honor me as god

Chapter 658 Sky Lantern Troop

Chapter 658 Sky Lantern Troop
The Banshee Legion split up and dispatched to capture the Onmyojis in the Prisoner Dragon Formation one after another. This battle was just a tiny corner of the battlefield.

The Far East Heavy Armor Force was defeated, and the Doguland vanguard army crushed the cheap bait without any suspense, advancing unstoppably.

At the same time, the Far East Dynasty also broke away from the conspiracy stage and turned to a frontal attack. The heavily armed soldiers formed a tight array and faced the Dougland vanguard army.

If it is said that the intrigue stage can be broken with ingenuity, the frontal battlefield is a contest of absolute hard power, and it is also the bloodiest and cruelest war meat grinder.

Looking from a high altitude, the desert area is already full of beacon fires. The black soldiers almost cover the vast yellow sand, like a large piece of mottled thick ink splashed on yellow paper. From time to time, it illuminates those eyes full of fighting spirit.

The distance between the vanguard armies of the two sides was rapidly shortening, and the roar of the fierce battle became louder and louder, and finally reached its peak when the arrays collided together.

The vanguard soldiers who took the lead in the front line were all brave men, and many of them were warriors or warriors with extraordinary strength. They wore super-heavy plate armor that normal humans could not bear. The breathing holes of the nails continuously spew out hot breath, like two violent bulls wrestling.

There are even some warriors who are brave by nature. When choosing armor, they gave up the large shield that can greatly increase the survival rate, and instead chose a two-handed giant sword, a weapon that is extremely cruel to the enemy and itself.

On the frontal battlefield, whether it is the Far East Dynasty or Dogrand, the infantry phalanx is mostly spear formation, and the shield spearmen are the backbone of the front, responsible for suppressing the formation, protecting the companions behind them, and advancing steadily at the same time.

And those warriors with two-handed giant swords are often extremely experienced veterans. They need to find a gap when the shield spearmen of the two sides attack each other, rush into the enemy's line, and crush the opponent's line.

Two-handed swordsmen often have two completely different fates on the battlefield. Either they squeeze into the gaps in the enemy's formation with the help of their own shield spearmen. At this time, the powerful two-handed giant sword will show its horror. Just like cutting wheat, a skilled two-handed swordsman can kill hundreds of enemies in one battle.

However, if the coordination with one's own comrades is not good, or the opponent's line is too strong to rush in, the two-handed swordsman who cannot hold a shield will be stabbed into a hedgehog by a spear, and his death is meaningless.

It is also because of this that the death rate of two-handed swordsmen in various battles is extremely high. Far faster than ordinary arms.

Now that the two sides are attacking, the front line is constantly being breached. The warriors with two-handed giant swords are like blood-soaked demon gods, chopping down the surrounding enemies with long weapons like straws.

There were also many warriors with two-handed giant swords who failed to break through the enemy formation. Their armor was pierced by the dense spears in front of them, bleeding profusely, and finally fell unwillingly on the way to charge.

Just as the vanguard armies of both sides were fighting together, dense black spots appeared one after another at the end of the sky on the side of the Far East Army, and more and more, they continued to extend towards the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth.

These black dots took advantage of the wind and pushed towards the hinterland of the Dogrand Army. The soldiers of the Kingdom Army in the rear raised their heads. When they saw something entrenched above their heads like a haze, their expressions changed immediately: "Oops! Yes" sky lantern!" "

Dogorand is not the only force on the mainland with an "air force". In fact, the Far Eastern Dynasty also has its own air combat unit, which is the "Sky Lantern Force" that has appeared now.

"Sky Lantern" is an aerial vehicle developed by the famous craftsman of "Soldiers and Horses" in the Far Eastern Dynasty. Its essence is similar to the hot air balloon in the previous life. When the device sprays fire in the air, it looks like a bright lantern hanging in the sky from a distance, hence the name "Sky Lantern".

Each sky lantern can be set up by about 20 soldiers. The imperial army often places a large number of fire mines in the sky lantern warehouse. After crossing the defense line from the air, the fire mines are thrown to form a large-scale attack on the enemy's rear clusters.

At this time, the densely packed sky lanterns were like mottled stars, soaring in the sky on the wind. When the two armies were facing each other, a large number of sky lantern troops had crossed the center line. The soldiers moved out of the warehouse and threw them from the air to Dogu Rand Array.

More and more fire mines were thrown from the sky, drawing one after another burning traces in the air, like falling meteors, forming a sea of ​​burning over the Dogrand Army.

"Boom boom boom—" The fire thunder exploded instantly after it hit the ground. Although the gunpowder technology of the Far Eastern Dynasty was incomparable with the previous life, and could not match the power of modern army bombardment, the amount of gunpowder in these fire mines was large, and the explosion Time is no less powerful than a grenade.

Sparks exploded continuously in the Dogland array, flames and gunpowder smoke soared into the sky, and the heat wave swept across. Those soldiers who were far away from the center of the explosion were lucky. The next trace, as long as there are no fragments that happen to come in through the gap and hurt the eyes, it can be said that it is basically unscathed.

And those soldiers in the explosion area are very bad. Their armor has no shock absorption ability. The soldier's armor was still intact, but a puddle of blood was already overflowing under his body, and he was shocked to death by the shock wave.

Moreover, the plate armor of the vanguard soldiers is relatively heavy. Once the fuel splashed by the fire and thunder burns, it is impossible to take off the plate armor immediately. The surface continues to heat up, and the inside is very likely to be scalded to death.

When the Sky Lantern Troops appeared to attack the Dogrand Army, Resakhal's reaction was also quick, and the highly mobile Banshee Legion existed to deal with this situation.

Although the Sky Lantern Troops also belong to the air force, they are just a kind of vehicle made by famous craftsmen after all. They are very heavy and have no defensive ability except for the light crossbow mounted on it.

Those light crossbows are still somewhat effective against pterosaur cavalry, but they are just tickling the dragon.

When the Banshee Legion rushed towards the Sky Lantern Troops, Lorna bravely rushed first, and she was just about to plunge into the densest airspace of the Sky Lanterns, when Resakhal's roar suddenly came from beside her: "Be careful! "

Immediately afterwards, Lorna felt an impact coming from the side, and saw Resakhaer controlling the dragon to slam into Fei Ye's body with force, knocking Fei Ye away tens of meters away, Lorna was almost knocked away Ride, fell from above.

(End of this chapter)

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