honor me as god

Chapter 654

Chapter 654
"Woo!—" The loud horns sounded one after another, which was a signal that symbolized the battle.

The generals of the various legions in Doguland are ready to go, King Kong glared, and some generals even grabbed the flags of the legions and waved them in the air. Crazy thunder rumbled, unstoppable!
The vanguard of Doguland was densely packed, with a well-organized formation and high morale.

On the other side, the Far Eastern army has long been ready to move forward.

Soon, the two sides broke through the safe distance and confronted each other.

Dogorand's front row death squads are armed with heavy stainless steel shields, and arrows can't penetrate them at all. Even if a Far Eastern sharpshooter aims at the gap in the shield and shoots at the back, it will be blocked by the heavy armor worn by the soldiers, and there will be no suppression effect.

The front row troops in the Far East are mostly spear phalanxes. This type of troops is very effective against light armored infantry or cavalry charging into the formation, but when facing heavy armor troops with large shields, spears are like toothpicks. It can't break the armor either.

After the two sides fought hand-to-hand, the Dogrand army quickly broke through the Far East Front due to the restraint of the arms. These heavy armored soldiers were undoubtedly humanoid meat grinders in the melee, killing the enemy to retreat in a very short period of time.

However, the battlefield is changing rapidly. After the Dogrand army won the first round of charge, before they had time to cheer and boost their morale, destruction fell on their heads.

The soldiers had just scraped off the flesh and blood on the armor with their knives, when they suddenly felt that the surrounding light dimmed. They raised their heads and found dense black spots appearing in the sky, getting bigger and bigger.

As the sharp sound of piercing the air pierced into their ears from far and near, the soldiers were shocked to find that they were huge boulders!

"Boom boom boom boom—" a large number of boulders drew sharp arcs in the air, and smashed into the Dogoland army formation like raindrops.

The stones falling from the sky have great kinetic energy, which cannot be resisted by armor at all. The array of heavy armor soldiers was smashed to pieces, and a large number of soldiers were crushed by the boulders. His tendons were broken and his bones were broken. Blood gushed out from his visor, and he was paralyzed on the ground, unable to move.

What is even more astonishing is that the Far Eastern Army did not care about friends and enemies when throwing boulders, and bombarded them indiscriminately!

At this time, a struggling frontline commander glanced to the side, and there lay the corpse of a Far Eastern soldier crushed by a huge boulder. He was shocked to find that there was a sign of "Bad Ji" on the arm of this corpse!
Looking at the corpses of other Far East soldiers, they all have such marks!

The lowly people of the Far East Dynasty are equivalent to the slaves of Dogland, they are all at the bottom of society and are regarded as "animals".

The frontline commander just woke up like a dream, and fell into the trap!
The reason why the charge was so smooth just now is because the Far East had no intention of fighting directly. They deliberately mobilized a large number of cheap people, disguised these worthless people as soldiers and placed them on the front line to lure the regular Dogolande army to come to charge , and then threw a boulder to smash everyone indiscriminately.

For the Far Eastern dynasty, it doesn't matter how many low-ranking people they want, and hundreds of thousands of deaths.

On the contrary, Dogrand's vanguard troops are all well-trained elites, especially those heavy armored soldiers. Ordinary soldiers simply don't have the strength to control heavy armor, and those who can wear heavy armor to fight are all born with excellent physique and experienced in the later stage. Strictly trained professional soldiers, everyone is paid for by military expenses, and every one of them dies at a loss.

This practice of exchanging lowly status for pioneers undoubtedly hit Dougland's weakness.

The vanguard of Doguland was originally in high spirits, and the boulders all over the sky were a blow to the head, smashing their morale that had been accumulated to the peak.

If it was a head-on fight, they all had the consciousness to fight to the death without retreating, but falling into a trap like this and being exchanged by a group of lowly people with no status, no one could accept it in their hearts.

The Dogrand vanguard line began to loosen, and the heavy armored soldiers fled in all directions, avoiding the boulders that fell, and the soldiers who couldn't dodge were smashed to pieces, blood splattered ten steps, screams everywhere, and the formation was chaotic like sand for a while. , the number of casualties increased rapidly.

When the ground forces launched an attack, the air forces did not sit idle.

Dogrand's air power is mainly the "Banshee Legion", which has the "24 Cold Valley Dragoons" and a large number of Winged Beast Cavalry. Its duties are aerial reconnaissance, hinterland raids, and battlefield support.

Due to the particularity of the air force, the Banshee's casualty rate has always been the lowest among all legions, but that doesn't mean their duties are easy.

For example, now that the ground troops are ambushed and smashed to death by boulders, the Banshee must be responsible for finding the source of the attack, clearing it at a fixed point, and providing cover for the ground troops.

At this time, Resakhal led several dragon knights, including Lorna, hovering in the sky. They had found the enemy's position. The Far East Heavy Machinery Troops occupied a Gobi rift with a large number of trebuchets inside. Many boulders are cast from here.

The four dragon knights had already dived into the rift valley, the scorching dragon's breath sprayed down one after another, and the pillars of fire shot up into the sky, but they failed to significantly suppress the Far Eastern heavy equipment troops, and the boulders still fell on the frontal battlefield like a torrential rain.

Not long after, four dragon knights took off and returned to the queue. One of them reported to Resakhal solemnly: "General, the situation is not very good. The vertical drop of this rift is very large, and the dragon's breath will be caught along the way." The stone wall is weakened, and it doesn't have much power when sprayed to the bottom."

Resakhar stared at the rifts, frowned and asked, "Can I just dive in?"

The Dragon Knight shook his head: "No, the rift valley is very narrow, and an adult dragon will get stuck if it dives in, and will be shot and killed by the defensive ballista inside."

"Let me go!" Suddenly, Lorna instigated Fei Ye to come to the side of Resakhar, and said in a loud voice, "Adult dragons can't get in, but my Fei Ye can. It's still in its infancy and its size is small. I You can rush into the chasm with it and destroy those trebuchets."

Resakhar frowned: "No."

Lorna asked anxiously: "Why?!"

Resakhar said in a deep voice: "The situation in the rift is unknown, I don't know how many anti-aircraft equipment there are. You are the only daughter of the eldest brother, if something happens inside, how can I explain to the eldest brother?"

After hearing this, Lorna seemed to be burning with anger in her crimson eyes. She pointed to the bloody frontal battlefield, and said heavily: "Most of the soldiers who fought bloody battles are the only children of their families. If a military order goes down, they will Why should I specialize when I rushed to the front line without hesitation?!"

Resakhar was so refuted that he didn't know how to answer, so he remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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