Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 75 Wait, why are you kneeling down?

Chapter 75 Wait, why are you kneeling down?
Various materials related to Zhong Chuxiong flashed in his mind, Zhao Xueyan waved decisively to the distance, "Sir Zhong, good afternoon!"

I remember that in the story of the Supreme 36 Strategies, Zhong sir relied on self-study to master the combat power of up, down, left, right, front, back, and back.

Following Zhao Xueyan's words, Zhong Chuxiong glanced at him from a distance, and immediately said disdainfully, "Lost, how tall are you, who are you?"

Zhao Xueyan turned around curiously and looked at the prison guard beside him. He rose from Lai Chi Kok. This is the first stop of his rise. The strange prison guard at the gate can recognize him at a glance. he?
The guard next to him smiled awkwardly, "Haha~ I guess it's a little far away, and Sir Zhong didn't see your old man clearly."

In his laughter, Zhong Chuxiong in the distance also turned a corner and stepped over, "Amin, do you have a few thousand dollars on your body, borrow it to block, who is this attacking the street, I'm brewing Hao Jiang killed a circle, and his aura was interrupted by this attack. Since he is your friend, Amin, you have to make up for me..."

As he spoke, he approached, and kept speaking to the prison guard beside Zhao Xueyan. As he spoke, Zhong Chuxiong stopped suddenly, stared at Zhao Xueyan in disbelief, and then sneered, "The weather is really nice today, goodbye. ."

He didn't recognize Zhao Xueyan just now. It wasn't because he had no impression of Brother Yan and Lord Yan of Stanley, who have made a name for themselves in the entire Hong Kong Correctional Services Department system.

This is really true, Brother Lai Chi Kok is still distracted!

Gambling with a few prison guards and losing half a month's salary, he was thinking about how to turn over the book, whether to go to Haojiang or something, because he was distracted and the distance was not close, he didn't realize that this was Stanley Yan. Lord.

Approaching, Zheng Tong Lianhua wanted to get some money from the prison guard A Ming. After seeing Zhao Xuechang, Zhong Chuxiong was embarrassed!

You must know that half an hour ago, he just met Chen Zhigang, the former Chief Inspector of the Sham Shui Po Police Station's Serious Crime Unit. This is the black policeman who tricked Zhao Xueyan into jail in the recent sensational incident. Ye Yan was just in court. To clear his injustice, three days later, Chen Zhigang came in.

Zhao Xueyan was delighted, "Don't leave in a hurry, Sir Zhong, I appreciate you very much. Come with me to visit Lychee Corner?"

Up and down, back and forth, will he?He should be able to operate it, but, is that relying on a little magical power? !

Signing Zhong Chuxiong now, 36% of them will not be able to sign. He should not be able to do this at present. When he learns it, according to the story of the supreme [-] tricks, it is not far from Zhong Chuxiong's unjust imprisonment of Robinson and making a fortune. .

Besides, it is uncertain whether Robinson is jailed in Stanley or Lai Chi Kok.In that story, the bosses in the prison cell were obviously the ones from Datun and Shaobiao.

But there is no hurry to sign in...

It shouldn't be a bad thing to get to know this great talent in front of you.

As soon as these words came out, Zhong Chuxiong knew that he couldn't hide, so he showed the most flattering smile on his face, "Oh, isn't this Lord Yan? He must have forgotten to bring his eyes when he went out just now. When Lord Yan came to Lizhijiao, why didn't he tell us in advance? Me? I want to pick you up in person."

When Zhong Chuxiong trotted over with his hands outstretched, Zhao Xueyan waved his hand, "Sir Zhong, come, accompany me to visit Lychee Corner? I've been away from Teapot and Vaseline for two months. I miss them very much."

Now shaking hands has a high probability of signing in and out garbage, such as [-] Hong Kong dollars. It is better to keep it temporarily and not sign it. After discovering Robinson, Lao Qian Wendi and others, he will talk about the follow-up.

By the way, Mona is also very important!
Zhong Chuxiong put away his hands again with a flattering smile, "It's easy to talk, everything is up to Master Yan. Will Master Yan want to eat here? I'll ask the kitchen to cook you something delicious."

Zhao Xueyan nodded, "Yes."

Not caring about the previous misunderstanding, Zhao Xueyan and Zhong Chuxiong, including A Ming, walked towards the place where the teapot and others were working.

A few of them are just cleaning the big playground!

Zhao Xueyan saw those figures from a distance, and greeted them happily, "Teapot~"

Teapot is a funny group of five, saying that Fatty is the most loyal and likes to suffer and not take big advantages. Lanks, his daughter is good, and the rest are all indescribable.

The few people who were cleaning in the distance were also stunned when they saw Zhao Xueyan. After dozens of seconds, a few people from the teapot came excitedly, and the little fat man stretched out his hand from a distance, "Brother Yan? Why are you here? "

If Zhao Xueyan was wearing a prisoner's uniform, he would have appeared in the Lai Chi Kok Retention Center. Everyone knew what it meant. Wearing casual clothes would be a big deal.

After Zhao Xueyan greeted the group of five one by one, he said to Zhong Chuxiong, "Sir Zhong, are my fellow inmates about to be released from prison? They will have their share of the dinner tonight, and I will invite them."

Zhong Chuxiong nodded again and again, "It's on me, I didn't expect you to miss the old love so much, Master Yan. If I knew earlier, I would help them a little more in my daily life. Unfortunately, all five of them are about to be released from prison now, the day after tomorrow."

Teapot laughed, "That's easy to say, when we come in next time, brother Xiong, just take care of you."

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

Zhong Chuxiong, "..."

Including the curly hair and Vaseline, they all staggered a few steps, not wanting to get too close to this funny ratio.

Your mother, this is jail time, do you want another time?
Teapot didn't realize that he had said the wrong thing, and said happily, "Brother Yan, I've been in prison for so long, and you're the first to see me. By the way, you shouldn't have come to see us specifically, right?"

Zhao Xueyan's expression remained unchanged, "Yeah, let's have a good drink at night."

He didn't come to see these people specially, but face-to-face, naturally he couldn't say it too bluntly.

Teapot was even more excited, "It's still Brother Yan who is righteous, you are my new brother from today on."

While Lanks, Vaseline and the others rolled their eyes wildly, Zhao Xueyan still replied politely. After a while, he chatted with them one by one and let them go to the cafeteria on vacation. Zhong Chuxiong took advantage of those few. When Wei Doubi was discussing what to eat excitedly, he whispered to Zhao Xueyan, "Master Yan, I really didn't recognize you just now. If there is something offended, don't mind."

"It's up to me tonight. You can play whatever you want. In addition, from tonight, Chen Zhigang, who I will definitely clean up, can't survive or die. I must let you, Master Yan, let out this nasty anger."

The initial verbal conflict, the offense, really did you think it didn't happen, but it didn't happen?Seeing that Ye Ye didn't shake hands with him, he knew that this matter might not have passed.

Zhao Xueyan was stunned, "Why care about a little thing."

After a pause here, Xiao Zhao said seriously, "Chen Zhigang, even though he cheated on me once, he is still in jail, and he doesn't need your special attention, but everyone has his value. "

"Including prisoners, in this world, there are so many poor people, born or acquired, with all kinds of diseases, medical science in the world is developing day by day, but in organ transplantation, the demand far exceeds the supply, Chen Zhigang, How many healthy people can save the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys without knowing how many people and how many families in suffering.”

"You help me pay attention in the future, don't let him spoil yourself."

"Hey, wait, why are you kneeling down?"

It was decided that in this world, you want to be a medical boss, a scientific research talent, and things related to the medical field. The more you know, the more complicated your emotions will be.

Chen Zhigang?
The past should be turned over, we should let go of the past and look to the future.

But while he was talking, Zhong Chuxiong knelt down for Mao?
(End of this chapter)

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