Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 647 What kind of discipline and spirit is this?

Chapter 647 What kind of integrity and spirit is this?

Mid-July 1921.

In a town near Gaoyou Lake in northern Jiangsu, there are four reinforced concrete buildings with a height of more than a dozen floors, each of which is hundreds of meters long, forming a square-shaped enclosure, densely packed and almost full of people.

At this moment, there are countless people kneeling down and thanking the Ma Bandits for their mercy.

It was still raining heavily.

At this moment, outside the zigzag-shaped building, the flood that fully submerged all the first floor was pouring out from the Gaoyou Lake, rushing through the area on the first floor, and heading southeast all the way.

There are about 1 people in this small town in northern Jiangsu. Apart from the people living in the various villages, the town itself has a population of 4000 to [-], with hundreds of households.

Except for the old rich, big landlords and gentry in the town who need to spend money to enter this building to avoid disasters, ordinary families live in it for free, with one to two or three suites ranging in size per household.

There is one thing to say, the four buildings built on the edge of the town, in the eyes of people in the 21st century, are definitely a sign of shabby and low-end, not only similar to the low-rent housing public rental housing in the 80s of Hong Kong Island, the electricity has not been repaired.

Only facilities such as fertilizer ponds, drainage and sewage discharge are relatively complete.

And the configuration of glass windows and iron doors is more appropriate. Others are all rough houses with no decoration style, and there is no elevator. Those who live below the sixth floor are fine, and those who live above the sixth floor can only compete with the stairs every day.

Even so.

During the heavy rain that lasted for more than two months, floods had already appeared. The buildings on the first floor of the original town were almost completely submerged. The billowing muddy water was mixed with all kinds of things, destroying everything like a celestial demon.

But ninety-nine percent of the hundreds of households in the small town were able to transfer their previous belongings in time and move into such a building to avoid disasters. All of this was enough. .

Enough for many people to kneel down and thank the bandits.

Many older generations, those who have experienced floods before, cry day and night. They don’t know whether they are crying out of joy and gratitude, or recalling all kinds of unbearable experiences in the famine before, and comparing them now...

Of course, during floods, there will occasionally be speechless scenes, such as many teenagers carrying net bags, driving small wooden boats, fishing in the courtyard of a building surrounded by a word, and some even rushing into the water in rainy days play and so on.

Gaoyou Lake is the third largest lake in Jiangsu Province. Many people who grew up by the lake have been trained to be good at water since they were young.

After the big flood, all kinds of rushing floods outside were very dangerous, and no one dared to go down easily, but the water power rushing into the courtyard surrounded by four reinforced concrete buildings was much more gentle.

When Ma San and Gong Er, wearing straw coir raincoats and driving a small black awning boat, came along Gaoyou Lake and arrived outside the disaster relief site, they saw scenes of life in a distance, and the two masters couldn't help but sigh with emotion. stand up.

"In just two or three months, Master Jiu's infrastructure team built buildings like stars all over the plains of northern Jiangsu. They have done a lot of good deeds. I don't know how many people have been rescued."

In the eyes of people in the 21st century, this kind of crude housing without electricity must be extremely low and extremely uninhabitable.

But in the eyes of people in the era of 1921, these are small miracles in the world that have risen from the ground.

From ancient times to the present, the Yellow River has not changed its course, and it has often taken the Huai River into the sea. Today, the Subei Plain has experienced many floods and floods.

In the past, people just drifted with the tide, and when there was a wave of floods and a wave of death, they relied on their lives to resist.

But these buildings rising like stars, covering almost all towns and villages, really have the trend and spirit of completely changing the world and ending the threat of floods.

Even though Ma San is from the Northeast, he didn't have a deep impression of this kind of flood before, but he has been traveling in northern Jiangsu for several months. This is a history of fleeing from famine and fleeing from disaster.

This time is really different.

There are huge buildings to avoid disasters, and there is no need to flee for your life in the flood, and there are batches of transported and hoarded food.

Everyone just needs to wait until the flood and the heavy rainy season pass, and then go out of the buildings and rebuild their homes.

If this kind of template is implemented nationwide... Well, although it is difficult to implement it nationwide, there is still hope. Let’s say this time, 2 registered gangster elites will cooperate with more than 6 teams of various engineering vehicles and trucks. There are more than [-] professional drivers, and there are also various industrial enterprises such as Mochou's cement factory and steel factory in Shanghai.

With the help of millions of people in northern Jiangsu, it was possible to build such a miracle on earth in more than two months.

To mobilize so many people to fight against the great flood, it is an astronomical figure for millions of people to eat and drink.

Fortunately...Jiu Ye is rich, it's not right, it's because Niu Buluo has a lot of people in the Ministry of Finance!
In February 1920, a group of bigwigs from the Ministry of Finance came up with 2 million pounds, which was equivalent to more than one billion oceans of financial resources. Basically, most of it was spent on the construction of water conservancy and national road infrastructure in the five northern provinces last year.

But that wasn't over yet.

This time, Jiu Ye got another 5000 million pounds from the Niu Bu Luo Ministry of Finance, which is equivalent to [-] million oceans, to support the infrastructure construction in northern Jiangsu and southern Hunan. Without this abundant financial resources, it is really impossible to handle this miraculous infrastructure in the world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the two-month-old infrastructure construction costs money like running water. It is still small, and the money spent like a flood is almost the same.

It is said that the grain transported from the granaries rebuilt in the five northern provinces last year was not distributed free of charge to the people in northern Jiangsu and southern Hunan. .

Now switch to ocean to buy food.

Those who have no ability to work can save their lives with basic food for a day, and will not starve to death. If they want to eat well and eat well, they also need to make money from other sources.

It's not that Mr. Zhao can't provide free supplies, but that he can get paid for his work. This basic standard has to be set. He can support the people in northern Jiangsu and southern Hunan for free for a while, but he can't do it forever. It doesn't make sense.

While Ma San was standing in the boat feeling emotional, Gong Er looked at the waterway, turned his head and aimed at the entrance of the square-shaped building, and then said, "Whether the ninth master has infinite merits and virtues, I don't need you to flatter me, I'm curious, senior brother Don't practice Sunflower Treasure."

"Jin Qishao is so sincere, he will teach you for free..."

In a word, Ma San directly broke the defense.

Everyone is messed up.

More than two months ago, during the big hunt in Shanghai, he was shocked and envious of Jin Yanxi's display of strength at first. When Ah Qi expressed his willingness to teach him for free, Ma San was also very excited.

Until that night, I went to Jin Yanxi's room and saw the premise of cultivation...

Ma Sange, a master of Xingyiquan, withered immediately.

Like being struck by lightning.

Then, in order to avoid some things, such as rumors that would cause Jin Yanxi to experience all kinds of wonderful visions, he has not said anything to the outside world, including not telling his junior sister what preconditions are required to practice the Sunflower Book.

During this period of time, Gong Er asked curious questions more than once.

Ma San couldn't explain it.

Babbling in the rain for a while, Ma San still sighed, "I've already said that cultivating the Sunflower Book requires extremely high and very special talents. It just so happens that I don't have that talent, so I can't get into it."

His old horse is only 25 years old, he is young, how could he cut it?
A mere two or three inches?What is there to be reluctant about?
These were words that Jin Yanxi had bewitched him more than once.

But Ma San really wanted to swear to God, even if he would rather starve to death or be beaten to death, he would never give up those two or three inches.

With a simple and perfunctory sentence, Ma San quickly changed the subject, "Hurry up and rock the boat, we still have business to do."

He and Gong Er appeared here, not because they were idle, but because the great flood had already come and appeared. In the vicinity of Gaoyou Lake, many one-story buildings in villages and towns were completely submerged. layer submerged in half, or less...

They formed a patrol team and shuttled to and from various places just to check whether the food reserves in the towns and villages scattered like stars in the Subei Plain are still sufficient.

Is there any danger and crisis that the building will be washed away by the flood.

Even whether the people in various places are still healthy, whether there is a plague or the like.

For the time being, there is no need for a helicopter to make a big appearance. In the flood, the situation in the entire northern Jiangsu Plain and even in southern Hunan can be linked. Then timely patrols can only be carried out by various boats to move and explore in the flood.

Ma San and Gong Er are both masters, they can just wear coir raincoats and drive a black awning boat. Ordinary gangster elites are basically a team of army squads, walking in northern Jiangsu and southern Hunan to collect information and report to them for processing.


After a while.

Sitting in a large conference room on the third floor of a building, watching the various food and drinks brought to the dining table by the villagers and gentry in the township.

Ma San and Gong Er breathed a sigh of relief after briefly understanding the general situation of hundreds of households in these four buildings.

The town was fine, no major accidents happened, there was enough food, and there was no plague, so they were relieved. When they had enough food and drink, it was time to drive the boat to continue to inspect the village-level disaster relief points.

This kind of inspection is often useless and in vain.

However, when eating hot meals, Ma San felt that this kind of work was useless, the more the better, and more meant nothing serious.


Shanghai French Concession.

In the Wang mansion, Wang Fuqu, who was lucky enough to survive Jin Yanxi's knife more than two months ago, said to Mr. Zhao with a humble face, "Master Jiu, another 1000 million pounds of funds have been settled, but this time there is a Members of the Niubuluo royal family have been arrested..."

"Even the high officials sent by the royal family to the Ministry of Finance are all from you, Lord Jiu? This is really...too high."

Last time, Wang Fuqu, a financial expert and economist from the Republic of China, received an islander who came to Shanghai from Ludong and planned to cooperate with Tufei Yuanxianer to do big things with the virus army that was about to arrive in Shanghai.

The island countryman was directly killed, and he was spared. The main reason is that according to the information found by the Green Gang, Wang Fuqu himself has not yet defected to the island country, and at most has a tendency to be close to the island country people.

Wang Fuqu herself did not know about the virus plan of the islanders.

Only then did he survive the disaster and was not hunted down. After the incident was reported, Mr. Zhao remembered, isn't this guy a character from the Pretender?More than ten years later, he was the deputy director of the Financial Department of Wang's puppet team.

With the mentality that driving one sheep is also driving, and driving a few is also driving, Mr. Zhao recruited him to work with the corrupt criminals from the Ministry of Finance of Niu Buluo, and handed over various wealth business.

As for Lao Wang's tendency to get close to the islanders?This can't be done directly, and other things aside, the previous Anhui faction has been in power for many years. From top to bottom, which one didn't develop with the support of the island country?Bai Xiuzhu's sister-in-law is an island woman.

Even some progressives in the south are mostly from Liudao and are pro-island.

So far, Lao Wang has done well.

At least all kinds of fund transfers, transfers, expenses, etc., are properly accounted for, and at the moment when reporting to Mr. Zhao about the arrest of a certain Niu Buluo royal family member, Wang Manchun, Wang Fuqu's niece, is also amazed, He looked up at Mr. Zhao in awe.

Now Wang Manchun is only 17 years old, and he is studying with Wang Fuqu, and he is far from the leader of the flaming red lips in Wang's puppet team more than ten years later.

The little girl couldn't understand at all how the internationally renowned gangster Jiutiao managed to insert nails in the Ministry of Finance of the world's largest power, Niu Buluo, and transfer so much wealth through corruption time and time again.

The royals have all fallen?Is it someone from Master Jiu?

In order to help Jiuye make money, he did not hesitate to risk exposure and go to jail to make money.

What kind of integrity and spirit is this?

Previously, 5000 million pounds was equivalent to 1000 million oceans, and this time, 1931 million pounds was equivalent to 4 million... Again, even ten years later, in [-], the national customs, salt tax, etc. were combined, and it took only one year. More than [-] million.

This still takes inflation into account.

Such a Jiuye is too impressive to look up to.

Mr. Zhao took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "If you get arrested, you will be arrested. It's okay. You arrange some people. Even if that person is in prison with many former corrupt criminals, let them have a better life in prison."

"Also, if you are sent into exile... it's best to get people out. This has done a lot for us."

Regardless of the large-scale disaster relief and water conservancy infrastructure construction in the five northern provinces, or this time in Jiangsu Province, and the flood relief in southern Shonan Province that is also blooming and has achieved results.

The hundreds of millions of cattle do not fall into the ocean, which is a miracle.

Without their dedication and dedication, there would not be so many materials and manpower that could be mobilized in time.

Let’s just say that Ah Zi buys all kinds of vehicles from Amei’s house, and getting mature drivers, in addition to coercion, there are also temptations. You have to let many people who have enjoyed the free package have the courage to live, so that they can work hard instead of going out. Work hard.

What if I'm short of money?
It is the food transportation in the five northern provinces. Those who help grow the food, don't they also have to have a harvest for their work?

The gangsters have to pay wages and raises.

Ordinary and normal merchants and businessmen who run cement factories and steel bar factories together with Li Mochou, supplying goods to northern Jiangsu and southern Hunan, shouldn't they also be profitable?Yes, ever since Mochou's factories started to receive orders and vigorously shipped goods, cement factories, steel factories, etc. have followed suit, and they have also blossomed in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and even Sanankang provinces.

All the machines are imported from Amei’s house. If you have money, there is no shortage of entrepreneurs who will join the new industry.

Without enough banknote capacity, it is really impossible to mobilize millions of people in northern Jiangsu and southern Shonan to cooperate with the big infrastructure.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao has supernatural powers.

Sitting and communicating with Wang Fuqu for a while, after giving a few orders, Mr. Zhao left.

After Old Wang Gong sent Mr. Zhao away, he said to Wang Manchun with a delicate expression, "I thought about sending you to study in an island country before, and tried to learn more knowledge, which will definitely be useful in the future."

"However, in the current island country, Tokyo and Nagoya are all kinds of gangsters."

"There is a zombie swarm in Osaka...the movement seems to be not small."

"If you have a chance, how about you go and be a maid for Miss Bai? Don't think that uncle is harming you. If you can be a maid for Miss Bai, it will be the greatest way for you to reach the sky in your life."

Wang Manchun, who was originally full of excitement, was instantly confused.

This uncle brought her by his side to train her in various ways since she was a child. He really treated her very well and hoped that she would have a good future like all kinds of progressive young people.

But suddenly jumped onto the servant girl?
She is Bai Xiuzhu about the same age, but why can't she dream of being a young lady because she is the life of a maid?
It is said that before meeting Mr. Zhao, Wang Manchun had a friend of the opposite sex whom he liked. It was her senior brother, Ming Lou, who also studied with Lao Wang before.

Then, Lao Wang, the uncle, came to operate. In order to swallow the Ming family's business and property in Shanghai, he not only killed Minglou's father, but also planned to assassinate Minglou and Mingjing. Fate is big, not dead...

When Wang Fuqu confessed this matter to her.

Wang Manchun knew that there was no possibility of being with that person in this life, the revenge of killing his father, and the assassination of their siblings... was too great.


Outside Wang's mansion, when Mr. Zhao was about to get in the car, a figure came quickly, "Master Jiu, there are a large number of intelligence personnel entering from Niubuluo."

This is the bandit leader with the fortune card face tattooed on his wrist.

Ma Bandit, except for one to ninety thousand, one to nine, one to nine barrels, wind from southeast to northwest, Hongzhongfacai and whiteboard are also cards.

But red haired and white, he is a unique intelligence person belonging to the gangster team.

In the past, he was another member of the Ma Bandits, working part-time to find out information, while the red-haired and white group has been undergoing various trainings and trainings.

Mr. Zhao glanced at Fa Cai, and said with a smile, "You guys have been training for so long, and it's time for you to make an official appearance. Old Wang, I am very optimistic about you. You are a talented person."

He saw Lao Wang and Xiao Wang with flaming red lips in the Pretender, and accepted them to work for him, and Fa Cai in front of him was also a member of the Pretender's story.

Wang Tianfeng.

He didn't know when Wang Tianfeng joined the bandit group, but when he was selecting intelligence personnel to form a team, this guy naturally joined and quickly stood out.

There are so many people in the Ma Bandit Group, and there are many people who are code-named various big bosses and small bosses. There are not many whose names can be remembered by Mr. Zhao...

Under the words, Wang Tianfeng saluted with excitement on his face, "The humble job guarantees to live up to the high expectations of Lord Jiu. This time we will show up with red hair and white hair, and we will definitely teach Niu Buluo a lesson."

In fact, a large number of intelligence personnel entered the country to track down the wealth lost by the Ministry of Finance, even if there is not much evidence... But Mr. Zhao spent a flood of money here, where did it come from?
There is no evidence to doubt that he is reasonable.

It's just that Niu Buluo can't do anything to Mr. Zhao at will, how can he do it?Contact Beiyang to put pressure?That's funny. How many times did the island countries contact Beiyang to put pressure on them, and which ones worked?

Not to mention that Niu Buluo's various ambassadors and consuls stationed in the Republic of China are basically Mr. Zhao's people.

Send operatives to kidnap and assassinate?Also to no avail.

(End of this chapter)

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