Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 60 How Much Love and Righteousness?

Chapter 60 How Much Love and Righteousness?

The sun is shining brightly.

In the High Court of Hong Kong Island, Zhao Xueyan sat in the dock and waited quietly for lawyer Zhang to play, while Zhang Dazuo was staring at the witness box, the robbery robber A Guang, who was full of firepower.


Of course, he cooperated very well. After he was arrested in Fu Luo County in the Mainland, he was transferred to Hong Kong Island by the Mainland police to assist the Hong Kong Island police in solving the robbery on Jiujiang Street more than a month ago. It is impossible to have another 1000 million Hong Kong dollars in bonuses collar.

But before he came, he had already deeply realized his mistake. He conspired with Ye Shiguan and others to rob and fought with the police on the street, which eventually led to Zhao Xueyan being wrongfully imprisoned.

This mistake, Aguang really wants to correct it.

A real gangster appeared in court, saying that he didn't know Zhao Xueyan at all, and that the other party was not his accomplice, and that Aguang also had his own confession about the Jiujiang Street mechanical robbery.

In the confession, he started from how he met Ye Shiguan, A Jin, and A Hao, and together he recorded in detail how everyone met and knew each other, was invited to robbery, how he smuggled in, which route he took on which day, and where he hid after he came.

From the beginning of the plan to after the incident, he went to Haojiang to sell the stolen goods, and then returned to the mainland.

All this process, Aguang explained clearly to the Hong Kong Island Police.

After Ah Kuang testified, it was the police's turn to appear in court. This time, Senior Inspector Zhong Jian and Sheriff Li Sen of Sham Shui Po Divisional Serious Crime Team took turns to testify in court. evidence.

The evidence that confirmed Aguang is absolutely credible.

When people do things, they will leave traces and clues. In the past, the police didn't know how to start when they had no clue. Aguang explained it so clearly... If you can't collect traces and clues, it will be useless.

This wave of witnesses ends.

It was the turn of the warden, Gui Jianchou and others to attend, and they were still proving how perfect a prisoner Zhao Xueyan was after he was imprisoned.

Prison escape... It was a last resort. For example, the first time Zhao Xueyan escaped from prison in Lai Chi Kok, he wanted to go to the bay where he smuggled into the bay to find the body of his best friend, whether he could have the opportunity to help him collect the body, and wanted to help his best friend go to the ground for peace of mind.

The second escape was also the former Chief of the Guardianship Department Killer Xiong. He bullied good and feared evil. He did evil in the prison and was bullying. When he saw Zhao Xueyan, he would beat him, torture him, humiliate him and so on for no reason.

The warden deeply reflected in the court. In the past, he had been extremely negligent in the discipline of Stanley, which led to the scumbags like Killer Xiong stealing high positions and bringing disaster to Stanley. Fortunately, the Zhao Xueyan incident woke him up. Give him a chance to make amends.

Then, the police officers such as Director Raymond, Zhang Pyu, and Chen Jiaju from the Central District went to court one by one to plead with the judge, all saying that Zhao Xueyan had made great contributions to the police in catching the thieves and safeguarding the prosperity and stability of the public order on Hong Kong Island. , played a big role, etc., I hope the court can commute the additional sentence for his escape.

After all, it has now been proved that Zhao Xueyan's imprisonment is an unjust prison!

With the huge foundation of sympathy for the unjust prison, it is really not impossible to attack the police and grab a gun to escape from the prison.Didn't you hear what Warden Stanley said?For the first time, he did not hesitate to escape from prison, just to help his best friend collect the corpse, how much love and righteousness?What a nice guy.

The second time to escape from the prison is that the killer Xiong did not do anything.

Killer Xiong followed closely and testified in court that he had no reason to put him on the criminal investigation bed, which triggered the second escape.

As for more jailbreaks, the outside world does not know.

The two uniformed police officers in Sham Shui Po who had been robbed of guns by Zhao Xueyan, as well as the hostages Li Jiani and Da D who had been held hostage by him all appeared in court.

Of course, these two hostages are good words and don’t want money. They talk about Zhao Xueyan in various ways. Li Jiani still said it restrained, but said that Zhao Xueyan was holding her in pretence and did not hurt her in the slightest. Afterwards, she bought a lot of gifts to apologize and give her. Her confused life has pointed out a new path and direction, which is worthy of her firm pursuit, and is her life mentor.

Big D is shameless, all the nonsense in the sky and the ground, making Xiao Zhao hyped up, making Zhao Xueyan feel embarrassed.

Big D even appealed in court that Zhao Xueyan's unjust imprisonment was caused by the darkness of the police system. He even took the initiative to spend money to advertise, making this incident a hot topic in the social headlines for several days, attracting the whole Hong Kong Citizens come together to judge...


Zhao Xueyan was acquitted in court!

Don't think this is too bizarre, it's still the same sentence, the new king of thieves Zhang Zihao who appeared in the future robbed a money transporter at Kai Tak Airport, robbed 18 million, was caught and sentenced to [-] years.

He was arrested and sentenced. First, there were witnesses who testified against him for the robbery. Second, Zhang Zihao's wife went to the bank to deposit money.

At first glance, it makes sense, right?
However, she showed her wounds in public and said that the police forced a confession by torture, and Zhang Zihao couldn't bear the beating when he pleaded guilty... It's like in the court now, the warden said that Zhao Xueyan escaped from prison, all because the killer Xiong did not act as a human being. personnel.

This is out of desperation.

Then, while creating pressure from public opinion, Zhang Zihao's wife asked a lawyer to help him with the lawsuit. She expressed sympathy and pointed out that the witnesses did not recognize him as a robber at first sight, but only after leaving the court and returning to confirm. He is a robber.

This is programmatically unqualified and a loophole.

Zhang Zihao was not only released in court, but also countered the police and received 800 million compensation!
I have used hundreds of thousands of serial numbered banknotes in my hands to steal stolen goods. Witnesses did not confirm that he was a robber at first glance. Under the influence of famous lawyers and public opinion, not only did the 18-year prison sentence be expelled, but also the police took 800 million in compensation.

Zhao Xueyan... a group of witnesses took turns on the stage, not only confirmed that he was not a robber, but also the killer Xiong continued to take the blame, it is not difficult to wash everything away.

In other words, Killer Xiong is not a culprit. If he hadn't met Zhao Xueyan for a month, how could he have escaped from prison?
Locking you in a criminal investigation bed for a month is more terrifying than violent beatings once or twice.

The moment the court pronounced the verdict and regained his freedom, Zhao Xueyan just walked out of the court with the support of the crowd when he saw an old man in a suit waving at him with a look of relief, Zhao Xueyan stepped away from the crowd and stepped forward, the old man in a suit smiled and said, "Ah Yan, you really amaze me more than once. I wish I knew you decades earlier, and it is not too late. If you have something to do on Hong Kong Island in the future, call me anytime."

"Your ID card, you can go directly to the police station to get it later."

This was persuaded by Sun Bin and wrote to the Correctional Services Department, Mr. Lee, the Justice of the Peace who highly praised Stanley's management style.

In Zhao Xueyan's eyes, Gentleman Li's face is very familiar. In the black prison song of raw pork, the wretched man who inspected Stanley and made the prisoners wear underwear for the first time.

It's nothing more than his age is 20 years older, from middle age to old age.

The ID card is also operated by Sun Bin, and it is settled on Hong Kong Island by introducing super scientific research talents. Science journal, the manuscript is over, and the next issue will be published.

(End of this chapter)

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