Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 659 There are many urban routines, and the routines are too outrageous

Chapter 659 There are many urban routines, and the routines are too outrageous
In the Grand Hyatt mansion complex opposite the Bund across the river, when Mr. Zhao’s car parked at the entrance of the complex, Zhao Malin’s blue sports car followed, and Bai Fumei, who was very good at beating girls, got out of the car quickly and walked to the driver’s seat of the Audi Wai said, "I remembered, when I went to Jingyan Real Estate to look for Zhu Suosuo, I seemed to bump into something while overtaking on the road."

"So I bumped into your car, Brother Yan, I'm really sorry, don't worry, I'll pay you a new car."

Mr. Zhao got out of the car and said with a smile, "You finally remembered, but after seeing what happened just now, you still dare to follow me, aren't you afraid?"

Before he left Jingyan Real Estate, he yelled something to Fan Jingang, and then... Zhao Malin followed along.

This Bai Fumei was also one of the parties who witnessed the murder.

The assassination and anti-assassination incidents were of a completely different level from her going to fight the mistress. Adults like Lao Fan were so frightened that their legs trembled.

Zhao Malin excitedly glanced at the mansion complex, "Brother Yan, do you live here? What happened just now was a little scary at first, but after thinking about it, it was quite exciting. I have never encountered it in my life..."

It's very exciting.

In the story of the pure love of the golden years, suddenly popping out to catch 50 people walking, assassination and anti-killing incidents, what a leap.

"By the way, I heard the police talk to you before, and your surname is also Zhao? What a coincidence."

This is a small coincidence, Mr. Zhao waved his hand and said, "You don't need to worry about this car, a little bump, it doesn't matter."

Zhao Malin spoke again, wanting to treat her to dinner, but she was rejected and asked for contact information. Mr. Zhao left a phone call to say goodbye.

To his surprise, when he walked back to the lobby of the mansion, he saw all the property security guards or girls at the front desk, all of whom greeted him excitedly.

There were also several owners and residents of the mansion building, chatting excitedly together.

Especially the security guard named A Tao. When he saw him, he came over with a cup of coffee and snacks excitedly, "Mr. Zhao, you are back. Thanks to you, Xiao Liu and I have arrested an intelligence officer. Luo was injured, but the condition was minor...”

"The leader of the Security Bureau also told us that the bonus will be sent to us soon."

"This is the afternoon tea I called before..."

Mr. Zhao couldn't help laughing, "I just went out for a few laps, and someone really came to the house to make trouble?"

This is not in vain. When he went to rescue Zhong Xiaoyang last time, he took A Tao, Xiao Liu, and Wang Manni to watch on the way.

Everyone is responsible for catching the 50 people walking.

After receiving the afternoon tea from the other party, he ate, drank, and chatted before he learned the specific situation. It was an owner on the 17th floor of this building who ordered an express delivery. After the courier delivered the package, he turned around and ran to the 19th floor Want to make trouble.

That companion also took the initiative to use hacking techniques to hack some monitoring equipment.

It's not that the black camera crashes or changes color, but first steals the previous surveillance video of the floor, changes the time, and replaces it with the normal surveillance during the time period of the crime... The security guards in the main surveillance room did not find any abnormalities at the beginning.

While the courier was still unlocking Zhao's house with professional tools, several male security guards killed him.

In a few days, Mr. Zhao caught more than a dozen walkers of 50 yuan and made a huge profit of 2000 million yuan. How excited and shocked the security guards were!

Even if there is no problem with the surveillance video, their desire to make money is very strong. Surveillance is one thing. This does not prevent them from often wanting to walk up and down the 19th floor a few times to see if they can squat to avoid accidents.

You say serious intelligence personnel are good at fighting... Sorry, the security guards have several bottles of anti-wolf sprays and sprays per person, which are specially customized to spray very far.

Spraying at you from a distance, the other party closes his eyes and attacks...with his eyes closed, he was accidentally attacked by an electric shock baton.

They have not experienced combination training such as lime powder, portable electric fans, watering, etc., but they have also been taught some fighting and fighting skills. After all, it is a luxury residential community where a random house may cost tens of millions.

On the premise of not using guns, security guards with certain team training experience, anti-wolf spray spray plus electric shock baton, the effect is not bad.

"Xiao Liu and Xiao Luo suffered from skin trauma. The most serious thing was that their arms were cut a few centimeters by a knife, but the four of us caught one, hehe..."

During the commentary, A Tao laughed from ear to ear. According to experience, this is a windfall of 10,000+ per person. "The only regret is that we only arrested the courier who was doing the work, and the hacker who engaged in surveillance was not found. He It should be doing something outside."

Mr. Zhao patted A Tao on the shoulder encouragingly, "You've done a good job. If you catch more, the company will give you a promotion and a salary increase. After all, even in Shanghai, not just a few property security guards can catch you." Foreign agents."

Then he looked upstairs, "Recently, there are frequent agents here, what are the emotions of the other owners?"

A Tao excitedly explained, "In the beginning, some owners actually complained to the property and said some complaints, some of which were not pleasant, but those were private discussions, and the situation was not serious. Today, our four security guards successfully arrested Live in one."

"Many owners have come to inquire whether it is easy to make money like this... Some of them are a little eager to try."

This is one of the top luxury housing communities in Shanghai, but not every owner is a top-floor old king. His family bought a three-story duplex house, and the living room still has an authentic "Van Gogh" water lily.

The Water Lily series is one of the most important masterpieces of the famous painter Monet. However, after the top floor Mrs. Wang auctioned off the original work, she told the public more than once that it was the water lily of "Van Gogh".

Let’s not talk about that family for the time being. In this luxury residential area, most of the people who live in this luxury residential area are borrowed to buy houses. The middle-class people with mortgages on their backs, such as Gu Jia’s family, bought a house in order to make their family go further and squeeze into a more upper-class society. How long did I live, and I mortgaged it to the bank for a loan.

This incident of arresting 50 people who walked in waves was only caught by Mr. Zhao at the beginning. Everyone was shocked and a little panicked when they first heard about it. Regardless of the middle class of society or the general public, they instinctively felt that the 50 people who walked were the same as those who walked. People from different circles in two worlds.

It is certain that the general public is afraid of that.

Mr. Zhao, who caught the rich man again and again, is a dangerous person in the hearts of many owners, a symbol and representative of fierceness.

But the security guard who often greets them every day when they go in and out, and even helps them open the door, carry luggage, etc., suddenly Xiao Qingyi caught a 50 yuan?
The psychological impact on the general public is really different!
After chatting for a while, Mr. Zhao said, "Come on, take me to the monitoring room and see if I can find traces of that hacker..."


The security guards couldn't do anything to the hacker through the network cable, but to hack Mr. Zhao's place is pure courting death.


After a while.

In the external rental store facing the street outside the Junyue Mansion Community, Wang Manni was chatting with Zhong Xiaoqin, a sister from the property team who had visited here, when she saw A Tao driving an Audi and parked on the side of the road with two security guards.

A Tao also rolled down the co-pilot's window and waved excitedly to Wang Manni, "Xiao Wang, catch the spy, do you want to go?"

Wang Manni was slightly stunned, but overjoyed, "Go, Brother Tao, wait for me to ask for a leave."

A Tao said quickly, "Then hurry up, you can't let that guy run away."

Wang Manni ran back to the store to ask for leave in a hurry. Their store selling all kinds of luxury accessories, clothing, hats, bags, etc. is just downstairs of Mr. Zhao's current residence.

Before Mr. Zhao came, Wang Manni was still very serious and hard-working in her work, so she said she was selling luxury accessories to rich and famous ladies. It was the customers of other salespersons who came and were waved away by the security guard who watched the parking space, and let them Go around the other gate and park the car.

Wang Manni often buys the breakfast that the security guard in the parking lot likes to give to him, and she speaks nicely. When the guests she has appointed come, the car can be parked directly in the parking space in front of the store.

Faced with the customers who looked like low-level bourgeois in poor clothes and entered the luxury jewelry store, other salespersons didn't bother to greet them when they looked at the clothes, but she was able to greet them with a good attitude and did not despise them.

This is why Mr. Zhao feels that Zhu Suosuo, Jiang Nansun and the like are much lower than her.

Regardless of whether Sister Wang is too princess-like emotionally, she likes to dream and play, but she works hard in life and work. She rents a house and squeezes the subway every day, and strives for opportunities for work.

Unlike Zhu Suosuo, who graduates from a prestigious school and lives at his uncle's house every day, and does not look for a job... He just wants to rely on Jiang Nansun's circle of relatives to get in touch with the tycoon Ye Jinyan in one step, and ask for his support.

Then I really got the attention of the boss, and the first order of work was the opening of a new real estate, and the salesman Yangke introduced Xie Hongzu to her.

In order to sell the house, I chased after Xie Hongzu's happy nightclub, had a few sips of wine with you, and conquered Prince Xie of the air-conditioning king's family.

Buy a luxury house from you like ordinary people buy instant noodles.

Tens of millions of mansions, if you buy it yourself, you even introduce your buddies to buy it together.

It's up to you not to marry wherever you are.

Her confession, none of the previous ex-boyfriends had been together for more than two weeks.

Old Zhu wanted to take a shortcut, and when he got a job, he fled the small alley of his uncle's house, bluntly saying that after all the hardships, he moved to the big villa of his best friend Jiang Nansun.

When Wang Manni ran out wearing high heels and got into the passenger seat, she exclaimed, "Is this Mr. Zhao's Audi?"

Brother Tao nodded excitedly, "I caught one before, but a hacker escaped. Mr. Zhao locked the location of the hacker through computer technology. It was in a hotel not far away. We were afraid that the guy would run fast, so let us borrow his hacker." car."

"When you get to the hotel, you pretend to be room service to open the door, and we will follow you in. Those who play hacking skills should not be too strong."

This is not A Tao deliberately taking care of Wang Manni and giving her money. It is an overseas agent who lives in a hotel and will leave at any time. It is easier for you to knock on the door if you are a man, or to open the door with a beautiful big sister who looks weaker. success?
They don't plan to ask the hotel to cooperate when they go to the hotel. First, they have no right... Second, after all, they will cause more trouble, and they will easily be alerted by the other party and run away, hackers!
Who knows if the hotel's internal personnel will be eavesdropped during the negotiation?

Wang Manni was overjoyed, "You caught one? So fast?"

She was originally rewarded by the company for a trip on the Europa cruise, and she was about to go on a trip, but because Mr. Zhao stepped in... she voluntarily gave up the reward.

There's nothing wrong with it. A few days ago, Mr. Zhao drove them around in a car and made a profit of 150 million.

Which Hupiao can withstand this stimulation?

Sister Wang promoted the cruise ship rewards, just to find an opportunity to make some quick money, and her work place is downstairs from Mr. Zhao's residence.

But she still didn't expect that A Tao and others who watched Mr. Zhao's work with her last time had already caught one!
Xiao Liu in the back seat showed his arm, "Hey, I was stabbed before, but it didn't go deep into the flesh. The wound was only a few centimeters long. Just wrap it up casually, but it can be divided into 12."

"Another one will cost 25 yuan."

"No, although Mr. Zhao didn't come, but he found the hacker, we have to confess..."

A Tao started the car and nodded, "That's right, Mr. Zhao is generous. Last time Zhong Xiaoyang was kidnapped, he was given 15 yuan. This time, he will decide the distribution of the money. We won't lose any less money."

At this point, A Tao is still very shrewd.

If Mr. Zhao doesn't live here, why would some overseas spies pop up to catch them?

They don't know why so many agents are targeting Mr. Zhao, but Mr. Zhao is always the source, the source of money, and the big water hose!
Audi roared away.

Zhong Xiaoqin was left behind, looking blankly at the rear of the car, what's going on?This luxury jewelry store, Miss Wang, also ran to catch foreign spies?
Isn't this life too magical!

Of course she knew that on the first day Zhong Xiaoyang joined the company, when he came to work in the community with her, he encountered an incredible kidnapping incident, and then asked for leave to follow that Mr. Zhao for a few days, and was suddenly kidnapped again, rescued, and divided 15 yuan ...

But she still felt that the secret agent incident and small property staff like her were too far away, not in the same world.

Sister Wang, whom she had just met not long ago, who was on the verge of becoming her new best friend, got involved anyway, and for this reason she did not hesitate to turn down the Europa cruise trip that the company rewarded.

It is said that there are many routines in the city.

This is too outrageous.

Thinking of this, Zhong Xiaoqin took out her mobile phone and called Gu Jia. Gu Jia is her best friend, and she is the godmother of Gu Jia's son, "Gu Jia, what's going on? ?”

"Brother Tao from our property management company..."

"What? One has been caught, and one person can share more than 12 yuan. Has your owner group spread the word?"

"Is it so easy to catch..."

After chatting excitedly with Gu Jia for a while, after hanging up the phone, Zhong Xiaoqin was even more at a loss, is it really that easy?With a little injury, just relying on a large number of people, bottles of anti-wolf spray, and electric shock batons to get rid of the agents?

Isn't this a bit different from the image of an agent in her mind?


The 21st floor of Grand Hyatt Mansion.

Gu Jia put down the phone and walked back to the living room, and said to Mrs. Wang with a smile, "Sorry, a good sister of mine called..."

Sitting in Mrs. Wang's three-story duplex, almost 300 degrees in the perfect river view room, Gu Jia is very humble, and Mrs. Wang's expression is also very calm, "It's okay, actually, I also find this kind of thing quite novel..."

"By the way, you said that you have greeted that Mr. Zhao, and you know him well. Then, will I be able to invite him to be a guest this time?"

Mrs. Wang was also disturbed by the secret agent, disrupting her life circle.

She ordered the housekeeper to go down and invite Mr. Zhao to be a guest. The purpose was to hope that Mr. Zhao would leave the Grand Hyatt Mansion temporarily for a while. One thing to say, today the secret agent can use the excuse of delivering a courier to the 17th floor to make trouble.

Will he enter her house tomorrow and run from top to bottom?

If someone sneaked into her house at night and opened the window on the 20th floor to lie down on the 19th floor, would she be considered a fish in the pond?

Compared with ordinary security guards who are excited to be caught by special agents and making money, compared with ordinary homeowners who are also a little yearning and excited, the living room is full of authentic works of Monet's water lilies.

The Wang family is not short of this money, but they are afraid of being affected.

Of course, it is impossible for her to use force.

The normal wealthy people in their family may have swords, lights, swords, and dirty things in shopping malls when they make a fortune, but they are still very different from Mr. Zhao's physical action style.

It's just a temptation. If Mr. Zhao is willing, she doesn't mind spending money and efforts to help Mr. Zhao find a better place to stay than the Grand Hyatt Mansion. Even if it's a presidential suite in a top-tier hotel, she can also pay to help rent it.

Gu Jia smiled awkwardly, "It's hard to say, it depends on that person's mood."

The door opened amidst the laughter, and the housekeeper of the Wang family ran back in a mess, "Madam, Mr. Zhao is here, but..."

Mrs. Wang got up and walked towards the door, "But what?"

The housekeeper’s expression was still a little messed up, “Mr. Zhao brought a lot of gifts, and he also suggested that we invite some famous chefs to cook a meal at home. It is difficult for ordinary chefs to make the best taste. If he has time, he also hopes that Mr. Come back for this dinner."

Mrs. Wang's face was a little more messy, and she said as she walked, "Then you call the husband."

After leaving these words, she quickened her pace, and Gu Jia also followed.

When they arrived at the door, they saw Mr. Zhao coming with a box, and greeted with a smile, "You are Mrs. Wang, you are from the neighbors, look up and look down, these days because of my business, it's a bit disturbing to the people, I was thinking of looking for an opportunity to invite you to get together, so I would like to express my apology."

"Ms. Gu is here too. If you are free that night, let's have a meal together?"

"If you can't hire a good cook, I can cook."

Mrs. Wang asked Mr. Zhao to leave the Grand Hyatt Mansion for a while because she was afraid that she would be harmed by Chi Yu. It was embarrassing for strangers to talk like this, so she asked Gu Jia to help.

Mr. Zhao is so enthusiastic, she is even more embarrassed.

"Mr. Zhao is too polite, why are you here as a guest..."

Zhao Xueyan carried the box into the house, "Let me send it to the kitchen. They are all very fresh ingredients. I prepared three kilograms of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Shangri-La's top-quality matsutake king, and Italian alba white truffles. They are all fine products I got by luck." , that is, the quantity is only one catty."

"However, the giant white ground mushroom is not bad, and it weighed more than two catties."

Mrs. Wang, "..."

She didn't know much about these things. Although she lived in a mansion worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the authentic Monet's water lilies hanging in her house were also photographed with tens of millions of dollars.

But she can describe Monet as Van Gogh... It is enough to witness Mrs. Wang's insight.

On the contrary, Gu Jia was shocked and said, "Alba white truffle? This is too precious."

Mrs. Wang wondered, "Is it very valuable?"

Gu Jia smiled wryly, "The top-notch Alba white truffle costs US$50 to US$[-] to one kilogram, and US$[-] to one kilogram, which is more than [-] yuan."

"White field mushrooms are common, but giant mushrooms are extremely rare. They are known as the most expensive mushrooms in the world, with an average of 20 yuan per catty."

Mrs. Wang, "..."

This is the first time I invite you to my home as a guest. Does it need to be so luxurious for a meal?Although her luxurious accessories, clothes, silk scarves and bags are also expensive... But she doesn't need to eat millions of dollars for a meal.

When Mr. Zhao opened the box and took out a few bottles of 10,000+ bottles of Romanee-Conti, Gu Jia's eyes twitched even more.

In her mind, Mrs. Wang was already rich enough, but she never expected that a new big boss like Mr. Zhao would appear on the stage.

A while ago, she was negotiating business for her own fireworks factory. She made an appointment with Mr. Wan and was almost harassed. Is that a business worth hundreds of thousands?
There are various costs in this business.

I really didn't expect that the big man with flip flops and big trousers I met in the elevator last time would be so arrogant.

Of course, if she knew that in the plane of A Chinese Ghost Story, there are giant white ground mushrooms everywhere... Maybe the mountain people who pick mushrooms will get tired of eating them, so they won't comment on the most expensive mushrooms on earth.

If a mushroom essence pops up at random, it can't be like a thousand-year-old centipede like Pudu Cihang who cultivates disciples and grandchildren to create a giant white ground mushroom forest.

You said that mushrooms are not good for sperm?Isn't every tree the tree demon grandma?Don't be kidding, in order to ensure the ingredients of the Dazhao Palace, Mr. Zhao can turn a white ground mushroom into a fine one, and then cultivate the royal mushroom forest.

Across the upstairs and downstairs, before the housekeeper of the Wang family came downstairs, he heard Mrs. Wang's intention to invite him, and wanted him to leave the Grand Hyatt Mansion for a while...

He also brought so many "luxury" ingredients, including wine?

Mr. Zhao also wanted to ask, is this three-storey duplex in Wang's house, a four- to five-hundred-square-meter house with a river view of nearly 300 degrees, is it for sale?

The decoration of the house is good, and the Wang family probably won it for more than 1 million yuan if they wanted to sell it.

With such a plan, it is basic etiquette to bring good food when you go upstairs.

After handling the ingredients casually, and waiting for something to happen, Mr. Zhao opened a bottle of Romanee-Conti to sober up, sat in the living room and said, "I am sorry that what happened today shocked the neighbors. If there is any need for help, I can try it, in fact, we can also communicate with the property company and ask them to send more security guards to ensure the daily safety of the owners."

"You can even ask the Security Bureau to send some real counterpart experts to help us maintain security."

Mrs. Wang and Gu Jia looked at each other.

I don't know how to answer the conversation, mainly because I was caught off guard by Mr. Zhao's big gift.

Visiting customers, carrying food and drink with a market value of millions of dollars, Mrs. Wang can't bear this kind of local tyrant power!

After taking a sip of tea in silence, Mrs. Wang coughed lightly, "Mr. Zhao, I'm a little curious. What do you do? Why are there so many intelligence personnel staring at you?"

"More than one time I tried to kidnap you, why don't you hire more bodyguards?"

In the beginning, Mr. Zhao had some younger brothers when he traveled, but now they are all gone.

The Chinese with my younger sister's green card are so excited when they first come to Shanghai?But it seems Mr. Zhao is very young.

The appearance of eighteen or nineteen years old, to the 30-year-old Gu Jia and the [-]-year-old Mrs. Wang, is just a little boy level.

Are today's young people so exaggerated?
Mr. Zhao thought about it, and when he was about to explain, the phone rang, and he grabbed it and saw that it was an overseas number. He was very happy, "I'll answer the call."

After the call was connected, Charles' strong London accent came from the opposite side, "Zhao, you bastard, why haven't you..."

Mr. Zhao interrupted, "Charles, don't worry, let me tell you, listen, in fact, I also want to call you when I have a chance."

"It was my fault that I stole more than 5 million pounds of your family property, but as one of Niu Niu's top three bosses, your position is still there, and the family's white glove company still has the airs, so there is still no shortage of opportunities to continue corruption. "

"You were able to embezzle more than 5 million pounds in the past few decades, and you can continue to do so in the future."

"Don't turn yourself in just because I can't think about it. Before, you ordered MI6's hidden agents in China to get me, and I got a bonus of 2000 million yuan. Why don't we discuss it, and you give me the list of agents that MI6 spilled out?" share?"

"I took the initiative to catch it, and our bonus is fifty-five cents? The money comes very quickly."

"Anyway, you're not the boss of MI6, it's better to cheat others than to be poor yourself."


On the other side of the phone, there was an interpreter and Mr. Zhao interpreting at the same time. Charles was silent for a full minute after listening to it, and then panted, "You villain still want to lie to me? Will you split me in half?"

Mr. Zhao said seriously, "When I come out to play, I have always convinced people with virtue. You also have my people in the Ministry of Finance. They are all top three bosses. How about I ask my younger brother to transfer you 1000 million pounds and spend it first?"

"Then you should seriously consider the matter of the MI6 list. Agents, aren't they just leeks? It's important to make money if you cut one crop and grow another."

"If you have the CIA's latent list, I can give you 50% of it. I'm very sincere. Let's count by head, one is 200 yuan, and 1 is [-] yuan."

"Regardless of MI6 or CIA, just cut a wave of leeks and you'll be there. This is much faster than your normal corruption in London. After you get it done, just find a scapegoat and throw it out. Your life will still be happy."

"Don't be tempted to turn yourself in to ask for this pension, even if it will cause me a little trouble, you will still be in jail to eat."

Charles snarled, vomiting blood, "I don't want to talk to you villain."

After roaring, the other side took the initiative to hang up the phone.

Mr. Zhao thought for a while and dialed back. After this connection, Mr. Zhao said, "I hacked 1000 million knives from a South American drug lord warlord, a little bit of money, and that guy actually sent a killer to assassinate me directly. You are so unruly."

"By the way, his main wealth is cash flow. I'm not convenient for blackmail. How did he find out about me? It can't be the news of you selling it."

Mr. Zhao asked, and Charles said speechlessly, "The last time I flew to Switzerland, I met the bank president. He died, and it was the drug lord who did it."

"That bastard assassinated you directly? What will happen to my money if you die?"

Mr. Zhao nodded, "He sent a killer to cross the border. If I catch him, I won't get a bonus. Why don't we discuss and kill him? Help his opponent, or instigate his younger brother to take over?"

"It's too stingy. I cheated you of [-] million pounds. They sent me money by sending agents. That guy went straight to the killer.... Do you have any acquaintances in the football kingdom? I have also engaged in an official football kingdom The third row of black money is only [-] million knives, and he hasn’t found me yet, so if you say I’ll give him back [-]%, will he help me to get rid of that drug lord?”

Charles was shocked, "Wang Defake, how much money did you blackmail? How many people have you cheated?"

Talking and communicating, waiting for the call to end.

Mr. Zhao saw Mrs. Wang and Gu Jia who were demented and terrified. The embarrassment and fear of the two wives had filled their bodies and had nowhere to rest.

They couldn't hear Charles' words, but Mr. Zhao's words could be heard clearly and understood.

It seems that Mr. Zhao doesn't need to explain why so many agents are chasing him.

Mr. Zhao shrugged and said, "It's not easy for everyone to make money these days."

Gu Jia smiled hastily, and then wanted to cry again, "Mr. Zhao, we won't be silenced, right? Are you talking on the phone like this?"

Mr. Zhao rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Where are you thinking, no matter whether I am in my sister or in the mainland, I am a law-abiding citizen. You see, no one has ever called the police to arrest me."

(End of this chapter)

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