to talk to him, she walked up to Mr. Zhao and said, "Master, can I sit down? After walking for two days and two nights, I haven't eaten a single hot meal. already."

The male chivalrous man became even more angry, "Junior sister, you should follow me obediently, or Brother Shige won't let you see my face!"

The female chivalrous person's voice suddenly became much thicker, and the disgust came out, "Real or fake? I thank you so much!"

The male chivalrous man changed his face, smiled and waved his hand, "Hey, I'm just joking, why would I be willing to make you sad?"

The female chivalrous person almost vomited and covered her face, "Turn your head away, I'm so sad now!"

The two were still chatting and interacting when they saw Zhao Xueyan swipe again, and a one-person-high rectangular portal appeared behind him.

The next moment, the gate of Gao Lao Zhuang was pushed open from the outside, and Miss Duan, who was dressed neatly, pushed the door and walked over. She glanced around and stared at Zhao Xueyan, "This is Gao Lao Zhuang? Where's the owner of the villa?"

Zhao Xueyan pointed to the portal, "I don't know why here before, there was such a strange thing, the owner of the village went in, maybe to hunt for treasure?"

"Or what chance are you looking for??"

"It's hard to say."

Miss Duan stared at the portal connected to the Pangu Kaitian plane for dozens of seconds, and then watched Zhao Xueyan without speaking.

Zhao Xueyan greeted the female chivalrous warrior with a smile, "Beauty, come and eat, let's eat and drink, and go in and have a look later."

The female chivalrous warrior was ecstatic, staring at Zhao Xueyan's handsome face, which was so beautiful that it could last a few days.

When she was greeted and quickly started to eat, the male chivalrous men were stunned, and then wanted to leave, but was reluctant to leave, so he didn't dare to leave, he also sat on another table, took out a shriveled flat cake and gnawed it.

After a while, under the strange gaze of Miss Duan, Zhao Xueyan was full of food and drink, grabbed the hand of the female chivalrous person and entered the door, and the male chivalrous person also hurriedly chased in.

Miss Duan, "..."

She stood in the same place and deduced for a while, without a clue, and used some means to measure the strange portal. Finally, after waiting for half an hour, she still chased in with gritted teeth.

She goes in for a second.

Zhao Xueyan returned to Gaolaozhuang with the male and female chivalrous men, and wiped away the portal.

The female warrior reached out to grab him again, "Master? Where did we go just now?? Why can't I remember?"

The moment she and the male chivalrous person entered the portal, they automatically escaped into Zhao Xueyan's personal space.

Was in a coma for a while.

Zhao Xueyan smiled and said, "It's okay, you are just too tired, take a break for a while."

According to the original development of this world, it was discovered that if the demon king Sun Wukong was thrown into it, it would be much easier for him to occupy this world, and there would not be so many accidents that randomly pop out to interrupt and cause trouble.

Journey to the West or something, not just a matter of three disciples and the Great Sun Tathagata?But it involves many, many, many...

It doesn't matter.

You can open the door at any time and invite them to chat with Pangu about the ideal.

The female chivalrous person thought for a few seconds, then suddenly covered her chest, "Young Master, I suddenly feel a pain in my heart, do you know medical skills? Would you like to help me take a look?"

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

The man stomped his feet with morale, "Junior sister, you're really going to lose me like this!"

The three of them were still chatting awkwardly. Outside the door that was open, another figure came. It was Chen Xuanzang. When he saw Mr. Zhao, he was overjoyed, "Master? I see you again, it's great!"

Chen Xuanzang came excitedly and explained that he admired and admired exorcists like Mr. Zhao. Zhao Xueyan thought about it and asked Chen Xuanzang to sit down and said with a smile, "Exorcists are not the only justice in the world. They are fed and clothed, everyone is sick and some cure, and everyone can read and understand the truth.”

"Isn't that more meaningful than a few exorcists, catching a few demons and subduing a few demons?"

Chen Xuanzang, "???"

This is different from what his master taught him.

By the way, where is his master?I was still studying with my master at the market how to learn exorcism such as flying sky, but I was suddenly brought to the vicinity of Gaolaozhuang, and my master disappeared?

many years later.

Datang is still running on the road of sustainable development. Zhao Xueyan wakes up from the chaos, perceiving everything in the whole plane with a single thought, and everything is under control.

He brushed away the imprint of his existence.

In this world, it is not necessary to take a day to formulate a plan for all sentient beings and let them develop step by step.

The wonderful thing about life is that they can explore the future by themselves and create countless future trajectories and changes.

He is a newcomer to heaven, and it is better to be invisible.

In perception, Chen Xuanzang has really become a struggle for the ideal that everyone can have food, clothing, treatment for illness, and education for everyone.

Even if this process is difficult and difficult, even in the 21st century when science is prosperous, it is equally difficult to achieve and can only be achieved partially, that is a good phenomenon and a good sign.

this world……

Diversity is still good.

For example, Young Master Void, Stumped Foot, Five Elements Boxing Demon Conqueror, etc., can subdue some demons and contribute to social development. Sun Wukong no longer kills innocent people indiscriminately, but has become a pioneer of aerospace technology.

The fish demon and his ilk have also become pioneers in the development of marine technology.

The Great Sun Tathagata and Miss Duan actually came back.

After being thrown into the plane of Pan Dashen and communicating with some three thousand gods and demons and Pan Dashen for a long time, the Great Sun Tathagata no longer feels that it is beautiful to have to let all beings believe in them.

The beauty of life lies in diversity.

With all kinds of changes, the world cannot be full of truth, goodness and beauty, but it is prosperous and flourishing as a whole, which is also a feedback and nourishment to the world itself.

It's just that the pig demon is not very good. He is working hard to increase the nutrients such as protein for human beings. There is one thing to say, under the way of heaven, all living beings include not only human beings, but also all races.

Even plants, fish and shrimps should be equal and the same in the concept of heaven.

But from the perspective of other species, it is a pity that Zhao Xueyan himself grew up from human beings. He is not without thinking preferences. He has not completely eliminated all emotional fluctuations, and there are many tendencies.

Therefore, this plane can only be regarded as a world with human beings as its absolute theme.

This, not bad.


Hong Kong Comprehensive Plane, 1999.

When the bell of the millennium was about to come, Zhao Xueyan appeared outside the atmosphere alone, and while walking, he sensed some things in space.

Immediately he laughed, carrying something out of his body and spilling into the world.

He now adds the main plane of Hong Kong Comprehensive, Pangu Kaitian plane.

They are all 12 layers of Heavenly Dao and Heaven's Will superimposed on several bodies, that is, when the 12th layer comes, he has a mysterious feeling.

It is a kind of prediction and speculation about itself.

These 12 planes are immortal and do not collapse, and he himself is immortal, immortal, immortal.

And when he threw it out of his body, it was actually a system.

Immortality does not mean that he has lost his feelings for himself, nor does it mean that he is lonely and lonely. After all, he has a lot of friends himself... A single thought can save them from birth, old age, sickness and death.

In the same way, the 12 worlds develop freely, colorful and changeable, and it is endless fun to observe all beings in the game world.

Now he has pulled the system out of his body. In fact, he has all kinds of skills and supernatural powers, and it will not be affected. Even if he wants to open a new world and continue to travel around the world, it is just a thought, urging the power of time and space to aim at random. , can be realized.

This is not simply to survive in 12 planes, and there is no change at all.

Although, Pangu opened the heaven plane, he waited for the great god Pangu to open the sky and incarnate the world and all things before going to pick peaches.

He was the first creature after the plane evolved into the Great World.

In the 12th layer of heaven, the quality of the Pangu Kaitian world is too high, not ordinary!
Many gods, buddhas and demons on the plane of Journey to the West have extraordinary experiences and insights.

(End of this chapter)

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