honor me as god

Chapter 580 Sigh under the moon

Chapter 580 Sigh under the moon
After hearing these words, Lu Ge tightly pursed his lips, his expression hard to hide his loss: "I've been with you for so long, and this is the first time I hear you speak from your heart. I want to know, do you hate me? Because I cut you Lost your hand?"

Ann lowered her head, gently stroking the bare wrist of her right hand with her left hand, her tone was a little sad, but she shook her head firmly: "This is not a polite word, my answer is... no, I have never hated it because of it you."

"Because I knew that if you didn't do this at that time, I would definitely be killed by the aliens. You cut off my hand, which seemed to hurt me, but actually saved me. So, not only do I not hate you, but I also love you." Thank you for giving me a second life."

"Sometimes I think, you always show up to me, maybe you feel guilty deep down, feel that you have turned a girl into a disabled person, I am sorry for her, and want to make up for something. But in my opinion, this An emotion caused by guilt cannot be called love."

Lu Ge said silently: "I have dated many girls in my life, but I have never been in a serious relationship. The women who sleep together at night only share physical pleasure with each other, but I am not a child. Guilt and love , I can still tell the difference.”

"At the beginning, I came to visit you because I felt guilty and wanted to make up for you. But after getting along with you every day, I saw that you were not depressed because of your physical disability, but you were strong enough to pick up your confidence. , become positive, start life again, I was moved by your spirit, and finally fell in love with you.”

"I love you, Ann, and I'm sure of that."

An slowly closed her eyes, showing a calm smile: "Thank you, Lord Lugo, thank you for your love, I never thought that a commoner girl like myself could be favored by the superiors, you make me feel like A princess of lost folk, thank you."

"But I'm sorry, I can't accept your love." Ann opened her eyes again and said deeply, "I'm actually not as strong as you said. During the first period when I lost my right hand, I was depressed every day. There were even thoughts of committing suicide."

"Later, it was Vincent who walked into my world and took care of me in every possible way. Finally, he took me out of the haze of disability and gave me the courage to continue living. I also decided to entrust the rest of my life to him."

"As for you, I will never forget your life-saving grace, and I will always be grateful to you, but..."

"Gratitude is not the same as love. I am grateful to you, Lord Lugo, but I do not love you. Sorry."

After hearing these words, Lugo was like a deflated ball, limp and weak for a while, and laughed at himself: "So, this is the final answer? I lost to a chef kid?"

An had already finished what she had to say, there was no need to say any more, she nodded slightly and remained silent.

Lu Ge was silent for a long time, and finally laughed loudly on purpose: "It's okay~ If you lose, you lose! I am not someone who can't afford to lose! The Sun King wrote a poem-there are few willows blowing on the branches, and there are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world." If I can't chase you, I'll just go after other people, and I want to grab a lot of women who want to be with me, so there's no need to waste it on you."

An bowed slightly, and said softly, "You will definitely find a partner who admires each other."

Lu Ge rubbed his nose, turned around and left with the Black Ye Dao Dao on his shoulder: "I'm gone, I won't appear in front of you again in the future, just leave now."

Lu Ge drifted away and disappeared into the thick night, leaving An alone there, bowing his head and bowing his head, alone.

In the garden of the Executive Mansion, Paladin and Baixa are drinking and chatting while enjoying the shade and watching the moon:
"Did Lugo ask for leave today? I didn't see him in the Public Security Department."

"Yeah, I've invited you for several days, and it's said that I'm going to celebrate the girl's birthday."

"That tavern waiter? What's his name?"

"It seems that I can't remember clearly. I don't know her well. I really don't understand. How can a rascal like Lu Ge be so infatuated with a girl?"

"Don't you understand? The more you are a prodigal son, the more infatuated you will be when you meet your destined sweetheart. Take me as an example. When I was young, my brother was also a prodigal son. It was not until I met my current wife that I made up my mind to be a prodigal son. Look back, get rid of the relationship with the past, and only love one person in this life."

"Get out, my sister-in-law told me that when you were young, no girl liked you at all. She came to say hello to you because she saw you as pitiful. In the end, you stalked her and chased her after more than a year. Got it."

"Cough, drink first, drink first"

The two were chatting, and Lu Ge happened to come back through the garden. He was carrying a knife and walking very fast, because it was too dark to see his expression clearly.

Palatine greeted drunkenly: "Hey, Lugo, why are you back so early? Didn't you spend the night at the girl's house?"

"I o you o! I'll kill you if you talk nonsense again!!!" Lu Ge suddenly roared like a mad dog, and the knife was thrown in front of Paladin.

Paladin was so frightened that he was sober. He waved his hands and said, "Oh! Calm down, brother. If you have something to say, just say it."

"Boom!" Lugo kicked over the table where the two were drinking, and left angrily, leaving Paladin and Baisa confused in the wind.

After Lu Ge finished his hair, he went to the basement to fetch a large jar of wine, and found a quiet place to drink. He drank quickly, and soon became drunk.

While drinking, a black shadow rushed to Lugo's side, and the swaying tail could still be vaguely seen.

Lu Ge glanced aside, it was his big wolfhound named "Niu Niu".

Lu Ge touched Niu Niu's dog's head, and sighed, "Niu Niu, is it such a good night that you have no one to accompany you? We are all poor people in the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, another shadow rushed over and ran to Niu Niu's side. It was a white bitch who came in from nowhere.

Niu Niu and the white bitch sniffed each other, obviously they had known each other for a long time. The two dogs looked sideways at Lu Ge, and there seemed to be a mockery in their eyes.

"Get lost! You will have no more beef to eat!" Lu Ge was so angry that he picked up a small stone and threw it at him, driving the loving dogs away.

After Niu Niu and the bitch ran away, Lu Ge was alone again, sitting alone under the moon drinking, he raised his head and let out a long sigh, and said to himself: "I'm really tired, let's go for a walk."

Lugo got up, and when they passed the garden, Paladin and Baisa had just finished clearing the table. When they saw Lugo coming, they quickly picked up the wine on the table, so as not to be kicked by this guy again.

Seeing that Lugo was going out in the middle of the night, Paladin asked, "Brother, where are you going?"

"Leave the city to relax. Master has asked for leave for the past two days. If you have something to do, help me with it." Lu Ge strode away with a knife in his hand, and disappeared into the night.

(End of this chapter)

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