honor me as god

Chapter 678

Chapter 678
In the frozen fortress, after a night of fierce fighting, dead bodies were everywhere on the outer city walls and near the barracks. The blood was frozen by the cold temperature, and the shoes would be stuck directly when they stepped on them, and they could not be pulled out for a long time.

The corpses of the soldiers of the Frozen Fortress and the tribal warriors lay crooked on the ground. Everyone was covered in flesh and blood, some from the enemy and some from their own. In the severe cold, these corpses had already stiffened, and their movements were frozen in their lifetime. At that moment, many of the limbs were entangled with each other, as if they were still fighting, just looking at it could remind them of the bloody and tragic battle.

Last night, the tribal fighters of the survivors of the Six Kings launched a night attack on the frozen fortress. The fierce fighting continued until daytime. The battle on the city wall was like a powerful meat grinder, devouring lives.

Even though the soldiers of the four major armies of the Frozen Fortress fought back vigorously, the night attacks of the tribal fighters were too fierce, and their number was almost endless. If one was killed, there would be ten, and if ten were killed, there would be a hundred. The gate of the city wall was destroyed by the inner ghost early on, and the defensive advantage of relying on the city wall to fight disappeared. Once the fight started, it fell into hand-to-hand combat.

What makes the soldiers of the Frozen Fortress even more desperate is that since the beginning of the war, the headquarters has been useless and has not received any orders from General Larsen at all. The senior generals of the four legions have also lost contact. Each fights his own way, without any rules or coordination.

After the fight, the teams didn't know how the battle was going. They could only see tribal fighters everywhere, and couldn't see any friendly troops. No one told them whether to advance or retreat, and their morale naturally collapsed very quickly.

At dawn, the four major legions of the Frozen Fortress were completely defeated, scattered and fled to the inner city wall, and were frantically hunted down by tribal fighters during the retreat. Many soldiers and civilians involved died tragically. In the end, the four major legions joined forces. The city wall reorganized the defense line, and only then did they barely repel the pursuers without being wiped out.

At this time, with the inner city wall as the boundary, the military barracks and some residential areas in the northern city have fallen, and have fallen into the control of the survivors of the Six Kings. On the outer city wall that was also occupied, the laurel flags that were originally fluttering in the wind were devastated, and were even used by tribal warriors with long spears. They were picked one after another, and replaced with the ferocious saber-toothed tiger flag representing the lord of the Northern Territory.

To the south of the inner city wall, the soldiers evacuated here have re-established a defense line. Many residents escaped back by chance, but a large part of them lost contact in the northern area. It is unknown whether they have been killed or captured.

Solandelle and Gallot both escaped after killing the reincarnator, and the other 10 poisoned imperial guards were also carried here with the help of soldiers. They were all pale and vomiting blood from time to time. They were still in a coma, and the better ones had no strength at all, so they could only collapse limply on the stretcher.

The garrison soldiers were more or less wounded, their morale was very low, and they couldn't help fighting when they recalled the terrible night attack last night.

Among the surviving soldiers, the lucky ones are embracing with their families, their faces are filled with the joy of being alive after the catastrophe, thanking the gods for their mercy.

The unfortunate ones searched everywhere, calling their family members' names in despair, but they never got a response, or they had already heard the news of their family members' death, and sat against the wall like a walking corpse, their eyes had lost light, and they could only cry silently.

Just as the soldiers were downcast, a further blow to morale happened.

"Woo————" the horn sounded outside the city wall, accompanied by the intertwined sound of gongs and drums. Some soldiers who had served in the Frozen Fortress for a long time quickly judged from the melody that this was the joy of the tribal culture of the survivors of the Six Kings. Symbolizes celebration and harvest.

In the joyous music, a corpse tied to a cross was pushed out, and the soldiers found out in despair that the corpse was none other than the supreme commander of the Frozen Fortress, their leader, General Larsen.
Larsen's body was devastated, there was not a good piece of meat chopped up, and he hadn't died in peace, so he must have been extremely unwilling before he died.

Ashoma came out of the formation, smiled and waved to the soldiers on the wall, as if greeting old friends, he immediately untied the rope from the cross, and carried Larsen's body down like a throw Throw it on the ground like garbage.

When they saw Ashuma pick up the big knife for beheading, the soldiers were already full of despair, and they hissed out: "No!!!"

"Crack!" Ashuma chopped off Larsen's head with a knife, held it up in the air with his hair, and his smile became ferocious.

The general who dedicated 28 years to the Frozen Fortress not only failed to enjoy his old age, but ended up defeated and died, and even his body was beheaded and humiliated by the enemy. This is the worst thing for a soldier.

Garrett, who saw this scene, was already bearded and haired. He and Larsen had known each other since they were children. Although there were differences in ideas, ideas are ideas, friendship is friendship, and big men are brothers until death. .

The former good brother was humiliated in front of the corpse, and it was the Fagao who Garrot hated the most. His two eyes were as red as blood, and he roared angrily to go out to the battle. Later, he was arrested by more than a dozen soldiers. live.

Even if there are tens of thousands of enemies in front of him, they will still be crushed by Garrot of the sixth sequence, but now he is poisonous, and his strength is not even 6% of his original strength. It was obviously provocative on purpose and came prepared, rushing out could only lead to a meaningless death.

Solandelle and Larsen had just met, so they couldn't say they had any feelings for each other, but he was her seventh uncle after all. Even leaving aside the blood relationship, the humiliation of a 28-year veteran of the Northern Territory had already made her burst into tears.

Solandelle grabbed Garot's sleeve, restrained him with the soldiers, and said in a trembling voice: "Garot, they did it on purpose, don't fall for it."

Seeing the excitement on the city wall, but no one came out to fight for a long time, Ashuma knew that the aggressive method had not worked, so he sneered and motioned to drag Larsen's body away.

Immediately afterwards, Ashuma took a few steps towards the city wall, and a loud voice came: "Brave warriors, I know that you are extremely anxious and unwilling, but please see your situation clearly. The fall of the Frozen Fortress has already come to an end. In fact, Lord Jupiter, the great king of the Northern Territory, did not want to see more unnecessary sacrifices, so he ordered the tribal warriors to stop attacking, this is also to give you time to think about it."

"Open the gate of the inner city wall and give up resistance. I guarantee that you and your family members will be safe and sound. When Lord Jupiter captures the royal city, you will all have a place to live and enjoy his protection."

"But if you resist." The kindness on Ashuma's face slowly disappeared and turned into a sinister sneer, "You will witness with your own eyes that your relatives and friends were slaughtered by an army of 80 tribes, and the whole ice sheet was covered with flesh and blood."

(End of this chapter)

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