honor me as god

Chapter 653 The outbreak of war

Chapter 653 The outbreak of war
When the raging fire struck, with Perseus at the center, some kind of turbid energy suddenly began to surge. They pierced through the closed plate armor of the imperial guards like tentacles, and directly pierced into their bodies.

After the plate armor was shattered, what was exposed inside was a shriveled body with a special slave brand on the skin. It turned out that these people were not "imperial guards" at all, but soul slaves trained by the Eric family!

A dozen soul slaves were drained instantly, and then the turbid energy exploded, forming a hemispherical barrier that enveloped Shangguanxue and Perseus.

"Boom—" After the fire hit the barrier, it exploded into a huge flame. The crimson flame almost covered the sun on the dome, all the yellow sand on the ground was melted, and the hot magma converged into turbulent streams. Stop twisting, like a terrible magic mirror.

However, no matter how devastated by the raging flames outside, the barrier covering Perseus and Shangguanxue was indestructible, and the energy of soul magic swallowed the incoming flames one after another, and the two sides collided fiercely and melted continuously.

In the center of the barrier, an old man with vicissitudes is floating in the air. His dry skin is full of wrinkles, which can almost hold a fistful of loess. He looks fragile, but there are endless soul powers gushing out from under his sleeves, making the barrier indestructible.

Zhang Bufan stared at the old man closely, and let out a cold snort: "Horned heron?"

It was none other than the leader of the Eric family, the chief soul master of the kingdom, Heron Eric, who, like Shangguan Xue, was wearing a fully enclosed plate armor before, pretending to be a royal guard and hiding beside Perseus , just to prevent accidents.

Although the possibility of an attack during the negotiation was very slim, it happened. If Perseus hadn't defended against this move and was captured alive by the Far Eastern Dynasty, Doguland would fall into an extremely passive situation.

Fortunately, that dire situation has not happened, at least not yet.

There was no anger or smile on the horned heron's face, and his cloudy eyes were also looking at Zhang Bufan, and said silently: "Long time no see, my friend."

The two had a shocking duel in Wangcheng 28 years ago. At that time, the horned heron damaged his own soul and broke the "Great Sumeru Nine Palaces Xuanhuo Formation", and Zhang Bufan lost.

Now nearly 30 years have passed, and two old men who are old and vicissitudes but still have magical powers confront each other again, calling each other "my friends", which is a kind of emotion for time.

The yin-yang technique and the soul technique collided fiercely, and Zhang Bufan couldn't deal with the Horned Heron for a while, but soon, another person joined the battle.

"Hoo--" The loud and clear phoenix cry suddenly resounded in all directions, and the slender figure beside the emperor's seat fell to the ground, and the soft body melted like water into surging golden energy, blooming blazing brilliance under the scorching sun, so beautiful As if it does not belong to the mortal world.

Immediately afterwards, huge wings sprouted from the sleeves of the four-clawed golden dragon robe, and golden energy clings to them, turning them into dots of mottled spots. If you look closely, you will find that they are pieces of extremely shining golden feathers.

"Huh—" the golden wings spread their wings, and the flames soared into the sky. Cangxuan turned into a burning phoenix, setting off a bright light curtain in the air, and the flying phoenix feathers covered the sky and covered the sun, as if to replace the yellow sand all over the sky to occupy the four corners of the desert. .

The phoenix soared through the air, leaving a mottled patch in the sky, and finally turned around, falling towards the horned heron's soul barrier like a meteor.

"Boom!!!" The moment Luanfeng hit the barrier, a monstrous golden fire exploded, and the spider web-like cracks spread to the entire barrier in an instant.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka" the sound of the barrier breaking was endless, and Shangguan Xue, who was performing the "Shrinking Earth Technique", looked up, and saw that the top of the head was full of golden fire, and the unstoppable claws of the phoenix were embedded in the barrier bit by bit.

Zhang Bufan's magic power was already comparable to that of Horned Heron, and now there is Cang Xuan, the number one master in the Ouchi, coordinating the attack, the soul magic barrier is really difficult to support, and it is being broken layer by layer.

"Earth Shrinking Technique" already needs time to start, and Zhang Bufan also took out the anti-talisman to interfere with the formation of the seal. It will take at least 10 minutes for Shangguanxue to complete the spell, but looking at the posture in front of him, where is it? It can still last for 10 minutes, and the Horned Heron can last 5 minutes under the joint attack of two four-clawed golden dragons.

"I'll help you!" Shangguanxue felt that it was too late to shrink the ground, and was ready to help the horned heron maintain the barrier, if it could last for a while.

However, just as she was about to withdraw the curse, a big hand fell on her shoulder, and a steady voice came slowly: "Do your job well."

I saw Perseus put one hand on Shangguanxue's shoulder, and raised the long sword in the other hand up to the sky.

"Boom——" Without any warning, a scorching divine seal lit up between his brows, and a lion-like aura erupted. The golden fire of the sun in the divine seal surged all over the soul barrier, filling those cracks in an instant, making people It became impregnable again.

After Perseus was crowned king, he lived in the palace every day, was diligent in government affairs, and was so busy that many people forgot that this king was not a weak person. He personally put on his clothes and went to battle Titan, the 6th sequence "Day and Sun Lord", his strength is no worse than any king leader.

Perseus shot himself, which was like a booster, which calmed Shangguanxue's nervous mood. She no longer watched the extreme duel inside and outside the barrier, but focused on performing the ground shrinking technique, preparing to get the three of them out of here as soon as possible.

Just when Perseus and Horn Heron were confronting Cang Xuan and Zhang Bufan, the front-line base camp of the Dogorand Army had received the news dozens of miles away.

Perseus has a transceiver device placed by Kino in his ear, and the movement of the two parties during the conversation can be heard clearly.

Now, the deafening energy bangs were constantly being sent back from the transceiver device, causing an uproar in the frontline headquarters of Doguland. No one thought that the emperor of the Far East would disregard the negotiation rules and intend to capture the king.

If something happens to the king, no one can afford the price!
Sting rushed out of the command post, climbed onto the back of the dragon, and roared, "Bolton! You come to command the troops, and I'll save people!"

"Roar——" The golden dragon sensed the fury of its master, and let out a dragon cry that resounded across the desert from its throat.

His father was in trouble, and Bolton was more anxious than anyone else, but now that the heavy responsibility of command fell on his shoulders, he could not tolerate any slack, he resisted the idea of ​​following Sting to save his father, and called for an orderly to issue an order: "Order all Legion, advance according to the predetermined plan, and don't talk nonsense to the Far East army when you encounter them, shoot and kill them!"

As soon as the military order was passed out, the battle drums on the front line sounded, and the sound of shouting and killing pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks.

Before, the Dogorand army had exercised great restraint, but now the Far Easterners are shameless and set up an ambush during the negotiation, trying to capture their king alive. The soldiers are full of blood and anger

"Kill!!!" The battle roars of countless legionaries soared into the sky, and the man's blood was fully revealed at this moment.

This vast desert is about to turn into a huge grinding disc, crushing one life after another, and no one can stop the bloody war.

(End of this chapter)

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