Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 346 How do you let me pick it up?

Chapter 346 How do you let me pick it up?
A new day, sunrise in the east.

A luxury yacht with a length of nearly [-] meters ran aground on the shore of an island, and a group of people in a state of distress rushed onto the island one after another.

At this time, this area is still very windy and rainy.

Some people have a tendency to be blown astray by the wind if they are not supporting each other while walking.

Of course, the wind speed and strength here are much lighter than those in the area where the No. [-] typhoon signal is the strongest, otherwise the crowd would have been blown away long ago.

"Quick, go to the island first and find a place to shelter from the wind and rain."

"The yacht is broken and cannot continue to start. Whether it is to prevent it from being blown over by the wind and rain, or to continue drifting at sea after being blown away, we must first find a reliable place to take refuge."

"God bless, I hope there are people on this island."

"What is this place? Which island?"

"Scatter, the ghost knows where this is. It's fine if we're still within Hong Kong Island. Even if we encounter an uninhabited island, we can wait for rescue. We hope the weather will improve and contact the authorities. If we have left the high seas, we will be in big trouble. Already!"

"Damn typhoon signal No. 8, suddenly turning and attacking, hope our satellite phone doesn't break!"


Last night, this luxury yacht lost contact with other marine police ships in the storm, and it broke down while driving.

As for how bad?Who knows...Wan Chai Police Chief Tyronn Williams deeply suspects that the breakdown of the yacht may have something to do with Li Jiacheng's blessing.

After all, it is a luxury yacht with a body length of nearly [-] meters and a cost of several million Hong Kong dollars. The daily maintenance has never been lax. Why did it suddenly break down?It can't even be repaired.

They had drifted with the current for two or three hours before they finally landed.

I'm afraid that if they don't disembark in time after landing this time, the yacht will continue to be blown away by the storm, or even blown over...

When the crowd saw the land before, they began to pack all kinds of things, packing a lot of things that can be used for survival in the wild, including food.

When the crowd rushed to the island with the support of the crowd, Grant Blake in the middle of the team was also full of a sense of collapse. What the hell, it was too shameless for the god who went to sea to avoid the decline to encounter a typhoon.

You said that when he knew that Li Jiacheng kept sending him gifts by mail, he went to sea to seek death?He felt that if he flew out of Hong Kong Island by plane at that time, he might have been in a plane crash!
Compared with an air crash, going out to sea by boat, surrounded by various police ships, is much safer than an airplane, right?Wasn't Eiji Tsukamoto crashed when he flew near Haojiang when he failed to assassinate Dr. Zhao? !
That is the lesson from the past.

No matter where you change houses on Hong Kong Island, you can’t stop Li Jiacheng from hiring homeless people to throw gifts for you, sitting still and waiting for the building to collapse?

Smith, the carrot killer, has such a good physical fitness, even if he takes an elevator, he will encounter a big accident.

Besides, according to the Observatory's observations, the original typhoon passed through the sea off Hong Kong Island and headed for Haojiang...

Fortunately, this time I encountered a typhoon, and I did not die directly. There were not only three bodyguards, but also five or six senior white men from the Wanchai Police Station, a professional chef, a driver, and even someone invited by him to entertain Director Tai Lun. Five or six fresh and tender beauties.

The whole team is close to 20 people, as long as they are not drifting to an uninhabited island outside Hong Kong Island.

After the typhoon dissipates, go home, there is always hope!

In most cases, the strongest typhoon only lasts for more than ten hours. It is possible that after the typhoon has gone, the torrential rain will continue the next day, but if the wind is low, it will be fine.

They all came over tonight...

"God bless, it will be all right."

He carried it all night and went ashore. Among the nearly 20 people, he was the only old man, and the others were all young men and women. There is great hope that the resistance will end this wave.

When the matter really passed, Grant Black had already begun to seriously consider leaving Hong Kong Island completely and returning to Niu Niu's hometown.

Li Jia took advantage of the power of the Plague God Sangmen Star to be too powerful, and you have various situations, and you don’t know how to defend yourself... It’s better to go away for a while, and he will come back when the sky cleans up those guys.


Chiu's Building, Kowloon Tsai.

Watching the TV broadcast, although the typhoon is gradually leaving the country, the weather forecast will still rain for a day or two, and it may be a heavy rainstorm.

Unfortunately, Dr. Zhao could only use his landline to contact Li Jiani in Beijing in the Mainland. During this National Day holiday, Li Jiani had long wanted to come back and play for a few days.

There was also a three-day holiday in the 80th of the [-]s.

The sudden change in direction of the No. 8 typhoon shattered Miss Jiani's dream of going home.

It's already October.

It has been almost half a year since he crossed over, how time flies.

On the phone, Li Jiani said that she was doing well in the Mainland, and that senior Su Mei was like a 24-hour nanny, taking good care of her no matter in life or study.

She thought that if she had a chance to return to Hong Kong next time, would she like to buy more air tickets and invite Su Mei to visit Hong Kong Island?

It doesn't matter, it's just a small thing...


As night fell again, the wind and rain on Hong Kong Island finally became much less.

During Lei Zhilan's report from Yongquan, Zhao Xueyan heard a special news from the TV that was turned on. Grant Black's luxury yacht had lost contact.

Someone in the Black family issued a reward, no matter who can retrieve Grant, the reward is 1000 million Hong Kong dollars.

This news made Dr. Zhao sneer, so the rich Grant Black is only worth 1000 million?This is looking down on people.

However, he can be sure that this news will trigger many people to go to sea by boat, and the marine police team on Hong Kong Island is expected to dispatch police frequently.

Ten million is nothing to the rich, but to ordinary people, it is definitely a huge sum of money.


October 2st.

Zhao Xueyan drove to the tenement building at No. 296 Lai Chi Kok Road, looked at the signboard hanging outside the door, and thought suspiciously, has Xu Huaigu not started his career with supernatural powers yet?

The wife of Director He of the Taxation Bureau hasn't come to tell the fortune yet?
Ruan Mei is familiar with He Ju and Mrs. He. Ruan Mei sent He's mother who passed out on the road to the hospital for the first time to test the effect of the ability to distinguish between grievances and resentments.

He Ju and his wife also invited guests to thank them.

Shaking his head to shake off this thought, Zhao Xueyan walked into the building. Not surprisingly, when he was about to pass by the security room at the entrance of the building, the short security guard Ah Fa who was sitting inside raised his head, "Hey, wait a minute, you Is it for fortune-telling?"

Zhao Xueyan nodded, "Yes, I have this idea."

Ah Fa laughed and said, "Please register, the law and order is not good recently, there are often gangsters coming and going, look at me, I locked myself in a wire cage to prevent accidents, in case you encounter gangsters, something happens to you, I will Let your family know."

Zhao Xueyan showed an eight-toothed smile, "I am quite familiar with the gangster world on Hong Kong Island. Usually when gangsters meet me, they are the ones who want to run away, so you don't need to register?"

Ah Fa, "..."


How do you let me pick it up?
(End of this chapter)

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