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Chapter 61 It's Better If You Don't Say It

Chapter 61 It's Better If You Don't Say It

After a period of time, in a restaurant on Hong Kong Island, the people who had helped Zhao Xueyen to testify in court left or left one by one. There were only three people left in the private room of the restaurant, namely Xiao Zhao, Li Jiani and Zhang Dazhuang.

Zhang Dazu punished himself with a glass of wine and said, "Brother Yan, do you want me to sue the Sham Shui Po police station for you? They framed you and put you in prison. I am confident that I can at least ask for more than one million yuan for Brother Yan."

"That Chen Zhigang, as a chief inspector, really has no integrity and no bottom line, and even fabricated evidence."

"I can definitely help Brother Yan beat him to lose that police uniform."

When he was still in the detention room at the beginning of time-travel, Zhao Xueyan knew that he had been trapped by the black police, why?
He just happened to appear at the robbery scene, and he had no documents and was suspected of being a stowaways. He also threw the gun into his arms because of the dead robber, Ah Cai, when he was running into the street before he died, and he threw it with his hand.


This evidence is really not enough to convict him and send him to jail.

He didn't have any documents, but the gun only had Zhao Xueyan's fingerprints on the body, not on the trigger, and no one had identified him as knowing the robbers, and no one had identified him as robbers.

On the premise that the interests of the suspect belong to the defendant, he does not need to go to jail.

So even in the early days of Zhao Xueyan's arrest, the police just planned to repatriate him, and the situation changed abruptly during the process, and he was accused of being a robber with the same party.

It was the black policeman Chen Zhigang who fabricated other new evidence.

The new evidence is that the cigarette case and lighter carried by the dead ghost Ah Cai also have Zhao Xueyan's fingerprints. How did this happen?At that time, he was still being interrogated, and Chen Zhigang, who was in charge of the interrogation, asked him to relax with a cigarette during a separate cross-examination.
Zhao Xueyan nodded, took the cigarette case and lighter and smoked one.

Afterwards, Chen Zhigang suddenly proved that the pack of cigarettes and lighters were physical evidence obtained in the robbery case and in the pocket of the deceased A Cai. Since they were sealed in a transparent bag at the scene of the mechanical robbery, they have never been exposed to the outside world.

Contact is also when Fazheng collects evidence, not only the fingerprints of dead ghosts, but also other unfamiliar fingerprints, as well as Zhao Xueyan's.

Well, you said that you didn't know the deceased person, but just smuggled in. Your fingerprints on the gun can explain why the cigarettes and lighters in Ah Cai's pocket after he died, why did they have your fingerprints?
With the emergence of new evidence and Zhao Xueyan's lack of money, the defense lawyers invited were only unable to go through the process, or maybe the other party was incompetent.

He just got screwed.

Afterwards, he could also figure out that when Chen Zhigang fooled him into smoking, he should have been smeared on his hands to temporarily conceal his fingerprints, and he was caught.Because of the evidence provided by Fazheng, several sets of unfamiliar fingerprints did not belong to Chen Zhigang.

At that time, he was just a college student who took a nap and crossed over. A pure and good student boy, who would have thought that the black police of the serious crime team would be so pitiful, throwing a cigarette for you is digging a trap.

At first, he could only complain that the society was too sinister, especially the society of Hong Kong Island where these gangsters and gangsters are everywhere.

Got innocence now?Play with Chen Zhigang.

He still doesn't know the big thief Ye Shiguan, and he can't wait to swallow Chen Zhigang alive, but when he has the strength, it is normal to fight back.

In the past month or two, even though Li Sen suspected Chen Zhigang, he didn't find the other party's clue?Zhao Xueyan has other countermeasures that don't require hard evidence.

Following Zhang Dazuo's sworn words, Zhao Xueyan knocked on the table with a smile, "Lawyer Zhang, it seems that you are in good shape. In that case, the case will be handed over to you."

At the beginning, he threatened Lawyer Zhang with unfavorable affairs, so he let Liangkun go, and the lawyer got angry in a hurry... This time a lawsuit?

Of course, Lawyer Zhang did not take a penny, and fought Zhao Xueyan's unjust prison case with more status and morale than helping Zhu Tao in the lawsuit.

The fingerprints on the cigarettes and lighters. Attorney Zhang also interrogated the Sham Shui Po policemen who initially interrogated Zhao Xueyan, staring at each other and asking, did Chen Zhigang pass Zhao Xueyan cigarettes and lighters?Are you 100% sure you have witnessed all the interrogation process of Chen Zhigang?
In addition, can you be 100% sure that the cigarette lighter of the gangster Ah Cai has not been secretly taken away from the scene to the court?

Just like when he questioned the attitude of the Central Police Station police officers in court, a group of Sham Shui Po District police officers hesitating and hesitating... That's enough, the interests of the doubt belong to the defendant.

The last wave of prosecutors had loopholes to catch, and Zhao Xueyan still had so many strong witnesses and evidence, it would be difficult for Zhang Dazhang not to win this match.

More importantly, he didn't dare to lose!

At his words, Lawyer Zhang excitedly drank a drink again, patted his chest to assure, and walked out of the private room, Li Jiani also said excitedly, "Brother Yan, you are finally free, and you have taken back what belongs to you. Innocent, where do you plan to live in the future?"

Where do you live?

Zhao Xueyan was suddenly speechless.

Just like what I said last time when I attacked Feng Lao Si, living in Stanley, you don't need to pay for the house, you don't need to spend money on food, and there are a lot of younger brothers who can help him do things at any time... If you go out for something, you don't need to find a prison guard as a driver. , Or looking for a ghost to see a worry to borrow a car, it is all open mouth.

Come out, everything needs money.

It is to relocate the sterile laboratory built in Stanley, or build a new laboratory for the next step of medical research and development... How much does it cost to rent the space?
Glancing at Li Jiani resentfully, he said speechlessly, "It's fine if you don't say it, but when I say it, I think it's better to continue living inside."

Of course, this is a joke.

No matter how free and comfortable Stanley is, he is always a prisoner with a crime, and he is a free man when he comes out.

What's the point of spending some money?
When I got back to Stanley, I asked Liang Kun and Brother Zhu how much money they squeezed from Han Bin and Han Long, and the subsequent operations can be used for renting and eating.

Medical research needs?
Now that he is free and certified, can he play a few games in Haojiang?Haojiang's He Xin, as a gambling king, has built up a reputation for so many years, and he occasionally wins some starting capital, isn't it too much?

He went, just playing the dice and betting big and small, it is estimated that he can win a lot.Listening to the dice and practicing casually will surpass the level of God of Gamblers. After all, he has five times the physical fitness of the normal state, including hearing.

"Don't talk about me, it's already mid-June. How are your preparations going when you go to the mainland to test Qingbei?"

Speaking of this, Li Jiani was even more excited, "I don't think it's a big problem, I can easily get an A in the exam here on Hong Kong Island, even if I don't get all A+, but if I go to a mainland college for an interview, there are also Are you sure about it?"

"My interview date has been set. It's next week. By the way, you said last time that you were in Stanley, and it was inconvenient to send me to school. It should be alright now, right?"

Zhao Xueyan nodded with a smile, "As long as you can pass the exam, it's a small matter."

The white laundering operation went so smoothly. In addition to his big money, the mainland's help was also indispensable. In fact, when the gangster A Guang was sent out by the mainland police to assist the Hong Kong Island police in solving the case, he asked Big circle leopard, you help me find news in the flag soldier circle, how can it be done by the official force?
Daquan Leopard speaks bluntly, he is an undercover... If he can help Brother Yan to clear his grievances, it doesn't matter if this undercover agent does not do it, Nuo Da Mainland, do you think he is the only undercover agent?Can't work without him?
Seize the opportunity to make friends with Zhao Xueyan, build goodwill, whether it is to continue to communicate in the future, or to be greedy for Zhao Xueyan's foreign exchange investment, it is much more important than an ordinary undercover agent.

(End of this chapter)

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