Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 696 She is already a successful mermaid

Chapter 696 She Is Already a Successful Mermaid
Another ten days later.

Mr. Zhao and Yang Zixi walked out of the hotel gate together, and saw a simple-looking, ordinary-looking young man approaching with a cup of milk tea, and stopped Mr. Zhao, "Sir, do you want milk tea? The new milk tea launched by our company is free to invite people to try it." .”

This is Geng Hao, the unlucky ghost in the crazy racing car. Mr. Geng is holding a cup of milk tea cup without trademark or logo, and invites Mr. Zhao to drink tea with a very sincere attitude.

President Zhao, "..."

Isn't this the miraculous milk tea that he changed some of its characteristics with words?Good guy, it's only been 20 days since he fell into Geng Hao's hands, and this guy came to the capital from Ludao City, did you invite him to drink milk tea? ?
This feeling is too weird.

While he was speechless, Yang Zixi observed his words, and immediately said bluntly, "We don't have time, let me go, we still have work to do."

Mr. Zhao just patted Geng Hao and started.

To his surprise, an outstanding bicycle was also signed out this time. "Excellent bicycle"?It is not yet known where Jiejie is, and Mr. Zhao's mood is even more subtle.

Geng Hao smiled awkwardly and retreated.

It wasn't until Mr. Zhao drove away that Geng Hao arrived across the road from the hotel and got into a Volkswagen, "Comrade policeman, it's a failure. They are not interested at all in the face of milk tea from strangers."

The passenger seat of Volkswagen is still Officer Xiang. He has led a team to follow Mr. Zhao for more than a month. Now he patted his thigh and said, "It's not surprising to fail, but it's a pity that he doesn't drink such miraculous milk tea."

"It's a waste of opportunity if he doesn't drink it. Can you give me this cup?"

Geng Hao shrugged his shoulders speechlessly, "It's up to you, anyway, the benefits of drinking this cup of fairy milk tea are only three times..."

It has been more than 20 days since I got the miraculous milk tea. The scientific research team and security forces around Geng Hao have roughly detected the characteristics of the milk tea. Good people on the legal and moral levels drink it, and they will get benefits again and again, up to 3 times.

For example, a conscientious and hard-working old criminal investigator drank it. For the first time, the sequelae of old injuries suddenly disappeared. He couldn’t bear the pain every time it was windy and rainy. The first time I drank, I walked on the road in a daze and picked up a lottery ticket. The prize amount was not large, more than 2.

The old criminal policeman drank it for the third time, and his serious chronic stomach problem was cured, but even if he drank more than a dozen cups afterwards, it was useless.

Don't forget, as long as the magic milk tea leaves Geng Hao's hand, even if the other party doesn't drink it, but pours it into another container, the cup will return to Geng Hao's side and will be automatically refilled.

This is very meaningful. One person stands in front of Geng Hao, pours him milk tea from a cup into another cup, takes it away, and the next person continues. In theory, Geng Hao can refill his cup 24 hours a day without sleep.

Therefore, there are experiments on magic milk tea that can be widely spread.

At present, hundreds of people who are good at the legal and moral level have experimented and experienced its benefits. Bad people at the legal and moral level have also experienced hundreds of them. After drinking it, I donated all my savings to charity in a daze, and also borrowed VX and a certain treasure to donate money.

I'm having a drink, and I went to volunteer for a public welfare cause. It's been more than half a month now...

And some good people, if they don’t have underlying diseases, can even improve their basic strength, speed, etc. after drinking. Cup 10 seconds 2.

But the person who drank the third cup didn't increase his speed, but his body's ability to resist injuries was improved.

The value of this milk tea has shocked the scientific research community and even the top management...

After the shock, you need to use it. Why did you ask Geng Hao to bring milk tea to Mr. Zhao?This is no longer the action caused by Xia Bing Andy and Cheng Feng. It is Mr. Zhao who spent so much money on Huaxia Architectural Design Institute, planning to go to Africa for infrastructure construction.

Also, Mr. Zhao actually became the major shareholder of South Korea's Mirae Heavy Industry in private, and cooperated with the Shanghai Shipyard to build large ships. These are not trivial matters. Only then did someone want to arrange for Mr. Zhao to have a cup of milk tea. Let's see, someone like him appears Domestically, is it a good response or a bad one.

Watching Officer Xiang kill another cup of milk tea, Geng Hao asked curiously, "Then I will stay here now and deliver milk tea next time?"

He waved his hand to the police officer, "That's no need, wait until the evening, that person is going back to the hotel tonight, you come over and pour a few glasses and put them in other containers, we will try to ask the hotel staff to recommend it to him."

Geng Hao, "Then I can go now?"

After getting an affirmative answer, he got out of the car and walked towards another group of elites who secretly protected him or this cup of milk tea.

This milk tea is good, but it is a pity that it appeared a bit late. If his master had this treasure before his death, maybe his paralysis could be cured.

He is a middle-aged bachelor with nothing to worry about, so it doesn't make much sense to have this thing, after all, he can't continue to benefit after drinking three cups.


Months flew by.

Time enters 2010, which is a very important turning point for the entire 2012 plane, because human scientists have detected abnormalities in this world since the second half of 09.

In the summer of 09, the sun began to explode, and the number of neutrinos was the largest peak in recorded history, because these neutrinos radiated to the earth and produced some physical reactions, melting the core of the earth like a microwave oven.

It led to all subsequent disasters.

In the summer of 09, scientists from Amei’s family and Baixiang Kingdom had already noticed something abnormal. The Baixiang Nagadeng Copper Mine itself was opened by a scientist named Satnam. 6000 feet dug.

And the reaction brought about by the heating of the earth's core is that, starting from [-] feet underground and extending to the surface, those high temperatures can boil water, always like an uninterrupted steam engine.

Realizing that something was wrong, Satnam has contacted all parties, and scientists from Amei's family are running around the world to detect abnormal heating of the earth's core. This is the task of the commander of Amei University.

It wasn't until the beginning of 10, at the summit of the eight countries of Europa, that the commander-in-chief of Amei appeared and began to preach to various countries that the earth was about to usher in the end of the world.

It was also from this time that the original eight countries spread to 46 countries. Many teams and scientific research forces gathered together and chose to build the Ark construction base near Mount Everest in China.

After entering 10 years, it basically means that the most peak people on the earth basically know the news of the doomsday.

Amei's family even has a scientist anchor who is like a magic stick. Through the Mayan prophecy, he deduced that the doomsday time is December 2012, 12. On that day, the volcano in Yellowstone Park will erupt...

Various other volcanoes, major earthquakes, etc. on the earth will continue to come.

Of course, the high-level people know that it belongs to the high-level people. In most parts of the world, only a very small number of people know the truth. , he will be the last leader of Amei.

We can embrace death and meet God, together.

Just in this case.

Shanghai Shipyard.

Accompanied by Vice President Xu and others, Zhao Xueyan arrived at a certain dock with a calm face, looked at the formed "Ark Ship", and said with a smile, "You don't know if you don't try it, and you will be shocked if you try it. It seems that everyone still has great potential .”

"When I announced the plan to build this big ship a few months ago, everyone talked about the difficulty, lack of technical strength, etc., but if you push it, it will be built."

"In the development of scientific research, the most important thing is to communicate with each other. Cooperation. With the support of engineers from Future Heavy Industry and several European shipyards, our shipbuilding technology is still very good."

Following President Zhao's words, a group of people, including Vice President Xu, looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

After all, no one thought that this ark ship proposed by Mr. Zhao would really be completed, so fast, and so efficient. Looking back at the various difficulties and difficulties that everyone expected at the time of initial design, to success...

too fast!
But how to put it, no matter what problems and difficulties the designer considers, submit it to Mr. Zhao, and within a day or two at most, a solution will be given.

Then the development of the ark to the construction process is really a road of continuous technological breakthroughs and upgrading.

In 2012, it was jointly developed by 46 countries. From the beginning of 00 to the end of 12, ten arks were built in almost three years. When the flood came, only three arks could be opened!

This is the embodiment of the difficulty of the Ark project.

But with the cyberspace black technology that can manufacture spaceships across light-year distances... people's cyberspace is also advancing technology.

In the silence, President Li of Future Heavy Industries bowed and smiled lightly, "President, everything depends on you. Without an excellent leader like you, how could we achieve such a rapid development?"

"Based on our accumulated technology, if we go to build ordinary ships, I believe that we will be able to build a super giant ship several times larger than the Freedom of the Seas. Even if we build an aircraft carrier, it's not like we don't have that strength."

What is Mr. Zhao's most important requirement?
The whole ship was temporarily covered by sea water and submerged... It was able to block water intrusion and reopen the sea. This is to prevent tsunamis caused by various earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

You must know that during the peak period, tsunamis in various oceans can climb thousands of meters, and the sea level will gradually rise from normal to submerge the Eurasian continent.

The most important thing about the ark is that it was submerged in a tsunami, and it could be driven to sea level again by turning on the horsepower.

This technical difficulty has been overcome.

It is conceivable that President Li's words, even if there is suspicion of flattery, are still telling the truth. Now Zhao Xueyan is the major shareholder of Future Heavy Industry and has not served as the president. However, in President Li's mind, Mr. Zhao is obviously his biggest master.

After saying this, Mr. Zhao nodded with satisfaction, "Since there is a finished product, let's go on a test voyage to test its battery life."

"If it is full of 1 people, and it can be easily achieved without supplies for a month, then consider large-scale casting."

President Li, "..."

Vice President Xu hesitated and said, "The technological support provided by President Zhao has allowed us to develop rapidly, but in terms of funds, this ship still cost more than 12 billion pounds... large-scale casting?"

Mr. Zhao waved his hand with a smile, "Don't worry, the order will come soon."

Without him, countries all over the world would spend resources frantically. With him, everything is easy to say, and the officials of various countries are the largest paying teams.

You said that in the original book, the manufacturing plant is located on Mount Everest, but if it is placed on the southeast coast... or the same sentence, as long as it is submerged and has the ability to reopen the sea, it will be fine, no matter how the sea level rises in various natural disasters Height, this is a topic that rises with all boats.

This problem is solved.

Then the coasts of various places, and even the depths of the land can start construction together.

After he gave instructions on the sea trial, he left the shipyard... President Zhao got on the high-speed train to the capital, and Vice President Xu ushered in another wave of visitors with astonishing status. When he saw those visitors, Vice President Xu The total almost kneels in fright.

The news broadcast is here? ?

The capital is still a certain hotel.

When Mr. Zhao got off the car, Yang Tao came up to him as quickly as possible, "Mr. Zhao, long time no see, you've become handsome again."

Zhao Xueyan nodded with a smile, "You look good too, you seem to be younger and more energetic."

Yang Tao approached with a mysterious and sneaky face, "Mr. Zhao, you may not believe it. In the past few months, a magical bicycle has appeared in our mainland. At first glance, it looks ordinary, but if you have a chance to meet..."

"Seize the opportunity to ride. The longer you ride, the better. Even if you are directly tired and paralyzed, you have to support yourself and continue to ride. The consequences are simple. When I first heard the news, I thought it was bragging. It's the 21st century. How can there be such an exaggerated and unscientific thing?"

"But I encountered it for the second time a few days ago,..."

Listening to Yang Tao's gossip, Mr. Zhao was in no mood, because he was the one who released the strange bicycle.

This is the reward for signing in from Geng Hao, an outstanding bike.

I didn't know it at first, but after he released it, he gradually realized that this car is outstanding. It is outstanding because it is placed there without moving, and it will fuse with nearby bicycles, electric vehicles, etc. out of thin air.

No matter how many bicycles and electric vehicles are integrated, its appearance is almost unchanged. It is just an ordinary bicycle, but when you meet the rider, it will be a lot of fun. As Carambola said, the longer you ride on it, the more It can maintain health and keep fit, even delay aging and so on.

On one ride, the longer and farther you ride, the better.

Theoretically, when a rider gets off the car, it disappears in place, flees randomly, and stays still until there is no next one. When there is a next one, it will continue to disappear in a flash, and this is not like a magical milk tea, an ordinary If a person drinks at most three times, there is no benefit to be gained.

A great bike is one that, if you're lucky enough to come across it often enough, you can keep riding it and benefiting your body all the time.

The official has already relied on the magical bicycle to cultivate a small strong man who breaks the limits of ordinary human beings in all aspects of physical fitness.

As for its random escape, how did the officials find out?It's very simple, look where there are a large number of missing bicycles and electric vehicles, and cases of lost cars... Then it's a real hammer, that guy must be in that area.

It was the first time that Zhao Xueyan took out an outstanding bicycle to study the situation. Suddenly, in just two days, hundreds of bicycles and hundreds of electric vehicles were lost in one breath, causing the police in Chaowai District to panic. Shocked, they all arranged a joint investigation, and all the people outside the court were mobilized!

After all, it is now after the Olympics, which team would dare to exaggerate so much?Steal hundreds of cars in two days, or in the imperial capital? ?
After Yang Tao's mysterious narration, he nodded in the elevator room, "I've heard about that car, hey, 2012 is going to end soon, and it's not worth being too curious about any strange phenomena popping up."

In the past few months, he has also led a team of experts and recruited workers from the mainland. He has begun to build various doomsday buildings in Africa. He has directly painted hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land in different countries in Africa.

Most disaster-resistant buildings have no more than three floors on the surface and no more than two floors underground, just like building a small town in Amei's house.

After all, when the end of 12 came, Africa was not flooded, but like the rising sea level, the entire continent also rose thousands of feet, and there were no large-scale volcanic eruptions.

At that time, there may be earthquakes and large cracks in various places, but in the grassland plains, it is relatively safe as long as you stand in the open.

What he can do, he has been doing.

There are still nearly three years to go, and then he plans to recruit a team to build a wave of space carriers, just like the Space Carriers in the S.H.I.E.L.D. lair in the Avengers story, which are lifted into the air by anti-gravity engines and the like.

Ordinary planes are of little use in the apocalyptic disaster. Many planes will be smashed by the volcanic disaster during the volcanic eruption and fall due to the impact... The space carrier is different, and the altitude that can be lifted is still very safe.

When Yang Tao was confused by these words, he asked curiously, "By the way, do you like fish?"

Yang Tao was stunned for a few seconds, "It's okay??"

Mr. Zhao smiled even brighter, "Then do you like swimming?"

In the past few months, Yang Zixi, the first mermaid subject, has become stronger and stronger. It can be said that she can easily subdue a group of sharks in the ocean.

Because Mr. Zhao cultivated a group of extraordinary marine creatures in private by relying on the supernatural powers of taming animals, and nourished Yang Zixi greatly. The girl became stronger and stronger by relying on food, drink, nourishment and cultivation.

She is already a successful mermaid.

Zhao Xueyan also found the correct way to earn merit, that is, to consume merit to create a batch of mermaids, to consume merit to train extraordinary marine life, and to consume merit to realize a mermaid cultivation method.

Three minus one plus is ultimately a positive result.

There's nothing wrong with him, he doesn't do anything, no matter most ordinary humans or marine creatures, they all die in natural disasters. How many marine creatures do you think can withstand a tsunami up to a thousand meters high?
And constantly relying on supernatural powers to waste merit is actually looking for a new way out for life, and if you find it, you will make a lot of money.

Mermaids are also a kind of human life, not to mention that their upper body is a human in the ocean, and the lower body is a fish. When they go out to sea, they can turn into a full human body at any time.

The Ark Ship can study the issue of batch manufacturing in the first ship mode, and the research on the mermaid is also progressing well, and it can do things in batches.

Yang Tao, "I really like taking a bath, especially the feeling of soaking in the bathtub. I can swim, but I can do it. I don't have the conditions for me to go swimming. Time and wealth are not enough."

President Zhao smiled and patted Manager Yang on the shoulder, "It's okay, there will be opportunities in the future, I will treat you to a big meal tomorrow, let's have a whole fish feast."

Yang Tao was overwhelmed by the flattery, she knew how grand Mr. Zhao's dinner party was, "How can you be so embarrassing?"

Zhao Xueyan entered the elevator button, "That's it, see you tomorrow."


It wasn't until he got to the top floor suite that he heard the sound of splashing water from the bathtub, so he complained, "You are such a big fish, the bathtub in this suite is enough for you to splash around?"

A few seconds later, Yang Zixi, who has a super gorgeous big fish tail, came out with a flick, staring at Mr. Zhao with big eyes, and said sadly, "I thought I hadn't seen you for many years. It might be because of an old classmate like you." A love story."

"It's too cruel for you to turn me into a fish."

In the beginning, the original Lao Yang became an adult during the day and a fish at night. Didn’t it mean that Zhao Xueyan spent 1 point of humanitarian merit on him at night, then canceled it during the day, and continued to spend 1 point on the second night to become a fish? How wronged and wasteful?

It only took a little bit from the beginning to the end, she will not transform during the day, just use psychedelic magic such as ecstasy, and then use acupuncture techniques to control her from changing when she encounters water, even taking a bath.

Changing from the legs below the waist to fish tails, or the fish tails back to legs, involves a lot of meridians in the human body, and with Mr. Zhao's skill, he can easily restrain it by pressing acupuncture points.

Mr. Zhao grabbed a bottle of drink with a smile, "Okay, you still have the face to complain, how many people can't meet such a good opportunity in their dreams, even if you are a human body on land, you can run 6 meters in less than [-] seconds. The strength to win Olympic gold medals across multiple weight classes."

"This is much stronger than the number one master cultivated by the government."

Yang Zixi, "..."

Fortunately for her, as long as she wipes off the water on her body, she can transform into a human body at will?And as her cultivation became stronger and stronger, even if she didn't wipe off the water stains, she could still rely on exercises to maintain her body.

Forget it, the loss of the love story is not too serious, as long as no one thinks to beat her into fish soup, it is a good thing.

What's even more gratifying is that after returning to the human body, her height has increased by several centimeters, and her figure has become much more devilish. Even before, she thought about pulling out her teeth and slimming her face?There is no need for surgery anymore, but the shape of the face near the chin is slowly corrected by practicing the exercises.

This is a plastic surgery technique that he had kneeled and licked Mr. Zhao for a long time, many times.

There are good and bad things in everything, and at this point, it is resigned to fate.


In a police station in the Chaowai district of Beijing, a scruffy figure wearing a few layers of masks, with a strong smell all over his body, just walked into the office hall. Many people around the hall frowned and waved their hands in disgust to clear the air from their noses.

A policeman stopped the visitor, "What's the matter with you? The smell on your body..."

I cried, "Comrade policeman, is there any reason? I lost five electric cars this month. Is it easy for me?"

"Why is it so difficult to get a job!"

"Oh my god, if you don't solve it for me, I'll just lie at the door and won't leave..."

While he was crying for help, a young man who was queuing up in front of him suddenly turned around and said in shock, "Crazy? Are you a lunatic? How did you become like this? I haven't been able to contact you for months..."

This is Wu Di.

When Wu Di approached excitedly, Mr. Cheng was stunned, turned around and ran away, "I'm not crazy, you've got the wrong person!"

Is there anything more inappropriate to spread in the circle of friends than the rich and wealthy being reduced to the bottom of the citizens? ?
(End of this chapter)

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