honor me as god

Chapter 873

Chapter 873
(Today, tomorrow and the next three days will be updated together, three in one big chapter)

In a closed cell deep in the dungeon, Paladin was huddled in a corner wearing shackles, and his joints were already deformed a bit.

His skin was covered in rashes and pustules from the poor sanitation, which gave off a stench, and his eyes were hollow and blinking, making him look like a corpse.

During the time he was imprisoned, Paladin was tortured both physically and mentally, because in the eyes of everyone except Kino, he was as shameful a traitor as Baiza.

After Chino took Solandelle to occupy the palace, the prison guards brutally abused Paladin in order to please the new regent.

The jailers thought of various ways to humiliate him every day. They would find him out when they encountered the slightest trouble, beat and scolded him at every turn, and bruised him all over.

The food depends on your mood, and if you are in a good mood, you will be rewarded with some stinky rice, which is filled with animal feed, sour and rotten, even pigs hate it.

When he was in a bad mood, he starved on purpose and let him catch bugs in the prison to satisfy his hunger. Sometimes he couldn't even catch the bugs, so he could only throw mud powder on the wall to satisfy his hunger.

In the face of these insults, Paladin endured it without saying a word, with only one thought in his mind - he couldn't die.

Baisa can sacrifice his life for righteousness, that's because he is alone, he has no scruples, at most he can risk his life, but he can't
I also have a wife and daughter. If they die, the two relatives will lose the pillars of the family and it will be difficult for them to survive.

Therefore, Paladin didn't resist when he was beaten, and he would eat anything, as long as he could survive.

He knew very well that these jailers could beat him, scold him, and humiliate him, but they would never have the guts to kill him without permission.

There is only one person who can really decide his life or death——Kino.

When it comes to who in this world knows Kino best, no one dares to say that he is ahead of Paladin.

It is also true that Paladin has been extremely terrified these days in prison.

Paladin realized the current situation early on, knowing that Kino would not let the truth of Baixa's defection be exposed, and he was the only surviving insider.

So what is Chino's attitude towards him now?
Nian has worked so hard in the past few years to give him a way out?
Or in order to seal off all risks, choose to silence?

he does not know
During the years that Paladin followed Kino, he was cautious, walked on thin ice, and overcame countless difficulties with his own ingenuity, but in the end he still missed out and was dying on the edge of the abyss.

He is like a criminal waiting to be judged, all he can do is live as best he can and pray.
Pray that my company for so many years can impress the devil
"Tap, tap, tap" Suddenly, soft footsteps sounded, followed by a tempting smell of food.

The prolonged hunger had already exhausted Paladin's mind and body, and he would be happy for a long time if he caught a bug, but at this time, he smelled the smell of food, not only did he not feel overjoyed, but his face turned even paler.


Shangguan Xue opened the cell door and walked in, and put a whole plate of hot food in front of Paladin.

Creamy mushroom risotto, topped with medium-rare brisket and a layer of cheese, were his old Twilight favorites.

The smell of delicious food is tangy, which makes the index finger move, but in the dark prison, this is more like the announcement of death.

The intense fear caused Paladin's stomach to twitch, and he lay on the ground trembling and vomiting, and he was about to spit out bile. He closed his eyes unwillingly, and tightly closed his index finger grasping the ground, leaving ten desperate bloodstains on the floor tiles.

Shangguanxue was not feeling well at this time, but Qino had already made a decision, so she could only say silently: "Eat, let's go on the road after eating."

Paladin was motionless, sitting there with his head down, like an old dog with a broken spine.

Shangguan Xue didn't say much, at least he was a colleague, if he couldn't die generously, then he should do it quickly to minimize his pain.

"Shua—" Shangguan Xue drew out the long sword at her waist, and the cold light illuminated Paladin's face.

At this moment, Paladin suddenly opened his closed eyes and looked directly at Shangguan Xue.

Shangguan Xue's expression froze, and she suddenly noticed that Paladin's eyes had changed. There was no fear of death in his pupils, only an unspeakable determination and madness.

In the middle of the night, when Kino was resting in his study with his eyes closed, a winged beast cavalry came in and handed over a flying letter saying, "My lord regent, please accept the flying letter from the spy. Paladin's family has already controlled it. instruction."

Kino opened his eyes and looked at the flying book speechlessly. He was silent for a long time before picking up the quill on the table.

When the tip of the pen landed on the flying book, Kino's hand stopped again. The ink was in contact with the paper for a long time, smearing constantly, but he kept moving further.

After an unknown amount of time, Kino sighed silently, and drew a murderous cross on Feishu.

The person next to the pillow is often the person closest to the secret, and since it is necessary to get rid of it, it can only get rid of them all.

The Winged Beast Cavalry understood and was about to leave when Shangguanxue knocked on the door and walked in with hurried footsteps.

Kino asked indifferently: "Is it finished?"

Shangguan Xue shook her head and whispered, "No, I didn't kill him."

Kino frowned slightly, and looked at Shangguanxue suspiciously: "You don't understand what I mean?"

"I understand, but" Shangguan Xue looked a little weird, and said cautiously, "There seems to be something wrong with Paladin. When I went to the dungeon to look for him, he suddenly went crazy."

This news surprised Kino a little. In his impression, Paladin was a smart person, and he was definitely not weak in heart.

Shangguanxue sent the last meal of beheading. After seeing it, Paladin should understand that his life is coming to an end, and any struggle is futile.

In Kino's vision, Paladin should die calmly, and at worst he would cry, begging to let his family members go.

Crazy?Kino never thought that this word would have something to do with Paladin.

But Kino didn't think much about it, and said directly: "Crazy or not, what does it have to do with whether you take action? Can't you kill a lunatic?"

Shangguan Xue quickly lowered her head and explained: "If it's just going crazy, I can certainly do it. It's just that Paladin is abnormal. I think I should report the situation first."

Chino: "Go ahead, what's abnormal?"

"Paladin screamed and rolled on the ground, he kept talking." Shangguan Xue pursed his lips, and his voice became a little weak: "He kept talking. He is Baiza."

Kino sat up from the recliner, and from the bewildered expression, it could be seen that he was also confused.

Paladin said he was Baixa?
Baiza was already dead, and his flesh and blood were cut by Nicole one by one, and even the skeleton was smashed to pieces. This is the news that the guards just sent back, and he has personally verified it.

To be dead is to be dead, nothing can bring the dead back to life, and it is even nonsense to talk about the possession of the dead.

What's the status of Paladin now?
Crazy talk?Really crazy?

Kino continued to ask: "Aside from saying that he is Baixa, did Paladin say anything else?"

Shangguan Xue nodded: "Yes, he said he wanted to see you for the last time, and wanted to atone for your sins in front of everyone."

Kino was stunned, he sat there blankly, his eyes lost focus for a few times, gradually, his pupils continued to expand due to the impact of adrenaline, and he stood up abruptly, scaring Shangguan Xue and the winged beast cavalry one jump.

Kino took away the winged beast cavalry's flying book and threw it on the table, then looked at Shang Guanxue, his amber eyes seemed to be burning with flames: "I summoned the court ministers, reporters, and all the intelligence personnel in the royal city overnight, Then take Paladin to the main hall, and I will interrogate him myself."

"It's so late, why did the Prince Regent call us here?"

"I heard that the Paladin who defected with Baiza is going to be interrogated."

"There's nothing to interrogate such a person, just kill him directly."

"I don't know, anyway, let's wait for the regent to make a decision."

The main hall of the palace, the ministers at all levels in the palace, the scribes responsible for writing the official newspapers, and the intelligence personnel responsible for delivering the news were all summoned here overnight. Because of the large number of people, the huge hall was full of people.

Soon, Solandelle and Chino arrived, and everyone's whispering stopped.

Solandelle sat on the throne, and Kino stood beside her, and ordered down, "Bring Paladin in."

The cold and crisp sound of the shackles colliding was heard, and under everyone's watchful eyes, Shangguan Xue dragged the ragged Paladin in. When passing through the aisle, the people nearby couldn't help covering their noses, trying to block the sour smell of the dungeon.

When Paladin was pushed to the front of the temple, when he saw Kino, he seemed to have suffered some serious fright. He knelt down on the ground in a bewildered manner, with his forehead pressed against the ground, and the sound of fearful breathing was constantly coming from his mouth.

Now, countless pairs of eyes are staring at Paladin, observing his every move.

Kino said lightly: "Paladin, I heard that you went crazy in the dungeon."

Paladin didn't respond, his body kept trembling, and he muttered something.

Everyone listened with bated breath, only to find that he was crying and muttering something: "Sugar rain, seven-faced pancakes, pine nuts strolling by the two fires hiss, woo, flustered muffins, yellow wheat, autumn gray Temple of Nine Apples"

Paladin kept saying some illogical words, which made everyone confused. Obviously, he was a little out of order.

However, only Kino was keenly aware that if the numbers in Paladin's crazy words were extracted and arranged in sequence, it would be the total financial revenue of Twilight City last year, and the unit was even accurate to the tiniest iron moon.

"It seems that I'm really crazy." Kino made a conclusion, then changed the subject, and asked slowly, "Do you still recognize me?"

Palatine whimpered, "Yes. I. I'm sorry."

Chino: "Why are you sorry for me?"

Paladin: "I betrayed you. I am guilty."

There was a strange look in Kino's eyes, and his voice became deep: "There are too many people who betrayed me, who are you?"

Paladin grabbed his hair vigorously and kept beating on his head, as if he was extremely remorseful, and the next words made all the ministers exclaim:
"It was me. It was me who betrayed you."

Whispering voices sounded in the crowd, and everyone looked shocked and puzzled. They didn't know what was going on. Isn't this Paladin?How did it become Baisa?

The corners of Kino's lips flicked a dangerous arc, and he looked straight into Paladin's eyes and said, "Baiza? Isn't Baiza dead? The dead will enter reincarnation under the ferry of death. How can they return to the mortal world?"

Paladin trembled and said: "I can't get through. I can't enter reincarnation"

Chino: "Why can't I get in?"

"Too many people have died, they are all at the place of death, Roman Lugo, and they all stop me."

"The god of death wants me to come back here. To his incarnation in the world—" Paladin raised his head, his eyes widened to meet Kino's gaze, and the roar resounded through the hall, "Atonement!!!!!!"

The lingering sound settled down, and the whole hall was as dead as a grave. Everyone recovered from their sluggishness. Cold sweat soaked through their clothes. The cold feeling spread from the heart to the whole body. They didn't even have the courage to raise their heads and look directly at the figure beside the throne.

Depression, fear, suffocation. It seems that the air is full of pressure.

In an instant, the dual emotions of fear and reverence surged like a tide, converging into Kino's triple shackles.

"Tap, tap, tap" the sound of cold footsteps broke the dead silence.

Kino stepped down from the stage, came to Paladin and looked down at him, his eerie voice seemed to freeze everything: "Baiza, what sin do you want to atone for?"

Paladin kept trembling, sobbing and said: "I'm greedy Andre promised me a lot of coins. Want me to betray you. Want me to betray everyone"

"Slap." Kino slapped him in the face, and asked quietly, "You betrayed me just for a little money?"

Paladin yelled in horror: "There is more! There is land! He promised that after the war, he would give me a boundless territory, which is much bigger than Twilight City. I can't run a horse for an hour."

"He also promised that my title will be the same as that of Lorna. He will make me a prince with a different surname, and I will be included in the royal register so that my name will remain in the history books forever."

"He promised too much, too much. I was overwhelmed by Lugo and the others in Twilight City. I couldn't be reconciled, so I just... woo."

At this moment, the truth finally came to light.

Everyone was still guessing secretly before, why Baiza, as the first subordinate who followed Kino, suddenly rebelled?I thought it was some hidden secret of bitterness and deep hatred, but I didn't expect it to be just secular interests.


Soon, there was the sound of friction between the tip of the pen and the paper, and the scribes present had already begun to record the main points, preparing to write them down when they went back.

It can be predicted that the true inside story of Baiza's rebellion will soon be turned into a flying letter, and spread like a bird to all parts of the kingdom, and even to every populated corner of the world, and will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever and ever .

Kino said nothing for a long time, just looked at Paladin with unfathomable eyes.

After a long time, he knelt down and pinched Paladin's chin, looked straight into those empty eyes, and asked another question: "Where is Paladin? How much did Andre give him?"

Paladin knelt blankly and said dumbly, "He took as much as me."

Kino: "Now you came back to occupy Paladin's body, where did he go?"

Paladin: "He has been taken by death and he and his family have been taken by death."

A sharp edge appeared in Kino's eyes, and his voice became more terrifying: "Why did the god of death take his family away?"

Cold sweat continued to flow from Paladin's forehead, diluting the dirt on his skin, leaving traces of filth: "He's the same as me. The sins are serious and it's not enough to punish him. Death wants to take his beloved away and punish him together."

Kino leaned forward slowly and stared into Paladin's eyes, so close, his warm breath swept over the dirt-covered face, like a wild beast testing its prey:

"Will the god of death let them enter reincarnation and go to the next life?"

The deadly amber eyes were reflected in Paladin's pupils, and tears overflowed suddenly.

He trembled under Kino's increasingly hot breath, and his voice was full of distorted wailing: "They...they will not have an afterlife. The god of death punishes Paladin and his family to make them die. The god of death will allow their existence disappear."

"Gone forever!!!"

The moment Paladin's words fell, his eyes became lax, and his gaze passed Kino to a higher position.

There was clearly nothing on the top of the wall, but he seemed to have glimpsed some kind of indescribable existence, and let out a distorted and crazy howl: "Ah!.Ah!!! Death!!! Death came to me! !!what!!!!."

Paladin was completely insane, fell to the ground and trembled, roared, screamed, bit the shackles with his teeth, and hit the ground with his head, as if there was something in his body that brought endless pain, and he tried his best to peel it off .

Everyone was terrified by this crazy appearance, and they all backed away, keeping a long enough distance from Paladin, for fear of being thrown by him.

"The god of death is coming to me! The god of death!! Hey!!!" Paladin tortured himself until he was bloody, half of his teeth were smashed, his mouth was full of blood, and the fingers of his left hand were severed by himself, like the roots of an old tree Twisted, cheeks swollen high from the impact, almost out of human shape.

Kino stood there without moving, watching all this silently.

Finally, amidst the terrified cries of the crowd, Paladin opened his mouth, and reached into his mouth with his right hand and grabbed his tongue.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Paladin let out a distorted wail, blood spurted from between his fingers like a fountain, and with the scalp-numbing sound of blood and flesh being torn, he forced his tongue Pulled it out.

From this moment on, Paladin lost his ability to speak forever.

Holding his severed tongue, Paladin fell to the ground and trembled uncontrollably. His nose, tears and blood were sticky all over his face. His expression was distorted by the severe pain, but he was still crying and laughing crazily.

Everyone has retreated to the corner now, and the center of the hall seems empty. The two masters and slaves who have been together for many years face each other, as if they have returned to the original years.

Only this time, the two people beside them had already left.

After a long silence, Kino finally looked at the panicked crowd and said silently: "We always say that a person is composed of body and soul."

"Now the soul in the body has been taken away by the god of death, and what is left is a body without an owner. Let this skin be left to rot in the world."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and nodded unanimously, not daring to have any objections, nor would they have any objections.

There is a mountain range on the outskirts of Wangcheng, with high mountains and thousands of ravines, like a statue that has been cast for thousands of years. The uncanny workmanship of nature has preserved the most primitive style here.

At this time, the long night is over, and it is just dawn, the sky is full of morning sun and morning light, the laurel flowers are proud to welcome the light, and the white petals are scattered all over the mountains and fields.

"Huh—" In the airflow of telekinetic power, Kino landed on a low slope and put Paladin on the grass.

Paladin's injury has been treated to stop the bleeding, but the pulled out tongue can't come back anyway, he still looks crazy, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, crawling around on the grass like a dog, grabbing flowers and plants Just put it in your mouth.

Kino walked up to Paladin and knelt down, spreading his palms, revealing what he was holding.

The moment he saw the object in Kino's palm, Paladin's crazy movements stopped abruptly, and he knelt there stiffly, his slack eyes finally regained the brilliance of the past.

It was a space ring, it lay quietly in Kino's palm, reflecting the brilliance of the morning sun, full of vivid colors.

Kino looked into Paladin's eyes, and said slowly: "This space ring contains three transformation props, three brand-new citizenship certificates, sufficient monthly coins, and a lot of compressed food that will not go bad, clean water, drug."

"It can make you and your family worry-free for the rest of your life."

Paladin's pupils trembled, and the rising sun shining inside was also rippling, and the gurgling tears looked like bright crystals under the light. His trembling hands held the space ring tightly.

Kino looked into the distance: "This mountain road leads to Luming Town. I have already sent someone to bring your wife and daughter there. Take them away and live your life safely."

Paladin wept silently, knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Kino nine times in a row, then got up and ran vigorously towards the mountain path, facing the rising sun towards a new beginning of life.

What was Paladin thinking when he left?
Having been with Kino day and night for so many years, the heart is full of reluctance to part?
Or do you want to escape from this demon that brings misfortune to people as soon as possible, the sooner the better?

In the dark nights of the rest of his life, will he dream of the past?
What he dreamed of would be the small town of Xilin where the life is ordinary, the lights are just on, and the brothers are drinking and singing?

Or will you dream of golden bottles of fine wine, jade plates of delicacies, surrounded by guests, and the splendor and glory of following the nobles?
All the answers, only he himself knows.

Laurel flowers are in full bloom in the mountains, and the morning sun falls on the flowers and leaves, covering them with a layer of light golden light. The breeze blows slowly, setting off waves of flowers in the morning light.

"Paladin." Kino stood among the flying flowers, looking at the departing figure, his voice was extremely rare and gentle, "Goodbye."

However, Paladin never stopped to look back at him from the beginning to the end.

The villainous thug dies of kindness,
The righteous hero falls in the mud,

The original companion left at last, returning home poor.

When Kino first came to this world, the three giants of Xilin Town who followed him the first time, and the ups and downs left by the three of them also came to an end at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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