honor me as god

Chapter 894 Words from the Heart

Chapter 894 Words from the Heart
As soon as Ma Ban's words came out, everyone present fell into a state of shock, regardless of whether they were noble or poor, the faces of the ministers were all pale.

Impeach the Regent?
Don't say this kind of thing in front of the queen, they usually don't dare to think about it.

What is the relationship between Solandelle and Chino?The two have walked along the way, and the bond between them has already surpassed that of ordinary princes.

In order for Solandelle to sit firmly on the throne, Kino did not hesitate to clean up the palace, killing anyone who opposed it, and blood flowed like a river.

Solandelle had no suspicions after she came to power. The military and political powers were given to General Chino, and he was followed in any major national affairs without the slightest suspicion.

For so many years, there have been criticisms in many places, such as "only knowing the regent but not the queen", and even calling Kino the "shadow king", don't these Solandelle know?
Wrong, Solandelle is very clear about this, but she doesn't care at all, no matter how many rumors there are, the trust in Kino has long been engraved in her bones.

As for mottled?

To put it bluntly, you are nothing but a bit of personality and ability. Her Majesty the Queen saw that you are not bad, so she promoted you as a helper.

It's okay to fight with the noble ministers in normal times, but now you want to impeach the most important regent to the Queen, and looking for death is not the way to find it.

Solandelle recovered from the shock, stood up unconsciously, and her eyes became cold: "Ma Ban, if you are too tired from work recently and your brain is affected, you can ask me for leave and go back to rest, don't post here. Epilepsy."

"Am I going crazy? I think you're going crazy!" Ma Ban did not change his previous temper, and he spoke without dignity. He pointed to the curtain behind Solandelle and asked, "I'm asking you, Kino Why does Van Helsing sit on the stage? What right does he have to sit on the stage?!"

Solandelle laughed angrily: "Kino is the regent, and he is in charge of military and political affairs. The regent sits on the stage with me. Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is a problem!" Ma Ban's eyes were lightning, and his voice was stern. "According to the "Dogland Code", the regent can only take power when the monarch is young, seriously ill, or unable to govern for other reasons."

"As long as the above conditions no longer exist, the regent should immediately return the power to the monarch, and separate military and political affairs, and set up the king's left and right hands."

"You were underage when you first came to power, and Lichino was the regent, that's no problem, we won't say anything. But you are 20 years old now! From the founding of the ancient king to the present, which generation of kings still has a regent at the age of 20? ?!"

These words directly made Solandelle dumb, because Ma Ban was right, as was the Codex.

Theoretically, when she completed her annual ceremony four years ago, Kino would immediately step down as the regent, and at most continue to serve as the "left hand of the king" or "right hand of the king", either in charge of the army or assistant in politics, not at the same time.

The reason why Kino has been able to be the regent until now is that no minister has mentioned this method, and no one dares to touch it.

The second is that Solandelle trusts Chino, can even be said to rely on Chino, and deliberately keeps silent.

Since everyone doesn't say it, let everyone forget it, the sea and the sky are bright, and everyone is safe.

But now Ma Ban publicly mentioned that this matter is unavoidable, and there is no room for mediation at all.

Ma Ban stared at Solandelle, and said in a cold voice: "Kino has been acting as regent all these years, causing endless harm. When will you wake up in time and stop relying on him like a child?"

Solandelle has been in power for so many years, and her character has been sharpened and matured, but she still couldn't help but get angry when she heard that Kino was criticized in this way: "The scourge is endless? Let me tell you what happened in these years!"

"If there was no Kino, Andre would still be a tyrant in power now, poisoning the living beings. I would have been killed by him long ago, and turned into a corpse buried somewhere!"

"Without Chino, none of the New Deal would be implemented, slaves would still be as humble as animals, commoners could only work for the nobles forever, land annexation would continue every day, class solidification would form shackles that could never be broken, and eventually ruin the entire kingdom !"

"It is because of the presence of Kino that so many old systems have been broken, the social climate is changing with each passing day, and countless people with lofty ideals are blooming, leading this ancient country to a new future."

"Say he's a scourge? Ask yourself, don't you feel unreasonable to say such a thing? You ask those colleagues around you, do they have a good conscience?!"

For some reason, upon hearing Solandelle's answer, there was a little sadness in Ma Ban's eyes: "Your Majesty, your heart is wrong, so wrong."

"Everything just mentioned is your own credit, not Chino Van Helsing's credit."

"It was you who put forward the ancient and modern governing program, firmly implemented it, and finally led Dogorand to an unimagined path. You are the greatest person, not him."

"I admit that he gave you help in this process, and that help is like sending charcoal to you."

"However, have you ever thought that those things are insignificant to him. Did he put any effort into it? No, everything is just a matter of effort."

"But what did he get out of it—he got everything."

"Kino Van Helsing established his prestige through killing, eliminated dissidents, established a special agency like the Death Bird, monitored tens of thousands of officials in the kingdom, searched and killed wantonly, abused lynching, implemented a reign of terror, and treated all his ministers as slaves."

"Deliberations in the palace deliberately provoked party disputes. When the nobles are powerful, they help the poor families to suppress the nobles. When the poor families rise, they help the nobles destroy the poor families."

"This person completely disregards the principles of the code of law. He only wants to instigate internal strife and let his subordinates attack each other, so as to ensure that he has a monopoly of power and will always be above the ministers, even above the throne!"

Ma Ban tightly clutched the skirt of her chest, and her eyes were already red: "What about you? Solandelle van Dorgolande, Your Majesty the Queen! You are blinded by personal affairs, and you are willing to be manipulated by others as a puppet. Still grateful???"

"It's not that you haven't noticed the strangeness. You're just afraid of him. Deep in your heart, you dare not face reality, and you don't want to believe that the person who has been with you for many years actually has another face!"

"Tell me. Where did the former Solandelle go?! Where did the Solandelle who vowed to me under the night sky, go to become the queen and change the world?!"

"Now, various government orders cannot be implemented without the approval of the regent, and the queen's words cannot be heard in the palace. Countless people in the kingdom only know the regent but not the queen, and even call Kino the shadow king!"

"Doguland Kingdom, is it you who have the final say or he who has the final say?!"

(End of this chapter)

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