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Chapter 658 You have a big deal!

Chapter 658 You have a big deal!
The new day is sunny.

Mr. Zhao was driving the Audi on the road. When he was about to turn a corner at the intersection, a blue sports car suddenly came out from the sideways, overtook it, scratched the Audi, and continued running.

Zhao Xueyan looked at the driver of the blue sports car speechlessly. He was a girl with a fashionable blazer on the upper body and super shorts on the lower body. She has long hair and big waves. Is she okay?At first glance, it's about eight points, but you just run away after rubbing the car, it's a bit careless.

He didn't have any business to do. He just walked around the street casually to see if there would be a few more walking 50 yuan. When he didn't meet the target, he followed the blue sports car with the Audi.

Less than 10 minutes.

Mr. Zhao saw a blue sports car parked in front of an office building. The girl with long hair and big waves got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the office building with long legs. She aimed directly at a girl in a white coat and short skirt who was walking and talking on the phone. .

Still more than 20 meters away, Mr. Zhao saw the girl in shorts walking up to the girl on the phone, "Zhu Suosuo, see if I can't beat you to death..."

Accompanied by the words, there were small slaps falling down, and Zhu Suosuo, a girl in a short skirt, was caught off guard, and then a big fat man rushed out from the side of the building, and quickly threw down the girl in shorts who hit her. The two lay on the ground, and the fat man stopped him. The girl in shorts didn't let her continue to do it.

Zhu Suosuo yelled and cursed angrily, and was stunned and angry when he was beaten. While the two girls were still arguing, a middle-aged man rushed out of the office building and stopped Zhu Suosuo not to let them continue to swear.

Zhao Xueyan got out of the car speechlessly, and watched the excitement with a bottle of drink.

Of course, when a girl fights, she's supposed to hit a mistress or something, that's all. It doesn't deserve his attention. He recognized Zhu Suosuo, the heroine in the story of the golden years?
After glancing at Zhu Suosuo from a distance, Mr. Zhao sat back in the car in disappointment. The heroine didn't seem to have much sign-in value, she was lower than Wang Manni.

Thirty and Only In the story, Wang Manni worships money, can't see herself clearly, and at 30, she still likes all kinds of dreams and all kinds of romance, but... at least she doesn't discriminate against ordinary people who have nothing to do with her.

Including Gu Jia and Zhong Xiaoqin, they won't, and the girls are more serious and attentive to their work and career.

The Golden Years are different. To put it bluntly, it is about the fairy friendship between Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo. From childhood to adulthood, it is the kind of sincerity all the way. But, to put it bluntly, it is two white-eyed wolves with various double standards A girl's history depends on her appearance. .

Let's put it this way, Zhu Suosuo's mother gave birth to her and ran away. Her father was a sailor who didn't come home once a year. Her uncle and aunt raised her from a young age. Then...she said more than once that she was dependent on others since she was a child, and she didn't feel at home. the warmth.

Didn't he personally raise you up from snacks, drinking and drinking, all the way to college graduation, isn't that unjust and I'm sorry for you?

In the original story, she married another rich second metabolizer, Hongzu. When she got married, the woman's bride was brought out by a godbrother whom she had not known for a long time, and her uncle and aunt left her.Isn't it normal for a wedding that the father brings the bride to the stage and hands the daughter to the groom?The co-author uncle raised you for more than 20 years.

I don't see how to give back to my uncle's family when I have money.

Once, Jiang Nansun went to Jingyan Real Estate, one of the top real estate groups in Shanghai, to deliver something. He wanted to send it directly to the president Ye Jinyan, but was stopped by the driver Ma outside the door. Pretending to be a rich man, sending bags, silk scarves, necklaces and so on, he caught up within a few days.

In the middle of a dream of love, President Ye’s secretary appeared, saying that the horse driver embezzled public funds to give you gifts, and you had to return the things. When Zhu Suosuo delivered the stolen goods, he even confidently said that he was a victim, and the things can be given to you. These things are worth at least seven or eight. Wan, you have to pay me back.

It really took [-] from Ye Jinyan.

As for the horse driver, get out if you have to, whether you are fired or brought to justice, it has nothing to do with her.

In this day and age, if the woman regrets the marriage after giving the bride price, or the man doesn’t want to get married, the law also supports you to get the bride price back, right?
Mr. Zhao read this story before time travelling, but he didn't finish it... He couldn't resist all kinds of thunder!
The other heroine, Jiang Nansun, is even more bizarre. She grew up in a large villa in the bustling core area of ​​Shanghai, her ancestral rich and noble princess background, until she graduated from university, her father, who gambled on stocks, went bankrupt, committed suicide by jumping off a building, and collected debts. The big villa was taken away and there is still a pile of debts.

The mother quickly divorced and ran away, and she also ran away...

Only a gray-haired grandmother was left living in Zhu Suosuo's rented house, and was often chased by creditors.

Sister Jiang said that grandma was patriarchal since she was a child, and she and grandma had a bad was outrageous, patriarchy also had to have boys in the Jiang family, so that patriarchy could be distinguished. In her generation, the Jiang family was the only one Girls, why do you prefer boys over girls?
If there are no boys, who do you care about?

Gambling dog father failed in stock trading, jumped off the building and went bankrupt, leaving a mess, but that is also to raise you rich from childhood to adulthood, so that you can study for a doctorate in a prestigious school, right?The monthly salary of ordinary migrant workers is not enough for your usual pocket money, and it is hundreds or thousands of dollars to go out and have your hair done.

Even if she liked to introduce rich second generations to her before committing suicide, and arranged blind dates with rich people, but the mess came out, and she, an adult in her 20s, ran away with her mother and left it to the white-haired old grandmother to carry it.

Is this appropriate...

Her first boyfriend didn't have much money. He was a hard-working man who studied in Shanghai, stayed in school as a teaching assistant, and bought a house with a loan on his own ability. He has already crushed [-] to [-]% of young men. Agreed to sell his house to pay off Jiang's father's debts, and divided.

He also complained about dissing his ex-boyfriend as a scumbag, a scumbag, and shameless.

She didn't know what happened to her father and her first boyfriend?When she was still in love, she took her home to meet her family, and she was ridiculed and looked down on by all kinds of face-to-face. She was still talking with him, and the parents urged her to break up all day long, looking for other people, from father to mother to aunt. One doesn't look like the other party is a monster.

It's all right now, the gambling dog lost everything and went bankrupt, the big villa is gone, and there are still a group of debt collectors, just the gambling, you sold the house to fill the hole?

As her own daughter, she ran away and refused to resist, so why did her ex-boyfriend become the most scumbag in the world?

The second boyfriend is a sea king-level rich second generation. The father of the gambling dog committed suicide. The rich second-generation boyfriend is rich... I didn’t see what she asked the other party to do, so I left my grandma and ran away with my mother. up.

On the one hand, grandma stayed in Shanghai to be chased by her creditors, and on the other hand, she was staying in Lilang with her rich second-generation boyfriend.

As for my mother, she has been married to Jiang’s father, a gambling dog, for more than 20 years. She said that she has not been free for more than 20 years. She was tortured and trapped in Jiang’s family for more than 20 years. Drinking tea with the famous lady Kuotai has been carefree for more than 20 years.

After the Jiang family fell into poverty, she had no money to buy expensive jewelry and could only buy ordinary diamonds miserably.

Her mother called it being tortured for half her life.

Isn't this the ultimate ideal for many actresses to marry wealthy families?
Gambling dog Jiang's father completely ruined his family business, committed suicide, and ran away happily regardless of everything. His mother quickly started her second spring, and she fell in love with a gardener in Yidaili.

Mr. Zhao read this story back then, and it was true... Unable to bear the rolling sky thunder, he gave up before reading it. It is not clear what the final outcome of Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun will be.

Now I accidentally saw the fiancee of the rich second Xie Hongzu come to beat the mistress? ?

Still no need to sign in.

In the same heroine story as Thirty Only, Wang Manni is already very low, but she seems a bit serious when she meets other comparisons.

When Mr. Zhao was about to drive away, he got out of the car suddenly and quickly walked up the few steps under the awning of the office building from the side of the road.

It is not far from Zhu Suosuo and Xie Hongzu's former fiancée Zhao Malin, less than ten meters away.

Then he saw a large truck coming from behind the side of the road, slowed down...and stopped more than 20 meters away from the Audi.

Mr. Zhao looked at the driver of the large truck. A very vague embarrassment flashed across the driver's face. He pretended to answer the phone and started talking on the phone.

Stop hitting?
That's right, even if the driver originally planned to hit Mr. Zhao with his car, but he got off the car ahead of time and went up the high steps in front of the building, how could the big truck hit him?
Funny looking away from the truck driver, Mr. Zhao glanced at Zhao Malin who was still lying on the ground and was pulled by a fat man's arm, walked up and said, "Okay, calm down, it's not good to be dragged in public."

"This time she stopped you, you can find a chance to fight again next time."

"Everyone is so young, are you afraid that you don't have time?"

While talking and joking, Mr. Zhao possessed himself and pulled the fat man's hand away, and Zhao Malin also got up quickly, "Thank you."

After thanking him, he walked towards Zhu Suosuo aggressively again.

On the other side, Zhu Suosuo was trying to persuade Zhu Suosuo to calm down, and the middle-aged man who wanted to pull her back to the building was annoyed, "Hey, who are you, what does it have to do with you? Why are you making such a mess?"

He was about to persuade Zhu Suosuo to go back to the building, and Mr. Zhao added fuel to the fire by adding fuel to the chaos.

The fat man wanted to get up from the ground, and tried to push Mr. Zhao, "Get out of the way, we don't know you, how can you be like this..."

Mr. Zhao pressed the fat man and shrugged, "I don't want to either."

If it wasn't for a truck driver who suddenly appeared and wanted to cause a traffic accident, he would have already driven away, okay?

The driver killer is not doing anything, so wait, idle is idle.

Mr. Zhao saw Zhao Malin rushing forward to continue to slap her. The middle-aged man had no choice but to block for Zhu Suosuo. He was slapped on the back, so he said, "Both girls are so beautiful, and they dress so well. Don't slap them." What a pity."

What happened to Zhao Malin, Zhu Suosuo, and Xie Hongzu?I seem to remember, Xiao Xie is the prince of Shanghai Air Conditioning King's family, the elders in the family let him be engaged to Zhao Malin, his fiancée.

No matter the Xie family or the Zhao family, their financial influence is on the same level as Jingyan Real Estate, one of the leading real estate groups.

Zhu Suosuo met when Jingyan was selling real estate and looking for Xie Hongzu to sell a house. Xie fell in love with her, pursued her, and Xie and Zhu got married. It should be like this.

More specifically, Mr. Zhao didn't look at it before traveling.

Anyway, it was Zhu Suosuo who stayed at home all day long after graduating from university and did not work until he first came into contact with Jingyan Real Estate for delivering things for Jiang Nansun, and after he got in touch with Driver Ma who took away 8 yuan.

In Jingyan Real Estate, no matter whether it is a first-class sales elite, Ye Jinyan, a rich man, or Ye Jinyan's secretary, Fan Jingang, no one will try to show Zhu Suosuo's body, but will support her in every way to care for her and treat her well. good.

For example, Xie Hongzu, who bought a flat in Shanghai like a bag of instant noodles, wanted to marry into a wealthy family because of her body.

Mr. Zhao was still working hard. A few security guards ran out from Jingyan Real Estate Building and quickly separated Zhao Malin from Zhu Suosuo...Of course, the security guards didn't dare to drag Zhao Malin at will like the fat man on the ground.

This is also properly Bai Fumei.

In the mid-to-late 21s, in Shanghai, one of the leading real estate groups, the Jingyan Group had much money and influence, and Zhao Malin's Zhao family was somewhat more powerful.

The fat man who dared to pounce on Zhao Malin just now was because he was Xie Hongzu's second-generation rich buddy, so he dared to do that.

Zhao Malin looked for an opportunity angrily, but she couldn't find it anymore. She was stomping her feet, and President Zhao got up speechless, disappointed, "It's okay, there will be another chance next time."

Idle is idle, waiting for the driver killer to do something, watching some farce is not bad.

His sense of Zhu Suosuo knew that the goods were chased by the horse driver, and he was super happy to receive gifts such as bags and necklaces. When he turned around, the horse driver was investigated, and Jingyan Real Estate asked her for the embezzled public funds. If you go back, you can reduce the penalty ...

Driver Ma humbled himself to ask for the gift back, but was resolutely rejected, and even reprimanded Ma for how much harm had she suffered?How innocent, how broken?This doesn't feel good at all.

The horse driver is funny, but it’s not fake to treat you well. At most, he is like those who embezzle public funds to reward female anchors with cerebral palsy. , I didn't take advantage of you, did you get it?

If you return the things, you can at least reduce your guilt a bit. You are better off, and ran to blackmail Ye Jinyan, the big president, for [-] yuan, and Lao Ye really gave it.

Zhao Malin was blocked by a group of security guards. Hearing this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he turned around and stretched out his hand to Mr. Zhao, "I'm Zhao Malin. Thank you very much this time. I'll treat you to dinner later?"

At this moment.

The middle-aged man Fan Jingang who came to hold Zhu Suosuo at first was free, and asked other colleagues to take Zhu Suosuo back to the building, and yelled at Mr. Zhao, "Eat? Do you still want to eat?"

"Miss Zhao, you'd better go first, I want to have a good talk with this gentleman on behalf of Jingyan Group."

"Sir, let me tell you responsibly, you're in for a big deal!"

He, Fan Jingang, didn't dare to hate a first-class Bai Fumei like Zhao Malin, and he didn't dare to deal with a passerby who eats melons?No matter what, I have to clean up and let him know the seriousness, so that my god-sister Zhu Suosuo can vent her anger.

While talking and gesturing to the security guard to do something, two male security guards came quickly, trying to detain him.

Zhao Malin stood in front of Mr. Zhao, "Don't move, I don't think any of you would dare? Secretary Fan, what do you want to talk about? I can ask my lawyer to talk..."

Fan Jingang was speechless and aggrieved by being blocked.

No matter what he thinks, this is the scandal caused by Xie Hongzu chasing Zhu Suosuo when he has a fiancée?
The current Zhu Suosuo is not an ordinary real estate salesperson, but Ye Jinyan, the CEO's favorite, his god-sister Fan Dami, also Fan Mi's assistant, and the most admired general of Jingyan Group Sales Wang Yangke.

Not every salesman can deal with a rich second generation like Xie Hongzu. He not only buys a house with his own money, but also introduces other second-generation friends to buy it from Zhu Suosuo together.

The security guard didn't dare to move any further.

Zhao Malin happily said to Mr. Zhao, "Little brother, let's go, let's go eat."

Zhao Malin doesn't look very old, but she is 24 or [-] years old, and Mr. Zhao is much more tender, only eighteen or nineteen.

There is nothing strange about calling a little brother.

But Mr. Zhao waved his hand with a smile, "You don't need to eat, you go first, see you next time if you have a chance."

While speaking, he looked at the big truck not far away. The driver stopped calling. After getting off the car, he grabbed a bottle of water and walked towards Jingyan Real Estate. He walked seven or eight meters away from Mr. Zhao, and suddenly dropped The water bottle touched it with both hands.

Grabbed two small sabers from his back waist, like the flying knife man in Slaying the Wolf 2, threw out the two sabers and stabbed Zhao Xueyan's left chest and throat. He jumped up several steps, more than one meter high, raised his legs high, chased Dao Guangfei and kicked Mr. Zhao on the head.

This is a completely different style of painting from Zhao Malin chasing and beating Zhu Suosuo before!
At this time, Mr. Zhao stretched out his hands and grabbed the handle of the small saber, and with a flash, he pulled out an afterimage from the side and stabbed the flying knife man's legs eight times, blood gushing out like a fountain.

The driver's killer didn't cry out for pain, and took out two small sabers from his back while he was on the ground. His arms were still moving. Mr. Zhao took advantage of the opportunity to grab his right hand and slammed it into his waist.

He raised his leg and kicked the opponent away, flying five or six meters at a low altitude.

The blood flow is as long as a small fountain and sprinkles many meters.

The mutation stunned all normal people.

Even some security guards of Jingyan Real Estate were sprayed with blood, and Fan Jingang was affected to a certain extent. Mr. Zhao stepped forward with a small saber and said with a smile, "You are not bad, are you also from Charles?"

Is it like the previous waves, they were all sent by Niu Niu Charles? It's not necessarily true. Mr. Zhao has cheated a lot of people...

Those people in the first few waves were basically thinking about kidnapping and controlling.

The driver killer came up to kill him. Old Charles doesn't want his pension back?
There were screams and screams, like Mr. Zhao's walking BGM. He calmly walked in front of the driver killer, squatted down and asked curiously, "Isn't it Charles? You're so useless, it doesn't hurt. ?”

The honesty was mobilized, Mr. Zhao asked a few words, and finally got the answer from the driver's killer. It really wasn't Charles, he was sent by a warlord of a drug lord in South America.

This is not considered to be 50 walking, after all, he is not like Lao Li, the owner of the 19th floor, who has worked in China for 20 years and has been trying his best to collect all kinds of secrets and send them to the outside world.

It was an Asian killer who came to Shanghai by plane from South America.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhao quickly ran back to Audi to bandage up the killer, he was very busy.

When he was about to pack up, 110 and 120 arrived almost at the same time. The Jingyan Real Estate Building was about to be cordoned off under the awning. A few policemen came on guard and shouted for Mr. Zhao to put down his weapons.

Mr. Zhao dropped his tools and said, "Uncle policeman, I fought back in self-defense. Many people can testify. I was just watching the fun here. This guy grabbed a small saber and tried to kill me."

"Look, I was afraid of killing someone. After I fought back in self-defense, I helped him treat and bandage him in time. I saved my life. At most, I hurt a big kidney. It will be more troublesome in the future."

The police looked at the white-collar workers looking at the crowd at least ten meters away, and they were very...

When the two policemen were protecting Mr. Zhao and did not give him a chance to cause trouble, the 120 emergency personnel arrived. After a brief inspection of the situation, the doctor who led the team looked at Mr. Zhao curiously, "You are a medical student? This bandaging treatment is too professional. , much stronger than me."

Mr. Zhao nodded, "That's right, it's okay."

A middle-aged policeman looked left and right, mainly looking at other colleagues who were walking towards the onlookers. Whether the specific situation was legitimate self-defense still needs to be investigated.

After a while.

Whether it is the confession evidence of Zhao Malin, Fan Jingang and others, or the surveillance video near the awning of the Jingyan Real Estate Group building, it all shows that Mr. Zhao is really self-defense...

At most, when he defended himself, he was a little bit ruthless.

But everyone's surveillance video has slowed down many times. After seeing Mr. Zhao stabbing the killer's legs seven or eight times, and the killer falling from the air, he drew a new saber to make trouble without saying a word. There is no way to blame Mr. Zhao for being cruel.

After being stabbed eight times, the opponent still gritted his teeth and continued to beat you to death.

Everyone can also see clearly that the first two knives came, one for the heart and the other for the throat!
The detectives who led the team all said sadly, "The Asian killer of the football kingdom is a professional just by looking at his skills? Mr. Zhao, you are a sister, but I still want to ask, why did this killer come to you directly after landing?" thing?"

"He's a killer, not a mastermind..."

Mr. Zhao said helplessly, "I don't know either. Maybe it's because I do too many good things and let some evil forces specifically target me?"

During this time, Mr. Zhao's lawyers all came, and a certain man in a suit smiled politely, "Officer Lin, my client is obviously a victim. I don't think there is any need to go to the police station to assist in the investigation right now?"

"As far as I know, my client, Mr. Zhao, is a good man who abides by the law and often assists the Security Bureau in arresting overseas intelligence personnel, and has repeatedly received special bonuses."

Mr. Zhao sent away 50 yuan to the security bureau time and time again, but he didn't casually tell the people in the security bureau that he blackmailed the Charles family with more than 40 billion yuan.

It is purely based on the discovery of intelligence personnel and their enthusiasm for doing good deeds, arresting and sending them away.

Then hire a lawyer to cooperate.

Speaking of which, the lawyer also specially showed some photos, that is, the trophies, flags, etc. issued by the Shanghai Security Bureau, as well as the handshake photos of Mr. Zhao and some high-level officials.

The owner of the 19th floor, Lao Li, who he captured was really... a great help. If it wasn't a big help, how could he sell you a house with a market value of 3000 million?People from the Security Bureau came forward to help Mr. Zhao coordinate and speed up the transfer process.

Isn't it just an old Li, the highest cash bonus is only 50 yuan, and the security bureau feels that the profit is too much, so he is a little embarrassed, so he helps in various ways?
A group of policemen looked at each other in blank dismay. The person who was attacked by the football kingdom's cross-border killer was actually a small hero of the hidden front?

Then the police rushed away, leaving only Mr. Zhao and the lawyer smiling at each other, and the lawyer left.

The Jingyan Real Estate Building, which was blocked before, has also regained its freedom.

Mr. Zhao took a few glances before looking at Fan Jingang who was hiding in the crowd behind him, "Old Fan, next time I will discuss with you about my big event."

Fan Jingang, who was hiding behind a few security guards, had trembling legs, jokingly, when the killer was working, he stood two or three meters away from Mr. Zhao, and witnessed the fighting process like in a super action blockbuster.

The police adjusted the surveillance and slowed down several times to clearly see the video of Mr. Zhao's double-knife stabbing.

There was also the ruthlessness of grabbing the killer's hand with a knife, and stabbing his big waist with a single turn.

This is really not the same thing as Bai Fumei and Zhao Malin playing mistresses.


The accident under the awning of the Jingyan Building is over, ordinary office workers can do whatever they want, but Fan Jingang is still wiping cold sweat outside the working suite of the CEO's office, waiting for the result.

His assistant Zhu Suosuo was also in a weird mood.

After Zhu Suosuo made Fan Jingang a cup of tea, Lao Fan took a sip, looked up at the inner suite, and said depressingly, "Suosuo, I wanted to keep that young man surnamed Zhao to vent my anger for you."

"It's not that he let go of Zhao Marin and let her continue to beat you, how could I want the security guard to let him teach me a lesson..."

"I didn't know this guy was so fierce."

"If he seeks revenge on me afterwards, you should help me speak well to Mr. Ye."

Ye Jinyan is a real estate tycoon in Shanghai, and his cards are very powerful. Fan Jingang, the secretary, is naturally used to many things, and big scenes are not uncommon.

However, it was so vicious that the professional killer planned the killing in public, Mr. Zhao simply counterattacked and seriously injured the other party. The police came and took care of it easily, and they didn't even go to the police station.

Before leaving, he also said that he will discuss with you next time "I have a big deal"?
No matter how shopping malls are like battlefields, there is still a big difference between business experience and real battlefields.

Mr. Ye is now calling in the suite to inquire about Zhao Xueyan's details.

Fan Jingang was also waiting for the news with trepidation.

Zhu Suosuo's face turned pale and he said, "Brother, don't worry, Mr. Ye will definitely not let that guy surnamed Zhao mess around."

Fan Jingang smiled wryly, "It should not be a family, the difference is a bit big."

Whispering and waiting.

President Ye opened the door and walked out. Fan Jingang and Zhu Suosuo were overjoyed.

Lao Ye, who looked like an elite tycoon, rubbed his temples and smiled wryly, "King Kong, did you really threaten him? That young man who seems to be doing something wrong?"

Fan Jingang hastily bent down and smiled wryly, "Mr. Ye, didn't I want to stand up for Suosuo? The daughter of the Zhao family came and opened Suosuo at the gate of our group building, and she threatened verbally because of Zhao Malin's relationship. It was also blocked."

"Then the suspected foreign killer appeared and did his work."

"Who is that young man surnamed Zhao?"

Ye Jinyan still smiled helplessly, "I haven't heard that much for now, but I just heard that when he first arrived in Shanghai a few days ago, a few followers around him manipulated hundreds of women in eastern Guangdong, forcing them to attract fans and sell themselves. Money-making villain bastard."

"In addition to loan sharks, violent demolition and acquisition of land for development, etc., the lives of those bastards may be in double digits, and they are currently captured by the police in eastern Guangdong..."

Fan Jingang cried, "No, can't it? All the brothers around him are so fierce? Why didn't the police take him down? Was he caught as a scapegoat..."

You might as well not say it.

It's even scarier to say the least.

Use fans to control hundreds of people and sell themselves to make money?We are all punished by the gram.

How many peanuts would you have to eat if you were caught?

Zhu Suosuo was also shocked, "These bastards are absolutely damned, it's this age, how can there be such a person? Is that guy surnamed Zhao all right?"

Ye Jin said speechlessly, "It was found out that the person surnamed Zhao just entered the country half a month ago, and it was also the first time he appeared in our country. My sister, the group from the east of Guangdong was arrested, at most his peripheral younger brother? A little evidence can point to him being the umbrella of everyone in Weihe."

"In addition, he is also a good friend of our Shanghai Security Bureau. In the past few days in Shanghai, he has personally disabled more than a dozen overseas intelligence personnel buried in our Shanghai. The Security Bureau has given him more than 2000 million bonuses. "

Fan Jingang knelt down, "I beat more than ten people with my own hands in a few days? Like the killer downstairs before?"

(End of this chapter)

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