honor me as god

Chapter 659

Chapter 659
After Lorna stabilized Fei Ye, she took a closer look, and saw a large area of ​​yin and yang hanging plates emerging in the area not far away. Judging from the lines and traces of energy surges, it was exactly the same as the formation that Sting encountered before. , It's the Prisoner Dragon Formation!

Looking around, a large number of prison dragon formations were set up around the battlefield, and the dragon knights could only quickly gather up the reins. A few dragon knights confiscated them for a while, accidentally entered the formation, the dragon blood was suppressed, and a lot of damage was done. Only then did he escape.

The Sky Lantern Troops were showing off their might in the airspace in front of them, but they were surrounded by prisoner dragon formations, which made the Banshee's dragon knights unable to use their strength and could only stare blankly at the edge.

When Lorna saw that the friendly forces on the ground were blown up by the sky lantern troops, she was already very anxious, and shouted: "Can we rush over in one go?"

"No!" Resakhal directly vetoed this idea. He was worried that Lorna would be impulsive, and even instigated a giant dragon to stop in front. He said in a deep voice, "You must not underestimate the prisoner dragon formation! Only the sequence "natural disaster" can break the formation with hard power.Not to mention you, even a dragon knight of my level would have a hard time breaking through the prisoner dragon formation. If the caster's strength is no less than ours, it will be a matter of life and death if he breaks in. "

After Resakhar finished speaking, he ordered the pterosaur cavalry who followed him: "The prisoner dragon array has no effect on ordinary pterosaurs. You spread out to attack the sky lantern troops and aim at the airbags above. You don't have to hit every one of them. All the enemies on the sky lantern are wiped out, as long as it can make them lose their combat effectiveness and not threaten the ground troops."

"Yes!" The winged beast cavalry immediately dispersed, crossed the prisoner dragon formation, and attacked the sky lantern troops.

The efficiency of the winged beast cavalry is not bad. Winged beast creatures such as griffins have extremely sharp claws and beaks, which can easily tear apart the airbags of sky lanterns.

Falling slowly in the air is the most hopeless. You will not die for a while, but you know you will die, you can only watch yourself fall to the ground. This way of death is undoubtedly killing with a blunt knife.

The winged beast cavalry have a keen sense of tactics. Facing the sky lanterns that have rushed into the hinterland of Dogorand, they no longer pay attention to them. They only hope that the comrades below can ask for blessings, because it doesn't matter whether these sky lanterns are hit or not. , anyway, it is full of fire mines, even if it is destroyed, it will fall on the formation of the Dogorand army, and all the bombers will be their own people.

Rather than hitting those sky lanterns that are destined to pose a threat, it is better to focus on attacking those sky lanterns that are still in flight. After they fall, they will directly land on the Far East position, and they will bear all the fire and thunder by themselves.

Under the impact of the Winged Beast, sky lanterns were constantly being shot down, falling into the Far East position and exploding into groups of flames. From time to time, the Far East soldiers who were not completely killed were covered in flames, screaming and running around. , and finally fell to the ground and was burned into coke.

However, these victories are not without cost. If the Dragon Knight is likened to a heavy tank in modern warfare, the Winged Beast Cavalry is a light-armed individual motorcycle.

Winged beasts don't have hard scales and brutal bodies like giant dragons, and cavalry can hardly carry heavy armor like dragon knights. Therefore, although the mobility of pterosaur cavalry is no less than that of dragon knights, their defensive power is far away. Not enough, not to mention the heavy weapon ballista, just a single hand crossbow can cause damage to them.

In addition to the fire and thunder in the warehouse, the soldiers of the Sky Lantern Army were equipped with light crossbows for defense. When the winged beast cavalry was raging around, many people were attacked by light crossbows.

Some of the cavalry were able to evade them with their skillful beast-monitoring skills, while others were not so lucky. Those who were better were only injured after being hit by the crossbow arrows, and could barely retreat. Some were directly hit by the crossbow arrows, or People are fine, but the winged beast was shot, and the humans and beasts fell from the sky together. They could only watch helplessly as they got closer and closer to the ground, and finally ended up being smashed to pieces.

Lorna gritted her teeth when she saw the clansmen fighting bloody battles in the rain of arrows, and people continued to die, but she couldn't do anything.

According to the normal tactics of the Banshee Legion, the Dragon Knights will always be the ones who lead the charge to attract firepower. They need to rely on their own strength to cover the fragile winged beast cavalry and minimize the casualties of their companions.

But now, the dragon knights were blocked by the prisoner dragon array, and the pterosaur cavalry had to go to the Sky Lantern Troop. The two sides traded injuries for injuries, which made Lorna feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

Lorna held Pandora in the sniper form in her hand, and desperately shot at the densely packed sky lanterns in the distance, providing support to the clansmen within her capacity, but the rate of fire in the sniper form was too slow, and other forms capable of quick strikes could not hit so far Lorna's help can only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

"Damn. Damn" Lorna saw the people of the tribe continue to be wounded and died in battle, tears flowed unconsciously, and her emotions also greatly affected the operation. Shen shook and disappeared into the air along with those dripping tears.

As a veteran, Resakhar is much calmer than Lorna, and maybe he is used to this kind of scene, he raised his spear, patted Lorna's back with the gun body, and said in a deep voice: "Don't blame yourself , War is like this, there will always be sacrifices, and there will always be things we can't do, don't think that everything is your fault."

Lorna wiped away her tears with her sleeve, nodded heavily, her hands gradually stopped shaking, and she used Pandora to provide support within her ability in an orderly manner.

Above the sky, the Sky Lantern Troops and Winged Beast Cavalry clashed fiercely, and the wreckage of sky lanterns or corpses continued to rain down.

The fighting on the ground was even more brutal. The soldiers of the two armies fought against the flames falling from the sky lanterns, fighting in blood and fire. The scorching air could almost scald people's respiratory tracts, and it also made the soldiers' physical strength exhausted. Some people Even because his body was severely dehydrated, although there was no trauma, he suddenly fell to the ground after hitting him, and never woke up again.

From the perspective of morale, it can be seen that the Dogrand army is furious and restless, far less stable and restrained than the Far East army. After all, Perseus is now trapped at the negotiating place. , the line inevitably became a little loose due to anxiety.

Resakhar looked down from a high altitude and saw the whole battle situation very clearly. He realized that Bolton, who was in charge of the ground command, was eager to save his father and fought in a hurry, but if the fight continued like this, the whole army would become more and more anxious. , the loopholes are getting bigger and bigger, and I'm afraid there will be a big problem.

Bolton is now the commander-in-chief of the entire army, and Resakhar is only acting as the commander of the Banshee Army, and he has his own responsibilities. It is impossible for him to run down and leapfrog to dictate to Bolton, so he can only pin his hopes on Sting. Muttering anxiously: "I don't know what's going on with the big brother."

(End of this chapter)

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