honor me as god

Chapter 607 Self-defense and counterattack

Chapter 607 Self-defense and counterattack
"No!!!" Seeing that Neeko was about to be chopped into two ends, Roman's eyes were shattered, and he rushed forward with all his might, but he couldn't compare to the lightning-fast Far Eastern Long Knife.

The coolness coming from her waist made Nicole close her eyes unconsciously. In the face of death, it must be a lie to say that she was not afraid. She was already trembling with fear, but she still gritted her teeth and said nothing, unwilling to show herself in front of foreign enemies. frightened.

"Pfft—" In an instant, blood spattered.

The eyes of the Far East Dark Guard reflected splashed blood and broken bones, and suddenly felt something was wrong. He should not have cut Nicole yet. Where did the blood come from?

And why do my arms feel lighter
The dark guard subconsciously glanced at his right arm, and suddenly found that half of his arm had been shattered, and the severed hand holding the long knife was flying in the air, and there were still black bullet holes smoking gunpowder smoke on the ground not far away.

"Boom!!!" It wasn't until the severed hand fell to the ground accompanied by blood, that the thunderous gunshots came from afar, shaking people into a trance.

The dark guard hurriedly mobilized his internal force to seal the acupoint on the broken arm to prevent further bleeding from the wound, and then looked coldly at the location where the gunshot came from.

On the top of a tall building in the distance, I saw a soldier in a black shirt squatting there like a ghost, holding a large-caliber anti-material heavy sniper rifle in his hand. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Roman had already cut off the barrels of the two long spears that stuck Nicole, and rescued her.

Nicole pulled out the tip of the spear that was stuck in her shoulder, looked up at the soldier who had just rescued her, and said blankly, "That's...our "Suemen Bird"? "

At this time, there was a faint roar in the distance, and the approaching violent vibration made the stones on the ground tremble continuously, as if a huge army was approaching.

"Boom——" When the No. 1 cavalry rode out of the alleyway and jumped onto the battlefield, everyone saw the flag behind him clearly, which belonged to the death-defying army flag of the Twilight Reaper.

The sound of horseshoes was like thunder, and cavalry in black shirts rushed out of the alleys in all directions, pouring into the battlefield like a tide, and surrounded everyone in the middle in an instant. The indifferent black-shirted knight took control.

The ground passage was blocked by the swarming legions, as was the commanding height of the building. More and more elite Death Birds in black shirts appeared on the roof, their aura was ghostly, and the heavy guns in their hands kept refracting the dome. Lie Yang made no secret of his desire for blood.

As far as the eye could see, the surroundings were covered in deathly black, and the flag of the Death Army was flying in the sky. There were at least a few thousand people, and most of the legions had marched here.

Just now, Ye Lingchen's hidden guards with more than a hundred people dealt with Nicole and the other four, occupying an absolute numerical advantage.

But at this moment, the situation reversed in an instant, and the hundreds of hidden guards were surrounded by the dead army dozens of times their size, becoming trapped beasts in a cage.

Nicole and the others looked at the friendly troops around in disbelief. They came to help Lugo as a personal act, and it did not represent the official position of suing the legion. But now that most of the legions have arrived, this kind of transfer cannot be done without a general order. arrived.

But in Twilight City, the only person holding the general order is .
"Tread, tread, tread" With the crisp sound of horseshoes, the lines of the Death Army lined up on both sides, and Paladin, who was dressed in the uniform of a lieutenant general, rode out from the line and stood standing in front of the army line, looking down at the dark guards of the Far East in front of him.

With cold eyes, Ye Lingchen asked in a threatening tone: "Paladin, do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know." Paladin bowed to Ye Lingchen very politely, and said lightly, "Mr. Ye, and the two ladies and gentlemen with the surname Shangguan all have diplomatic certificates, and they can travel freely in the territory of Dougland."

"But——" Paladin's eyes suddenly became cold, and he pointed at the hundred hidden guards, his voice was stern: "There is no record of the passage of these more than a hundred people at the border gates of the kingdom. Entering the kingdom without permission, this kind of behavior is an extremely bad military invasion!"

"According to the "Dogland Wartime Act", the Death Legion, as the regular army of the Kingdom, shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting the people of Dusk City and defending the country. The law gives us emergency powers during wartime. Any military invasion will be punished. A strong counterattack against the soldiers of the dead legion!"

When Paladin said this, his expression became gentle again, but he did not lose the demeanor of a general: "Young Master Ye, I am very ashamed for disturbing you, but please forgive me for the difficulty. During the Dusk City period, the acting general ordered, and now that such a large-scale military invasion is happening, I am also forced by the code, so I have to bring troops here."

"I think these warriors are all wearing two-claw golden dragon robes. They should be from the court, right? Could there be some misunderstanding? Why don't we put away our weapons, sit down and talk, and talk about the situation of these people. If they are not I intend to cross the border, for the sake of Mr. Ye, I will be the master myself, turn a blind eye to this matter, and send someone to escort Mr. Ye and these hundred soldiers out of the border, how about it?"

Paladin's action is really amazing. Before Lugo sought revenge, Paladin, as the acting commander, was responsible for all the actions of the dead legion, so no matter what, he couldn't help like Nicole and the others.

Ye Lingchen and Shangguan brothers and sisters both have diplomatic badges. Lu Ge and the others ran to fight without uniforms or badges. It can barely be said to be a personal act, but if the death army dares to attack Ye Lingchen, it will be regarded as a declaration of war. This responsibility No one can afford it.

But now, these hundred Far Eastern secret guards have come out of the shadows, the situation will be different immediately, and Paladin will immediately be able to take the moral high ground by relying on the "Dogoland Wartime Act"-this is an illegal invasion by military personnel from other countries, I tell you The army of death can't ignore it, can it?The code of law gives us the responsibility to protect the country. We act in accordance with the code of law. Whoever refuses to accept himself will ask the king to revise the code of law.

In this way, the Suicide Army can justifiably intervene in the battle, and it is a famous teacher.

If Ye Lingchen knows how to restrain himself and let his subordinates stop attacking, Paladin can take advantage of the situation to make a relief, turn the big trouble into a small one, and make Twilight City survive this crisis.

Even if Ye Lingchen insists on fighting, let's fight!
In the final result, who wins is another matter. Anyway, the death army is fighting back in self-defense in accordance with the code, so it makes sense.

This matter is really serious. When it rises to a diplomatic conflict, the Dogoland Kingdom can also take the absolute initiative. The one who is at fault must be the Far Eastern Dynasty. When the time comes to expose the embarrassing things Ye Lingchen did, the Far Eastern Emperor wants to protect this grandson. You have to be thick-skinned.

Paladin's move brought the whole situation to life!
(End of this chapter)

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