honor me as god

Chapter 679

Chapter 679 Take You Home
When the situation was chaotic before, the soldiers of the Frozen Fortress still had some illusions, thinking that Larsen was still commanding the battle somewhere and fighting side by side with everyone. As long as the general who has guarded the fortress for 28 years is still there, the six kings The survivors will never be able to capture this place.

But when Larsen's body was pushed out and was decapitated by Ashuma in front of everyone, this illusion was completely shattered.

What Ashuma had just beheaded was not only Larsen's head, but also everyone's morale and confidence. The soldiers on the inner city wall were already fluctuating in morale and extremely panicked.

"We. We should surrender." A young recruit said with fear in his eyes, "The Frozen Fortress must have lost its hold. If we continue to resist, everyone will die. We should surrender."

Some veterans couldn't bear it anymore, came up and grabbed the recruits' clothes and shouted: "Do you know what you are talking about? Surrender?! General Larsen was insulted in front of our eyes, and you actually said you want to surrender?"

The recruit turned back emotionally and said, "Otherwise, what can we do? Ashuma said that those barbarians have 80 troops. Even if one of our four major legions is not killed, there are only a little more than 3 people at full strength, not to mention the dead now." I don’t know how many brothers, the outer city wall has fallen, what are we going to use to fight?”

The old soldier shouted: "If we can't fight, we have to fight! We shoulder the responsibility of guarding the frozen fortress. We are guarding the gate of Dogland. Even if we die, we must sleep here. If the enemy wants to step into the kingdom, he must use our corpses Step over!"

The recruit pushed the old soldier away violently, even pointed at him with a sword, and said with wide eyes: "If you want to die, you die yourself! My wife and children are here, and I must take them to live. Who dares to take my family's money?" With my life as a bargaining chip, who am I going to fight with!"

The veteran stared and cursed angrily: "What's the use of you showing your knife to me? You think that if you surrender, you and your family will be safe and sound? Look who is talking outside, it's that treacherous Fa Gao bastard! Look at what those barbarians did! If they really intend to persuade them to surrender, how could they set fire to the city?!"

Everyone subconsciously looked at the fallen urban area in the north, saw the destroyed buildings and the corpses of soldiers and civilians strewn all over the streets, and fell silent.

The veteran gritted his teeth and said, "These barbarians have no intention of letting us go! As long as we open the city gate and hand over our weapons, they will immediately turn their faces and deny anyone! They will cut off the heads of your wife and son in front of you." , when the time comes, you will definitely regret why you surrendered in the first place! Why didn’t you stick to this place!”

Just as the recruit was about to say something, another soldier muttered, "Even if you want to defend it, you can't defend it."

I saw the soldier lowered his head, with cold sweat on his forehead, and muttered in despair: "General Larsen is dead, and the senior generals of the four major armies are also dead. The highest military ranks here are some Commander, there is no one who can command a large-scale army to fight, how can we fight against the barbarians?"

The soldier's words hit the morale to a freezing point.

War is not a stage for lone wolves. 1000 soldiers fighting each other, and 1000 soldiers organizing a coordinated attack are two completely different scenes.

The significance of a general's existence is not just a spiritual pillar, but more importantly, their command ability. A legion must have a mature command system to exert its due combat effectiveness. A legion without a command is just a pig with weapons , the enemy can play with it however they want.

Now that Larsen is dead, the senior generals of the four major legions are all dead. The highest positions are left to the middle and low-level officers such as "thousand commander" and "centurion commander". No one can play the role of "General Commander", and the command system of the entire Frozen Fortress has been paralyzed.

Presumably this was also planned by Ashuma and the survivors of the Six Kings. The main purpose of the upheaval last night was to wipe out the headquarters of the Frozen Fortress. If it hadn't been premeditated for a long time, there is no reason why not a single general has escaped like now.

The surrounding atmosphere has reached freezing point, both recruits and veterans are all lowering their heads sadly at this time, some are sobbing quietly, some are patting their heads in frustration, and some are cursing traitors like Ashuma to die, but the cursing will eventually come to an end. Just cursing, language cannot turn into a blade to kill the enemy, nor can it bring them out of desperation.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, a slightly trembling childish voice sounded: "I will direct."

Everyone was stunned and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Solandelle standing in the middle of the crowd, with a lot of blood stains on her face and body due to running around all night, her red eyes also looked haggard, she swallowed unconsciously, and stood up voluntarily, looking The crowd said: "General Larsen is gone, I will command everyone to fight for him."

The soldiers showed a look of astonishment, you look at me, I look at you, each can see the incredible in each other's eyes, and a deep sense of distrust.

A commander stood up and said in a choked voice, "War is not just a joke. How can you, a child, have the qualifications to say such a thing? Could it be that you have commanded an army before?"

Solandelle pursed her lips and shook her head lightly: "I have no actual combat experience, but I have learned a complete army command system in the "Laurel Academy", and I have also practiced a lot of war games on the sand table.If you trust me, I can try to direct. "

The commander of "Laurel Academy" muttered, "General Larsen graduated from there."

As the highest institution of higher learning in the Dogoland Kingdom and Larsen's alma mater, the title of Laurel Academy sparked hope in the eyes of many soldiers.

Of course, there are also some people who think that Solandelle is too young to take on this important task, and isn't that nonsense if she doesn't have actual combat experience?Can actual combat command be the same as talking about soldiers on paper?
What's more, she speculated on Solandelle with great malice, and yelled directly: "Don't believe her! She must be trying to trick us into staying here to hold back the enemy, and then run away by herself!"

For a moment, there was a lot of noise, and everyone looked at Solandelle with dark eyes, and their distrust was palpable.

Solandelle didn't argue, just took out a jade whistle from her bosom and blew it vigorously.

"call out--"

Following the sharp whistle, a powerful neigh sounded from behind, and a white horse galloped up the steps, climbed up the city wall, and jumped to Solandelle's side amidst the exclamation of the crowd.

Everyone took a closer look, only to realize that it was not a "white horse". Although it had a mane as pure as snow, there were long horns growing on its forehead that horses could not have. People with discerning eyes had already recognized it. A unicorn!

This unicorn was a birthday present that Solandelle received when she was 12 years old. This time she traveled to the Frozen Fortress, she also brought this riding beast.

According to the legend of Dogrand, the unicorn is a holy beast that can distinguish between good and evil, and will not give even a little closeness to the unclean. Only those with pure hearts can win its favor.

The unicorn walked around Solandelle, lowered its noble head amidst the exclamation of the crowd, and let Solandelle caress it.

Standing beside the unicorn, Solandelle reflected everyone in her blue eyes, and said firmly: "Please believe me, I will not run away like a mouse, but will stand by your side and fight side by side. "

"I'll take all of you home."

(End of this chapter)

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