honor me as god

Chapter 893

Chapter 893
(Two in one big chapter, today and tomorrow together)
The sound of the piano at the turn of the repertoire, as well as Solandelle's words, made Jashan and other aristocratic ministers heave a sigh of relief. Their faces were slightly less sad, and their figures seemed to be much taller.

Ma Ban clenched his fists, looked sideways at the stage with cold eyes, and said nothing.

Solandelle asked Jashan the next question: "Just now I heard from Maban that the victims were sleeping on the streets during the resettlement process, and they didn't even have a place to keep warm. What's going on?"

Jashan answered truthfully: "After the Red Smoke River broke its embankment, the number of victims was huge, and they were all crowding upstream to the main city. The cities including Starsburg couldn't accommodate so many victims for a while, so we could only resettle some of them first. Among the tents set up on the street."

Ma Madara interrupted in a cold voice: "Can't contain it? I sent someone to the upstream city to see that there are a lot of empty houses, the small ones can accommodate dozens of people, and the big ones can even accommodate thousands of people. For refuge?"

Jashan's complexion suddenly turned bad: "Those empty houses are not abandoned buildings, they are all private properties of local nobles, how can they be used as refuges?"

Ma Ban said heavily: "According to the "Dogland Emergency Act", during wars or major disasters, local administrative agencies have the right to temporarily requisition private residences. Why can't they be used as refuges?"

Jashan responded tit-for-tat: "The "Emergency Act" will only be activated when there is no other solution. We have enough funds to accommodate the victims. Why do we need to expropriate private houses?"

"What's more, those empty houses are located in the center of the city, which have a very high value preservation, and most of the house owners have carried out the most expensive decoration."

"If we accommodate the disaster victims, the furniture will be damaged, the decoration will be stained, and the real estate depreciation caused by the expropriation. How can we explain to the homeowner the loss?"

Ma Ban was so angry that his face was distorted, and he cursed: "We are talking about human lives! Millions of lives! Those temporary tents have no effect on keeping out the cold, and now it is winter again, and a few pieces of rags even The wind can't stop it!"

"There are many old people, children, and pregnant women among the victims. You let them live in that kind of place? It's freezing cold, can their bodies bear it? If the victims get sick on a large scale and a plague breaks out, who will be responsible?! "

Jashan did not show any weakness: "To put it lightly, it's not your house that was expropriated!"

Ma Ban pointed at his nose and fought back forcefully: "I tell you! When I was in power in the countryside, I always did this when encountering natural disasters! The first ones to open were my own houses, and the first batch of gifts to the victims were my own. Store food!"

"As the governor of a province, you can't tell which is the most serious in the face of the disaster, and you are still afraid of offending those homeowners? What are you raising so many soldiers and horses for?!"

Jashan was speechless, and in the end he lost his sense of control, and began to speak harshly: "If you insist on kidnapping us by your own standards, I'm sorry, but I can't do this! I'll give you the governor's seat." Already!"

Suddenly, the original melodious piano sound stopped abruptly, as if cut off by a sharp knife, and it did not sound again for a long time.

The hall also fell into a dead silence, all the officials held their breaths, and Jashan gritted his teeth, cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

A staccato is the worst accident in a piano performance.

Everyone knows that this is the Lord Regent issuing a warning - don't go too far.

Solandelle looked at Jashan, and her tone was full of dissatisfaction: "Governor Jashan, don't discuss matters with personal emotions, let alone quit. How can I trust you with the matter after you do this?" ?”

Jashan went downhill, bowed his head and apologized: "It's my servant who made a slip of the tongue."

Solandelle looked at Ma Ban again: "You too, don't talk too much, the situation in each place is different, the village and the main city cannot be generalized, not everything should be done in a rigid way, you have to consider gains and losses."

Ma Ban clenched her teeth tightly, staring sideways at the curtain behind the throne, the sullenness in her eyes could not be concealed, and her whole body was shaking with anger.

Solandelle looked at Jashan again: "But again, the question raised by Ma Ban is very serious. It is cold winter. If the victims are not resettled properly, there is a high possibility of an outbreak of disease. At that time, I will be the first to ask the culprits." It's you."

Jashan nodded and said, "If there is a second disaster, I can't absolve myself of the responsibility. It's just that the Red Mist River broke its embankment this time, and the number of victims is increasing every day. The province's strategic reserve may be overwhelmed."

"Therefore, I implore Your Majesty to open the kingdom's strategic reserve and allocate disaster relief materials to Miyue Province, including military-grade cold-proof tents, food, clothing, medicine, etc., to resettle the victims."

After hearing this, the ministers of the poor family cursed their mothers in their hearts. This Jashan is indeed the leader of the Heqi family. He has dealt with Yuebi since he was a child, and he is as smart as a ghost.

If the "Emergency Act" is not activated to expropriate private properties, the local nobles will not be offended, and the Hetch family's good relationship with the outside world will be maintained.

Roughly resettling the victims, regardless of whether they live comfortably or not, as long as there are no dead people in a short period of time, there will be an explanation in face, and the position of governor can continue to be secure.

Finally, on the grounds that the number of disaster victims continued to increase and the province's strategic reserves were insufficient, Solandelle was asked to come forward to allocate supplies, which was equivalent to transferring the disaster relief responsibilities and costs that the Governor's Palace should have assumed to the royal family in disguise.

With this system in place, Jashan has nothing to lose, and when the time comes, he will still be able to take the supplies of the royal family and gain a reputation for disaster relief. Others will do the dirty work, and he will collect all the benefits. .

After Jashan made the request, everyone remained silent, and Solandelle also did not speak. They were all waiting for one person's opinion.

The hall was silent.

Quietly, a faint chuckle of disdain came from behind the scenes.

"Ding ding ding~" The piano sound that had been silent for a long time sounded again, melodious and brisk, positive and positive.

Solandelle nodded to Jashan: "Just do as you said. The Governor's Mansion will make a complete list of the supplies you need, and I will make enough for you. You must also use them well."

Jashan looked down respectfully, and bowed to Solandelle: "If there is any inappropriateness during the resettlement process, I will take the blame!"

Solandelle looked at the ministers, and continued: "The matter of resettling the victims is finished, now let's go back to the beginning - the Red Smoke River broke its embankment, who should be responsible for it? How should we deal with it?"

Due to its unique geographical location, the influence of the Red Mist River in the Moon Seeking Province is second only to the capital, the Fort of Stars.

The current eight officials in Hongyanhe are all talents who have been promoted through civil examinations. They belong to the poor family and are incompatible with the nobility. Nail stabbed in the bone.

At the moment when the humble family is rising wildly, the status of noble officials is declining day by day. If even the oldest Heqi family can't stand up, the noble family will have no future.

Jashan always wanted to get rid of the officials of Hongyanhe's poor family, but these people have not shown their flaws so far, there is no legitimate reason, and the governor can't just randomly pick people.

Well now, the heavy rains have destroyed the dikes, and they finally seized the opportunity to put them to death.

As long as those people are removed from the horse, according to the code, when there are vacancies in the positions of local officials, and the local government is in a major event such as war or natural disaster, the Governor's Office has the right to directly appoint candidates to fill them in an emergency.

In this way, it is possible to bypass the selection restrictions of the New Deal, uproot the power of the humble family in the Moon-seeking Province, and break their overstretched hand.

Justin Sidden was the first to speak up: "The Hongyan River broke its embankment, and nearly ten million people were affected, and millions of people were left homeless. The eight-rank officials directly under their jurisdiction cannot absolve themselves of the blame!"

"According to the code of law, the construction officer in charge of fortification construction, the security captain in charge of disaster warning, and the military commander, the above three bear the main responsibility and should be executed immediately."

"At the same time, the administrative officer in charge of personnel appointment and the inspector in charge of disciplinary supervision, the above two have neglected their duties and are guilty of the same crime as the main responsible person."

"The treasury envoy, the judge, and the high priest should also be dismissed from their positions pending trial, to find out whether they have secondary responsibilities, and then question the crime."

After hearing this, a minister from the poor family couldn't help it, and said coldly: "Master Jashan, Hongyanhe belongs to the main city-level establishment, and the eight officials under it are all important officials of the kingdom. You will kill five of them in one go. Unloading three is really bold!"

Jashan was calm and calm, and said in an unhurried tone: "It's not that I want to kill five and unload three, it's the regulations of the law."

"Code? Let me tell you what a code is!" Ma Ban was furious, almost hoarse, "When a disaster occurs within the jurisdiction, causing loss of personnel and property, the directly subordinate officials are responsible."

"However, if the directly subordinate officials have no violations such as corruption, dereliction of duty, and collusion with the enemy, according to the law, they should be investigated and dealt with lightly when they are held accountable!"

"The construction officials of the Hongyan River are usually clean and frugal, and have never taken a single monthly coin from the embankment construction funds. The Hongyan River embankment is of the highest standard in terms of materials, technology, and construction period. The strength is more than five times that of the old embankment. It was the rare torrential rain in a century that caused the dike to burst."

"After the Hongyan River broke its embankment, the eight local officials took the lead bravely, and none of them evacuated. They immediately stood on the front line of disaster relief and marched and retreated with the garrison soldiers."

"The military commander of Hongyanhe is a married man. He has two sons and a daughter. His family members are all in the hardest-hit areas, but he has no time to go home to visit in order to command the soldiers to block the breach, and he has not used his privileges to request priority transfer. Family members, just so as not to affect the order of disaster relief."

"He didn't know until the next day when the disaster information came up from below that his wife and three children had been drowned in the flood! The disaster was so urgent that he didn't even have time to collect the bodies of his family, and he was still fighting on the front line with grief." , until the body is exhausted, vomiting blood and fainting!"

Ma Ban choked up several times when he said this: "The breach of the Hongyan River's embankment is a natural disaster, not a man-made disaster. Everyone there has done their best. Even if they have to deal with it, they should be merciful and dealt with lightly according to the law."

Leading by example, fighting on the front line, losing his wife and children but not failing the people. At this time, not only the poor family ministers had tears in their eyes, but many aristocratic ministers also bowed their heads in silence for their respectable political opponents.

There was no unnecessary expression on Jashan's face. He stopped debating, but turned around to look at Thorandell on the throne, nodded and said, "Your Majesty, please decide."

Ma Ban knelt down on one knee to Solandelle, with a heartbroken expression: "Your Majesty, I implore you to show mercy to the eight officials of Hongyanhe!"

The hall fell into dead silence again, and it seemed that even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

Everyone is waiting with bated breath.
Waiting for the piano sound that symbolizes the verdict.

"Boom!—" The heavy and muffled bass sounded suddenly, like a heavy hammer hitting the heart, bringing a huge sense of depression.

Solandelle looked at the ministers and said silently: "The deeds of the eight officials of the Red Mist River are touching, but - the river's embankment burst and caused disasters, which is equivalent to abandoning the city and land in wartime, and it is not the common law that makes the ruling. , but military law."

"Military law is ruthless, orders and prohibitions, right is right, wrong is wrong, there is no personal preference."

"Hearing the order, five members of the Hongyan River administrator, inspector, construction officer, security captain, and military commander will be punished for the crime of abandoning the city during wartime, and will be executed on the spot according to the Dogoorand military law."

"Although Hongyanhe's financial envoy, judge, and high priest are not directly responsible, they still need to bear secondary joint and several responsibilities. They will be immediately deprived of their titles, expelled from the establishment, and will never be hired."

"Whether the rest of the officials under the eight positions need to be held accountable, they should be investigated immediately and severely punished!"

The aristocratic ministers headed by Jashan seemed to have flowers blooming in their hearts. They knelt down to Solandelle one after another, and shouted in unison: "Your Majesty is wise, and you are discerning!"

On the other hand, the ministers of the poor family all lowered their heads, their faces pale and ugly.

If we compare the administration of the palace to a war, they lost this battle, and it was an absolute disastrous defeat
The poor family has lost such a strategic location as the Red Mist River, and I am afraid that it will not be able to have any influence in Miyue Province within ten years.
This city was brought back by the nobles.
When his colleagues were dejected, Ma Ban raised his head and looked at Solandelle, his eyes were full of anger and sorrow. His hands and fingers were tense, and his nails were opened one after another, leaving ten bloody spots on the hard ground. trace.

The piano sound is still playing slowly, melodious and melodious, it is the final chapter of a piece of music.

Solandelle didn't notice the look in Ma Ban's eyes, and said to everyone: "That's the end of the matter of the Red Mist River. If there is nothing else, let's go and deal with it separately."

Maban's gaze stayed on Solandelle's face for a moment, then moved up again, and finally landed on a place higher than the throne.

Anger was like a volcano about to erupt, and he couldn't hold back any longer, a monstrous sea of ​​burning waves rolled up in his eyes.

An official from the poor family came to support Ma Ban and said softly, "My lord, let's go back first."

Without warning, Ma Ban suddenly pushed away his colleagues, strode to the high platform, raised his right hand and glared, his voice resounded throughout the hall: "I want impeachment!!!"

In an instant, the whispering voices disappeared. Whether it was the winner who was full of joy or the loser who bowed his head sadly, everyone's expressions were frozen on their faces, and they stared blankly at Ma Ban.

The bloody roar echoed in the hall, almost overshadowing the melodious melody of the piano.

Solandelle was also stunned at this time, and only recovered after a long while, and asked puzzledly: "Who are you going to impeach?"

"I want to impeach the person behind you—" Ma Ban pointed to the place where the sound of the piano came from, and pointed to the shadow that was clearly hidden in the curtain but seemed to be everywhere.

"I will impeach the present Regent, Chino Van Helsing!"

(End of this chapter)

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