honor me as god

Chapter 874 Ancient Language

Chapter 874 Ancient Language
"Huh—" The candle lights up, illuminating the quaint stone walls around.

This is a secret room in the royal palace that has not been used for a long time, and it has long been forgotten. At this time, it is imprisoning a person with an advanced status, or a person with an advanced status.

Chino sat down on the chair in front of the table, looked at the elderly man in front of him and said, "I don't know your name yet, or do you still want me to call you 'Bishop'?"

The person imprisoned here is none other than the head bishop of the Scarlet Church, who used to control the lifeline of the kingdom by virtue of blood therapy.

The archbishop has always been a commoner, and he was not embarrassed when he was secretly detained after the decisive battle in the king's city, so his appearance looks the same as usual, but the vicissitudes of the eyes are full of tiredness, and they have long since lost their former glory.

"The name is just a secular thing, you are the winner now, you can choose any name you want." The archbishop's eyes shifted slightly from Kino's face, looking at the empty space behind him and said, "Where is that monster girl?" ? Not with you?"

The time limit for summoning has come, and Fitch has returned to the world of gluttony, so Kino replied calmly, "I'm back where she belongs."

"What exactly is she?" Bitterness appeared on the archbishop's weather-beaten face, and he looked at Kino's face in the candlelight. "Or should I ask, what are you?"

Before Kino's eyes, a scarlet warning appeared on the interface of the triple shackles.

The Supreme Being forbids the rejectors to directly disclose reincarnation information to the local world personnel, so Kino shook his head and said: "Believe me, I am happy to have an in-depth discussion with you on this topic, but for some reason, I cannot Tell you."

The archbishop didn't press on, and changed the subject silently: "The Scarlet Church has been destroyed by you, what are you going to do next? There are millions of people infected with the animal epidemic in the kingdom."

"I still remember that I told you at this year's New Year's banquet that I would give you a big surprise—" Kino said with a smile, "I have developed a medicine to cure the veterinary disease."

Surprisingly, the archbishop did not show any surprise, and seemed to have expected the answer: "By studying that monster girl, right?"

"You seem to have a very deep understanding of her and the existence of the same origin as her." Kino leaned forward slightly, looked straight into the archbishop's eyes, as if wanting to penetrate into his heart to find the answer, "That creature—you You know what I'm talking about, that creature that you hid in the ancient temple in the extreme north that can gain power by devouring others, how did you create it?"

"How did you make it?" The archbishop smiled wryly, "You have misunderstood me a lot. I am just a mortal. How could I create such a creature that surpasses known laws?"

Chino: "What do you mean?"

The archbishop looked away, as if lost in memory, and slowly told his story: "I used to be a wandering doctor, traveling around the world to treat diseases and save lives, and I have been to many places in the world."

"More than 30 years ago, I was traveling and practicing medicine in the territory of the Far Eastern Dynasty. During this period, I got lost in the ancient mountains and entered an isolated mountain village by mistake."

"I think I am proficient in Far Eastern language, but I can't understand what the villagers say. It seems to be some kind of rare dialect. Because of the language barrier, it is difficult for me to communicate with them normally, but the most basic sign language, I still managed to stay. down."

"During the time I lived there, I found a very strange thing. Every household in those villagers would not get sick. They were injured during work, and the wound healing speed was much faster than normal people."

"Moreover, that mountain village has weird beliefs. The totem they worship is not recorded in any books, like some kind of unknown god. When they hold sacrificial ceremonies, they will share a strange kind of meat. The flesh was rotten black, but it smelled normal."

"I'm sure that kind of meat doesn't come from wild animals. The desire to explore caused by the unknown aroused my curiosity. I pretended to leave the village, but actually followed their village chief secretly, and finally found that kind of meat in a primitive cave. A source of dark meat”

Hearing this, Kino could already predict the result: "It came from the creature we mentioned."

The archbishop nodded: "At that time, it was still very small, only the size of a puppy, but it had already shown extremely terrifying characteristics - if you scratched it with a knife, the wound would heal instantly, even if you cut off a piece of flesh , and it will grow back directly. Perhaps this scene reminded the villagers of the immortality technique in ancient books, and worshiped it as a god."

"The existence of this kind of creature also aroused my curiosity. I thought that if I could make use of its characteristics to make a medicine, I might be able to create a medicine that could cure all diseases, so I took that creature away in the dark night. out of the cave."

"The villagers found the 'god' disappeared the next day, and they searched for it like crazy. They followed my trail and chased after me. I could only try my best to escape and chase until the next day. Terrible things happened."

"A few villagers caught up with me. They looked more terrifying than any malignant patient I had ever seen. Their bodies were riddled with holes and bleeding like a sieve. They struggled and stretched out their hands to me. He rushed over directly, trying to bite the creature I took away with his mouth."

"I was so frightened that I broke free and continued to run away. They were crying in despair, still speaking in a dialect that I couldn't understand, repeating it back and forth, as if they were saying the same word."

"After I escaped from the mountains, I took that creature across the desert and returned to the hometown of the Kingdom of Dogland, and used my medical knowledge to start researching that creature."

"The deeper the research, the more terrifying the existence of that creature is to me. Every piece of its flesh and blood has infinite vitality, and it can continue to survive after being separated from the body. It even has independent consciousness and can parasitize in other organisms."

"I have seen with my own eyes that a rat used in an experiment swallowed a small piece of its flesh and blood, and then its food intake became extremely large. It could eat food dozens or even hundreds of times its own body weight in a day, and the original flesh and blood of that creature With monstrous longings."

"Once the feeding is stopped, the mouse will bleed, fester from the inside out, and be eaten back by the parasitic flesh and blood in the body-this is why the villagers were desperate at the beginning. From the first bite they ate that creature, it has become its slave."

"Later, all this began to give me nightmares. In my dreams, I kept dreaming about the scene when I was in the mountain village. It suddenly occurred to me that when the villagers held the sacrifices fanatically and when I cried in despair after I escaped, they shouted. It's all the same word."

"I visited many people from the Far East, and finally got the answer from a senior linguist. Those villagers did not speak any dialects, but thousands of years ago, the "Fireless Era", that is, "the leader of the gods" An ancient language from the time of the Sun King. "

"And that word that keeps appearing in the mouths of the villagers, it means—" The archbishop's eyes flickered strangely in the candlelight, and said two words faintly

(End of this chapter)

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