Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 648 Agou, do you know what you are doing?

Chapter 648 Agou, do you know what you are doing?
After a while, Fa Cai Wang Tianfeng left, Mr. Zhao also got into the Ford, and drove to Li's mansion in a small car. He didn't have his own house in Shanghai.

However, Mrs. Mo Chou has been running here for two years, and living in the Li Mansion is very good. Under normal circumstances, it is Wang Fuqu who takes Wang Manchun to the Li Mansion to report the situation to him. He will come to the Wang Mansion today, but drop by.

When the car is walking, ordinary pedestrians or rickshaws on the street will also give way. Although there are not too few cars in the French Concession in this era, they are not too many.

Being able to afford a Ford is basically a symbol of wealth and status.

Mr. Zhao walked all the way until he was a few hundred meters away from Li's mansion, then suddenly stopped, and unexpectedly looked outside a nightclub on the side of the road.

After looking at it twice, he stopped on the side of the road and walked over.

There were some men in robes or waistcoats trying to force a girl into a nightclub.

Even the girl opened her mouth to call for help from the passers-by on the street, but no one paid any attention to this scene... The passers-by hurried away in fear or cowering, pretending not to see it.

broad daylight……

Mr. Zhao knows that girl, isn't she a dumb girl in kung fu?How did this girl who grew up in the provincial capital of Sanankang and had never been out of the provincial capital, but only sold ice cream for a living, come to Shanghai?
At this point in time, Mr. Zhao had already cured the dumb woman's dumbness. After all, he had cured her by himself. He also learned the other person's name, Fang'er, a very common female name.

When he was about to walk in front of Fang'er and a few men, Mr. Zhao hadn't spoken yet, and a man in a vest outside looked coldly at him, "Axe is doing things for you, get out!"

President Zhao, "..."

Poisonous, right? Why is there another ax gang?Regardless of the fact that Mr. Zhao also stayed in Shanghai for a while and traveled many times, he really doesn't know much about the gangs here. The biggest gang, Lu Yunsheng and Huang Quanrong, are all his women's younger brothers.

Who cares too much about how many messy gangs there are below?
Even if there really was a famous Ax Gang in Shanghai in history.

But what the ax assistant did was completely incompatible with the one in front of him.

He had already complained a lot when he met Chen's ax gang in the provincial capital of Sanankang, but now he met another... It must be a fake. .

In a messy mood, Mr. Zhao stepped forward, slapped the man in the vest and flew two or three meters away, lying on the ground without moving.

Several other men in long robes and vests were also defeated by him, and Fang'er, a former dumb girl, ran up behind him excitedly and grabbed his sleeves, saying, "Grandpa, am I not dreaming? I really saw him again." is you."

Mr. Zhao ignored the group of street gangsters and asked curiously, "Why did you come to Shanghai?"

The dumb girl explained excitedly, "I'm here to look for relatives. I used to be dumb and couldn't speak, it was inconvenient to communicate, and I didn't have money...Although my parents are dead, I heard that I still have an uncle, Aunt or something, when I can talk and save some money, I plan to come and look for it."

"I just got off the train and took a rickshaw, but they dragged me here, and my luggage disappeared..."

Mr. Zhao was speechless.

It seems to be the same. In the troubled times of the Republic of China, this kind of girl who came here from afar, looks delicate and pretty, but when she got out of the car, she was targeted by some evil forces, and she wanted to send her to some nightclub...

There are many similar examples of various gangsters in later generations.

Regardless of whether it was a mainland female smuggler going to Hong Kong Island in the 80s, or a foreign tourist going to Amei’s house, Europa, etc., being controlled and prostitution, or even injecting you with some drugs is a basic practice.

Even in the 21s, because the coachman's country is legal for supporting daughters, many Eastern European girls were deceived and controlled to sell themselves.

Mr. Zhao said helplessly, "You are very courageous. It's okay. Since I have met you, I can't let you fall into a pit of fire."

during speaking time.

Another group of people rushed out from the nightclub in front. The leader was a very low guy, leading a group of strong men who looked like children and adults, but he was indeed an adult. When he came out, he grabbed a handful from his waist Axe, "Boy, do you dare to touch our Axe gang members? You want to die..."

Mr. Zhao took out a pistol unhurriedly, "Is the Ax Gang amazing? What's your name? How about we go inside and talk?"

The little man was speechless for a moment.

But after sweeping the Colt m1911 and looking at his brothers on the left and right, he still pretended to be tough and said, "Okay, I'm kind! I'm A Chao, please call me Brother Chao if you don't save face, we The door is open, come in if you dare!"

After finishing speaking, the short man turned around and walked into the nightclub.

And winked at the few young people who quickly rushed to guard the door.

have a gun?Is it great to have a gun?

Don't forget what year this is!
Yuan Xiaojun of the Three Great Heroes, after the defeat of the Beiyang warlords, led a group of defeated soldiers to rob Lu Yunsheng and Huang Quanrong's opium and soil business with guns.

Huang Silang is a local snake in the southern country, not to mention that there are hundreds of servants carrying guns in his own Wubao, and there are hundreds of fake hemp bandits outside, who also rob and kill in various ways.

Having a gun is nothing special.

They don't lack guns in the ax gang, it's just that there is no need to use guns under normal circumstances.

When the ax gang that he had brought out before turned around to give way, staring at Mr. Zhao vigilantly and fiercely, Mr. Zhao patted Fang'er's little hand and started off.

"What's the name of your uncle and aunt? I can look for it for you."

Fang'er nodded obediently, and walked with Mr. Zhao, even while walking, she was still nervously clutching Zhao Xueyan's left sleeve, "My uncle's name is Liu Xun, he should be less than 60 years old this year, and my aunt's name is Sanya, and I used to be with my dad Fleeing from Lu Province,..."

Mr. Zhao nodded and said nothing.

Instead, he entered the nightclub easily, and it was he and Fang'er who stood up inside. After looking at the situation in the lobby on the first floor, they saw the ax gangs pouring in afterward, closing the door with a clatter, and turning on the lights.

The previous dwarf Chao grabbed two guns, sat on a table and chair that had just been moved a few meters away from the gate, patted the table and laughed, "Boy, you are really kind, you really dare to come in? Tell me , how do you want to die?"

"I heard that the Ford across the road is also yours?"

"If you don't satisfy your super master today, don't even think about leaving completely."

Mr. Zhao was not afraid at all, and calmly said, "My friend was kidnapped here just after getting out of the car, and you plan to trick her into becoming a dancer? If she would rather die than follow, what are you going to do?"

Shorty Chao first looked at Fang'er in amazement and laughed, "No? Either starve for a few days until she is willing to sacrifice herself for a sip of water and a steamed bun, or let her smoke cigarettes, can you turn against her? "

"Do you know that after the three big tycoons washed their hands, the smoke and soil in Shanghai were all made by our big brother Rong and Feng Jingyao with the help of axe? You are the one who can resist the three big tycoons, with your skinny and tender face?"

Shorty Chao didn't mean to brag or something, but wanted to show off his muscles and show off Mr. Zhao's reasoning. It's still the same sentence, even if you go to Shanghai Bund these days, not everyone can afford to drive a Ford.

President Zhao, "..."

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. The three big tycoons and even Liu Dujun and Huang Silang in the Southern Kingdom have all washed their hands, but the Republic of China has raised so many smokers, such as Yantu, if they don’t do it, there will always be newcomers.

It's just that the name Feng Jingyao is a little familiar.

Ax to help big brother Rong? ?
New to Shanghai? ?About the characters in the story of Xu Wenqiang and Ding Li?In that story, Ding Li was originally a member of the Ax Gang...a small person who managed the business of emptying toilets. He accidentally met someone from the Ax Gang who ambushed Feng Jingyao's daughter, Feng Chengcheng, and rescued Miss Feng.

Then he accidentally killed the eldest brother Rong and so on, and was appreciated by Feng Jingyao and pushed away, becoming a new tycoon.

Later, of course, he fell out with Feng Jingyao again, because Lao Feng had a deep connection with devils.

It is not surprising that the Ax Gang in that story would kidnap a girl who came to Shanghai from other places and forcefully push her down the pit of fire to make money.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhao waved his hands with a lack of interest and said, "Big Brother Rong, right? Call him too. Your rank is too low, and I don't want to talk too much to you."

The dwarf was furious, grabbed his guns and sneered, "Damn..."

Mr. Zhao raised his hand and shot, directly killing Shorty Chao. The sound of gunshots filled the air. When men with guns suddenly appeared in other directions of the nightclub, Mr. Zhao fired multiple shots in succession, killing all the gunmen.

He didn't kill the one without a gun.

Then he walked to the seat where Shorty Chao was sitting before, swayed the muzzle of his gun and said, "Go, go out and ask Big Brother Rong to come and see me."

He had to think about it, how to deal with this group of gang members who were doing a lot of evil in Shanghai Bund?Black coal kiln or various mines?
The next moment, when a younger brother ran out the door trembling, Mr. Zhao waved again, "Come here, some people, keep Shorty Chao and the other dead, take good care of the corpses, and then serve us some drinks and snacks."

What's the value of a dead dwarf?
I heard that Osaka over there is not full of zombies...

Waste utilization is also excellent.

It is estimated that Daoist Shi doesn't mind adding more materials. After all, Daoist Shi has gone to Osaka to grow money trees and make a fortune, making zombies... The whole island's black and white ambush against him are very strong and high-end.

Cremation has become popular in Osaka, and funeral methods are different.

The remaining group of younger brothers looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally someone tremblingly carried the body and arranged drinks and snacks for Mr. Zhao.

Who is this? !

He dared to kill so many members in a row in the headquarters of the Ax Gang, and even asked for drinks and snacks in a blunt manner. Aren't you afraid of being poisoned?

In fact, Shorty Chao has a good status in the Ax Gang, and his power is not small. It's not that this guy has much talent, but because he is the younger brother of the eldest brother Rong.

Big brother Rong is the murderer who brought the ax gang up and brought down the entire Zhabei District. Even in the era when the three tycoons ruled over Yantu, in Zhabei, we still have to give big brother Rong some face, otherwise we wouldn’t say that the three big tycoons washed their hands Now, he and Feng Jingyao can take over the cigarette business in Shanghai by relay.

Such a big business, do you think whoever wants to take it can take it?Can you hold it steady?
When the nightclub got busy and someone brought wine, fruit plate and some snacks, as soon as they put it down, Mr. Zhao said with a smile, "Is there any poison in the things?"

The guy who delivered these was shocked, waved his hands and shook his head again and again, "No, no, how could it be."

This is really not poisoned, it's not the ax to help Renyi, it's because he didn't poison Mr. Zhao to death in one breath, and the other party shot and dragged people to be buried with him before he died... Anyway, the short man is dead, the big brother Rong will definitely be furious, there is no need for them Bet your life to fight.

Under the words, the waiter is also full of desire to complain, you are afraid of being poisoned, so why not order drinks and food.

Mr. Zhao just joked casually, more than ninety-nine percent of the toxins used by ordinary humans have no effect on him, and only less than one percent is left, which will come out with just a stir with internal force, that's less than one percent One is the super poison synthesized by modern industry.

Synthesis is also possible in the 21st century.

This plane of the Republic of China is basically hopeless.

"By the way, how many girls have been abducted by your ax gang? How many are there now, and how many people are killed in an average year?"

When Mr. Zhao took a sip of his wine and spoke, the waiter wiped his cold sweat and shook his head, "I don't know, I'm the lowest-level errand runner."

Mr. Zhao held the gun and pressed it to his forehead, "Give me a chance to reorganize the language? The living are good coolies and have many uses, but the dead are also useful sometimes. I don't mind if you Death is life."

The waiter's mind was running wildly, how could a dead person use it?Still working?
But he knew how ruthless Mr. Zhao was. Just a short time ago, he had killed seven people, and he knelt down and said, "I know roughly, it's not accurate. Currently there are forty or fifty dancers and singers in this nightclub." , less than half of them are forced, and many of them are found from traditional brothels."

"There are at least 400 people who are cheated every year. I would rather die than give up. Some of Shen Jiang will die, and some of the outstanding ones will be trained and given to the big shots..."

Hundreds of women are abducted a year... Take a quick look at the number?Don't forget that Zhao Xueyan is asking about this nightclub!

The Ax Gang, which dominates the Zhabei District, is currently running a nightclub in the French Concession. How can there be fewer of them in other places in Zhabei?

Mr. Zhao said speechlessly, "The dwarf is super dead, who is the biggest here now?"

The waiter nodded quickly, "It's Brother Ming and Brother Gou."


After a while.

Big brother Rong hasn't come yet.

The more than 20 ax gangs in the nightclub have already stood in two rows under Mr. Zhao's signal. Brother Ming and Brother Gou, who are the leaders, are still sweating profusely and staring at the little vest they are wearing. The shape is very unique.

It is a TNT bomb vest, not made of metal, but a common uniform. The key parts are locked with metal buckles and locks. It is difficult for ordinary people to take off without keys.

The remote control is in Mr. Zhao's hands.

Zhao Xueyan looked at the shapes of Brother Xia Ming and Brother Gou with satisfaction, then took out a large handful of marble-like objects, and said to the other members of the Ax Gang, "Come on, don't say I'm partial, except for A Ming and A Gou, everyone There are also corresponding packages.”

"This is called a seven-star mini-bomb. From one star to seven stars, it will definitely be a surprise if you collect it all. Even if you can't summon the dragon, it will explode in your stomach. It is guaranteed to be broken into pieces, cleaner than cremation."

"Eat one or two per person. As long as I don't press the remote control, maybe one day you can pull it out when you get on the tuba."

"Come on, before Big Brother Rong arrives, and get on with it."

Speaking of this, he was afraid that everyone would not understand the power of the seven-star mini-bomb, so he specially took out one for demonstration, and it blew up a table.

Then let everyone take it with a kind face.

The mini bomb ordered by Mr. Zhao really does not need to find a craftsman to perform an operation on him like Ding Yixie from the Zhongqing Society. The time bomb is wrapped in a layer of glass. The only regret is that he does not If it detonates in time, it may be taken out by the user himself.

The waiter who broke the news about A Ming and A Gou knelt down and cried, "Master, we don't mind if you are partial."

Brother Gou and Brother Ming are treated favorably, are they favored?

The big bomb strapped to his body can be detonated by outsiders at will, and ghosts like this kind of preference.

Mr. Zhao stepped forward with a smile, "Don't be afraid, I just have a big plan, and I still need you to do something, how could I be willing to let you die so easily?"

"What do you think, how about taking most of the current scumbags in Shanghai and sending you a batch of seven-star mini-bombs, and then sending you to Tokyo for a trip? Or Amei's house?"

"When you go outside, if anyone dares to bully you, you will blow yourself up and show them!"

While talking, Mr. Zhao pinched the waiter's mouth and sent in three marble bombs.


Night falls.

Hula la.

Several Ford sedans quickly arrived outside a certain nightclub, Ax helped eldest brother Rong get out of the car with a face full of anger, followed by a group of bodyguards.

However, this group of armed people did not rush into the nightclub immediately, but waited outside. After waiting for a while, hundreds of people arrived in rickshaws.

Then both the driver and the passengers showed their axes.

Big brother Rong let out an angry howl, and directed a group of gangsters with axes to rush into the nightclub, and then, the gun went off...

The face of a gunman standing next to Big Brother Rong changed wildly, "Big Brother, it's a machine gun!!"

This wave of machine gun roar did not kill many people, the bullets basically hit the floor in front of the people who charged in first.

Then, from the windows on the second floor of the nightclub, figures also appeared, aiming with machine guns.

Agou, who was the first to open the window, also said, "Brother Rong, let everyone put down their guns and come in. That one wants to have a good talk with you and talk about some good things."

When he learned that his younger brother had died, the elder brother Rong, who was boundlessly frightened, said, "..."

He brought a lot of people with him, and he also had twenty or thirty guns, but they were all pistols! !
Looking at the figure of at least five machine guns protruding from the window on the second floor, the eldest brother Rong collapsed and said, "Agou, do you know what you are doing?"

I'm your boss, how long has it been, and you dare to point a machine gun at me now?
A Gou's expression was still as dark as ever. His complexion was already very dark, and he could hardly see much emotion, but when he spoke again, his voice was full of trance, "Brother Rong, listen to my brother's persuasion, let's talk first."

"Actually, that person is quite nice, and he speaks very well. If you have any grievances, sit down and talk about them openly. There is always a way to resolve them properly."

While listening to Commander Zhao doing things, Ah Gou asked Zhao Xueyan curiously, you have pressed so many bombs for us, even if it really explodes, we are dead, are you not afraid that you will also be affected by the explosion?were killed together.

At that time, Mr. Zhao gave him a very warm smile. If you are curious, you can try frying it first.

Agou was speechless.

Anyway, he wouldn't gamble with his life.

(End of this chapter)

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