Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 74 Small Whirlwind on the Ship

Chapter 74 Small Whirlwind on the Ship

A few hours later, grabbing a few scientific journals and leaving the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong, Zhao Xueyan just got into the wrecked car, when he received a call from the unscrupulous lawyer Zhang Dazuo.

"Brother Yan, Chen Zhigang is about to go to jail and is now being taken to the Lai Chi Kok Reception Center."

Since he cleared his injustice, Zhang Dazuo took the initiative to sue Sham Shui Po Police Station for Zhao Xueyan and the black policeman Chen Zhigang in order to actively express himself.

In just a few days, Chief Inspector Chen has not only been stripped of his police uniform, but also imprisoned?

In a world without Zhao Xueyan's influence, Chen Sir is a very sudden person who was taken away by the ICAC for accepting bribes.

He was stared at by a barrister for framing Zhao Xueyan in advance, and he was imprisoned so quickly?

There were only a few days between Zhao Xueyan cleaning up and training Ding Yixi.

After thinking about it, he asked back, "So efficient?"

Zhang Dazhang quickly explained, "Brother Yan, the most powerful evidence for your imprisonment is the false evidence he fabricated. Since you were cleared of your grievances, the court has not 100% confirmed that the evidence he provided is false evidence, but the intention is very clear."

"I have already filed a lawsuit with the Sham Shui Po District Police Station, because they did things unfairly and there were serious loopholes in the law enforcement procedures, so that Chen Zhigang had the ability to mobilize the evidence of the robbers privately at will, so that Chen Zhigang had the opportunity to personally contact and interrogate Brother Yan. , which led to the unjust prison case, and specially claimed 300 million Hong Kong dollars from the police station.”

"When this lawsuit was filed, the Sham Shui Po police chief, who could also understand Chen Zhigang's good quality, sent police to follow him. He wanted to run away, but he was blocked when he was transferring property, and he was also arrested and shot at the police. He was arrested after injuring two former colleagues."

"Randomly fabricated false evidence, concocted unjust prisons, assaulted police with guns, and was later found to be guilty of corruption and other crimes, and was sentenced to Lai Chi Kok for several crimes for eight years!"

In the same sentence, Zhang Zihao, the future thief king, was arrested and imprisoned in the case of the robbery of 1.6 million cars. He took advantage of famous lawyers and public opinion attacks, seized the loopholes to whitewash himself, and responded to the police. Not only was he successfully released from prison, he also received 800 million Hong Kong dollars in compensation to the police.

As long as the lawyers are strong enough and there is pressure from public opinion, it is not surprising that you have been wrongfully imprisoned and sued the police for a large amount of compensation.

Zhao Xueyan smiled brightly, "Okay, I see."

Chen sir was so cold and unreasonable when he pitted Xiao Zhao, and now he wants to run when he finds that the situation is not right?But failed to run?

Zhao Xueyan has always asked himself that he is a reasonable person!
The first stop he crossed was the Lai Chi Kok Reception Center, and now the black police who trapped him are going too?By the way, there are several of his cellmates in Lai Chi Kok.

Teapots, Vaseline, exhaust pipes, Lanks, and curly hairs are Zhao Xueyan's real inmates. No matter what, everyone spent the night in a warehouse...

Where is Stanley?

Zhao Xueyan went in and saw the killer Xiong escaped from prison.

When you play, you will have your own large office and laboratory. It is all lonely and no inmates.

"Those funny guys are about to be released from prison. Let's take a walk around Lai Chi Kok? By the way, do I still owe a certain prison guard and Ah San 5 yuan each? It was only by threatening them that way that I avoided being arrested." Poke the closet!"

"It's not that Chen Zhigang is going to Lai Chi Kok, I forgot about it."

Zhao Xueyan asked himself that he was a reasonable person. He avoided the torture in the first place. Should he give some compensation to the prison guard and Asan who released the water?
He is also rich now.

Liangkun and Zhu Ge later squeezed out more than 400 million from Han Bin and Han Long brothers, leaving aside the more than 300 million that Liangkun and Zhu had paid in advance during the reward period, and used the more than 300 to invest in Heiguan , still remaining 41.

Saving [-] to give to a certain prison guard and Asan is not a big deal.

Thinking of this, he ran to the bank to withdraw some money, and happily drove his wrecked car to the Lai Chi Kok Retention Center.

When Zhao Xueyan stood outside the gate of the Lai Chi Kok Reception Center, looking at the once tall iron gate, his emotions were even stronger.

After pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, he got out of the car and walked forward, knocking on the iron door.

After waiting for the door, a certain prison guard opened another small window on the small iron gate, and looked at Zhao Xueyan across the window for a few seconds, "You..."

Zhao Xueyan said with relief, "Sir, do you remember me? 52363. I'm free and innocent now, can I come back and see?"

The prison guard's face is full of sadness, can I forget you?On the first day of staying in Lai Chi Kok, I escaped from prison and never came back!

Later, I went in again, and it was Stanley, which made Stanley the biggest target for the police and the Correctional Services Department for a certain period of time.

Zhao Xueyan smiled and handed over the cigarette. When the prison guard instinctively took it, he asked curiously, "If I want to visit a prisoner normally, how should I apply?"

The prison guard took a few sips of the cigarette and opened the door to greet him, "Brother Yan wants to come in and have a look, of course we welcome you, please come in."

Zhao Xueyan was stunned, "This is also possible?"

The prison guard rolled his eyes wildly, boss, don't you know your full influence in the prison system?

The excitement of your constant escape from prison has indeed caused many people to be very passive. When the warden of Stanley gave you a letter of sacrifice for a friend, he was bombarded and held accountable by the police and the Correctional Services Department.

But you have already established a foothold in the scientific world. There are well-known people like Sun Bin who have all kinds of good words for you. Sun Bin has also drawn a lot of scientific celebrities to continue to help you on the platform. There are justices of the peace who constantly praise Stanley. I heard that The Senior Superintendent of Correctional Services in Stanley has already given a clear signal to go further before retiring in the future.

become the superintendent.

Chief Superintendent, that is all the chief leaders of dozens of high-, medium-, and low-security prisons and mental hospitals in Hong Kong.

If the prisons on Hong Kong Island are compared to different schools in a metropolis, Warden Stanley is going from a certain principal to the city education bureau as a leader.

Don't look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha. Now, as for embarrassing you for a trivial matter?Still don't be silly.

Zhao Xueyan was a little surprised and curious, but he entered Lai Chi Kok with the warm welcome of the prison guards.

"By the way, how are some of my former inmates, where are they now? I haven't seen them for two months, I miss them a bit."

Chen Zhigang had already come in. He wasn't in a hurry to see him. Seeing's impossible to deal with him in person in the public eye. He had to find a few acquaintances in Lai Chi Kok first?

Even familiar police officers are not bad.

After a while, on the way to see Teapot and others, Zhao Xueyan suddenly froze, pointed to a policeman passing by the playground and said, "Who is that Asir? I feel familiar."

The prison guard who led the way looked at it and smiled decisively, "That's Sir Zhong, and his flower name is the same as the former Chief of the Stanley Guardianship Department, he is called Killer Hero, but Sir Zhong is a famous killer who specializes in killing girls. Quick shooter, a small whirlwind on the ship, it will pass as soon as it blows."

"Although Sir Zhong is a bit irrational and a bit of a gambler, he is also a young talent. He is a correctional officer at a young age and manages the cafeteria. Last time, Brother Yan, if you escaped from prison a few days later, no, there are many in Lai Chi Kok. After a few days of vacation, I will definitely have the opportunity to meet Zhong Sir."

Zhao Xueyan was speechless, no wonder he was so like Lu Jiayao, it turned out to be up and down, back and forth?Left and right?
The facial features are like the image, Zhong Chuxiong and Lu Jiayao have completely different temperaments.

Lu Jiayao is stunned, cute, and harmless to humans and animals, but Zhong Sir is a greasy long-haired man who looks very... a prodigal son, a slick philistine.

(End of this chapter)

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