honor me as god

Chapter 608 Family Threats

Chapter 608 Family Threats
Now, the Far East Dark Guards are surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, and the number is obviously inferior, but they still have cold eyes and no fear on their faces.

This kind of masters who have been trained since childhood don't know what fear is, and they have long been prepared to dedicate everything to the court. Even death will not make them frown.

For example, the two-clawed golden dragon whose arm was broken by a sniper rifle just now, after using his internal force to stop the bleeding, he directly tore off his belt and tied it on the broken arm, and then he resumed his combat readiness, as if that arm was not his own at all and had been lost. It doesn't matter.

Besides, what about the disadvantage of numbers?
If we really fight, who is afraid of whom?

The Death Legion is indeed the most mysterious legion in Dogrand. It has a large number of extraterrestrial weapons and can use them to display tactics that outsiders have never seen before. Extraordinary powerhouses.

There are hundreds of two-clawed golden dragons on the side of the dark guard, each of them has the strength of one against a hundred, and there are two three-clawed golden dragons, the Shangguan siblings, to help out.

The army of death has no leader. The main general, Chino, is not in Twilight City. With Paladin, a three-legged cat, the two sides really fight with all their strength, and it is not certain who will win the battle.

"Hehehehe." Ye Lingchen raised his eyebrows and said jokingly, "Paladin, is this the way of hospitality in Twilight City?"

Paladin was neither humble nor overbearing, and responded with a smile: "Young Master Ye is a distinguished guest, so of course I dare not neglect you. However, Mucheng has never received the hundred people in front of me. If you don't receive them, you are not a guest. Since you are not a guest, how can you say how to treat guests?" ?”

"Hahaha, well said." After Ye Lingchen laughed, his expression turned cold, and he ordered a secret guard, "Kill him."

The hidden guards struck like lightning. Paladin didn't expect Ye Lingchen to be so crazy that he dared to order people to attack and kill him, the lieutenant general, in public.

However, Paladin is not a fool. In order to prevent accidents, he has already worn the extraterrestrial armor.

"Clang!" When the long knife was about to hit Paladin's neck, the barrier floating around him instantly bounced it back.

The guard next to Paladin also reacted quickly, pulling out the MPSAA-12 shotgun with his backhand, and hitting the guard's chest with a bang.

Shotguns, the closer the distance, the greater the lethality. When hit close to the body like now, ordinary people will directly have fist-sized blood holes on their bodies.

But who is the dark guard?These are all masters who have practiced Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu. Ordinary swordsmen can't do anything against them. When they use their kung fu to mobilize their energy, even modern weapons can't break the defense.

When the large-caliber lead bullet hit the body of the dark guard, it was directly blocked by the stellar energy and failed to hurt the vellus hair. The dark guard just flew upside down for a few meters under the huge impact, and staggered a few steps before standing still.

This attack put both sides on high alert. The Far East Dark Guards all showed their blades and pointed directly at the enemy closest to them. The soldiers of the dead legion took their knives, and the loaded ones pointed back without showing any weakness. The black and gold two-color Like two angry beasts ready to go, ready to devour each other at any time.

Seeing Ye Lingchen's shamelessness, Paladin became angry, and once he raised his hand, he would ignite the flames of war as soon as he dropped it.

At this time, Ye Lingchen showed a strange smile for some reason, and said casually: "Paladin, do you really want to fight me?"

Paladin said coldly: "Since the hundred illegal intruders refuse to leave, I can only expel them according to the law. If Mr. Ye does not want the conflict between us to escalate, you might as well let these people lay down their weapons. I promise that I will not make it difficult."

"Hahaha" Ye Lingchen smiled mysteriously, "I don't understand what you said, are you not embarrassing me, or am I not embarrassing you?"

Just as Ye Lingchen finished speaking, a timid voice suddenly came from behind Paladin: "Father."

Paladin only felt a numbness in his scalp, as if his heart was being pinched by a big hand, and he turned his head sluggishly.

The formation of the dead army seemed to be separated by a big hand, and the soldiers retreated to the sides with complicated eyes. Then, a Far Eastern dark guard walked out of it, holding a woman and a little girl.

Paladin suddenly felt dizzy, and his limbs felt cold. The two hostages were none other than his wife and daughter.
"Father." When the little girl was dragged past Paladin, she wanted to hug her father, but was quickly pulled back by the dark guard by her hair.

The hidden guard brought the woman and the little girl to Ye Lingchen. Ye Lingchen pulled the little girl and stroked her head like a dog. He took out the treasured knife from his waist and patted her face lightly. He looked at Paladin playfully: " Do you really think that this young master has not considered how to deal with you?"

Praying mantis catching cicadas, with oriole behind, Paladin thought that he was occupying the commanding heights of the law, and leading the army of death to support was a strange move, but he didn't expect Ye Lingchen to think further, and he had already figured out this move.

What is even more disgusting is that Ye Lingchen can be so despicable and directly threaten his family as hostages!
Seeing his young daughter being grabbed by Ye Lingchen, and the knife slapping her face back and forth, which might cut the delicate skin and tender flesh at any time, Paladin felt as if his heart was being pierced by a knife.

This kind of treachery was beyond the expectations of all the soldiers of the dead legion, and also beyond the expectations of Shangguanxue. She stared blankly at the little girl who was threatened, and unconsciously gritted her teeth.

Ye Lingchen kept patting the little girl's face with a knife, and said with a sly smile: "Palatin, your daughter is so cute, such a pretty little face, you don't want to leave any marks on it, do you?"

Paladin was covered in cold sweat, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to press down, and said in a deep voice, "It's no harm to my family, what's your matter, come to me."

"You can't hurt your family? Don't just read half of the book. You've only heard that you can't hurt your family. Have you ever heard a saying that two armies are fighting each other, and soldiers never tire of deceit?" Ye Lingchen covered the little girl's mouth as soon as he finished speaking. Before reaching her throat, just a light shake of the hand left a light bloodstain.

"Don't! Don't!!!" Paladin's limbs were cold, he didn't step on the horse when he got off the horse, and he fell down. He got up from the ground in a panic, his eyes widened in horror, and his hands were pressed, "You want a hostage, don't you?" ? I'll trade with the two of them! What's the use of kidnapping women and children?!"

Ye Lingchen laughed loudly: "Don't be so serious, I just want to teach you some truths - I am a virtuous and corporal, and I usually like to treat people peacefully. But sometimes, there are some lackey servants who think that I often show Smiley, you must be a coward, you don't have to listen to me."

"Do you know what will happen to these people? Ling Chi, 3357 knives, a lot of knives. Paladin, you should be glad that you were not born in the imperial court, otherwise someone like you who has no self-awareness and gives you a little power will dare A self-assertive lowly slave will only die uglier than a dog."

"A dog is a dog, and a man is a man. Men can tell the difference, but dogs often can't. At least Kino Van Helsing didn't train his dogs well. If that's the case, I will discipline them."

"Want me to let your wife and daughter go? Yes, but you have to do one thing first." Ye Lingchen showed a tricky smile on his face, and stretched out his index finger to point to the ground, "Kneel down."

(End of this chapter)

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