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Chapter 697 Survival attitude must be taken seriously

Chapter 697 Survival attitude must be taken seriously
New day at noon.

When the lunch appointment with Yang Tao came, Manager Yang didn't come alone, but also brought her best friend Lan Weiwei. This was also asked for instructions in advance. Mr. Zhao sent her the menu before, to see what she likes to eat and what she doesn't like what to eat...

Carambola saw that there were too many things, and it was impossible to finish them all.

In addition, she was under too much psychological pressure to dine alone with Mr. Zhao, so she mentioned that she would bring someone along.

When the two girls walked into Mr. Zhao's big suite, they saw that the dining table in the living room was already full of food and drinks. Yang Tao thanked him politely and humbly again. Lan Weiwei...she was more panicked than Yang Tao.

The first time I knew Mr. Zhao's name was when Yang Tao said that a bottle of wine was worth several million, which scared her a lot. The more things I learned from Yang Tao, the more frightened and impacted she was. big.

And she has already had countless psychological trainings, and she knows Mr. Zhao's arrogance and terror, but this is the first time she has met her. Of course, she is far less calm than Yang Tao, a person she often sees.

Zhao Xueyan poured wine into the glass with a smile while the two girls were frightened, "Okay, let's have a drink first, so you don't have to be so nervous and restrained."

"By the way, Manager Yang, have you ever thought about changing jobs?"

Carambola, "???"

After being stunned for a few seconds, she asked curiously, "Boss Zhao wants me to work for you? I'm just a hotel lobby manager with limited abilities and no other work experience."

A few months ago, she heard with her own ears that Mr. Zhao was cooperating with world-class shipyards to build large ships, and she also said that she had the opportunity to give her two boat tickets... She also listened to Mr. Zhao's acquisition of South Korea's future heavy industry. What did you see on the news.

A world-class predator of this level, fancy her? ?Is this trying to talk about her body?

Thinking about it this way, she doesn't feel bad,...

Not to mention Zhao Xueyan's wealth and influence, just her good looks and figure, that's her blood. If women in the emotional window period have richer associations, they can be responsible to say that after seeing Mr. Zhao's figure, there will be more With the same handsome appearance and temperament bonus, after a few minutes, you may start to think about what name you should give your child.

As for the last relationship?It's not been a few months, and Li Wei has been in jail for a few months, what should have passed has already passed.

In this plane, she was not swept away by Li Wei with all her savings, and even left her with hundreds of thousands of debts.

During the questioning, Lan Weiwei took a sip of red wine to suppress the shock, and Lan Weiwei also drank to suppress the shock, and looked up and down curiously at Mr. Zhao. After hearing for so long, this was the first time he saw a real person, alive.

Zhao Xueyan smiled and took out two small boxes, "Today I not only invite you to dinner, but also a gift, just take it with you when you go back."

"What I want to say is that changing your job is also related to this gift. Before long, I plan to sell a large number of these pills in the mainland, and I need an assistant."

Yang Tao looked at the box and was even more surprised, "Is this medicine? What kind of medicine?"

Zhao Xueyan answered, "Healthy Pills."

Talking about it, people began to cheat on the mermaids, making them go supernatural. The mediocre Yang Zixi can run 6 meters on land in less than [-] seconds, and easily subdue a group of sharks under the sea.

If you don't give up on serious humans in this plane, it is estimated that the development of human beings will be a little embarrassing in the future, and human beings can't really be suppressed.

Still that pattern.

Provide exercises by yourself, pure Chinese Taoist system, and then use supernatural powers such as overgrown vegetation and I am the god of medicine to breed a wave of extraordinary herbs, elixir, etc., etc., to bring mankind into a new era, and three minus one plus equals a positive number income.

He planned to reincarnate mermaids in batches yesterday...

Carambola, it's very casual whether it's inappropriate or not, it's not like Yang Zixi did it without her consent, but she will choose, inform, and respect her own wishes.

His body-building pills, as the name suggests, people will strengthen their bodies after eating them.

If it can continue to work, an ordinary person will take it, and after going through stages of adaptation, he can become the same as Yang Zixi on land, running 6 meters in [-] seconds, crossing various maximum levels to become Olympic weightlifting gold medalist.

This hang is not big.

Compared with the King Kong·Datiantian Island plane, Mr. Zhao's true solution to the naturalization of the day is just a start, but in this world, it is not convenient for Fang to come up with the true solution to the naturalization of the day.

Because the doomsday disasters caused by the earth on this plane were all caused by the solar eruption.

Under his words, Yang Tao stared at the small box with a little stare, "Healthy Pills? Mr. Zhao, have you set foot in the medical field? This is too..."

Zhao Xueyan continued, "The effect of this medicine is much better than that magical bicycle you encountered."

Yang Tao was shocked, "..."

Lan Weiwei was also shocked.

After all, the benefits of the magic bicycle, but she has personally experienced it.

President Zhao smiled and said, "Sit down, let's chat while eating, the end of the world is coming soon, and you have to get used to any unscientific things before the end."

Yang Tao can't fix it anymore. It's not the first time she's heard Mr. Zhao talking about this. She didn't believe it before, but since she really encountered the magical bicycle, she has encountered such unscientific and outrageous things. What about the doomsday? ?

After sitting down in a daze and taking a few more sips of wine, she said weakly, "There won't be a doomsday, right?"

Mr. Zhao said helplessly, "If there is no doomsday, what am I going to do with so many things? I'm so idle and go to Africa to do big construction, and build a big ship with such strange requirements."

"In fact, since last summer, the sun has erupted with the largest amount of neutrino radiation, and it has been erupting until now, faster and faster. These will eventually lead to the melting of the earth's core, rising sea levels, and various major movements of the earth's crust..."

"That is to say, ordinary people don't know. Now the high-level officials of various countries who should know already know that there are people in the Middle East who are fooling those rich people. It takes a billion dollars to get the doomsday ticket. Gaul has even begun to collect and transfer all kinds of precious cultural relics. Antiques, like the Mona Lisa's smile."

"Just after I came back from Shanghai yesterday, the shipyard has received a large number of orders. We officially ordered [-] Arks directly, and the deposit was sent to us."

Yang Tao was shocked again, trembling with fright.

It was Mr. Zhao who continued to signal for a drink and suppressed the shock with red wine, which relieved a little bit of the state, "But don't worry, the end is coming, but after a wave of sports, the world will calm down. Take this as the earth is restarting. !"

"The earth restarts, similar to a computer reinstalling the system."

"After the new system is installed, our new system can land in the New World and continue human civilization."

Yang Tao exclaimed, "The new continent is Africa?"

Mr. Zhao nodded, "It should be. In fact, on the ancient earth, the continents were connected together and were not separated by the four oceans. It was the continental drift that evolved into the current pattern. At that time, other continents surrounded the African continent. .”

"If the earth really restarts, I guess the African continent will be safer. I bet a treasure on Africa, but I dare not guarantee it. Building an ark ship to meet the doomsday natural disaster is another bet."


In the sentence-by-sentence explanation, with eating and drinking, Yang Tao gradually believed in the news more and more. The main reason was that Mr. Zhao also showed her a new order, the official one hundred Ark ships at a time!

One ship costs more than 12 billion pounds, that is tens of billions of dollars. What is the total price of [-] ships?Now not only the contract has been signed, but [-]% of the deposit has been paid.

It doesn't work if you don't fight, otherwise the shipyard won't be able to buy enough basic materials for production.

At the end, Yang Tao couldn't help begging with a coquettish look, "Mr. Zhao, you have to help me with this, my mother and I... Hey, I will resign and change jobs immediately, and I will follow your arrangement."

She finally knew why Mr. Zhao said to give her two boat tickets alone a few months ago.

Yang Tao would be safe with the boat ticket, and Lan Weiwei almost cried, "Mr. Zhao, I...I...I...I don't want to die, please take pity on me, let me do whatever I want."

She was really scared and panicked, and wanted to live, but even if she asked for help now, she didn't have the confidence at all. Why should she ask for a boat ticket?

What are the postures that a yoga instructor knows?

Zhao Xueyan was happy, "No, you believe in the doomsday I said more than Yang Tao?"

We met many times in a few months, and he told Yang Tao and the news more than once. Now Lao Yang believed it [-]% of the time. Of course, another old Yang Yang Zixi had already believed it thoroughly.

She's a mermaid now!
Can I change ethnicity at the age of 25?
Why doesn't she believe in the end of the world?
The little surprise now is that Yang Tao is only [-]% convinced, and Lan Weiwei's state is obviously [-]% convinced that the end will come.

Lan Weiwei nodded repeatedly, jumping up and down excitedly, "Trust me, what kind of big shot are you? How could you have the time and thought to make such jokes on me?"

In front of life, everything else has to lag behind.

She also heard from Yang Tao that Mr. Zhao cooperated with a group of the strongest shipyards in the world to build large ships. The conditions and requirements were very unique. million people.

The official order was issued just now, only a hundred ships.

How many people can this add up to hold?One million and one million.

Now it is 2010, what is the population of Huaxia?No matter how he thinks about it, Lan Weiwei doesn't think he can afford the ferry ticket by normal means. As for going to Africa and hiding first?Didn't Mr. Zhao say that?

That's just a bet.

It is safer to have a boat ticket for the catastrophic flood that has swept the world.

Zhao Xueyan was happy, "Okay, your boat ticket can also be arranged."

Lan Weiwei was overjoyed, "Mr. Zhao, I don't have any other abilities, but if I sell things, I can still contribute a small amount. I must work hard to do a good job."

While talking, she pointed to the small box containing the pills.

Carambola works as the manager of the star-rated hotel Datang, and Lan Weiwei is a yoga instructor... For the instructors of this era, selling membership cards and fitness cards are all basic exercises.

Yang Tao already has two tickets, enough for her to board the boat with her mother, while Lan Weiwei's parents are still alive and well.

Mr. Zhao nodded and smiled, "It's easy to talk about. I have too many things to do, and there are still many places where I need to employ people. It's not just the two of you. Anyone you know can introduce me."

"Let me make an analogy, the end of the world, we survived the disaster and went to the New World to start a new life. What about eating, drinking, and food? We have to start preparations today. The more survivors survive the flood, the more food we have. The crisis is getting worse."

"Selling health-enhancing pills can enhance human physique, make it easier to face disasters, and make people more hungry and thirsty. In fact, they are also for survival."

This is not a small problem.

Even if Mr. Zhao transferred more than one billion Chinese people to the African continent in the end, what about the food problem?Without enough reserves, how many people would starve to death?You can't carry it through after making a good preliminary plan, and people cannibalize people.

He can bring supplies from other planes to support here, but it is better to start stocking up now. After all, this plane is still full of food at this stage, and there are not many places in the world that suffer from famine. Influenced by other factors such as wars.

Compressed biscuits, military rations, chocolates, etc. will not only start to be hoarded all over the African continent.

Each ark ship must also be well prepared.

He has hired 10,000+ Chinese in the large-scale construction of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in Africa.

Now to build a new trading system, people are naturally needed, and there are many more.

Talking while eating, the two eldest sisters didn't leave after a meal, and directly opened a room next door because they both drank too much.

Ten minutes after lunch, there was a knock on the door.

When Zhao Xueyan went to open the door, he said unexpectedly, "Old Xiang? Why are you here, come in and sit down."

This is Officer Xiang, who often followed him. Faced with Mr. Zhao's warm invitation, he entered the door and said modestly, "I dare not. I'm actually here to ask for someone else. Mr. Zhao, who are you?"

In fact, it happened by chance.

This officer Xiang himself is not too elite, it is nothing more than the first time a foreign race like shrimp soldiers appeared in broad daylight in the capital. Officer Xiang was in charge of the jurisdiction that day and led a team to do things. confidentiality.

Only then began to transfer to the special group.


He belonged to the second batch of people in China who knew the news, 2012 doomsday.Knowing the doomsday, then Lao Xiang will understand why Mr. Zhao built a strange ship.

The co-author Mr. Zhao is not a simple doomsday lover, but has been preparing for the real doomsday!This is something that Amei's family sent many scientists to confirm for half a year. It was also at the summit of the eight European countries that the commander-in-chief directly informed the leaders of other countries.

The news was sent back to the mainland.

There is no way. Originally, many scientists and high-level officials predicted that the flood could submerge Mount Everest. They chose to build a base near Mount Everest to build ships because of the terrain. No one can guarantee that when the sea level continues to rise, they will build arks elsewhere. It can really raise all boats.

None of us has done this before.

As a result, the news went back and forth, and after comparison, Mr. Zhao's Ark can be launched! !
Faced with Lao Xiang's extremely complicated and extremely humble question, Zhao Xueyan smiled, "Actually, this question is not very meaningful. It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is to let more and more people survive this wave of disaster together. .”

"And hoarding supplies to prepare for various famines, plagues and other issues after the disaster."

The African continent itself has its own food and ecological circle, but don't forget that after the doomsday flood, the African continent as a whole was raised thousands of feet.

Suddenly changed from a plain to the highest plateau in the world? !
The original ecosystem there is no longer useful.

To the officer, "..."

He felt that the topic was so heavy that he, a former ordinary policeman, couldn't open his mouth to talk about it.After a few minutes of silence, he smiled wryly, "Mr. Zhao, if the end comes, I would like to beg you to give my son Xiangnan a ferry ticket."

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

He was suddenly taken aback by these words for a second, "Your son Xiang Nan?"

Nodding to the police officer, he smiled bitterly, "Yes, that kid graduated from a normal university, got married early, and got divorced quickly. He's accomplished nothing. I can't open my mouth to ask for a boat ticket for myself, but no matter how hard I can be, I hope he can have a chance. live."

Mr. Zhao already knew that he had given a reward of [-] yuan for signing in to the police officer. He should be a plot character in a certain story, but he had little impression of him, so he didn't remember it.

Now pop out a south...

Good guy, the veteran in the struggle?But struggle with this story?
If the love story in the capital is wrong, it’s a gimmick, and it’s actually about the wealthy second generation in the capital, then the struggle is even more outrageous. Struggle is the right thing to do.

Leaving the university and stepping into the society, what a fight!

The male protagonist, Lu Tao, relies on the cheating of his two fathers, plus a rich second-generation girlfriend who is obsessed with her and obsessed with her.

This is Lu Tao's life trajectory.

And Lu Tao's two best brothers, Xiang Nan and Hua Zi, are ordinary people's struggles, but unfortunately they are both supporting roles.

Of course, Lu Tao's struggling life is a bit nonsense, but compared with Cheng Feng, he has more integrity. He treats his brother as a brother, and he will not turn around his brother's corner or even force you to blacken and degenerate.

Recalling these, Mr. Zhao said speechlessly, "Divorced so early?"

Said helplessly to the police officer, "I don't understand what young people think, hey."

Mr. Zhao patted Lao Xiang on the shoulder, "It's okay, it's a good thing to recognize it early, it's not a family, and it won't be easy if you stick to it."

Although your son is a young man who looks very unscrupulous at first glance, it is not surprising that he can't cover up Pingxi Wang's little elk.

ferry ticket? ?
He is engaged in construction on a large scale, and one ship can be used for 1 people. A few tickets are really easy to say.

"I've been preparing for various things recently, and there are many places to employ people. If he doesn't mind, he can come and help me with things, and he can bring a few friends along."

In the struggle story, the most admirable thing is Huazi, the great partner, who is really struggling and working hard, and there is nothing inappropriate to take advantage of the trend.


Night falls.

Heartbroken Utopia, after driving to the police officer, he knocked on the door and said to Xiang Nan, "Clean up and go out with me to do business."

Lu Tao, who was watching TV on the sofa, said in surprise, "Uncle Xiang is here? Come in and sit down."

Waved to the police officer, "No, I'll take Xiang Nan out to do some errands, you are busy with your work."

Xiang Nan was still there, Hua Zi also came over, "What are you doing, do you need help? If Uncle Xiang needs it, just ask."

Officer Xiang froze for a moment, then nodded, "Then you should go together, change into more formal clothes, and when you get to the place, no matter whether you have a chance to meet people or not, you must have a good attitude."

He remembered Mr. Zhao's words, to help Mr. Zhao with things, and bring a few friends. After all, there are many places to employ people, and what he said is true. Whether it is hoarding and purchasing supplies, or dealing with post-apocalyptic reconstruction, there are too many things needed. .

Africa has certain factories and foundations, but whether Africa will survive after the disaster is just a bet by Mr. Zhao. If Africa disappears, other continents will also... well, after the disaster, it is estimated that the modern industrial chain will have to prepare a batch, otherwise after the disaster Possibly back to the Iron Age too.

There are many, many places to employ people.

Seeing that Xiang Nan was still in a daze, Officer Xiang couldn't help but pat him, "Go, change your clothes, and put on your best appearance. This time, I took out all the savings at home to thank you. We care about these things, but the attitude we should have must not be less.”

Xiang Nan just said ah, and went to work in a daze.

Lu Tao was surprised when he heard this, "No, Uncle Xiang, who are you going to see? Thank you with all your savings? You may not be able to see someone yet? Do you want my help?"

Only then did he wave his hand to the police officer, "No, you are busy with your work."

Others can't see it, but can Lao Xiang know that Lu Tao is just a father-in-law, and the style of his future father-in-law?Without those fathers and future father-in-law, he is definitely far behind Huazi.

Huazi himself has opened a trading company, set up a billiard hall, and opened a restaurant. Although he failed time and time again, his accumulated experience and ability are much better than Lu Tao. not on.

Only then did he intend to take Hua Zi with him.

Waiting for the doomsday to ask for a boat ticket... Huazi is much more practical than Lu Tao. Xiangnan is his own son, so he can't help but ask for help. After all, he knows that even if the government builds a large number of arks, the space is still far from enough. of.

Let’s talk about scholars and scientists from all walks of life, how many tickets will they have to give up?The required post-disaster reconstruction materials will also consume a lot of ship slots, right?
He is already mentally prepared to wait for death with his wife when the end comes and there is no position, but this son can't let go, so he can only ask for a chance.

When Xiang Nan and Huazi packed up and went out, Xiang Nan finally couldn't help but wonder, "Dad, what's going on? Who are we going to see? Do we need to be so grand, or should we go to thank you?"

Officer Xiang looked serious, "Need, no matter how grand it is."

He still didn't say a word, he might already be waiting to die, and his son's new life would be the best way to live with Mr. Zhao.

This is not a question of being grand or not, but that the posture of survival must be serious and valued.


almost in time.

Mr. Zhao heard all kinds of screams and screams from the next room... It was Yang Tao and Lan Weiwei, this kind of scream?Fucked.

What a girl, she still loves cleanliness, she suddenly wakes up, and she is covered in fishy mud, that smell, like being soaked in a garbage dump, she must not be used to it.

But this is the basic reaction of taking Qiangshenjianwan. The human body is very complicated and it is a big project. To build up the body represents a step-by-step evolution. Then, getting rid of all kinds of impurities and filth in the body is the first step.

Not to mention other things, normal people cough, spit, go to the toilet, etc., which one does not discharge sewage outside?If people don't brush their teeth, they have bad breath. What is it?
It is impossible to excrete all the dirt in the normal sewage discharge method, and there will be residues.

The health-enhancing pills are all-round, discharging waste from every pore of your skin.

No matter Yangtao or Lan Weiwei, just get used to it.

That is, the health-enhancing pills have come out on a large scale, and every user will have this basic exercise.

(End of this chapter)

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