Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 788 The world is so big, there are so many fierce people

Chapter 788 The world is so big, there are so many fierce people

In a five-star hotel in Jiangtan City, Zhao Xueyan was still having lunch when he saw Xia Jie knocking on the door and came in, and said incredulously, "Brother Zhao, do you really open an Internet cafe? Is it still that large?"

Two or three billion yuan has been taken out, and many professional managers have been recruited.

Xia Jie wanted to suspect that this was an illusion of "moving Sun Chuanfu", a gimmick, but she was a little afraid.

Zhao Xueyan put down his chopsticks and said with a smile, "You are also born in the 90s, tell me, is it a loss to open an Internet cafe in the millennium?"

Xia Jie, "..."

She was speechless.

Zhao Xueyan explained, "Anyway, the money is put there, and if you find a good investment to land, it can also add more details to us."

Mr. Zhao was on the plane in 2015. No, now in 2018, he started to make money with bitcoin. It is amazing to let some scumbags borrow some black net loans. As for the post-1999 return with Xia Jie last year.

The starting capital was still borrowed from the Ministry of Finance of Niu Buluo. 1 point of humanitarian merit is 1000 million pounds. Based on his current humanitarian merit value calculated in billions, it is too easy.

In mainland China, from the late 90s to 2002, it was the golden age of the Internet cafe industry. Ordinary people opened Internet cafes, just went to the relevant units to apply, and the Internet cafe license was issued, and they paid a cost.

In 2002, when the Lanjisu Internet Cafe caught fire, the regulation became stricter, and it became stricter. It was also stricter from the capital city, and the management of the areas outside the capital city was gradually improved. From 2002 to 08 or 09, it was always silver. era.

The same speed as picking up money.

Especially when Legend, Journey, Fantasy and other games are launched one after another, the Internet cafe is really hilarious.

Going back... Didn't you hear what Zhao Xueyan and Deputy Senior Officer Zhang said when they were talking about investment?If there are no suitable stores in many places, they have to build their own, which involves buying land. With his current investment quota, it is not difficult to buy land in 2000.

When it comes to Internet cafes, when the industry is difficult to do, the land is profitable.

At that time, you will just renovate the Internet cafes into movie theaters, with the land in hand, and you will also stand on the money pile and breathe.If you build hotels, commercial stores, etc., you can earn more.

With Lu Ming in hand, it's trivial to use them casually.

In 1999, Lu Ming made a fortune with Zhao Xueyan, Gu Xiaojiao's father did not die, and the one who was also affected became Bai Fumei again. Shanghai real estate tycoon Lu Shiyi is gone.

"You don't need to worry about this trivial matter. You are now a big investor. Just stare at Sun Chuanfu's vote."

Xia Jie nodded at these words, "I have already heard from Teacher Hou. Except for Sun Chuanfu who is still outside, all the others have been arrested. Sun Chuanfu, it is no longer possible to leave Qingzhou at will."

What Xia Jie didn't know was that the husband-in-law of a certain son-in-law had been tried.

If it weren't for the inappropriate dissemination of the news, this matter would have been a big deal.

Zhao Xueyan nodded, "Okay, then you can try it out, buy the Kahn Group, it doesn't matter what papermaking is, anyway, money is idle."

Kahn Group is a listed company. For a listed group, if you want to play acquisitions and the like, it is often a big deal to have money.

Once the group is lost, there is no need to worry about the employment and life of thousands of people. Sun Chuanfu only has money left, that is, the grasshopper in the autumn, and it will not be able to jump for a few days.

This time, he used a quick knife to cut through the mess, and even a bit of the force of Taishan crushed Sun Chuanfu, which was actually normal.

at most...


XNUM X Year X NUM X Month.

In a poverty-stricken mountainous area in Jiangxin Province, Xu Yingzi bought a bunch of things and wanted to visit his younger brother Xu Xiaoshan in Pingkang County after a week of volunteer teaching.

Not long after she left the county town where she volunteered by bus, she saw several police cars parked at the bend of the mountain road ahead, and many private cars and freight vehicles were stopped.

It didn't take long for everyone in the bus to know that a small-scale collapse occurred on a mountain road ahead, and the police took firefighters to rescue the road, tidy the road, and so on.

Xu Yingzi complained a few words in his heart, watching the car return to the county, or wait for the road to be cleaned up here?

Just a few seats in front of the bus, a teenage boy suddenly stood up and exclaimed, "Mom, it's Dad, is that Dad in front?"

Accompanied by the boy's exclamation, the middle-aged man called Mother Charm also got up and made a phone call after a few glances.

Before the call was made, someone in the bus exclaimed, "Hey, Senior Officer Hou, Senior Officer Hou has gone to the front line for emergency rescue again? What a nice guy!"

"Which high-ranking official?"

"Hey, don't you know this? Our county deputy senior officer Hou Guiping has worked in the police, procuratorate, and firefighting before. Our Jiangxin Province is rainy, half of the year is rainy, and there are mudslides, landslides and other situations. It's not uncommon."

"The senior official can be regarded as the most outstanding leader in our county, not because he is handsome, but this is a graduate student from the Department of Political Science and Law of Jianghua University more than ten years ago. According to his ability, he has been promoted several times. Didn't go."

"Whenever there is a disaster, I always rush to the front line to direct the one."

"Little handsome guy, you belong to the senior official Hou family? Hey, no wonder you are so handsome!"


When more people talked about it and became enthusiastic about Mrs. Hou and the children of senior officials, Xu Yingzi?He stared at him and looked around, but he couldn't quite see the appearance of a high-ranking official in front of him.

She vaguely felt that the name Hou Guiping was a little familiar, but she couldn't remember what it was.

Hou Guiping, who was born in 1976, would have been 2000 years old if he had not died in 42. With his education and ability, it is not unusual for him to be a senior county deputy in his early forties.

While Xu Yingzi's thoughts were still flying, she heard the phone rang, and when she found it was her brother Xu Xiaoshan, Xu Yingzi hurriedly answered, "Sister, something happened to me."

Xu Yingzi was in a hurry, "What happened? Is it okay?"

Xu Xiaoshan was full of tears, "Sister, I played mahjong with a few people, and we were caught. We just played [-] or [-], just play whatever you want... Now let me inform my family, come and lead me..."

Xu Yingzi, "..."

She was suddenly a little tired, and her heart couldn't help but rise, why not let her parents practice a trumpet?Anyway, with Zhao Xueyan's support, her parents' illness has almost recovered.

More than a year ago, Xu Xiaoshan not only lost all of his own decades of youth, but also bet her sister to the table to lose, and now she is thrown away to teach, even if Xu Xiaoshan graduated from high school .

It should not be a big problem to teach kindergarten or grade one or two of primary school.

Who would have known that such a thing would happen again?Playing mahjong, 51 hundred yuan is also called casual play?Did he have some misunderstanding about playing casually? ?


almost in time.

In Pengcheng, Zhao Xueyan stood naked in his home in Pengcheng, looking at the scar on the axe that had slid from the left shoulder all the way to the right rib, and both sides had shrunk by two or three centimeters.

His expression also became subtle.

"I thought from the beginning that in this plane, it will suddenly become able to integrate the environment of heaven and earth, and there is almost a tendency to develop towards God, which is related to this scar..."

"I still can't think of it, I can't think of it."

He didn't expect that in the mid-to-late 21s, he had an "uncle within the three servers", so that the scope of the fusion world was roughly a Pengcheng.

When I went back to 1999, I found the area around my hometown in northern Hebei, who had not yet "passed away my parents", "grandfather" or even "another self", and slightly contacted and changed some of their circumstances.

Just like when Xia Jie went to contact Xia Junxiong, it changed and influenced.

The scope of integration has expanded from Pengcheng to the entire eastern Guangdong.

But now it is 2000 planes, his "background-style little Zhao Xueyan", accidentally sucked Zhao Xueyan's axe scars two or three centimeters long on one side and five or six centimeters long on both sides,...

It's quite surprising.

He continued to "start a business" in the 2000 plane, and has been greatly affecting the 2018 world, bringing out a lot of butterfly effects, and then "background Xiao Zhao" automatically absorbed the scars and the power of creation and destruction contained on them.

There is a few centimeters of length absorbed there, and Zhao Xueyan's deity, whether in 2000 or 2018, can be integrated into the south of the Yangtze River until it reaches Wanwan and even Nansha.

This area has suddenly expanded from 10,000+ square kilometers to several million.

He was very curious. From 1999 to 2000, he rewrote the situation of Xia Jie's parents, rewrote some things in the silent truth, and created a large-scale project group such as "Internet cafes, cinemas, real estate" and so on.

It also invested in a vote of the Chinese Internet giant.

How could the "background Xiao Zhao" be able to absorb the scars left by Pangu's axe more than ten years ago?

"Is it an impact and change in the world? Is it coherence and volatility?"

Coherence means that he did things more than ten years ago and can affect all aspects of the future. It is said that the Internet cafes, movie theaters, and real estate projects more than ten years ago have become a giant in 2018.

Fluctuation means that he now goes back to 2000 to do something again, and the aftermath of the fluctuation is immediately fed back to 2018.

This is always changing!
After thinking about it, Zhao Xueyan roughly judged that it was related to affecting the Time River.

This is an experience he has never encountered before in the worlds he has traveled through.

Whether it is Transformers or A Chinese Ghost Story, etc., he is standing at a time node, no matter what he does at that time node, it will only affect the present and the future, not the past.

Now he is at any time switching between the past and the present and the future.

If you see where there is intentional difficulty now, such as Hou Guiping's death in 2000, such as Jiang Yang's death in 2010, you can go back to the past and revise these.

At the same time, doing things in the past has an increasing impact on the present and the future.

It should be this kind of behavior of jumping in the river of time at will, coming and going, and swaying influence, leaving a personal mark, that makes the power of creation and destruction contained in the scar of the axe go a step further and speed up its integration into the world.

Why does a Pangu axe's attack scar have such a mighty power to change the world?After all, it is the great god Pangu, and wielding an axe is the opening of the sky... The opening of the sky represents creation and creation.

In the plane where the gods and demons are everywhere, one axe and one axe can create a prehistoric world.

He doesn't know what ability and level he has in running to the plane of gods and demons now, but in such a basically spiritless world, with the help of the power of creation and destruction, he steals the authority of the sky.

The difficulty is always much easier than in the world of gods and demons.

"Is it the biggest acceleration mode to jump in space and time at will?"

"Then I'll go back to more than 2000 to do something, and the acceleration will be faster."

"Now that it is millions of square kilometers, it can still move with my position, and the fusion range can also move at will."


Summer 2019, graduation season.

In a dormitory of Pengcheng South China University of Finance and Economics, when Zhao Xueyan returned, he saw Wang Weiliang, Zhang Peng, and Liu Baofeng who were packing their luggage in the dormitory, or waiting for something, and immediately smiled and extended their hands to say hello.

I'm graduating.

The university he went to was really wonderful. After four years, he stayed in the school for no more than 30 days, but he was at least in the top ten of the whole department in every exam.

When the three "roommates" greeted them in surprise, Mr. Zhao said a little politely, "How about it, I asked you to sell bitcoin two years ago, do you regret it now? Blame me??"

In the summer of 2017, when Bitcoin was still $2567 a piece, he persuaded a few people to start letting go. It is best to clear it up at the end of September, because all trading platforms in China will be closed in October.

At that time, if you want to sell, you can only go out of the mainland.

"Sober in the world" Wang Weiliang laughed, "How can I blame you, or regret it? I sold it at the end of August, about 4000 dollars a piece, and sold more than 90 pieces, with a net profit of more than 200 million. I paid the down payment in Longhua at that time, bought At that time, it was more than 4 square meters, but now it has risen to more than [-] square meters."

"Haha, if I sell the house and go back to my hometown county, I can buy two houses and still have more than 100 million yuan left. This is the freedom of wealth."

"I have this strength just after graduation, and I am so satisfied."

Wang Weiliang is the one who got the money back from his parents after being teased for his investment in the New Year's Eve?This guy's counter-argument is that when his parents didn't give people lucky money when he was a child, who would give him money?

This is where he wakes up.

Even if I ran to Pingling and bought a large amount of Bitcoin and was shot, I lost once.

But he is still making a lot of money when he compares domestic college students horizontally.

With such a mentality, Mr. Zhao is quite satisfied. This roommate is okay and can deal with it. He is not the kind of character that rises up and fights against rice.

However, Zhang Peng was embarrassed.

In embarrassment, Zhang Peng didn't know what to say. The reason is very simple. Zhao Xueyan also explained it very clearly back then. Bitcoin will definitely rise, soaring, but after October, there is no trading platform in the mainland.

Just go outside.

It is best to sell it, otherwise going outside the mainland will definitely be risky.

Then in November 2017, when bitcoins rose to more than 11 dollars, he ran to Hong Kong Island excitedly to find someone to trade, and more than 1 bitcoins were robbed!

Called the police, still no whereabouts.

Calculated at 90 knives a piece, more than 900 pieces are almost [-] million yuan, which are stored in the private key. Whoever steals the private key can exchange the money, and there is no need to worry about the number of the banknote being imprinted, which is as difficult to launder as black money.

On the surface, at least logically, Bitcoin is easy to ship, much better than robbing banknotes.

It is normal to encounter black and black.

Zhang Peng has been busy these years in vain, and it is also because of his example. The entire South China Finance and Economics scope knows about him. Those who sold in advance are better, but those who did not sell in advance often go outside the mainland together. , find someone to help all kinds of guarantees.

Liu Baofeng, he also planned to go to Hong Kong Island to trade with Zhang Peng at the beginning, but he was temporarily afraid and did not go. Later, after Bitcoin began to plummet again after 17 years, he sold it to Mr. Zhao. deficit.

There is still a net profit of more than 100 million.

Zhao Xueyan smiled and patted Zhang Peng's shoulder, "The past is over, everyone is still young, let's start over."

Wang Weiliang and Lao Liu were naturally relaxed, but Zhang Peng was silent for a few seconds, then curiously said, "There are some things I want to do that I can't change, but Brother Yan, can I ask you one thing? so many bitcoins.”

"It's just that Bitcoin plummeted again in 18 and fell to $3000 a piece. You are still earning money. Where are you going to sell these things? To whom??"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Weiliang and Lao Liu were also curious, and they all paid attention to it.

Zhao Xueyan laughed dumbly, "Who do you sell to? To the big drug lord in Colombia? Amei's arms dealer, Europa embezzler?"

"The world is so big and there are so many fierce people, there is always a person who needs this, let's talk about the dark web world, the trade of people, arms, assassinations, kidnappings in the Western world... The magic of those places is only what you can't imagine, without them you can't do it what."

Wang Weiliang, Liu Baofeng, Zhang Peng, etc. looked at each other, and for a while he couldn't tell whether Zhao Xueyan was joking or serious.

Kidding?As far as they know in the past few years, Lao Zhao has received at least hundreds of thousands of bitcoins.

Even if it is all the lowest price, three or four hundred dollars a piece, that is a very terrifying amount of money. What they don't know will be more... The other party dares to charge so much?Can you sell it?

But the normal channels are not easy to do, like what Mr. Zhao said?

No kidding, this is even more perverted!

Are those buyers accessible to serious people? ?
Zhao Xueyan laughed, "Okay, the rivers and lakes are far away, goodbye, after graduation, someone will send me a message with a wedding wine one day."

Under the laughter, he also walked over to pack the simplest part of his luggage, which was flashy.

Another year has passed, and the scars on Mr. Zhao's chest have been reduced a lot because of his various actions in the past timeline.

If he stood in the middle of Amei's house now, he could cover the entire Ameika, including part of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

Stamping and stomping the outbreak of Yellowstone Park is not too difficult or too difficult. It is nothing more than his power to break out in Yellowstone Park. He wants to clean up the follow-up without affecting the world, and it will not take too little time and energy.

Bitcoin? ?

Up to now, it is an investment that is not too important in the early stage.

When he first came to this plane, he didn't expect to develop to this stage.

When he left the South China Institute of Finance and Economics, Mr. Zhao looked back and his emotions were still very subtle. When the scar on his chest completely disappeared, he might also be able to merge with the entire earth without spirit plane.

So, is it the "Pangu Kaitian Plane" opened according to the original system, and then go and see?Or go to the world he has already photographed first, and steal the authority of the sky one by one? ?
If you only stole the Heaven handle of the extra sin plane, even if you ran to face the Great God Pangu again, the effect would be the same, very general.

If you take the goose girl of the Qiao family, the biography of 2012 million detective Lei Luo, the [-] purification trip, the richest man in Xihong City, let the bullets fly, King Kong Skull Island, Transformers and even a Chinese Ghost Story, Hong Kong Comprehensive World.

The authority of these nine planes has been stolen all the time, and it is superimposed with the current Yu Sin plane, that is, ten planes, ten worlds? ?
The ten worlds are all superimposed and accumulated, and he has all kinds of supernatural abilities, so it is relatively safe to face the great god Pangu, right? ?
Thinking of this, a strange thought popped up in Zhao Xueyan's mind, "I used to rely on the system to open up the world. As long as I go in, time will start to flow. Once I leave, time will be suspended."

"This is done by the power of the system."

"So, the last time I connected to Pangu Kaitian... I was split off by an axe, and the split was crooked, and I ended up in the Goose Girl plane of the Qiao family."

"And after that? Is God Pangu continuing to open the sky and the time flows automatically, or is he also imprisoned by the power of the system, and after I leave, the time is suspended??"

Thinking of this, his emotions can't be subtle.

With an axe smashing the merits of millions of people, or transferring the blessings of supernatural powers, he will not be a big problem, and he will also lose millions of merits in the follow-up.

There is no doubt about the power of Pan Dashen.

After all, it was when the other party originally killed a Chaos Demon God, and Yu Wei spread to President Zhao. If he was fully aimed at his axe, his current strength would not be enough.

It is still accumulated into ten layers of Heaven's Will, Heaven's Dao or something, even if it is a mini-level Xiaotian, the sense of security will be more sufficient.


Two years later.

Bitcoin hits a new high, breaking the $[-] mark!
In a restaurant in Pengcheng, Zhang Peng, Wang Weiliang, and Liu Baofeng were drinking and eating food while sighing.

Lao Wang and Lao Liu are both good, starting with 200 million or even more after graduation, so there is not so much pressure. Of course, the life of the two is very nourishing, and Zhang Peng is a little bit harder.

After chatting and chatting, the three of them had another cup. Zhang Peng said with emotion, "Hey, what do you think about Lao Zhao recently?"

Wang Weiliang laughed, "Why, after graduating, even Brother Yan stopped shouting?"

After making a joke, he also suddenly sighed, grabbed his phone and smacked his lips, "His hundreds of thousands of bitcoins, or more, are now worth more than 5 dollars a piece? Can they really be sold?"

"I think Xuan, especially..."

Liu Baofeng nodded, "Especially, the past two years, Amei, has not been a normal disaster. I heard that New York has been flooded by typhoons and rainstorms for seven or eight times, and it is almost a ghost town."

What's more, there is the Pearl of the West Coast, the constant forest fires in California, and even the big earthquake. Sometimes the things shot by the "most dedicated" media people are simply several times more gorgeous and thrilling than the special effects of various disaster blockbusters.

Well, Amei Li didn't suffer from bad luck, but the neighboring countries such as Madana, Mexico, and the Mediterranean coast of Central America all had good weather and all things flourished.

Countless people have begun to wonder whether this is the kingdom of heaven for more than 300 years, because the anger of the sky and the grievances of the people have really attracted the punishment of heaven.

There are even some gossip that broke the news that Amei's family had a crazy plan for a while, and they wanted to set off a slap in the world.

Then no then.

It was quite a Resident Evil crisis, that is, after a few days, a meteorite fell from a small sky to bring out the painful drop of the whole flag.

No one in the various astronomical systems in the world predicted that magical meteorite. Anyway, it came suddenly, and suddenly there was no follow-up effect.

(End of this chapter)

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