Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 345 I Also Like Big Houses

Chapter 345 I Also Like Big Houses
Recalling the story of the fortune teller, the fortune teller and the tax bureau staff killed the drug lord, Zhao Xueyan became interested in the fortune teller Xu Huaigu in it, and felt the need to swipe and sign in.

In his memory, Xu Huaigu's family lived on Lai Chi Kok Road, Sham Shui Po. In fact, Zhao Xueyan passed by more than once, right?Lai Chi Kok Detention Center...that was the first stop he crossed.

Xu Huaigu in normal times is a liar.

I don't know fortune-telling at all, and rely on various "techniques" to bluff and scam money. For example, his family lives on the second floor of a tenement building, and the building manager at the entrance on the first floor is Xu Huaigu's brother-in-law.

When a fortune teller enters the building, Xu Huaigu’s brother-in-law Afa will often use the reason of “the building is often haunted by robbers, you should register first? In case you are injured and hospitalized, I don’t know who to notify” to the fortune teller. Register name, age, home address, and ask who is in the house.

After the fortune-teller registers, when you go upstairs, Ah Fa has already faxed the information to the second floor.

This allows Xu Huaigu to perform, you come to tell the fortune by touching the bones?Okay, let me do the math for you for free first, and say a few things, if what I say is wrong, you can leave and forget it for you.

If you think you are right, continue talking.

I already know your name, age, and family details. Let’s calculate your zodiac sign, where is your home on Hong Kong Island, and roughly how many people are there in your home...

Isn't that what counts?The person who came to tell the fortune was stunned.

Then the fortune-tellers got caught and started to pay for fortune-telling.

The story begins with a team led by the tax bureau's top executives to check the accounts of Pangu Trade, suspecting tax evasion by the other party, but failed to check the accounts and failed to find the real account book, and was mocked and defeated by the big drug lord Hun Sen.

Here the leading actor Qiu Haoji is just a small employee in a big team, not impressive at all.

Then the wife of Director He of the Taxation Bureau went to tell a fortune, and after filling out the form, she was bluffed by a few free questions. She spent 2000 yuan to find out whether her husband, Director He, was having an affair.

Xu Huaigu tried to tell the fortune, Mrs. He, you have a shortcoming, you are very emotional, you have a quirk, you especially like small things, such as rings, earrings... After Mrs. He readily admitted, she asked, but I also like big houses very much! !

Xu Huaigu was almost choked, so he could only fight back by saying that your house is not big enough, and compared to the imperial palace, it is still a small thing.

It's almost time to fool around. When Mrs. He asked if he needed to beware of villains in life, Xu Shensuan casually saw the cover of his family's magazine. It was the big singer Mei Fangfang.

Be careful if there are any women in your husband's life with the character "Fang".

Mrs. He went to the tax bureau to make a big fuss with Director He, saying that the fortune teller told you that you have a lover with the word Fang in his name.

Director He was so humiliated by the trouble, he managed to deal with his wife away, and immediately arrested the slippery tax assessor Qiu Haoji from the bureau, and asked him to stare at Xu Huaigu to death.

Check his taxes and kill him.

Director He really has a lover, an inspector-level girl in the marine police, Fang Fangfang!

Qiu Haoji began to hate Xu Huaigu, saying that you earn 2000 for doing a fortune telling, and I count you receiving five orders a day, earning 30 a day, more than 300 a month, and more than [-] million a year...

Then for the previous seven years, you have not paid a cent of tax! !
Xu Huaigu began to sell miserably in various ways, trying to fool him, trying to evade taxes and so on.

The comedy story started with a slapstick like this. Xu Huaigu once saved the beauty as a hero, was knocked out by a gangster, and then awakened his ancestral supernatural powers.

He can feel the bone and see what happened in a certain period of time in the future.

This is the real future.

His father and grandfather had this supernatural ability back then, and they became a famous master for a while. He didn't awaken until he was middle-aged and was hospitalized with a broken head.

Relying on supernatural powers to calculate a few things about Qiu Haoji, which frightened Qiu Haoji, the tax assessor thought, help me figure out the big drug lord Hun Sen, where is his account book, and I will help you settle tax evasion if it is settled thing.

Xu Huaigu found opportunities to contact Hun Sen to help him touch the bones, but only figured out that the account book was related to fish.

It also hinted that the younger brother around Hun Sen had betrayed him.

As a result, Hun Sen's account book was hidden in his own fishing ground, and Hun Sen's younger brother William took money from Hun Sen's business partner, another drug lord Shar Pei, and planned to blackmail Hun Sen.

At the end of the matter, the two major drug lord groups were on fire and almost died, and Qiu Haoji got the account book. As for Hun Sen himself?Fell into the fishery and died.

He raises piranhas in his fishing grounds, which are usually sealed with nets and separated into small fishing grounds.

People fell in and were eaten within minutes.

In Zhao Xueyan's memory, this is also the most wonderful Fenzhuang that died.

But Xu Huaigu is still worth signing in, if the other party has awakened the special ability to see through the future?Maybe you can get a good reward.

The next moment, Dr. Zhao looked at Hongmao, "Where are the fans of your transaction hidden?"

Hongmao said decisively, "Ah Qiang transported a batch of ceramic toilets, which are hidden in one of the toilets, and can be taken out if broken."

A Wen, a policeman in uniform, also took a breath and said, "Master Yan, in the serial car accident in the afternoon, a batch of ceramic toilets in that truck were broken in the accident, but some of them were still intact. That's a lot."

Hongmao explained again, "The transaction partner is an old customer, so the fan can just pay the bill when he arrives there, instead of paying first-hand money and first-hand goods like finding a new buyer."

There is nothing wrong with him saying that. In Police Story 3, Guanchaiba was arrested because Cheng Yingsi was arrested and his account was blocked... He has no money in his hand, and he can still owe a batch of goods on credit from the Thai warlord, thinking about selling them all. What about checkout.

Old customers will definitely be treated differently.

Zhao Xueyan continued to ask, "If this batch of goods is found, can Hun Sen be convicted?"

Hongmao smiled awkwardly, "It should be difficult, right? The trading company is just a middleman, and we are not the ones who produce the toilet. From the beginning to the end, Hun Sen didn't leave any evidence when he hid the powder. Aqiang's company is just a subsidiary of Pangu Trading, and the boss is Hun Sen's younger brother..."

According to the current law in Hong Kong Island, if Zhu Tao was arrested at the scene of a transaction of one-handed money and one-handed goods, if Zhao Xueyan hadn't come forward to hammer him, he would still be able to leave the court and go out on bail.

Hun Sen's wave?
Finding fans can only be regarded as the loss of a batch of goods for Brother Hong, which has little effect on his true self.

Zhao Xueyan coughed lightly, "I've explained the matter clearly. I don't care how your police handle the case. Ah Qiang's safety and other treatment must be guaranteed."

"Aqiang, don't worry, no matter you or your family members, I will make arrangements for you clearly and properly."

After staying here and communicating for a while, Zhao Xueyan left.

When he left, even though the typhoon hadn't come to Kowloon, he felt that the wind had become a lot stronger, and the rain that came with the wind was also not small.

I heard that Grant Black went to sea and hasn't come back yet?I hope he won't be tossed too badly at sea.

He is different.

It's windy and rainy outside, when we go back, sister Lei and sister Le must have my teacher with him.

(End of this chapter)

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